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6:11 AM
Morning :)
6:24 AM
morning :)
We had some thunder too, but mostly rain :D
Temperature is very nice now :)
2 hours later…
8:30 AM
Still very warm in the house here
Yeah, the living room hasn't cooled much yet here either, but I'm sitting right next to an open bedroom window rn and that is pleasant :D
Slowly getting less pleasant though
What doesn't help is that I ate something bad last night, and I'm feeling accordingly bad :(
8:43 AM
Ah yeah, that does indeed not help XD
9:04 AM
Thinking on what I want to buy for food this week, it's hard if you're not feeling like eating anything XD
If I'm not sure I'll just go to the supermarket and see what's on offer :)
A 25% discount on something helps make decisions faster :P
Yeah, I already looked at the discounts and came up with exactly one dish XD
I'm making the 'kippenstoof met couscous en druiven' again, as both chicken and grapes are on sale XD
But the discounts for this week are pretty lousy, for both supermarkets I usually visit XD
None of my usual stuff is on sale, and the stuff that is, is stuff I usually buy in bulk when it is on sale and I still have left :D
Any international supermarkets nearby? There's usually loads of interesting stuff there to try :)
Hahaha... no :P
bible belt I guess :x
9:12 AM
Yep :D
man, I don't think I would like living there :(
It's affordable, and lot of nature :)
Okay, that does sound nice :)
It's that part ;)
9:27 AM
lol, for some reason I always pictured the bible belt to be more horizontal
I guess it's more of a bible sash :)
And that would make the bright red Urk a bible nose piercing :P
I doubt Amsterdam would fit into a bible belt XD
true :D
Een van de kenmerken van de Bijbelgordel is – naast het stemgedrag bij verkiezingen – een lage vaccinatiegraad (minder dan 90% gevaccineerden)[9] omdat veel bevindelijk gereformeerden geloven dat vaccinatie een uiting is van geen vertrouwen hebben in God als behoeder voor ziekte en ander onheil. Dat heeft tot gevolg dat er geregeld in de Bijbelgordel een epidemie optreedt van een ziekte waartegen inenting wel mogelijk is.
Zo was er in 1999/2000 en in juni 2013 een uitbraak van mazelen.[10] Sommige gezinnen lieten zich tijdens de uitbraak van 2013 stiekem thuis inenten, waaraan de GGD meewerkte.[11] In juli van datzelfde jaar was er een uitbraak van rodehond.[12] In 2008 heerste een bofepidemie[13] en in 1993 een epidemie van polio,[14] een zo gevaarlijke ziekte dat alle inwoners van de Bijbelgordel werden opgeroepen om zich opnieuw te laten vaccineren.
Door de hoge vaccinatiegraad onder de andere inwoners worden ook de niet ingeënte mensen in de Bijbelgordel niet snel door deze ziekten besmet.
oh man :(
that would worry me though :|
Yeah, though... a surprising amount of people did get their covid vaccinations here (including those sneaky 'don't let anyone know I did not fully trust God and got a secret vaccine' people :P) Even my grandparents did.
9:35 AM
still, the effect of religious antivax sentiments are clearly noticeable, and probably increase mortality and definitely suffering
I guess if something is more deadly than measles, God suddenly stops being an effective antidote.
and it's unfair that this hits kids too young for vaccination indiscriminately
@MiG Oh sure. As long as it's adults though, I don't really care all that much :P
they also decide for their kids as legal guardians, there have been lawsuits where teenagers wanted to get vaccinated and parents refused to allow them
that's just tragic :(
10:31 AM
Whelp. Just did another self-test because I have a party tomorrow, and it's still positive even though my 10 days of isolation are up XD
10:58 AM
@Tinkeringbell I think it took a week for me to test negative
I got my first symptoms on Monday. Tested positive last Tuesday. I'm supposed to isolate for 10 days after first symptoms, so yesterday was my 'last' day.

Even if you still have symptoms, you are allowed to get out of isolation after day 10, they say.
At that point, apparently, an antigen test should no longer detect enough virus particles to be positive (though a PCR one can still be positive up to 8 weeks after) and that low load of viral particles should mean it's safe to go out.
Given that the antigen test is still picking stuff up... I'm still a typhoid tink.
11:19 AM
Better be safe than sorry I suppose :)
@ExtrovertedMainMan btw, regarding this one:
@MiG I guess. But it will mean I still can't go do my own grocery shopping :(
And I wasn't really planning on spending a jackpot on basics again. Maybe I can get my mom/friend to do something crazy and do mine.
@Tinkeringbell a positive test should be sufficient reason for them to do so tbh :)
11:37 AM
I hope so. I don't really think so, mom and dad already insisted on coming to visit last night. "We're not going to be afraid".
They kept their distance, but that was about it.

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