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Bringing up an old conversation, but with this meta post interpersonal.meta.stackexchange.com/questions/3925/… I still think that this will always be an issue as long as we keep handling our back it up policy in the same way...
I've seen a number of better written comments recently actually, but usually the comment written prompting for backup handholds new users that are looking for the easiest way to get their answer to meet the bar into just saying "i've experienced this sort of thing" or "in my experience", and that usually prevents their answer from being deleted even though it adds nothing to the answer.
I still think we should be handling this by asking our users to proactively identify any claim an answerer makes, and asking them to support that specific claim however they can.
also allows for us to better handle people making multiple bold and unsupported claims in one answer.
Q: Why is it called “body shaming” if nobody is actually trying to evoke the emotion of shame?

user1745937Body shaming includes judging anybody (but mostly females) on how they dress. See here (https://www.mindbodygreen.com/0-15240/9-bodyshaming-behaviors-we-all-need-to-stop.html ) where this quote comes from: “Sexuality can be expressed in the way we choose to reveal our bodies, through clothing o...

3 hours later…
[squints at clock] ... It's 1:41am. G'night. :P
@El'endiaStarman good night! :)
Q: How can I communicate better with my indirect friends as a direct person?

W. CookI am a very direct person. Say what you mean, mean what you say, nothing more, nothing less. Most of my friends of my same gender happen to be indirect. If I text one of my friends a question such as "Are you free this Thursday night to hang out?", they generally won't reply to my text. Even ...

Morning :D
Good morning!
@AGirlHasNoName ooh, that looks like fun
Noon :)
where are our coffee fetchers? ;p
@CaldeiraG on strike ;)
I had to fetch mine myself too this morning :(
A winter poem: Uff, it's cold! The End!
My car door was frozen shut this morning :(
Another winter problem.
Do you know there is Friday the 13th this December?
@Belle My brother has 'borrowed' my gloves... He's on a cruiseship near Sweden :|
its -2 and there are huge train delays and i just want to go to bed :')
All my trains were on time, for a change.
Riddle me this. There is a place where March comes after April and August comes before July. Which place is this?
The dictionary.
@avazula :D
@user58 Correct!
@AJ :o there was one in september too, my driving test was on the Friday the 13th of Setember
next march has one as well
@CaldeiraG Did you pass?
@AJ Yea of course :D
Sep 13 at 18:12, by CaldeiraG
Guys, guess what, I've passed the driving test \o/
@JAD If the first day of a month falls on Sunday, it will have Friday 13th.
@CaldeiraG Condrivertulations!
@AJ Same can be said of any day in the month: if the second is a Monday...
@JAD If the 13th is a Friday :P
@Tinkeringbell if the 20th is a Friday
@AJ thanks :D
@JAD It's easier to get on the first day. :P
@JAD If the 31st is a Tuesday?
Anyone have any Sinterklaas plans for this week? :)
Besides, if the first day falls on Saturday, there will be 5 Saturdays in that month.
What a waste of holidays :p
@Tinkeringbell No. ;)
@CaldeiraG Aww!
@CaldeiraG This year was a waste of holidays for me. It consumed around 5 of our holidays.
@Tinkeringbell A good thing is next year both of those are on Tuesdays :p
@AJ :(
@CaldeiraG Meh. Best days for those are Mondays or Fridays, so you have an extra long weekend ;)
@Tinkeringbell Pretty much :)
@AJ Actually, 5 here too
@Tinkeringbell not really. Might get a chocoladeletter for the 5th
We got Republic Day on Sunday in January next year.
also the amount of kruidnoten I eat appears to be correlated with the amount of days till sinterklaas: the closer, the less kruidnoten
@JAD That makes sense, if the first ones are already available in September ;)
Now that I think about it, last year we got a chocolate letter from the client... maybe this year too!
@CaldeiraG We used to get 4 or 5 days of vacation on Diwali every year, but it will be only 3 days next year.
wait, you guys are getting vacation days - a "coffee fetcher"
@AlexRobinson 28 'personal' days each year, 2 mandatory 'floating holidays', and holidays :D
ayy thats the meme
@Tinkeringbell i got zero sick days, zero personal days/holiday days... uits great
@AlexRobinson Uf. Zero-hour based contract?
Or just plain, good ol' 'murica?
@Tinkeringbell Alex is UK based
but in much aspects UK and US are pretty similar
@JAD Oh...
Didn't pick up on that one, I'm sorry!
at least UK has a gazillion bank holidays
@AJ Cool :)
Doesn't sound cool to me.
@Tinkeringbell three month UK internship
hopefully leading into a permanent postion but thats still on the table for debate
@AJ Oh wait, I thought of it the other way around
Not cool :)
@IPSCommentBot kitty?
hello cutie ;p
i feel personally called out by those xkcd rules, they're incredible
Alt text is funny too lol
7 isn't always accurate, though. Sometimes someone will just get booted and put back at some point in the future.
@CaldeiraG Yep, that's definitely me.... ;)
And me :)
rules 4 and 8 are my physical embodiment
> A Christmas joke:
"The 24th of December is Christmas Eve!"
"No, it's not, Adam!"
thats like a low quality dad joke
yeah, someone sent me that.
So, I thought I shouldn't suffer alone. :P
isn't that the philosophy behind bad jokes in christmas crackers? not everyone will get a great joke, but everyone can collectively groan at a terrible joke
2 hours later…
if(peopleAround): print("Hello!")
yay :D
My codez worq
well done :)
Syntax Error: Indentation expected.
@JAD Works on my machine ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
@avazula Syntax Error: Backslash expected.
@JAD well it's in it but it doesn't show for some reason :o
I think you need to escape those with an extra \
@Tinkeringbell yay! Thanks :D
@Tinkeringbell I saw them this morning! It's beautiful :)
:D It was so much fun to make too! I might make more :P
The pattern comes with a slightly smaller version too
Oh those are cute! Is the pattern available from ravelry?
@Belle Yes! :)
ravelry.com/patterns/library/spencer-the-spider-and-friends < It's not free though :| (I 'borrowed' mine from a friend ;) )
I don't mind paying for patterns. Designers deserve our support, they get enough flak as it is :)
This is a very small spider though, it fits in my hand (Made it with cotton and a 2mm hook). I'm usually thinking asking close to 6 euros for that is a bit much.... In such cases, I prefer to look for pattern books. This designer doesn't seem to do those though :|
I spent the better part of Friday and today trying to get a particular Angular Material component to work.

