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@chumpbot So i gave a reply to this but im not too sure of myself
queer is an umbrella term right? so you could be any type of queer, including visibly queer and it does not imply anything about any other queer person
2 hours later…
Is there a way to see deleted comments? I saw a comment on one of my answers that I wanted to incorporate, but it appears to have been deleted since I saw it
@Tesset was it about your answer to do with shopping?
this is the meta on how it works if you interested :) meta.stackexchange.com/questions/36303/…
its just for the question
my bad
Yeah, looks like, but it looks like if there's an equivalent of that for answers, that's what I'm looking for? How did you get to that?
by reading the meta post
edit the url, use the question number, then swap out "questions" for "posts" and add a "/timeline" at the end
no idea if there is answer equivalent
Aha, yes there is. Works the same way, I just needed to figure out which was the ID

It won't have the deleted comment
@Tesset Do you remember the gist of the comment? I might be able to help you recall what it said.
ah damn, got so close
It talked about a way in which the commenter was made more comfortable when being approached by an employee in a store, is what I remember
was it this? - "Hire visibly queer workers." I'm not a fan of this language. To me it implies queerness is something that's always visible and that I can somehow act queer. Instead I would advocate opting for things like pronouns on employee name tags, asking customers for their pronoun, hanging up pride flags, etc. — jcmack 1 min ago
specifically the last part
decent ideas
kind of
No, it wasn't that one
As a closet trans please don't ask my pronouns
Any answer I give is uncomfortable
most people would probably be uncomfortable anyway, the only part of the comment i didnt like was the start... dont think its true at all
asking pronouns might not be best, but since theyre at least trying i think its okay
I wholeheartedly disagree
fair enough
i thought of another idea to find the comment
whats the bot spam channel?
maybe its hidden in there
It's definitely complex, and the value that different trans people get out of being asked their pronouns is definitely different - closeted vs. non-binary vs. binary will all feel different about it to different extents. But it's definitely really uncomfy when it's a stranger in a situation where it's clearly out of place, very "you look weird" sort of vibe
@Tesset Yes that makes it extra no go to me.
@Jesse They just send it to Trash. You can check there...
just looked, nothing sent there
Dang, okay. Sounds like they aren't archived anywhere, then. Good to know for next time
@Tesset @NickiCaravella not a full answer, just an addition from a person that hates being accosted by sales associates asking me how I'm doing and how they can help: you can try just introducing yourself nicely and saying you'll be around in case your customer needs help. ("Hi, I'm Nicki. If there is anything I can help you with, I'll be by the counter") — Juliana Karasawa Souza 2 mins ago
Is that it?
Yes! That was it
Thank you
@Tesset Glad to help. btw, that was a great answer. Welcome to the site!
2/2 The advice I'd give to you honestly, is to live your own life. Don't live for your parents. They will screw you over, treat you like trash, then turn around and pretend they didn't do any of it. It has been over a decade since then now (I'm 30 now) and I've never regretted telling them to get fucked. They did come back around and I see them 1-2x a year now. — notmySOaccount 1 min ago
#23579 notmySOaccount (709 rep) | Q: How do I persuade my parent to let me choose my own career? (score: 1) | posted 46 hours ago by user27273 (19 rep) | edited 35 hours ago by Em C (12187 rep) | Toxicity 0.0 | tps/fps: 0/0
Matched regex(es) ["possible-aic"]
I'm not Asian but I come from a traditional Midwestern (US) family. My parents are the same way. They want to decide everything about my life. Despite being American citizens, they do not believe in key principles of our nation such as equal opportunity. For instance, they encouraged my brother to attend college, but they stopped me from attending college, told me that women don't belong in computer science (which is what I wanted to study) and told me I would be disowned if I studied CS anyway. Now, they lie. They say I made all that up and they've always believed in equal opportunity. 1/2 — notmySOaccount 2 mins ago
#23579 notmySOaccount (709 rep) | Q: How do I persuade my parent to let me choose my own career? (score: 1) | posted 46 hours ago by user27273 (19 rep) | edited 35 hours ago by Em C (12187 rep) | Toxicity 0.0 | tps/fps: 0/0
Matched regex(es) ["possible-aic"]
@chumpbot rude
Registered as rude and flaggable (tp). beep boop My human overlords won't let me flag that, so you'll have to do it yourself.
1 hour later…
Q: How to deal with friend who is about 1-2 hours late to everything

notmySOaccountI have a friend who is literally one or two hours late whenever we meet up. Thus, we don't go to anything with a set time/scheduling because she will miss the entire event. We usually just meet at a coffee shop to catch up. She comes 1-2 hours late. I usually just bring my laptop so I can work/br...

