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20 messages moved to Trash
how's your Saturday evening / Sunday morning going? :)
Eh, eh, could be better, could be worse.
You weren't a mod when I was last here.
that was very direct
hello Freeze
Please don't name me
Fair enough.
Hello Em
I tend to be very direct, I don't like beating the bush. I was just commenting on something I immediately noticed xd
yes, I was appointed er.. about a year and a half ago probably
Huh, then you must have been, and I just didn't notice.
I know. I have noticed your directness in the past. I wasn't trying to isult you for it. Just... commenting.
Being direct about my directness :)
exactly ;]
@AGirlHasNoName would you prefer I delete that?
heh, we interrupted the bot
@AGirlHasNoName If I'd have known, I wouldn't have said. Moving on anyhow.
@FreezePhoenix It's fine... I'm not mad.
I know ^^"
Was playing a game earlier, there was an item, with a one on 1.6 million drop chance...
I dropped 4 before I got to 1 million kills...
sounds lucky!
also, that's a lot of kills
You didn't let me finish, that's why it sounds lucky :c
oh sorry
I lost 3 of them attempting to upgrade them.
Yeah, I have a ranger, who can hit multiple targets, but it consumes a lot of mana
So I have 2 mages, constantly transferring mana to the ranger.
I currently have 1.3 million kills.
sounds more like grinding than playing a game
(I'm killing bees...)
@AGirlHasNoName The game is to grind.
I'm trying to grind for the item that is a 1 in 500M drop chance
So I can be one of the 3 people in the game who have it.
meh. not my kind of game
The game is also about teaching you how to code.
Unfortunately, it does not enforce best practices...
then not the best game for that either then.
Hence... I end up with 2.3 thousand lines of code >.<
with massive nesting
You saw it, how many indents is the most nest?
Hm... dunno.
There are also lots of var that should be let
So how's everyone doing?
(Sent a message to you in CPVH, @AGirlHasNoName)
making dinner right now - stuffed squash :)
Ooh, sounds yummy
ohh what type of squash and what type of stuffing?
Btw, it's not my type of game either, at least recently. That's why I'm reaching for the stars, tonight...
@AGirlHasNoName acorn squash, with sausage + apple + onion inside - similar to tasty.co/recipe/sausage-and-apple-stuffed-acorn-squash
Hmm I just realized I didn't get any squash blossoms this season. They are so fun to stuff and fry.
That's a bummer :c
oh wow, I had no idea you could eat those
However, the code does matter more than the gear. If your code is good enough, you can beat those with bad code, but better gear.
My goal is to surpass the dev in effective power in-game
Everyone tells me it's not gonna happen, but... I'll still try.
2 hours later…
Q: Is there an IPS Blog, could we get one?

MykazukiI don't think there is an IPS Blog. If there is please would you link it? I think that our site could get more traffic if we had a blog. We would have to define exactly its contents, but we could use it to discuss different things IPS. For example why some questions are put on hold and suggest...

1 hour later…
@Ash @AGirlHasNoName the movie was excellent. I highly recommend it
3 hours later…
14 messages moved to ­Trash
@AGirlHasNoName It's okay, don't worry. I also pinged you because I wanted to be sure that you would be okay with me bountying one of your answers. I completely understand that you wouldn't want more attention.
@EmC I don't believe that there is such a thing as being "oversensitive". If it hurts you, then it will very likely hurt others. And it is even more likely to hurt OP
This post is needlessly accusatory. While the lifestyle choices of the op are not the ones I'd have made, since both the op and their partner agreed to this, there is nothing to be critical of. This answer needs a complete redo to become a valid frame challenge, and needs to leave the judgement out. — LordHieros 47 secs ago
#23571 LordHieros (742 rep) | A: Partner temporary moving in, how to enforce it's temporary? (score: -2) | posted 4 hours ago by user26072 (1 rep) | Toxicity 0.0 | tps/fps: 0/0
Matched regex(es) ["chatty"]
Not an answer, but have you considered private lessons? — AsheraH 25 secs ago
#23575 AsheraH (379 rep) | Q: How to (politelly) tell a martial arts instructor that I am interested only in part of his curriculum? (score: 0) | posted 15 minutes ago by Bogo (131 rep) | Toxicity 0.0 | tps/fps: 0/0
Matched regex(es) ["possible-aic"]
Q: How to (politelly) tell a martial arts instructor that I am interested only in part of his curriculum?