Me Friday: I hate programming.
Me this morning: I hate programming.
Me an hour ago: I hate programming.
Me 5 minutes ago: It works! I love programming.
Predictable :D
I'm about to merge code to a 'new' codebase (basically, a heavily reworked, shiny, upgraded version of our legacy application)... I'm at a quadruple check to see if everything still compiles, I don't want to break this one!
I don't hate programming, but I hate the place where I am doing this.
@AJ I know that feel. Is changing job an option?
I changed jobs about a month ago. I sacrificed a 5 minute commute for an hour one, but it was absolutely worth it. I feel infinitely better.
Yes, but I am effin' sick of this notice period thing. All the jobs I have tried for require you to join immediately but I have to serve the notice period at current company.
or dear cash, for the first time in six months I ... have nothing to do at work o_o o/
@AJ :( hang in there pal ...
You can't really leave the current one without having another one in your bag.
@AJ How long is your notice period?
60 days.
@avazula Nap!
@AJ Oof. Just keep searching and make sure to push back on starting immediately. I found my job with a 40 days notice period. Good companies will appreciate that you want to finish your notice period.
Let's see
@Tinkeringbell yay snorts
yikes i just read through the "body shaming" question and holy heck
@AJ Oof, in the US it's only 2 weeks, and that's not even mandatory, just good manners. Sorry to hear that you are having trouble finding a company that will work with you.
@Belle Companies in my city are same when it comes to notice period. I am currently waiting for a few things to happen and then I might try to move to a new city.
@Rainbacon We have 30 days at a few places. My company can reduce the notice period but for that you have to have the offer letter in hand first and then resign. I can't take the risk without the offer letter.
@AJ But nobody will give you an offer letter because they want you to start immediately?
@Rainbacon Yes. That's where the problem is.
@AJ That's unfortunate. Best of luck to you!
Thank you!
@AlexRobinson It seems they sadly have some misinterpretation of what body shaming really is, though I guess judging people based on how they dress can be a form of, as the question states...
@AJ @Rain three months it is in France ... ^^
@Tinkeringbell not even about the question itself - just how incel-y it all sounds - assuming only "females" can be body shames, calling women "females" instead of women, not making any attempt to distinguish between sex / gender / presenting gender... it made me angry to read
@AlexRobinson Oh... well, about the 'females' part... I have been told not to do that before but... to me, 'woman' comes with so much stereotype that I actually prefer female :/
in the UK you'd certainly get strange looks for using female compared to woman/women
Not everyone also has been knee-deep in this stuff for the past 2/3 months ;) It may sound bad, but I do get a general 'ESL' feeling about the English there... I do agree with Em's comment that the focus on only women being body-shamed is a bit weird. It does sound a bit like an article I read lately about 'modest fashion'... And how that didn't catch on in certain religious circles that were known for modesty!
@AlexRobinson Trust me, I know... :P More than one person told me 'Tink, it's women, not females' :P
(I'm generally happy to switch those around, I just have a hard time not defaulting to female as that's what I personally prefer)
oh i completely understand where you're coming from, its mostly about that question where everything kinda combined to give off a really nasty first impression
Yeah, funny... I didn't not really pick up on that :|
things like (again) suggesting its exclusively "males" shaming "females" and that its mostly pastors and teachers doing it?
at best its misguided and a little narrow minded
What I picked up on mostly when I read that post was that it is quite off topic for IPS
@Rainbacon Oh, definitely! :)
definitely. i just kinda wanna vent about the content lmao
@AlexRobinson Btw, I think Dutch doesn't have different words for 'females' and 'women', both are 'vrouwen'.
languages are really interesting things, even though i only speak english and a smattering of French
So yeah... I do somehow associate the English for 'woman' more with 'womanhood' and gender roles/stereotypes, and female is more broad.
No wonder I have trouble making sense of stuff if there's no different words involved and everything means the same to me! :P
