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morning :)
Morning :)
ugh, dreary start of the day :(
Cool start of the day, which is good. Heat got in really bad last week with me sick, it's still 22 degrees in the living room and no matter how much I ventilate it doesn't seem to come down.
:( How are you feeling today?
Good enough to be back at work. Still have a slight cough, so not entirely free of symptoms yet, which is both nice (no office days) and kind of a bother (as I also have a meeting of the VvE tomorrow that I'm likely to miss because of it).
How about you?
Feeling alright, although I still smell a little bit less than I could... Tested this with rosemary chips last night, couldn't pick it up... But I'm guessing I'm at 80% where I was so not too bad
Spent the weekend catching up, made a dozen bike trips to drop off paper, glass, drycleaning etc and pick up stuff... Had this muscle ache yesterday, could be that instead of a lingering covid effect :)
Hoping this is it, at least I have a free booster shot for the summer now
Lol. I would've much preferred an actual booster shot instead of this XD
gf's still feeling the aftereffects but no symptoms anymore, so insisted on going to work instead of working from home :/
@Tinkeringbell well doh, me too :P
but I'm not 70+, so I'm not on that shortlist ;)
@MiG How do you dinstinguish between an aftereffect and symptoms?!
parents got one in March though, glad they did
That's how you get the whole office floor sick....
throatache had completely disappeared on fri, that's the main disease related one... fever had already disappeared before that
and I wasn't as sleepy during the day as I was before - muscle ache is also the complete lack of doing anything for two years, so whenever I have what I considered a 'normal' busy day before covid, I can feel it
had a lot of extra duties the past days because gf was either having covid herself, or recovering, so it was busy :)
Yeah, cleanup is a mess if you've been sick. I know :)
Got two or three more laundry loads the next couple of days :x
Figured I'd just wash everything... Doubt viral particles from clothes will be an issue, but at least it'll make us feel fresh again :)
Yeah, I went through a bit more shirts than usual in three days as well. Managed to get the laundry done on Saturday/Sunday though, all that's left now is a few of the things I used to clean, but that's not a full load so it can wait.
I've added bed linen, towels, kitchen linen etc
and a throw (?) from the couch
Yeah, I would usually add towels but I did all of those already as I was out of clean ones XD
btw, I still don't quite understand SE... I've typed a fair number of elaborate answers on various sites that should help people solve their problem and get maybe 5 votes, and I then post this very short answer on a video game, and I get 25 votes in no time? - gaming.stackexchange.com/questions/397860/…
And then there was this one, should've left a post rather than a comment judging from the flurry of upvotes :( superuser.com/questions/1727191/…
@MiG Hot Network Question, catchy title = clicks and votes.
Doesn't the 'hot network question' thing happen because of all the upvotes?
Yes that too, it's a self-reinforcing mechanism. But in general, you need only like 3/4 votes on the question and 3/4 votes on the answer and it will reach HNQ.
ah, ic :)
Good morning all, the weather has cooled down here and the tube strikes have stopped which is very welcomed
Think we have public transport strikes somewhere today... Not that it matters, still working from the living room
Q: Dating an accused of rape as a rape survivor

AngelSo I have been seeing this guy for a few weeks now, and I knew he was once arrested for a few months but didn't know why,now I recently found out he was accused of rape. Fine he didn't deny that when I asked him but he said to me that he thought I knew because apparently it was all over social me...

@ExtrovertedMainMan O_O
thats... quite a title
It's off-topic :)
it's also heart breaking :(
tbh, unless there's a conviction, context is king... It also depends on the country how to gauge that
I know for example that in India, because of a horribly poor women's rights (and downright safety) record, laws were enacted that made it easier for women to accuse/litigate, however this can and has been used maliciously in some cases, to get back at a male ex partner - this absolutely does not mean that always happens, but you have to know the circumstances in order to gauge that specific individual
That's also something I would be uncomfortable inquiring about tbh because that definitely will open up old wounds with the asker... Not that I can give any meaningful answer on that question though :(
@MiG And it has an unregistered user, which is a pretty big flashy 'don't believe anything on the internet' sign.
Yeah, there's that caveat as well
Although it doesn't feel like something a troll would write
Those tend to go for shock and awe
Ooh, they definitely also go for attention through pity.
Yeah, I suppose :/
I guess most of my internet exposure is from online gaming over the decades, and pity is not much of a factor there :x
interpersonal.meta.stackexchange.com/a/2252/1599 is still a pretty good answer on the subject.
"a classic technique is to abuse the sympathy and kindness of those within a community to get around the rules normally intended to prevent problems."
Agreed... Although I can't fully rule out someone having been bothered by a subject for years, then climbing onto the internet and attempting to find a way out... That does not apply to the question above, but there can be genuine new users who are clumsy in their ways
@Tinkeringbell now that is an interesting discussion
@AlexRobinson There were many interesting discussions... Also, a lot of trolling is aimed at starting those discussions XD
how do you deal with prolific, rude and arrogant users who definitely go for quantity rather than quality in their answers?
No formatting, pretty much stream of thought and downright wrong a lot more (sometimes dangerously so for anyone following their advice), than I would ever be comfortable with
Usually, just keep flagging the answers that don't meet up to site standards, vote accordingly on the ones that are and aren't bad enough for deletion, and maybe throw in a mod flag if they are churning out 10 answers in 30 minutes (just an example).
flag for deletion especially if its a recurring issue i suspect
it's fortunately not as bad as ten answers in 30 mins, but I doubt more than 3 mins per answer are spent most of the time
1 hour later…
You could also try to get a hold of a mod of the site it's happening on in chat, if those mods use chat. Different sites have different thresholds for when mods want to step in, on some sites they step in before the automatic bans/rate limits kick in, on others they rely on those because otherwise they'd be way too busy :)
Or raise a discussion about this on that site's meta, about what you should do if... But focus on the behavior, not on the user ;)
@MiG Weep internally and dispair for humanity
@JourneymanGeek Nuke the site from orbit... it's the only way to be sure
(we... well, mostly me, are watching the Alien series <3 )
gonna skip the AvP ones though
good idea
But there were only 3 alien movies
plus prometheus and covenant
covenant was a bit less good, but I really enjoyed prometheus
think there's another one coming up
oh, apparently not certain yet
prometheus directors cut was better than prometheus
Ok, I'll grant that
5 hours later…
It's IPS's fifth birthday! \o/
Wow, time flies! It seems like just yesterday that the fourth birthday was on the starboard.
Congrats :)

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