BogoI am increasingly under the impression that martial arts classes are really tough places when it comes to practicing Interpersonal Skills. I have failed miserably once and already more or less given up on the whole class because I could not make them understand (or accept) my point. The experienc...

@AaronF that's not the same. Your satanist's example will be interpreted by any reasonable non-satanist as wishing ill things. A general polite "I'll keep you in my prayers" will not be viewed as "wishing bad things will happen to you" by any reasonable person, atheist or not. (If the OP was saying "Ha! God's powerful and he's going to heal you whether you want it or not!" then I would agree it was in bad taste, but that's not the situation). If you go to this territory I could also make up unrealistic situations where just literally saying "I hope you get well" will torment the coworker. — vsz 1 min ago
#23543 vsz (608 rep) | A: How can I offer my prayers to an atheist colleague facing a serious personal situation? (score: 53) | posted 39 hours ago by Tylerelyt (932 rep) | edited 37 hours ago by Tylerelyt (932 rep) | Toxicity 0.0 | tps/fps: 0/0
Matched regex(es) ["chatty"]
@vsz poor old satanists...they've really gained a bad reputation for themselves! :-D No, but seriously though, I agree with you that most atheists wouldn't be actually offended. Personally, though, there's a big difference between a close friend who's religious saying something about praying, than a religious acquaintance at work foisting their religion on me. I wouldn't be actually offended if I was the colleague, but I would think it was inappropriate of them, though, and would make sure to avoid them as much as possible in the future. — Aaron F 1 min ago
#23543 Aaron F (996 rep) | A: How can I offer my prayers to an atheist colleague facing a serious personal situation? (score: 53) | posted 39 hours ago by Tylerelyt (932 rep) | edited 38 hours ago by Tylerelyt (932 rep) | Toxicity 0.0 | tps/fps: 0/0
Matched regex(es) ["chatty"]
2 hours later…
blinks Is that gandalf I see
Hi ya'll and happy sunday ^^ just stopped by to drop a link for @Tinkeringbell - crochetverse.com/crochetverse-costume-gallery (see you later folks)
what was the age threshold for SE, once again ?
@Ælis Thanks for the consideration.
3 hours later…
@EmC and @Tinkeringbell You should probably take a look at this suggest edit
That's some obvious vandalism
How have you been? I got busy and we haven't talked much.
Better I think, but still tired. I definitively won't be moderating this HNQ question (and its low quality answers) any time soon ^^
But I had a great weekend with my sister, so that's nice :)
And you, how are you @AGirlHasNoName?
@Ælis ohh that's nice. It's important to recharge.
@Ælis Good. Getting away from MSE has been good for me. I am focusing on school more like I should which is good.
I also just started hormones so that is scary and exciting.
@AGirlHasNoName Agreed, even if this is more of "happiness recharger" than an "energy recharger". But I'm very glad I got to see this "Christmas Market", even if I don't feel my feets anymore now x)
@AGirlHasNoName Oh, nice, good for you!
Also, I'm wondering, did you choose yourself a female name or are you still in the process of finding one? (or maybe you don't want one?) (I'm asking because of your username ^^)
@Ælis I have been using [redacted]. I like it. Theres a decent chance it will stick.
I started using this username because I don't want to share my name here (SE). It is just my way of asserting anonymity. It is also a reference to Game of Thrones.
@AGirlHasNoName Yeah, I definitively understand not wanting to use your "life" name here. I did the same. But then I wanted to try a new name, used it in here and it turns out I want it as my life name now ^^
@Ælis yeah I started using this as an internet name years ago. Funny how it works like that.