english is three languages under a trenchcoat afterall ;)
@AlexRobinson I can read French and German to an extent, I never really feel comfortable speaking English out loud... So I basically only 'speak' Dutch comfortably.
To me, the word female sounds much more academic. I would expect to hear it in a lecture about biology, but it sounds clunky if used in everyday speech.
@Tinkeringbell Well your written English is quite good
@Rainbacon for a native speaker to use it, i'd call it rather clinical
@Rainbacon Oh true... I don't have any trouble writing. But don't ask me to pronounce any of the fancy words I know out loud! :P
Oh, yeah. English pronunciation is weird because we mostly stole our pronunciations from other languages
reading a given language is normally relatively easy, writing is harder. same for speech - listening is much much easier than speaking
@AlexRobinson I disagree that listening is easier than speaking. I took German classes for about 4 years. I can speak it fairly well, but I overheard some Germans having a conversation on the subway once, and the only word that I could comprehend was the name of the station they were going to
@Rainbacon German, IIRC, has many dialect. Just like English, I have only learned 1 'version' in school, and I can probably understand the national news bulletins, radio, and stuff well. But listening/speaking to 'real' people? Very hard indeed!
@Tinkeringbell Yeah, I remember my teacher mentioning some regional differences. For example the word "Ich" is pronounced more like 'eek' in some areas (that's how I was taught to say it), more like 'ick' in others, and I think even like 'itch' in some. And then of course there is Swiss German, which is a completely separate beast
i am enraged
@AlexRobinson ?
@Rainbacon Yep!
our company has multiple different companies, and each invoice we get has to go to the correct company. someone just forwarded me an invoice and said "process this", so i say "which company is it for?" they say "oh, company X"... a few hours down the line when i actually have time to get to the invoice i realise its for company Y and AAAAAAAAH
I do love the German word for 'butterfly' though. You can shout that if you drop something on your toes ;P
@AlexRobinson Ah, processes....
Welcome to life of adults :P
I'm supposed to program some new functionality, but on my way encountered an outstanding bug report that's been there for months now, which blocks my development.
So, bugfixing it is :|
@Tinkeringbell I don't think that German is nearly as angry sounding of a language as most people make it out to be.
here's the thing... they told me it was company X because thats where the purchase order is... but the hecking purchase order is in company Y and i'm just sitting here, dumbfounded
@Rainbacon Depends on where you put the emphasis and how hard you can make your 'ch' and 'g's sound :P
@AlexRobinson Just go ask again? I don't think they'll get mad at an intern when they point out they noticed differences, and want an extra clarification/confirmation :)
@Tinkeringbell Most people I know tend to shout when they speak German. I know a lot of people in the US associate Germany with the Nazis, so they tend to assume that all Germans are very angry
@Tinkeringbell i know the person... its just easier if i quietly do the right company and don't bother them about it lol
@Rainbacon Oh, yeah... well if the only German you know is from war movies when they are about to raid a village... uh, yeah. Germans are going to sound angry :P
@Tinkeringbell Yep, something like that
I once met an American at Disney Paris (why they didn't just go to Disney in America is still a mystery to me)... He first thought me and my brothers were German too :/
Americans are kinda weird :P
This guy was so proud he had a stack of euro bills, something like 'I get to handle the money'... I lied and told him me and my brothers were out on daddy's credit card XD
@Tinkeringbell Shh, nobody is supposed to know that
There's a stigma in many countries that German is a shouting and harsh language. Idk where they get that from. I think it's a beautiful language.
@Rainbacon Well, then tell foreign affairs over there that they should teach Americans that do leave the country to act less suspicious! :P
@avazula I do kinda have the same association with Spanish :P I have a friend from (originally) Costa Rica, and when she and her mom get mad at each other, and they have no problem doing so with guests around, they start talking in angry Spanish...
