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@Rainbacon Congrats!
1 hour later…
@user1982 IMHO it would need not only good amount of expertise/knowledge but also from top of the head, in the very subject, to prove them wrong by bringing ‘em into contradiction with their own statement and one can have such knowledge in only limited subjects. But still in most of the cases lies/arguments are so weak that it works out, especially if you pose it out as a question to them. Hence +1 to you — old-monk 27 secs ago
#1013 old-monk (101 rep) | A: Dealing with people who always try to prove you wrong in a conversation (score: 9) | posted 873 days ago by (deleted user) | Toxicity 0.0 | Comment on inactive post | tps/fps: 0/0
Matched regex(es) ["+1"]
Hey everyone :)
heya :)
How are u doing? Only having to sleep once more, hm? :P
@dhein you read my mind pal
@ExtrovertedMainMan shhoo go away!
It poofed anyways xd
in 3 weeks, a website got into commitment \o/
which hat is that!
I mean way to get
> Use the discard button on any "Ask A Question" page, either on meta (Meta.SE or a child meta). It can take as much as 3 hours to get. Alternatively, start a draft and wait 7 days for it to be self-deleted. (Hat and trigger from 2018)
@CaldeiraG we could get prince Charles for that
duke of Edinburgh (ref: the show "the Crown") (his interest in aviation)
It's called Rubber Ducky (duh) :p
@CaldeiraG huh, that's surprising. And nice.
@avazula Yeah, right? :D
I keep an eye on Area 51 from time to time
@CaldeiraG me too, which is why I'm surprised to see something getting to commitment ...
I have been experiencing some cornering and anti participance vibes in a chatroom (I made sure it doesnt appear in my profile, so not worth checking)
But I feel I was misunderstood and I should take it upto site meta as a question
which I was trying to answer (and bombed eventually)
got into commitment 6 days ago, so 2 weeks
that got a hell of a boost to get it
@avazula Well, not too difficult in this regards :P
@Rainbacon Yay! I'm very happy for you!
@dhein how's that? Because you have the same issues? :p
good morning to all the beautiful people here at IPS!
@AlexRobinson Morning you!
good day! And what a good day it is so far
@AlexRobinson ?
some finance stuff got approved which is good for my numbers
i got a waffle for breakfast
and i have two days of work before a well deserved break
@AlexRobinson this, to me, is the best part :D
I had to stay at work after hours yesterday and now caught cold because of sudden drop in temperature and chilly wind.
oh no :(
@avazula brown norwegian cheese + jam... killer combo
@AlexRobinson The cheese is brown and Norwegian, that's what it is?
huh, now I'm curious
idk, all i know is that it can't be healthy and i don't care because it is tasty
@AlexRobinson Is this it?
@avazula I think that is practiced empathy. I mean, who isn't counting days currently? And given you have vacations you can look forward to... I would have been suprised if you were not ^^
@dhein shoot, I just realized i misinterpreted your message ... I thought you meant I had to sleep more because I was exhausted and that you knew about that because you've been having issues to sleep as well
@avazula looks kinda like it yeah!
@avazula hahaha.... might be a german idiom, but here you talk about counting the times that are left you have to sleep :P
@dhein nah, we have those over here too :p
Ah, then you were maybe just too tired.... you should have a little more sleep then I.... suppose xP
I used to tell my sisters this. "Two more sleeps and then Mommy's home" or alike
@dhein My left eye is constantly crying by itself so I guess I could use some rest indeed :p
Completely unrelated but, do you still do crossfit?
@avazula Ehm.... Sherlock? I think you solved the riddle :P
Me? crossfit? Did I ever do? :o Well I was doing weight lifitng twice a week to turn fat into muscles.... And yeah, still doing it. I am at a point where I sometimes get complimented for my muscles x) Still having a chubby belly, but focus of others is apparently not on my belly anymore xD
So yeah xP
@dhein ooh, that's cool :)
@avazula It in fact is. Really gives an extra boos to my motivation sticking with it. But after a year now already just stoping this would feel like having wasted all the effort anyways. ^^
Is there any specific reason why you ask? :)
Just being curious myself now :)
@dhein Well, I find Crossfit really impressive (weight lifting is too! But this I can do and Crossfit I can't :p). I've been told a few days ago that I must working overtime because otherwise I'll crush the overtime ceiling and that'd be breaking the law. So my manager asked me not to do any overtime anymore and it's the first time in my life I have to work so little (well, it still is 38hours a week)
how much are you normally working per week?
So now I find myself with lots of free time and not knowing what to do with it so I'm considering working out again :)
@AlexRobinson rn I do 50h/week roughly and I've always been around 45
thats painful
I know that's really first-class problems (which is why I didn't really wanna talk about it in TAS, I really have nothing to complain about) ^_^
do you have to travel far or at all for your job?
