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01:00 - 20:0020:00 - 23:00

@Rainbacon yeah the negative lookahead thing is a bit odd, the caret is necessary for it to work
@user58 aww you still responded! I was starting to think you didn't caret all :(
I was half-asleep on the bus :P
omg. I've just spent way too long trying to figure out why a view isn't showing up. the answer is: I set it to be invisible. /facepalm
@EmC Oof
the holiday weekend was too long, I forgot everything I was doing before it xP
@rain use rubular.com over 101 if you're going to test regexes for the bot, 101 doesn't really do Ruby regex
...of course, it's mostly the same, so not that important
@user58 I believe Ruby conforms to PCRE, so as long as you have that option selected on your favorite regex site, you should be fine
Looks like Winter Bash is still on this year
Oooh! FUN!
Dang you caught that almost right as he posted
I have magical powers that are in tune with the chakras of Stack Exchange was literally looking at the MSE home page when the update came through
Yeah, you were quick. I think I even managed to beat Glorfindel to posting it in the Tavern due to you!
@Rainbacon HATS :D
Sounds like we may need to have a conversation at some point about whether we want to lower the close/reopen vote threshold from 5 to 3: meta.stackoverflow.com/questions/391832/…
@scohe001 5 works for us, except on weekends, can we have it down to two then? :P
The mother hen has spoken
5 it is :p
XD Oh, you can still have your discussion I guess ;) But I don't see 2k items in our close vote queue because people keep running out of votes here :P
Oh no I completely agree with 5, I was just going to let it happen more democratically lol :p
@Tinkeringbell I'm sure the team wouldn't mind implementing that bit of logic for us xD
@Tinkeringbell Nah, let's just give everyone a diamond on the weekends
@Rainbacon Oh, I like that one too!
@EmC "I'm sure they have better things to do" /s :P
How about we just ask for a rotating diamond? We hold an election and the 3 highest scoring candidates get to share the diamond working in 1 week shifts
@Rainbacon Oh you poor unfortunate soul... thinking you can learn all the fine arts of diamond moderating on SE in a mere week :P
It's not like each person would only get the diamond once
Hahaha I wonder how that would go with 'keeping moderation as consistent as possible' ;)
I guess it depends on who the 3 people are
Even on a team there can be inconsistencies, so mixing 6 people in different teams will likely produce different results.
@Rainbacon \o/
Q: How to overcome insecurities, and double standards in long term relationships?

user27377My boyfriend and I have been together for 2 years. I am 28 and he’s 41. This is my second long term relationship. My other one of 5 years cheated. I’m not sure if thats where my insecurities And double standards come from....but I’m losing my mind as well as ruining my relationship. I try so hard...

Q: Is it weird to have pictures of my exes hanging on my walls?

NinGen ShinRaSo, I am a hobbyist photographer, as such I am often the one behind the camera rather than the one in front of it. As a result, a lot of my best pictures involve my partner at the time of the shooting. I'd like to print some of those pictures, but I've always refrained from it because I think it...

@EmC lol that last one had me giggling
@scohe001 my meta comment? >.>
srs mod bsns
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