@Ælis I'm glad you found something you like. I know how hard it is. I like it too. Is it at all common in your culture/language? Or is it unique to you?
@AGirlHasNoName IMO, internet usernames are a great way to test new names. I also choose myself a fake family name and now I like it better than my given one x) (but I can't change it and don't want to, but still)
@AGirlHasNoName Nah, it's definitively not a common one (I more or less made it up, but I know it's still concider a "real" name in some part of the word). Also, most of the non-binary people I know invented their own. There isn't that many "not invented" neutral name in French
Yes. The internet has been amazing for testing out a lot of things. I chose a fake family name too but I didn't like that as much. I'm only going to change my family name if they turn out to be super-awful (I haven't told them about me yet and I suspect they might)
Yeah, it's hard to find neutral names. Even in English although there are certainly more neutral names in English. My name was actually an attempt at being neutral, from when I was in a more questioning phase.
I think it is telling how feminine my neutral name actually is ^^
@AGirlHasNoName :/ Lots of courage to tell your family then <3 (I haven't told mine yet either, but if think it won't be that bad)
@AGirlHasNoName Well, I find my neutral name to be a bit too feminine to my taste, but I just don't like masculine name x)
@Ælis Thanks. You too. I am going to be forced to do it soon. Just haven't summoned the courage yet.
@AGirlHasNoName Also, it's nice that you have the possibility to change your family name. In France, it's almost impossible (avazula could tell you about that :/ )
Ohh that's sucky. I don't know the legalities of it here. I don't think it is easy.
But I think it can be done.
@AGirlHasNoName Well, it can be done in France too, but you have to be lucky (like a lot) and do a lot of paper work and also be really patiente (but it's all for nothing if you aren't lucky in the end and the judge says "no" to you)
@FreezePhoenix Hello :)
@AGirlHasNoName We'll always be here for you.
Thanks ^^
@Ælis Yeah I think there is a lot of red tape and paperwork and fees and other stuff but there is no judge at the end that can then just say no.
Today has been really tiring and I'm going to have to start back from square one for a project~
@AGirlHasNoName Well, that's still that then (even if the paperwork part is probably very painful to do)
yup. Hopefully I never need to find out tbh
I'm also looking at the status I set for myself a year ago, and going... "Gosh, was I stupid."
@AGirlHasNoName Yeah, I definitively hope that for you
I'm very bad at talking about such things as are being discussed here. I'll wait until the topic changes to something I can talk about...
@Tink I was wondering what you were talking about with OldPadawan, but then I saw it too x)
@FreezePhoenix lol that's not the case, you should drop in on weekdays. chat.stackexchange.com/rooms/info/61165/the-awkward-silence
Hello there people o/
Has anyone seen 13RY S03? Because I'm 11 minutes in the first episode and I don't understand crap, do I need to rewatch it or not?
@user58 On it ;)
(thumbs up)
...Drive 4?
@user58 HGTTG?
Whelp off to go see Frozen II
enjoy :)
Q: Does the post about “offering a prayer to an atheist” need a "controversial topic notice"?

OldPadawanI'm talking about this question and it's a very controversial topic. Would it be a good idea for a mod or CM to add the "controversial post" notice on top of the thread? My points are the two/three sides involved: yes, do it, tell them yes, do it, don't tell no, do or do not, but don't tell ...

@AGirlHasNoName Oh nice! Please, tell me how it is/was *-*
As a girl with an INTJ personality (not that I truly believe in the four-parameter categorization of the MBTI system), how can I find like-minded individuals who understand my occasional stand-offishness and intolerance for small talk despite a craving for a few kindred spirits to call friends? I have a history of childhood trauma behind me (remnants of it still hurt and limit me at times), but I'm hoping to move past that and stop letting that impact how I socialize. I'm a senior in high school
Sorry if my previous message was a bit long... :)
@ifitnonietzsche I don't think anyone here can give you the answer to be fair
There is no recipe for finding people with similar personalities
You just meet with people and see if you like that person
@CaldeiraG You're not wrong. But I suppose I'm a little too calculating and a little tired of essentially spending seventeen years having few people to trust.