@AlexRobinson I have 25 min in the morning and 45 at night
ah ok that isn't so bad then
@AlexRobinson I'd rather commute with public transportation but sadly this isn't really an option. Driving tires me. So much info to process.
@avazula as someone who does, i have to spend an hour travelling to and fro each day... its actually a bit more than that but w/e
i'd prefer somewhere closer but honestly its fantastic for my CV so its worth it at the moment
@avazula I don't find crossfit particular impressive. But at least I couldn't motivate myself to do it while for weightlifting I can... So I get your point and think I agree :P You consider starting it given the extra time you have now? ^^
@avazula Not wanting to get you off your track. But haven't you been complaining recently that you can't really get your plans with your home done, cause you have to work that long? :P
Anyways, I am leaving soon. Not sure if I will hop in here tomorrow. So to veryone not hearing from me anymore this year: I wish you all a merry christmas (or what ever else you celebrate) and a happy and well getting into the new year :)
merry christmas!
Christmas yay :)
@ExtrovertedMainMan did a good provisionary edit on this to make the wording a bit better
@avazula Tesla Autopilot :p but yeah, i feel you
I love driving tho :D
Maybe because I've only been driving for 3 months occasionally so don't count on me xd
i see Dhein was a few seconds after me aha
@dhein merry christmas, see ya around :)
I'm gonna go here on the 25th to receive the hat xD
@ExtrovertedMainMan 6 edits so far, though two of those are part of a rollback and one changes like 3 characters
@AlexRobinson It has already a comment on it :P
Q: The Blue in the Face hat seems to have the same trigger as 007

EranI just got the 007 hat, after posting an answer that got to +7 and both question and answer had no comments. At the same time I got Blue in the Face hat, whose trigger is yet unknown. It looks like all users who got 007 also have Blue in the Face. This leads me to ask whether both hats have th...

@CaldeiraG i know... but the answer is still there
Winter bash 2019 has probably more bugs than 2018 and it's the same one
@AlexRobinson I flagged it already, let's see
we shall indeed :)
@dhein I don't think that's possible ;)
@dhein Well: I can't go home during lunch break because it's too far away and would make me travel an additional hour so it's not really worth it. Plus now, I'm on a system and it's way more easy to keep on track with household chores! :D
@CaldeiraG I don't mind driving ... when there's no traffic jams ;)
@avazula Ah, that. I hate traffic jams
that comment got yeeted quickly
@AlexRobinson whistles
eyes emoji
and i'm kinda scared to read that question more thoroughly...
@CaldeiraG They just changed the tricker and now I won both of those hats on MSE and I have no idea why ^^
@Ælis shrugs xD
I've earned 11* hats so far
@avazula Oh, nice score! I "only" have 9 so far and I'm a bit sad that you have the same IPS number of hats than me (I wanted to be number one :p ). But, to be fair, I wasn't really active lately
@Ælis how are you doing btw? Feeling better?
scrolling through the mod dashboard @AlexRobinson aren't you done with your comment-flagging badge already? :p
@avazula the silver maybe, but think how funny it would be to get a gold badge before posting a question/answer
@avazula Mostly, yes. I am back to work but not really in a work mood, though. I can't wait to be Sunday. Today is stressful because we are having a Christmas dinner at work and tomorrow is stressful because I have to catch a train despite the strick.
@Ælis oh no :(
@avazula 9 so far. But not trying hard. You know I was #1 network-wide two year ago? ;)
@Ælis here here. fortunately tomorrow is probably the last day i have to deal with strikes
@AlexRobinson Why is that?
@AJ I know :) and I don't want to brag (at all, really) but I didn't even do anything special to earn any of them. I'm not interested in hats this year
@Ælis tomorrow i finish my current contract at work and get to go home :D
@AlexRobinson I don't want to sound pessimist, but even if you don't have a job, you still have to "deal" with the strikes (because of no public transportation for example). Also, yay for all your free time!
@Ælis oh yeah for sure, but no commuting on massively overcrowded and often delayed trains is going to make my life a lot better
@AJ \o/
I have 3 hats :'(
@AlexRobinson True that. That's why I also like about working part-time. I get to avoid the peak hours
not trying either, i like this rubber duck
strikes? where?
my strikes are with South Western Railways in the UK
@CaldeiraG Everywhere in France, at least ^^
ah I see
@Ælis Protests! Protests everywhere!
no strikes in where I live :D
I live in one of the cities where it's really heated right now
but i rarely use public transportation
@avazula :\
People get hurt everyday
I feel bad for not getting on strike as well
@CaldeiraG I must say, I envy you. The effects of this strike have been really huge and difficult to deal with in my life.
i've lost hours of sleep over strikes this month... not worrying, just having to get up earlier and still arrive later
@Ælis :\ that's not good
Ooh, I logged into IPS to find 3 new hats today!