@avazula I agree. So beautiful in fact that a few of my coworkers and I made a slack channel just for speaking German
It sounds rapid, shouting, and harsh :P
@avazula It is particularly amusing when a great deal of the English language is very similar to German.
Does that mean our language is shouting too?
@Tinkeringbell I mean, when I studied abroad we were given a lesson on how to behave properly in European society (aka, don't be an American)
@avazula Probably left-over from anti-German propaganda during WW2.
@Tinkeringbell Americans value money very very deeply. Ones wealth is a measure of their worth.
@Tinkeringbell Spanish is my ancestries' language. I find it so difficult to pronounce I learned a bit of almost every existing European language except this one :p
I must have done well because everyone in England thought I was Irish
@Rainbacon Das ist wunderbar! Ich denke dass, es eine tolle Idee ist.
@user58 I was thinking that. Even in my lifetime most of my exposure to the language as an American has been footage of Nazi speeches...
@AGirlHasNoName Isn't it? Sure the prononciation differs but otherwise, the structure is almost the same!
@avazula Ich denke, dass es eine tolle Idee ist.
@avazula heck even a ton of the pronunciation isn't that far off.
@avazula Ja!
@Loong Oops. Entschuldigung. Ich habe Deutsch gelernt für etwas 10 Jahre, aber habe ich fast alles vergessen :p
@Rainbacon Oooh, curious, what did that entail?
It's really a bummer that I can't practice German anymore. I love that language. But no one speaks German near me. I just keep reading Deustche Welle articles from time to time so that I don't forget all of the words I can still remember.
@Rainbacon You were ... in the UK, right?
@AGirlHasNoName Hence the joke about the credit card...he looked pretty ridiculous waving his stack of money around, and I knew that stereotype (he truly lived up to it). No better way to get back than have something 'better' :P
@avazula I can count to three! Uno, dos, tres!
@Tinkeringbell It was mostly related to alcohol. Like, they told us the etiquette for getting drinks in pubs, warned us that pints are larger there than in the US, and mentioned that under no circumstances should we order the drink known as an 'Irish car bomb' (we also shouldn't order the components separately because they will know what we are doing and not be particularly thrilled)
@avazula Yep
I studied German when I was younger but I didn't get very far. It is a beautiful language. I can almost understand what you all are saying. If I ever get the chance I want to learn it.
@Rainbacon Never heard of the drink, but the name sounds like it wouldn't be appreciated in the UK
@Rainbacon Wikipedia says it has other names, and it seems okay to order it using those... But yeah, I see how that may be problematic!
@Tinkeringbell Quatro, cinquo, seis? :p
@avazula Probably, that sounds logical ;)
@Tinkeringbell For me it is kinda sad. Actually, it's very sad. Even though I know what it is I have also internalized it. It is one of the deepest roots of the problem with our country.
@JAD It's a shot of bailey's dropped into a half ping of guiness, but it's a rather offensive reference in the UK, and especially in northern ireland
@AGirlHasNoName Yeah, measuring worth by wealth.... not so good. :/ I prefer 'dignity' ;)
Yo tengo ... veintitrés de años? Something like that :p
@Tinkeringbell I would prefer that too
@Rainbacon heh, with everything that happened at the beginning of the 20th century with the IRA I guess ...
@avazula Yep, that's what the reference is
yes it is a rather insensitive reference
Did the question you're talking about disappear?
Hmm? The drink talk is just random chat, not question related ;)
The body shaming question @AlexRobinson mentioned
@avazula beginning of the 20th century? The troubles were 1960s-1990s iirc
@Belle interpersonal.stackexchange.com/q/23635/1599 < Nope, though it has a delete vote already ...
@JAD I'm no history expert but I think the tension started before that
@avazula gotcha. I'd figure that "car bomb" would refer to the troubles instead
Although I read now that the war of independence also was guerilla-like
The whole Ireland situation is a mess. I know quite a few IRA-sympathizers, although most don't agree with their methods. Heck, one of my friends is named Saoirse.
It's just too much to ask for everyone to get along isn't it?
I don't think as an outsider there's much I can say about that
But it sounds like too simple a view
@Belle To ask? No... but for those people to answer yes? probably :P
Q: How to participate in group conversations as an outsider?