3 hours later…
Morning o/
@CaldeiraG Morning! :)
@ExtrovertedMainMan OP is suspended :\
@CaldeiraG yup
I had jackfruit stew for the first time yesterday. It was weird, but tasty, but weird. But tasty.
@Belle Still weird but tasty :p
I'm alone all week, as Mr Ava is away for work. It made me realize I haven't lived on my own like, ever. Before moving in with him I was always sharing a flat with roommates. That's a weird experience. But a nice one.
what does one have to do to get suspended exactly
@AlexRobinson Depends. There are several reasons. Rudeness to other users, consistent low quality contributions, sock puppet self-upvoting, trolling ...
they were a high ish rep user, one would've thought they'd know how to not get suspended
heh. Some people don't like the rules
i'm not a fan of a lot of rules
at best its just off topic, might be spam but i'm not clicking on the link to find out
@AlexRobinson it's gone
I found a really nice turkey recipe just in time for thanksgiving that I think some of you here will appreciate :)
Especially @Ælis
@Belle i've got a better recipe: not celebrating thanksgiving and therefore not needing a thanksgiving meal
user image
My loaf and loaf in training
@Belle so where does the oven come in?
@JAD You can roast other things in that, like a pie or make a stew
@Belle <3
@Belle no thanksgiving in Portugal so i'm alright :p
@Belle Oh, that's nice! I'm sure @ava would like this recipe too :D
@avazula I hope you enjoy your alone time. It's always weird and lonely at first, but then it usually turns out to be pretty awesome (at least, that's my experience :p )
@Tinkeringbell Alright! I was waiting for a flag from CHQ. And then poof!
@Tinkeringbell Talking about the spam. I reported it first and then came back to flag, but it was gone already. ;)
Oh, yeah...
:52711717 I must be blind, I didn't realize it was spam when I read it ^^
@Ælis This knowledge comes from practicing spam-flagging. ;P
@EmC @ava ^^
@AJ cats! Yaaay
2 hours later…
Lol I don't think I've seen a single "tp" since the attack of the pewpew's
@scohe001 Is that going to be the next installment in the Star Wars franchise?
@scohe001 Don't laugh, it was the first time that I tried "pewpew" :p
@scohe001 I bought a shirt to Mr Ava with a pewpew based on start wars design last year
Star Wars episode N + 1: Attack of the pewpews
(sorry, bad joke, all those "pew pew" made me thing about "piou piou" :p )
ah right, the French way of saying "chip chip" or "tweet" :p
So, I was listening to a podcast this morning, and I found out that the US government has something like 100 billion lines of COBOL code still running. No wonder all of our social services are borderline unusable
But also if I become a COBOL programmer I can have a job for life
Also, @Ava, I love this question
@Rainbacon heh, it was more of a PSA, but I'd be curious to see how the community would handle such answers
I'm now imagining a whole bunch of birds making star wars gun sounds
@avazula Well, I saw one such answer on our latest HNQ get deleted yesterday
Hmm, my build is breaking for reasons unrelated to my code, but none of the devops team is in the office yet to help me :/
@Rainbacon wanna try me?
maybe I can help
Well, it's telling me that a table doesn't exist. But I'm pretty sure the table does exist because everyone else's builds are passing
do you all share the same table?
You wouldn't happen to have read access to our database would you?
is there any permission needed to access said table?
like iamRoles or something
Not any kind of permission that my build wouldn't have whereas someone else's would
I am very disappointed with stack exchange. IMO, really all the COC should say is, something along the lines of, Be Nice, Don't be an Ass, and Don't aim to Harm
It's a build for a PR into the master branch that gets triggered automatically when you create or update a PR
@Rainbacon is it with GitLab?
Secondarily, I have a friend who I won't be able to see after xmas break because my schedule changes and I won't have any classes with them.
GitLab service has been terrible lately
No, it's Github enterprise
It's causing roughly 500 tests to fail
@Ælis Los pollitos dicen piou piou piou
Weirdly they are all tests for the customer service portal
@FreezePhoenix There's a really good Mexican restaurant I go to called Los Pollitos
Means "The little chickens" or an endeared chicken, or a chick, or an endeared chick. Attaching "ito" to the end of a noun makes it endeared or smaller or both
@Rainbacon is your problem specific for your branch?
Rainbacon it has been a long time since I've seen you
@JAD Maybe? I'm the only person who is seeing the problem, but none of the tests that are breaking have anything to do with the code changes I've made. Also, the missing table is not one that I created
@FreezePhoenix I'm here pretty much every day M-F, occasionally around on the weekends
@Rainbacon can you queue a build on an earlier commit in the branch? To see if the issue is in the changes or not?
^ +1
@Rainbacon Haven't been here for a year.
@JAD Not without pushing an earlier commit to my branch. I think I'm just going to have to wait for a devops engineer to come online
They're all in the same timezone as me, so they should get in soon (unless they've taken off for the holidays, but I doubt the whole team has)
