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Q: Should one disclosure an oral herpes infection when kissing another person?

jksu7Herpes simplex is a disease caused by either HSV-1 and HSV-2. HSV 1 usually causes oral infections, HSV-2 usually genital infections. Both are pretty common (more than 60% people have HSV-1 and ~11% HSV-2) and not curably, i.e. outbreaks can reoccur during the whole life. Well... you can read mor...

8 hours later…
can't really chat on Discord so i'm around here
Haha Well it's not like we were having a conversation that really has to be on Discord :P
I shouldn't be chatting anywhere anyway x)
@avazula This. But I need socialization in this isolation.
@avazula :P
@Belle Tell me about it ...
Same here... shouldn't really be chatting but standup is in a few minutes and I'm also not wanting to start focusing rn because I know in 10 minutes I'll have to unfocus again.
We deployed to production last Friday, so right now is a busy time ... That's already hard to manage from the office so from home, it's ... ugh
My internet connection has been lagging big time ever since they confined us
Seems like everyone found shelter online xD
@avazula It's about the only thing left to do...
A lot of things are moving to online here. Some theatres are even offering shows online now.
I've heard about people joining videochats to party from home.
@Tinkeringbell I've planned this with my friends for tomorrow. We were supposed to meet but they'd rather follow the government's guidelines and stay home. I understand.
@avazula :(
@avazula Is it still a guideline if the government basically closed down all things you can do outside? ;) But yeah, it's understandable. I've just heard the one meeting I still had is cancelled for me because I can't get there any other way than with public transport and they don't want me there.
I always have a party on Friday night with a few friends. We play multiplayer games and drink. Our favourite game is Golf with your Friends
@Tinkeringbell Theoretically we could because we're talking about meeting at a friend's place
Since corona we had an increase in people joining us. Last Friday we had 8 people XD
@avazula Oh, sure... Still, if a government goes as far as shutting down work/income for hundreds of people... is 'try to avoid meeting' still a guideline? ;) It's too philosophical for a Monday morning XD
@Tinkeringbell Technically they said "go outside only for work and grocery shopping" so yeah we'd be disobeying.
I was wrong: apparently I can WFH if I bring the computer
But nothing confirmed by the IT department
@CaldeiraG I'd find it strange if you're not hearing you can work from home sometimes this week ;)
@Tinkeringbell From last week there was no indication of remote work but because the schools closed today, many people have to stay home
They're only now mentioning that
Yeah, bit the same here, though they closed schools here 'due to societal pressure, not scientific evidence it's really necessary'. They also only closed the schools yesterday, after they sent people to WFH last Thursday/Friday.
They closed the schools here too but asked teachers to come. :/
@Tinkeringbell There was a social pressure here too. Some schools will remain open for kids from necessary services such as doctors and authority forces
Two people in my state got recovered and now there is only one active case atm.
Currently, there are 95 active cases. Among which 17 are foreigners.
245 active here
116 in my area (they don't specify cities)
We crossed the threshold of a 1000 cases here yesterday. But they're suspecting the 'real' number is closer to 6000, given that we only test 1 person per family. If the rest gets symptoms, they should just act like they have Covid too.
We don't have any numbers on people that have already recovered though, since tracking that would mean spending people that can better be used for tracking/diagnosing/treating new cases.
So I don't know how many of those 1000+ are actually active.
A coworker of mine works with someone who is "near the government". Apparently, they are talking of closing down Paris today at 6pm and for (at least) two months. It's not officially and they are only thinking about but... (cc @avazula)
@Ælis o.O That's unsettling news.
To be honest, I'm not that surprised. The number of case in Paris is really huge and growing everyday
@Ælis I know... I read about it yesterday
Also... I have to say it's quite irresponsible of them to leak the information like that, given that people might panic and leave anyways. I read a story of that happening in Italy: A lockdown was communicated prematurely and apparently 10k people left an area that should be locked down... Resulting in further danger for those around them...
Did you manage to get to the Alps @Ælis?
@avazula Yep, I'm at my parents'
@Tinkeringbell Tbf the newspapers have been mentioning this for a few days.
@Ælis Good to know. Take care of yourself <3
@avazula Yeah, I read that while I hit enter... that's a little less bad then but still... it worries me.
@avazula And you too wonderful <3
@Tinkeringbell let's be honest, people do not want to be in lockdown / quarantine
it's concerning
but it's a necessary action
@CaldeiraG It requires people to understand it is necessary. Which is really, really hard if no one in the neighbourhood is ill, no one has a bad immune system or serious preconditions, and all you do is meet young people at a club.
Not trying to occult the sanitary issues at stake, not at all. But I'm seriously baffled people aren't concerned about the upcoming economic crisis as well
Maybe that's because of my job but this is what scares me most
I know we can contain the pandemic. The crisis, on the other hand ...
Like, I can understand this on a scientific level. Not everyone can. I did the pepper/soap thing for my grandparent because they were like 'oh, just a quick rinse then, if I really have to'.
@avazula Certainly a big issue
I would say on your daily life you wouldn't see much of a difference, speaking for myself that we were in a economical crisis back in 2010-2014
I think the economic worries come after the health thing is over... We all know it's coming, there's been news here about the pension system probably breaking over this, about self-employed people demanding support, about the food/drinks business saying they'd need euros in support to just survive.