RainbaconBackground I moved about 1000 miles from home after graduating college, and most of my friends are scattered all over the US. I'm not an extremely social person, so I didn't make many new friends after I moved. My wife, along with many of her friends, studied theater and subsequently moved to Ne...

Nice question @Rain
@avazula Thanks! I just wish I didn't have to spend 5 hours feeling awkward and excluded in my own home in order to find it.
@Rainbacon :(
We should have a TAS Thanksgiving next year haha
@AGirlHasNoName have you tried Duolingo? I've been using that for a few languages - it's been pretty good for basics and vocab (IMO, YMMV, etc., bbq)
@EmC *glances at rusty grill*
@EmC I haven't but I was considering it down the road.
@Rainbacon that is relatable :(
That being said ... I've surely mentioned this before, but I consider planning a vacation to the US next summer ... and I was wondering whether some of you friends across the pond would agree to meet?
@user58 get a grill cover! :P
@avazula That could be fun!
@avazula ooh that'd be awesome!!
@scohe001 You're only allowed to come if you bring Finley
@avazula sure, an IPS meetup sounds fun :D
we can all be awkwardly silent in person
Hey as long as we have a pig-friendly venue, I'm game :p
Given you guys are all over the continent that promises to be fun haha
If we exclude Scohe we have somewhat of a conentration in the northeast :p
(If you've read my newest question you should know that I would never intentionally exclude Scohe)
yeah I don't think Im very far from a few of you.
(If you haven't read it, then you should go read it and upvote it)
@AGirlHasNoName Yeah, if I recall you are in Pennsylvania?
Yeah, that's not too far from NYC
... PA is a long state ;P
Well, that's true
yeah I think NYC is about 6-7 hours away
by car...
@AGirlHasNoName "not that far o_o" is this like by car or you need to fly?
I drove end-to-end a few times one summer.. right after I got my license.. semi trucks are scary and there was construction so it was not fun
I can get clear to the other side of the country in seven hours.
@avazula The US is huge and road trips are a thing here. I have gone on day long and even two-day long car trips since I was a small child.
@AGirlHasNoName darn. that's impressive.
@user58 Scohe can't even get across the state in that amount of time
I think the longest car drive you can make in my country is about 12hours
we're talking about the opp side of the earth here..
@AGirlHasNoName we did several week road trips when I lived in the US
@Rainbacon lol I was about to say...we've been making 5hr (each way) trips almost once a month to see family since we moved out here. 6-7hrs isn't bad at all
@user58 Do you mean a week on the road or a trip to somewhere that you stay for a week and then go back?
I live 12 hrs by train + 4hrs by bus away from my home.. So yeah, it can get longer than that.
6-7 hour not far away? In 6-7 hours I can drive through 5 countries
I always wanted to do the road trip thing
My brother went to college with a guy from Texas. He used to do the drive to their school in Indiana in 2 days. Day 1 was getting out of Texas, day 2 was everything else
@AGirlHasNoName A week traveling around, staying a different place every night
@user58 yeah that sounds fun
@Rainbacon Texas sigh
I used to go buy cheese and wine in France, which is 2 countries over, which was an hour drive.
@Belle that's a city
two cities actually
For those who wonder how Americans can seem so isolated. This is why
@Belle I can travel for an hour and not be out of my city
I have been to several parts of my country but have never left it
America is more like 50 countries.
Driving to southern Florida was a two day thing we did every Summer as a kid to visit my Grandma
I have a roommate, for now.
There's a queue now, otherwise I'd be around an hour, but here's the route from my town of birth in Netherlands, through Belgium, to a shopping center I like in France link
It doesn't like the link
@Belle use code.. we'd copy paste
put the link in a [link format](URL)
@Belle if you click the share icon on google maps it gives you a shorter link
@user58 Yeah, that's about right. Most of the states are similar in size (geographic area) to countries elsewhere
.. or what @user58 said :P
To put it in perspective, the largest state in the US is roughly the same size as Iran, and the smallest state is roughly the same size as French Polynesia
Anybody knows how to sneak out of the room while the pup (with very sensitive ears) sleeps, to get some eggs and take clothes out of the washing machine ?
I always throw a toy to the other side of the room to distract the kitten when I need to leave the room. I suspect pups aren't so different.
The state I'm from is roughly the same size as Hungary, the state where I currently live is similar in size to Nepal, and scohe's state is on par with Venezuela
@Rainbacon you're from the US ?
@Belle she cries when alone..
@ankii Aw :(
@IPSCommentBot tp pewpew pew pewpewpew
Marked this comment as caught correctly (tp). Currently marked 1tps/0fps. beep boop My human overlords won't let me flag that, so you'll have to do it yourself.
Invalid number of arguments for 't' command.
Oh that's interesting
@ankii Yep
So I took her out at last, met some people, one dog and came back all safe.
1 hour later…
Q: Should I include my deceased friend's name (and possibly picture) in a charity posting?