@FreezePhoenix Welcome back
@Rainbacon a new branch?
Thanks ^^" Although I don't think I'll be staying long. I am very unhappy with how events have gone while I was gone.
@JAD That could maybe work
@FreezePhoenix I think I know what events you're referring to and if you don't mind, we'd rather not discuss again about it in here. It made some people uncomfortable so we decided to keep it off the chatroom.
thanks :)
Aha! I've found how it is related to my code. I changed a helper method that is called ~8 layers deep in the tests from another part of the code base (hint: monoliths are bad). But now I have to figure out why it says the table doesn't exist because my tests for the helper method don't have that error
Thank you all for being my rubber ducks
quack quack
How are you today?
Hello Girl! :D
@EmC I like your way of saying please, go away :p
@FreezePhoenix What does that mean for mosquito's? There's mosqo's too?
@Ælis Hey!
@AGirlHasNoName I'm better than I used to. I think my new medication against depression is more effective than the last one. Things aren't perfect yet, but I like how full of energy I often feel :D
And you, how are you?
@Ælis That's great news. I hope it continues to get better. I've never been on medication but my wife has and I've seen how it can be when it isn't quite right.
I am doing pretty good. Things have been up and down for me for a while now and they still are but none of the lows have been too low if you know what I mean.
@AGirlHasNoName I'm surprised that you have never been on medication. I was under the impression that all trans people needed them at some point in their life ^^ But I guess it's good that you never felt badly enough that you needed to have some (if, indeed, that is the reason that you never had some?)
I've been wondering about that... I feel like I've slowly been crawling out of a very dark place over the last few months. A place I've been in for years. I remembered my mum discouraging me from seeking professional help because I 'can't be depressed', because 'nothing really bad ever happened to me'. I guess her premise was flawed. I'm a lot better than a few months ago now. I wonder if it's still worth seeking help now I'm recovering on my own?
@Belle Well, "nothing really bad ever happened to me" too but I was still very depressed and have been near killing myself more than a few times. So, "nothing really bad" isn't a good reason to not go seek help. Also, IMO, it's always worth seeking help, even if you are already getting better. If, after a few session, you realize that it's not helping, you can always stop
@Belle If that reassures you, I'm seeing a therapist even though I'm healed of all past trauma. I do this to learn how to better live as an autistic person in an NT world. It helps :)
@Ælis It's not that I have never needed them. It's that I have never sought treatment. I have had some pretty major mental health issues go untreated in the past, including anxiety and depression.
@Belle Yes it is worth it. Sometimes the way we heal ourselves gets us through the day, but it doesn't mean that we are completely whole.
And it is precisely that kind of mentality, plus the stigma that there is a moral failing and/or a weakness if you need it that has prevented me from seeking help in the past.
@AGirlHasNoName I was afraid this was the reason you never had treatment. I know how hard it can be to seek help. In the past, I waited up to three years before finally seeking help. I hope you will be able to ask for help in the future if you ever need to
I may try to get back to my old therapist. She is specialized in ASD. I haven't been there in at least 10 years though.
@Ælis I have finally broken the initial barrier, so hopefully seeking help in the future is easier. I hope it gets easier for you too.
@AGirlHasNoName I'm glad to hear. And I do believe it will get easier for me too, thank you :)
The first step for me that helped me recover was accepting that I was damaged. That was a very difficult step, because I believed no single thing ever happened to me that justified being so damaged, so I could not be damaged. And while it was true that it was no single thing, it was numerous little things and they do justify the damage.
@Belle Remember you can always change therapist if one isn't good for you. Also, my current therapist doesn't know much about ASD but she is still able to help me, so you don't need to restrict yourself to the specialized one
@Belle "while it was true that it was no single thing, it was numerous little things and they do justify the damage." +1 for that. It was partially the case for me too
yeah I had a hard time seeking help until the thing I needed help with was "big enough"
fortunately being trans qualified for that for me.
@Belle Also, I don't consider being bullied to be such a small thing. Being bullied, even if it's just by "small" words, can mess up your mental health very badly
As I read what I wrote I feel like I am still perpetuating the idea that the small things don't matter and I don't like that. I will need to work on that.
I saw this video not too long ago, I think it's very relevant: youtube.com/watch?v=q88TFQ9PrP0 (I don't like the format, but it gets the point across)
Q: How to handle someone making a scene in public?