@Rainbacon Which one are they?
Propel Thyself, 007, and Blue in the Face
@Rainbacon Same as me for the last two one. Their triggers have been changed, which "explain" it
Oh? What were they changed to?
@Rainbacon no one knows yet :p
@Rainbacon They are secrets hats ^^ meta.stackexchange.com/a/339894/400547
Ok, well I'm pretty sure the trigger didn't change for Propel Thysel
@Rainbacon Yep, Propel is the same
It's interesting on the other two because I didn't do anything last night. So maybe they were awarded retroactively
@Rainbacon Yes, there were
hey Rain :)
shoutouts to Tears for Fears for making banging music btw
@AlexRobinson they released anything new recently?
@CaldeiraG Thanks!
@Rainbacon What did Mrs Bacon say about it?
She's excited for me
Unfortunately, I couldn't sleep because my anxiety started kicking in
oh no :(
I'm super excited for the opportunity, and it's what I've been wanting, but now that it's really happening I'm terrified
@Rainbacon I felt the same way when I switched to healthcare. New things are scary.
@avazula not that i know of! just enjoying some older music rn ^^
I just spent 20 minutes speaking to a coworker and, all along, the only thing I could think about was the fact I wasn't feeling well and wanted to go home >< But I won't be home until 11pm tonight so...
11pm?? what why
@Rainbacon I'm glad I have sleeping pill for this kind of opportunities. It's really helpfull (I have also pills against anxiety but it makes me sleepy during the day, so I don't want to take them :/ )
@AlexRobinson Christmas office party ;)
@AlexRobinson What ava just say
@Ælis I've tried really hard to avoid taking sleeping pills.
@avazula I'll be switching to real estate
@Rainbacon I understand. I do believe that I shouldn't relly on them too evily but sometimes I can't resist (I only take a very small dose though)
Yeah, I'm mostly afraid that I'll start relying on them to sleep
Yeah, that could definitively happen
its the same reason i try to avoid caffeine wherever possible, i don't want a tolerance to build up
@AlexRobinson I avoid it because it's really is bad when you have anxiety. But yeah, there is a tolerance effect there too
@Ælis one of my friends had a bad anxiety attack once because they thought having 3 cans of redbull back to back was a good idea... i don't get bad anxiety but i do get really shakey
Well, I don't even need "special" drink to get shakey x)
@AlexRobinson although caffein seems to have no impact on me, I'll stay up for 48 hours straight if I drink one red bull :o
@avazula thats mad
It can be helpful from time to time! Like the day when I got back from Hungary :p
oh those memories ...
Help! I'm getting nostalgic!
i sometimes have some when i wake up, and sometimes when i get home, but thats pretty much it
i'm not a day drinker ;)
I recently discovered that it's easier for me to fall asleep in the middle of the day than when it's "bed time". It's because, in the day,"tomorrow" is still far so I don't need to worry about it. But when it's bed time, "tomorrow" is "right there" so all my anxiety about it kick int.
Never drank red bull :o caffeine has no effect to me either
i once drank 2 red bulls back to back, completely had a eureka moment and solved our group physics problem, explained it to one of my partners who wrote most of it down, then my hands were shaking too much so i went to bed lmao
I don't think I've ever had red bull without alcohol in it
its not bad, but there are different energy drinks i prefer
Hey English speaking people, I have a question for you
brb, ask away though lol
When talking about a physician, do you address them or speak about them as Dr XYZ?
Or is that a French thing?
I would say Dr XYZ
okay, thanks :)
'm working on my website translations haha
Ooh, what are you translating?
@Rainbacon well, the website I'm building at work mostly
sorry, I went home :)
Ah, ok
and yay for being home!
So, in the last 3 hours, I had zero work productivity... That's not really great ^^'
A VP just sent out a message in slack saying that we are urgently reminded that we have a strict non disclosure agreement with a prospective client and are not to mention their name outside of our office. The post ended by saying, "if anyone has any knowledge of a situation where this has been violated, please bring it to our attention"
@Rainbacon I guess someone licked it, isn't it? :/
That definitely makes it sound like someone talked and they are trying to find out who
Maybe I shouldn't joke about it but "that's probably Hagrid" :p
I just officially signed the offer
@Rainbacon Yay! Happy Christmas! (it's not Christmas yet, but that sounds like an amazing and well deserved gift!)
Thank you! Now I just have to wrangle all of my anxieties about it
Well, much of luck with that ^^
Congrats! \o/
@El'endiaStarman Thanks!
Sounds like it's a good offer. Congrats!

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