But right now, everyone is still being busy with not going out.
Apart from taxes and taxes
@CaldeiraG I won't see much about it because I'm an engineer and I'm f-ing privileged ... my friends in housing and catering, they already suffer a lot. It tears my heart.
@avazula :(
@avazula Yep, a lot of people are going to lose jobs over this :/
@avazula I don't really know what an economic crisis could look like. I probably would be worry if I knew, but since I don't, I'm not
@Ælis Before I start explaining... do you want to know?
Hum.. not yet? ^^
Understandable :)
Unless there is something I can do to make this crisis not happen?
Nah, not really. All you can do afterwards is try to support those people hit by it, but even that's going to be extremely limited.
Well then, I would rather wait until I will be able to help before hearing how bad all of this is going to be
:) Sounds like a good plan to me.
You could try and see now if you can order food from a restaurant to be delivered to your place. That's one of the things that may help businesses :)
One of my parents' friend own a restaurant and is going to close down. So we have asked here to deliver what food she has left to us (so she will earn money + she won't have to throw away the food)
@avazula At least they are postponing the "reforme du chomage" (unemployment plan?) until the 1st of September, so there is that
@Ælis That's great :)
Well, I wouldn't say "great" but it's something. I'm pretty sure that this person who own the restaurant will still have financial troubles
@Ælis What about the 49.3 for the retirement changes?
@Ælis that's nice! I also heard of an app that you can buy leftover foods from restaurants at a cheaper price
@Ælis It's the best you can do, so it's great to me... and yeah, it's not going to fix everything :/
Too Good To Go is the name
@avazula I didn't hear about that. But I guess they might postpone too? At least, that's what I'm hoping
I have to go grocery shopping during lunch break. Hopefully I'll still find something ><
@avazula Good luck! Also big queues :P
my dad had to go at 9pm to buy some groceries from lidl
I already hate shopping in normal times
Now lidl closes at 7pm so no dice
@CaldeiraG Yeah, I already know of it. I don't use it though, I don't really need to save money and I like planning in advance where I will go
@avazula My mom just went, fingers crossed for both of you that people are a bit more sensible today than this weekend!
@Ælis that's cool too!
@avazula I did that Saturday at 12am. I had no issues and no queue to do \o/ (though the store was really busy but all the checkout were open)
@Ælis Monoprix?
I'm gonna go shopping a bit later. Hopefully it's not too bad today. And hopefully people won't kick me out because I've got a runny nose... It's pollen season, I have a running nose two months in a row. It goes away indoors, but it comes back as soon as I set a foot outside.
@Belle Some people kicked you out? Oo
@Ælis No. Not yet anyway
Hopefully it will stay that way then. Also, even sick people need to eat
I fear for it though, because here a runny nose is communicated as a symptom of covid, while I'm 100% sure my runny nose is a symptom of allergies.
I'm just afraid I won't be allowed in the shop because I have supposed symptoms
Maybe wear a scarf/something to hide your nose?
I could do that. Scarfs and such are far from rare in the shop now.
@Belle Can't you ask someone else to do the shopping for you or order online?
@Belle Worst case you could also crochet a facemask before going out ;)
@Belle i also have a running nose :(
I take some meds to reduce the effects
Speaking of covid, I have an IPS question to ask \o/ Spoiler: I eat at a restaurant Friday and the cook was using his bare (without glow) hands to touch the food...
Isn't that pretty common in restaurants?
@AJ9 I moved to a new city and don't really know people here yet :\ ordering online isn't an option either, I live rather remote and none deliver here.
I might just try going. As far as I'm concerned I don't have any covid symptoms.
@Tinkeringbell Yeah, but it's a bit scary with the covid going around. I mean, you could have no symptom at all and still be able to spread the disease. So please, wear gloves when making food for other people
@Ælis the word you're looking for is gloves, I think :)
Oups x)
@Ælis we can't just think everyone has covid-19
I think gloves are a bit of a false sense of security. The virus is just as likely to be on gloves as on hands. Hands are washed easier too.
@CaldeiraG 1) Why not? And 2) Sure, but you should still take your precautions!
@Ælis Did you try checking if that cook was Robert Pattinson? ;P
@AJ9 What a brilliant joke :p
In theory, that sounds good ;) In practice... a cousin of mine is married to a cook. He once explained that gloves are often worn too long, and people don't change them often enough or at the right moments.