SCFiSo I've run into this now and then when there might be a disagreement with girlfriend or ex to political issues with some friends where the other person flares up in a public or just crowded place and begins yelling and screaming. At times it can even be non-nonsensical but it seems, to me, that ...

@Ælis hahah. thanks :P the comments kept happening and ... well. if someone takes me up on it and asks Law and they say "yep, that's definitely clearly illegal" (which I highly doubt) then I'd say we have to take it out. but until then.. not so much
@AJ accurate - we just got a camera for in the house, and I check it during the day to watch my kitty...
@EmC I was about to poke y'all about that answer getting too many of those comments when I saw yours
PSA: If you are using vim (or any vim emulator) make sure that your caps lock is off or you get really strange behavior
Having caps lock on causes strange behavior in general.
Like yelling at strangers when you should be having a reasonable discussion.
That's fair, but as it turns out, caps lock in vim causes you to delete lines instead of moving your cursor
@El'endiaStarman hahaha
@Rainbacon Oh man, I can see how that would be super confusing yeah.
@Rainbacon how did it go with your db issue?
Oh dear, I made everyone mad
@avazula It's still ongoing, and now one of my team members is having the same issue
I also received a facepalm emoji as a response from the devops team
@Rainbacon oh :(
@Rainbacon hey! that's not nice :(
maybe you should respond with an emoji combo of grinding teeth and pointy fingers (jk)
Ooh, I do love a good passive-aggressive emoji battle
@Rainbacon lol I think every vim user learns this the hard way eventually. Capital J pulls lines together and then when you go to undo, capital U doesn't do a regular undo anymore. Always freaks the crap out of me
What does capital Q do?
@scohe001 Yep, I ended up having to close my file without saving and then redo the changes I was working on
@El'endiaStarman I see "entering Ex mode" I have no idea what that is O_O
So how does one quit while caps lock is on??
Oh you mean capital Q as a command. I thought you just meant while you're in visual mode. Idk what it'd do as a command
But I'd guess the secret is to hit that button with the glowing light that says "Caps Lock" and then try entering :q
@scohe001 According to the vi and vim SE vi was a visual mode built on top of a command line tool called ex. Ex mode just turns vi/vim back into ex
Huh. TIL indeed
Hmm that sounds like a psychology question lol
not gonna embed? alright lol
Sometimes the feeds are slow. I'm sure it'll show up eventually
@Belle I'm not a member of pets.se, but I would assume that question is off topic there
@Belle They're cute, no wonder they became stars on the Internet
Dogs = best friends of hoomans; cats = best friends of online hoomans :p
@Rainbacon I believe so too
posted on November 27, 2019 by Snack_Food_Termite

