Last Sunday, I found a bird in our backyard that was probably attacked by the neighbors cat, half-eaten, visibly wounded, dying and clearly not 'salvageable': it didn't even try to move/fight/avoid me when I approached and picked it up. I finished it off and threw it in the garbage bin. Yesterday...
So, my coworkers and I just found out that the software our company uses for feedback provides a Tinder style rating system for your coworkers and has leaderboards where you can see who the highest rated people are
If they make us start using this feature, I'm gonna nope out of there so fast
That, and the fact that anonymous feedback, especially in workplace settings, is too often just a workaround, a sign of a place where open feedback and communication barely exist.
I am on a forum where I frequently post creative projects in progress before publishing them. I ask for constructive critique / feedback / opinions on these projects from fellow creators. Sometimes this involves me presenting multiple options for the project and I ask which option is more aesth...
I am 21 years of age and I've been a stupid teller of lies in my past. I've almost never lied in situations where it can be hurtful or destructive. I usually have had spun yarns about past life experiences. Initially, I did it to inspire people with my imaginary stories in which story characters ...
@shoelace It was flagged; IPS has citation expectations that answers need to include personal experience or references (which was added in a comment to let the answerer know).