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@ExtrovertedMainMan can we have a separate line in help centre that says “ WE ARE NOT RELATIONSHIP ADVISORS”
Morning! :)
Hey! How was your weekend? :)
Pretty nice! I finished assembling my blanket, and I did a bunch of household chores. But I'm having troubles to sleep and so it was pretty short all in all (no duh, this is what happens when you get up at noon x) ). Yours?
Similar. Bunch of chores, a few rows of crochet (can't watch the Switch screens when sitting in the sun) and a whole bunch of Animal Crossing :)
Now it's sadly back to work :( :P
Yeah... Can't wait for the holiday next week :p
They're talking about ending the quarantine over here... It's supposed to end next week but we thought they'd make it longer. They changed their minds apparently
O.o I forgot when quarantine started over there, but that sounds like a very quick end to quarantine!
We're supposed to keep this up till April 28th, at least. I'm also expecting that to become longer...
Well, our quarantine seem stricter than yours too ... I go out once a week for grocery shopping. I'll be out of TP soon and haven't seen any in the store for two weeks.
Yeah, I remember you were happy you could go visit a pond again? It definitely is stricter. So are they talking of lifting the entire quarantine/social distancing? Or just parts?
The TP thing is just... ugh. Our supermarket made themselves a 'one way street', you can only drive through it in 1 direction now. Meaning that if you have to get something from the 'end' of the store, you go everywhere...

Long story short: I noticed while I was getting something mom forgot this weekend that the toilet paper over here isn't entirely sold out but still low on stock.
Just parts. I'll still be working from home but that's my boss's decision, not the gov. Honestly I'm not sure what will change.
@AJ9 Hello! :)
@avazula A lighter quarantine does make life easier :) I hope they'll lift some restrictions!
On a pandemic POV it'd be stupid to lift it now, as it hasn't even lasted as long as the incubation period ... it wouldn't have changed anything. But I guess the country is afraid of losing too much money. Yell, we'll see.
@avazula what's up?
@AJ Not much ... you?
Nothing. Got nothing to do. Can't go anywhere too.
Thinking about starting to learns something new.
Like Tensorflow. or take challenges on Hackerrank.
I could give you some advice if you wanna try TF :)
Like, don't try anything older than v2 ... and take up on Kaggle challenges :p
But yeah, I've been feeling the same ... I've been crafting and singing a lot lately. I miss having good recording gear.
I am not sure when I will get the next project and TF will take some time, so I don't know if I should start it or not.
Heya :) does anyone of you have knowledge in stock market trading?
@dhein Hey! Nope, sorry :/
I am looking for a depot to make my trades with and found one that sounds itneresting. But checking their pricing I figured, they have a negative interest on "budget" I have with them. Now I wonder if this means just money or it also counts for budget in form of stocks :x
If anyone can help ^^
@dhein do you frequent the Water Cooler?
There's someone in there that I think might be able to help you
Never was there before '^.^
I can then just ask on money SE I think ^^
2 hours later…
Hello all, is it just me or I can't rollback edits now?
on my 2.5k rep account on SU
there is no dropdown available
Are you in the revision history? I do still see a 'rollback' button on the second to last edit on IPS :/
I don't think there ever was a dropdown...
this one
while on Meta.SE, when I click edit it opens a separate page with this, on SU, it doesn't switch pages and no dropdown of the revision
Q: How to remove systemd services

emelIf I install a new service then decide I don’t want that application anymore and delete it, the service is still listed in the output from systemctl as error. Where is this coming from and how can I remove them thoroughly?

I don't know what is going on :(
@Tinkeringbell It's when you click edit
Weird, I don't get that on either. But it seems that on Meta, you don't have editing privileges yet?
Maybe it's that.
Nope, also not. I don't have edit privs on cooking and it's not showing there either?!
Is that thing always there or is it an userscript?
I'll boot into incognito
Still the same
While meta opens a different page, SU embeds the edit page?
I have no clue...
I can do ctrl+click on the edit button to open in a new tab, and it shows that page with the rev part...
If I open in the same tab, it doesn't.
Not showing up on a new tab here too (actually nevermind)
So it seems it's definitely the new tab, but I don't know why MSE defaults to new tab for you and SU doesn't... because both seem to embed on my machine...
The only SE related extension is the autocomment
but incognito shows the same issue
new tab it indeed shows the rev one
@Tinkeringbell Yea
Sounds like it may be time to ask something on Meta :)
I'll post a question when i'm done with other stuff xD
yo, how's everyone holding up!
@Vivek hey o/
good, how are you?
@CaldeiraG jus fine, hows the situation there...?
@Vivek 11k cases, state of emergency extended, essential travels only (you can also exercise alone or with members of your household) and that's it
not much different from other countries
Cops are really supervising everything
Found one police car at 7am on my new path to catch the bus
Aka a close neighborhood to mine
And you also need a paper that authorizes you to travel to work if your workplace is on a different county
oh, this needs to be maintained, i mean, for seriously getting rid of this pandemic
@CaldeiraG take care
@Vivek thanks :) you too
I'm only going out to work, I'm already requesting that paper because I will also drive on peak hours
3 hours later…
Just got reminded that I need to renew my ID soon. Gonna be fun scheduling a time though with the virus :\
@CaldeiraG That's... going to be fun, yes...
@Tinkeringbell 🙈
I should have renewed my ID in march
council office is closed indefinitely
I'm not sure when mine becomes invalid...
Mine ends in June, luckily my passport is up to date
Just after COVID-19 lockdown in China, chineses going for a hike
Yeah, that's why massive lockdowns might not work... There might still be people carrying it
5 hours later…
Q: Dad’s friend overstaying during covd 19 and won’t leave our house!

GggffffffggghhhhhjjURGENT Hi, about 14days ago one of my dad’s not so close friend (jobless possibly homeless) called my dad at around 11 am and said asks if he could stay at our house for a couple of days while waiting for paperwork to come through to leave the country. However, he’s been here since his arrival...

2 hours later…
Q: Can I give a present to my instructor at college?

Abdulrhman AboghanimaIs that OK to give a present to my instructor at college to express my gratitude to them ?

@ExtrovertedMainMan you're in bad luck because no one is leaving any country

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