New poster. Everything that I will describe happened for real about 10 years ago. If your reaction is "no person would behave like this" then you know how I felt at the time. As an introverted person I wasn't getting out of the house very often. I decided to join a public speaking society. I don't want to say which group it was; it has many hard working people who

@ExtrovertedMainMan There you go
@ExtrovertedMainMan I'm trying to write a comment to explain how to improve that question, but it's not easy
definitely sounds like there's an on-topic question in there, but it's kind of a wall of text right now :/
Yeah, I've just left a comment
I think this is going to take several rounds of edits to get it properly scoped
@ExtrovertedMainMan oneboxing changed?
weird.. might just be a hiccup? usually it only looks like that if the question was deleted
there's a lot of fluff i wanna remove but it still won't make it a less broad quesiton
1 hour later…
happens when the chat system doesn't process the feed item as a SE post so it gets the default onebox for like blog posts
@AGirlHasNoName I just found this article, I thought you might like it: I’m trans, but that doesn’t mean I want to “pass” as a woman
@Ælis Good article. That is something I struggle with. I want to embrace who I am but it is hard for me. I hope I gain that level of self-confidence at some point.
@AGirlHasNoName Other people's judgment always makes it harder. When I'm alone at home, I love my body. But if I need to go outside, then I become a shame of myself and the way I look
@Ælis I'm sorry to hear that. I hope you can become comfortable with who you are too. I know how it feels.
@AGirlHasNoName I think it's getting better with time. It's just frustrating to see how long it takes for me to be comfortable around other people eyes'
Q: Doubt on whether to move into a relationship

user586228I am a 24 year old Indian male.There was a girl(22) who was staring at me in one of our common friend's party.I looked back at her when she was staring at me for very long.Finally she kept on looking at me when she realized that I caught her.I knew that she was one of my fathers friend's daughter...

Finally got that pesky db problem solved. Turns out it was a misconfiguration
Hey @ava can I have access to the gallery Trash please? (The one with the description saying to ask for access if you're an RO.) The irony being that I added that in there... :P
@user58 try again
14 messages moved to Trash
@Loong Thanks!
@user58 sorry, I wasn't around at that time...
oof, I'm 10th in line for the beta build. Guess my stuff isn't getting done until monday
@Rainbacon ... early holiday for you? :p
Well I was planning to leave at 4:30
By the way, happy thanksgiving to all of our American friends!
:) I won't be doing anything particularly special tomorrow (we're doing kind of a joint Thanksgiving + Christmas visit next week with MIL instead) - but I will be making cranberry sauce and sweet potato casserole, because they are delicious
I thought the tradition for cranberry sauce was the wobbly stuff in the can
oh yeah, that's what my family always did! SO knows how to make it from scratch though and it's kind of fun
by "fun" I mean you stir the cranberries for a while and think "is this really working" and then suddenly, jelly
@JourneymanGeek I read last week that the wobbly canned cranberry sauce is the most hated thanksgiving food
@EmC cooking is magic 🤣
We're hosting some friends and Mrs Bacon told me she'll probably be cooking until midnight tonight
@Rainbacon :'(
@Rainbacon dang. good luck to her!!
I offered to help, but apparently I'm a liability in the kitchen
hahah. you can still wash dishes though, right? :p
I suppose that I can
Although I can't wash dishes while she's cooking because our kitchen is too small
ah that's annoying. ours too, it's really narrow
Standing in front of the sink to wash dishes means that I block the oven
Sounds like it's about the size of ours (@ElizB) then.
We're fairly low on counter space too
I miss my last apartment's kitchen.. probably twice the counter space, even had a little island/bar thing
@El'endiaStarman yup sounds like it
It's crazy because we have a fairly large apartment for NYC, but still a small kitchen

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