Like Belle said, hands are washed (there's pretty strict food safety laws for that here), and that's often better...
@Ælis I thought you wouldn't get it at first.
@Tinkeringbell Hum, okay, fair point
both gloves and masks give false sense of security because if not used correctly it may be worse for you
@Ælis I do understand the concern though, and finding out whether the cook washed his hands properly might be a question. Though I expect A LOT of people are going to answer that it's not really any of your business, like that question we had about interrupting an airplanes staff that might be handling an emergency to find out if there is an emergency.
Basically... I'd say if you trusted people preparing your food before this, trust them now ;)
@Tinkeringbell Well, if someone is transmitting virus to me (and everyone around), it does become my business IMO
@Ælis stay safe, not anxious!
@Tinkeringbell It was the first time I was going to this specific restaurant
@CaldeiraG Easier sad than done :p
@Ælis Yeah, that's a bit hard... It is a bit of everyone's business to prevent the potential spread of virus but... in that case, what were you doing in the restaurant to begin with? ;)
@Ælis I agree but it's important to do so
@Ælis No, safe, not axious, also not sad ;)
@Tinkeringbell Oh dear, why do I keep making spelling error >< "said", not "sad"
@Ælis Probably stress/distraction?
Anyways... I think your question is a good one to talk about in chat, but I wouldn't put it on main ;)
@Tinkeringbell Yeah, probably. Also, I was suppose to be working today!
@Ælis Same here, same here. Working from home comes with a lot of distraction ;)
@Tinkeringbell Once you said that gloves weren't safe either, I drop the idea of asking it on main
@Tinkeringbell That, plus my coworkers keep chatting about covid. They are distracting me as much as TAS ><
@Ælis I think I'm kinda glad my coworkers don't have a massive chat where they do this. It's already distracting enough when you're videocalling with one, another one starts to chat, and your phone starts ringing too!
I just proposed we pick 1 method of communicating for the next few weeks.
Our scrum master is now deciding what that's going to be, and asked everyone for preferences ;)
@AJ9 I saw that ahah
4 more cases.
A coworker just saw that (Paris):
looks like normal Parisian police ;)
Meanwhile, I clicked "Random" on SMBC and was presented with:
Little announcement: I won't be around for ... I don't know how long. I just had a meeting with my company, the government wants to use our products to help patients with Covid-19. So chances are I'm gonna have a lot of work to do the next days/weeks/? Take care everyone, I'll try to drop by in the evenings. I love you all.
Good luck.
@avazula Good luck. Healthcare is tough business to be in right now. We'll be on SE chat or Discord if you want people to vent to.
Take care of you too :)
We talked with health ministry this morning, apparently it hurts people of all ages and is stronger than we thought. Please be very careful people.
You too!
@avazula Bonne chance! Take care.
> This comic will be hilarious after 20 years :P
@avazula Take care :)
Q: Would it be unethical to cancel a blind date by claiming to have the Coronavirus?

user255577One of my college roommates has set me up on a blind date that is scheduled for this Friday night. I now do not want to go on this blind date and I’m trying to come up with a good excuse as a reason for canceling the blind date. I am thinking of telling my roommate that I believe that I may have...

