Good <°)u))))>< night <°))))>< IPS <°)BBBB>< and <ₓ)-|-|-|-< see <°))))>< you <°)>>< tomorrow. <°)###< <°D888><
^ it is actually obnoxiously difficult to read, much more annoying than I was seeing it in my head before writing and posting it, I promise I will not mix written messages with fish messages again ;_;
This is a question about interacting with other people (in particular, non-academics). Hopefully, this is a common-enough problem that it is appropriate for this community.
I consider myself an (aspiring) academic, and I have very strong beliefs (about my academic field (mathematics), how one doe...
I'm keen to understand how lockdowns and lack of human contact have effected the confidence, interpersonal skills and dating app usage for singles around the world.
Last year we conducted a large scale study into dating skills, dating app usage, issues and benefits and I am looking to add to this...
Well I can understand that frustration at least, having a family that's very susceptible to misinformation and proudly proclaiming such misinformation like they are so smart... :|
we have 3 teams of respectively 4 2 and 2 devs. Two managers, one for the "big" team and the other for the two other teams. All that working on the same product but different parts. At some point I threw the idea we could be more efficient without being so much in silos. Now I'm having a meeting about that and I'm not sure what to bring up
Not really, nothing that practical, it's a gut feeling, that's probably the issue
I have different examples from different settings that don't translate well in our domain
but like at some point it has been said managing a team of 6 as a product owner is too much workload and I'm very surprised and skeptical about that
I think what drived me initially is the amazement 8 developers could necessitate two fulltime unproductive roles, three if you count the CTO, to meet organizational needs
Well, then I'd go in open minded, listen to their questions and try to answer them as best as you could, and perhaps listen to their arguments and ask questions as well.
Yeah, the corporate social responsibility is strong with this one. I've sent back an e-mail thanking him for the link, but that I really think all I need is a new battery, not an entirely new phone.
@CaldeiraG You say that like it's old, old... mine is just a few years, for a phone that's only used for calls and 2FA, it should not need replacing or parts by a long way.
@Jeroen I know ;) I'll ask mine if I can try myself if I can't find a link...
@CaldeiraG I mean, if I have the battery I can do the replacing myself, I've seen it on youtube it's not that hard. The problem is mostly with finding out if it's the battery that needs replacing or if that won't fix the problem
> In October 2010, Munroe's fiancée was diagnosed with stage 3 breast cancer; there had been no prior family history. The emotional effect of her illness was referenced in the comic panel "Emotion", published 18 months later in April 2012. In September 2011, he announced that they had married. In December 2017, Munroe summarized the time since his wife's cancer diagnosis in a comic entitled "Seven Years". He revisited the subject in November 2020 in a comic entitled "Ten Years".
@ArthurHv I have Animal Crossing, and they did a really great job on a museum section with fish... that one is very mesmerizing too :D Might seem silly, but I can stare at digital aquariums just as long as real life ones :D
I realize that I'm a bit obsessed on fish and aquariums, maybe it's been enough, okay let's change topic to something different. Maybe let's talk about travel? Okay, so: I like visiting sea coastline small cities, they are peaceful and there are a lot of restaurants with delicious fried fish. And my father has been on a Bornholm trip for hobbyist cod fishing. Now your turn <°)ֆֆֆֆ><
I have a workmate and I've known her for about 7 months already. She is very touchy with me recently and I'm really confused with her because we are both girls and she presently have a boyfriend. It all started when she invited me for a dinner at restaurant and had some talks. We both enjoyed it ...
I crossed the street at red light today and once I started crossing the girl that was waiting followed and also crossed, I have confirmed leadership skills, ask me anything you want, I consider myself the guru now :D
Oh okay, right, I forgot: evening = crickets chirping time :/
Haha and mine too, at mornings Awkward Silence goes "hi, hello, morning, greetings!" and at evenings it goes "hi, hello, good evening!"... no, sorry but, but that's not correct; at evenings it goes "chirp chirp", and the chirping sound isn't even genuine, it's digitally distorted, it's as similar to real chirping as my ascii crickets are similar to real ones.
@JacobB Oh I'm actually amazed by your level of detail, even though it's not what I meant, my intention was to be 100% happy with a simple answer just saying that it's a snake, I wanted it to be easy for all people from Awkward Silence, maybe I should have said that it's a reptile :D but considering the whole context of having posted hundreds of fish recently, I understand that nobody is a mind reader and so you assumed it's a fish, and yes kuhli loach is the most reasonable guess...
And currently the Awkward Silence seems to be overtaken, there are only 2 people in the room and 1 bot, and these 2 people are from Pets. Or actually to be accurate, Drones and Pets :D
Okay now a little riddle that requires 160 IQ to solve:
@IPSCommentBot From Wikipedia: "Bacteria or fungi convert the organic nitrogen within the remains back into ammonium NH4+, a process called ammonification."
And the mentioned riddle: why in the world did the bot reply to me with a cat picture if all I did was explain a part of nitrogen cycle?
@IPSCommentBot Wikipedia is also a great base of knowledge for minerals. What about asbestos? > Asbestos is a term used to refer to six naturally occurring silicate minerals.
And I was just about to continue and talk about these long and fibrous crystals of asbestos, but all the bot had to say on this topic was a cat photo, how is this not an evidence that bot only pretends to listen? :(