CharlesNext year I'll be running in the NYC marathon via charity fundraising. The cause that I'm raising money for relates to veterans who seek higher education after exiting the armed forces. I chose this charity because earlier this year a friend who was also a veteran and nontraditional student in un...

@AGirlHasNoName :D :D ... also I guess that site doesn't pay attention to layer opacity, adding that to my edits to make :P
@EmC If I do random then the background flag changes randomly. But I don't know how to change it manually. There is now brush selection. Am I missing something?
yes. Clearly I was
oh that's a good point actually.. the flags don't need to be grouped like that, that's just how I had the layers set up for drawing
(for people wondering, I made this: meiker.io/play/11167/game.html - already have a list of things to fix xD)
1 hour later…
Q: Why was this question deleted?

Lux ClaridgeThere was a question that just got deleted (~7:20 PM GMT, 2:20 PM EST) regarding a marathon runner and their using a friend's image/name for the charity that they're running for. The question involved the friend, a veteran, committing suicide. As I was viewing it in the review queue, the website...

A: Sandbox for Proposed Questions

Lux ClaridgeHow to respond to news of distant relative's poor health familytextingphysical-health My girlfriend has a strained relationship with her mom which limits her relationships with relatives on that side of her family. My girlfriend was invited to Thanksgiving with those relatives by her grandmot...

Thanks for the answer @EmC! It looks very nice.
@Rainbacon thanks! I hope it's helpful and not too much repeating things you already knew :p
2 hours later…
hallo there people :D
so cloudflare DNS is kinda broken rn :(
my image here only showing the alt text
most of the stuff is working tho
23 messages moved to Trash
woo, snow emergency

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