@ExtrovertedMainMan Primarily opinion based
@ExtrovertedMainMan 1) You shouldn't lie about that 2) Maybe you have the virus without even knowing it. And 3) Never heard of social distancing? Don't help the virus spread by going on on dates!
@ExtrovertedMainMan Yeah... @gerrit please don't answer off-topic questions?
Thank you! :)
@CaldeiraG Same for you, in a comment even... I thought better of you!
@Tinkeringbell erm, what's wrong with my comment?
@CaldeiraG You were answering the question instead of suggesting improvements to it :)
I'm not really a core resident of IPS and usually only pass by on aspie questions or HNQ, I suppose I don't have a good enough handle on what is on-topic or not
@Tinkeringbell that's true but I think the question is unsalvageable
@gerrit Tink might help you with that; you can check out questions on Meta and the FAQ
On a second thought, the problem may be the fact that their roommate set up a blind date which they did not agree to, so it falls on a XY question.
This is salvageable - "How can I tell my roommate I'm not comfortable on having a blind date?"
+86 confirmed cases literally an hour or so ago
Confirmed cases are increasingly meaningless.
Perhaps we should call it "sample size" instead.
you're not wrong
But tests are not representative, so the sample is not representative either.
If they would randomly sample 0.1% of the population they could get a handle on how many true cases there probably are.
I wonder if any nation has been attempting that.
In France, we only test the people who are already badly sick and that we think have it (we are basically testing to make sure they don't have something else). So yeah, confirmed case are not all that useful
Same here
At my workplace, some people are getting tested
All negative so far
Which means that they are sick with something else?
Or not, not too sure
I've heard that from a coworker
Because here, if you aren't sick or "just a little sick" you don't get tested
You really have to be in bad shape to get tested
At least, that's what it seems
Here the policy seems to be that you're with symptoms and/or had contact with someone with the virus
Well, I'm gonna have a meeting in a bit
Here, even if you have been in contact with a confirm case, you don't get tested
@gerrit No worries. We get that a lot, like probably every other site ;) Interpersonal Skills are behaviours people use to interact well, so that's why e.g. pick up artistry is out of scope (not nice enough :P).
We mainly do questions that help people with a specific behavior/way of communicating, etiquette questions and general communications theory (even though that's not really an interpersonal skill in the narrowest sense of the definition, it combines well enough).
We try to avoid questions that ask us for advice on what to do/say (so, should I talk or what should I say are off-topic), instead focus on the how to do/say. And everything that asks '[is this rude/unethical/impolite/nice/ethical/polite](https://interpersonal.meta.stackexchange.com/a/2355/1599)' is primarily opinion based.
Why my link no work :(
@Ælis Same. Makes sense too, given that such measures save capacity to diagnose people that may have it but no confirmed source of infection, so a test can tell them whether they are or aren't infected.
Dutch government put out a statement saying they think the actual cases in the country are about 6000, of which 1000 are confirmed.
Almost 1500 cases confirmed now. 278 new ones today.
does that mean the unconfirmed ones can be guesstimated to be 9000?
@Tinkeringbell I'd say they're over that
@Rainbacon Probably, yeah. But I'm not a mathematician ;)
1 hour later…
So today is our first official "full company work from home day." Our VPN is freaking out and no one's getting anything done. So one of my coworkers in slack told us that this is a preview of his scrum update for tomorrow:
@scohe001 lol
2 hours later…
@scohe001 lol xd
@CaldeiraG Thanks a lot — adminpro 55 mins ago
well, that doesn't change anything
@scohe001 Mine went surprisingly well! Almost no connection issues, except one with Skype screensharing this morning. Oh, and we already had an e-mail on Friday to please respect the VPN/firewall and not put on radio/video/spotify etc. as background noise on our work laptops, as that saves the firewall from having that kind of traffic.
Ahh see that's smart. We got no such notices on how to use the VPN
I didn't even think of that honestly
Neither did my client until they saw the spikes in traffic ;)
I hope they manage to fix things over there soon!
Haha smart
Thanks! I actually ended up just coming into the office now for the afternoon since I actually need to get things done :/
Stay safe!
2 hours later…
Yay, race conditions!
Rainbacon.WriteLine("Yay, race conditions!");
It happened again
Lol it took me way too long to come up with something that'd make sense for me to have said that'd have you very clearly respond with that
This one's a doozy. I have a form that has it's data get loaded from 2 separate api calls. Call 1 is the previous (if any) value of the form and the second is some default values. When the defaults come in, the form replaces nulls with the default values, unfortunately, sometimes the defaults come in first and then get overwritten by the nulls instead of the other way around
Wait but if the previous form had defaults loaded properly, how would it have nulls?
If there wasn't a previous form submission, for example the first time the form is ever loaded
Oh then it just gives back all nulls? And still tries to write that over? Oof. I guess the solution would be to not write anything if you see a null in the old form?
There's a null check that used to catch the situation where the whole form was null, and now it doesn't because I changed the endpoint that it's calling from so that it will always return some extra metadata about the previous submission (even if there wasn't a previous submission)
Ahh gotcha
Yay for unexpected confusing consequences
Yeah, it broke an integration test, but I was convinced for like 4 hours that my local environment was messed up because I wasn't able to reliably reproduce it
Haha oh gosh
What finally tipped you off?
I asked another dev to run the test and realized after hers passed that the only difference was my local backend
Dang. That sounds like a nightmare and a half
But now you'll have one hell of a scrum update tomorrow :p
haha, yeah
2 hours later…
well, I might finally have a question to ask - how to respond to someone telling me how to implement my feature without being rude but still asserting that I did indeed read the docs for the API I'm using :\

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