Maybe some discords groups can help but if you're not into having friends over the Internet you're pretty much limited to go out, join groups with same hobbies, etc
@CaldeiraG Is it selfish of me to ask these questions? Should I be a little more helpful here? Thanks for your advice - I don't have a phone and don't have social media except Stack Exchange for literature, philosophy, mathematics, etc.
Except the childhood trauma, I think most of my closer friends fall into that category. I don't think it should be that uncommon there.
I guess, from my shallow observations, that they 'hunted' for a few friends, after examining people's behavior for a long time
@M.A.R. Thanks... it's simply that despite trying to be as helpful as possible people see me as cold and arrogant - though perhaps my greatest insecurities are my intelligence and my character.
I actually like the care, but I'm speaking for male youngsters of my own country
@ifitnonietzsche having few people that you trust it's fine, i maybe truly trust 1 or 2 friends in my life
I think I read somewhere that this is a rule, that the more friends you have, the less real they are
Other than it being obvious from a statistical point of view
@M.A.R. Ah. Gotcha. I'm American, and despite being a girl I tend to be described as acting like a guy (not trans here). :) And I agree with you on how real friends are... I simply need someone I trust enough to share my ideas - whether literary, philosophical or whatnot else
Crap, I can't gather my thoughts, and my nose is killing me
@CaldeiraG I agree with you - it feels as if the modern social world is more show than connection.
Menthol is pleasant to smell tho
@M.A.R. You ok?
@M.A.R. Bathe it in warm water?
That requires hot water. And more importantly, effort
@ifitnonietzsche I agree with that, connection used to be the real reason why IM's existed and eventually social networks
I think my chair is glued to my butt now.
Now it's used for advertising and show-off
@M.A.R. x)
That's the ultimate fate of everything on the internet
Advertising and show-offity, not the chair glue.
@CaldeiraG That's true... I chose not to have social media because I thought it would waste my time and create even more void in my life. At least if I'm alone I can find beauty in ideas and face little social pressure.
@M.A.R. You ok bro? Just ease off of it or maybe put a towel on the chair? XD
I don't get why friends should be of the similar personality, BTW
@ifitnonietzsche It's okay to ask questions here even without having answer anything, don't worry :)
@ifitnonietzsche Social media suck energy from you, it's designed that way so you keep scrolling through
Regardless of the fact that some personalities just don't match with themselves, it's too unrealistic IMO. Like-minded, yes, but friends are typically very different about expressing that which they're like-minded in.
I just ended a sentence with a preposition. I will take full responsibility.
@M.A.R. You're right... and haha about the ending a sentence with a preposition - that's one of my pet peeves too!
@Ælis Thank you... I'm just learning the ropes. New member.
@ifitnonietzsche Then welcome! And feel free to ask questions (about whatever) any time :)
How's the weather there? But don't expect me to answer, I'm just asking.
@M.A.R. Sometimes I try to befriend someone I think has a well-functioning mind but usually they exclude me or are only willing to speak to me when no one's watching. And when I greet the in front of others they become resentful.
@Ælis Thanks man.
This one operates the window curtain, this one opens the door, this one reveals my secret lair.
@ifitnonietzsche Not a man ;) (not a woman either, just a non-binary person ^^)
So usually I end up asking teachers to indulge my ideas and thought experiments... but I have to find excuses to talk to them.
Oh, the literature mod is aboard. Everyone to their life-saving boats!
@Ælis I call everyone "man". It's ok... you're a beautiful human. I thought I was non-binary; turns out I'm bi.
@M.A.R. Haha... and sail on a sea of run-ons.
I'm OK with being called everything. Except hippopotamus.
They suck. There I said it.
@ifitnonietzsche It's great that you were able to answer this question for yourself, it can be difficult living in doubts
@M.A.R. Oh come on! There's this beautiful Egyptian sculture of a hippo.
You can use Pronoun Assistant so you can use the preffered pronoums of everyone that has it installed :)
@Ælis That's true... but I've also accepted that I'm going to die alone. Too eccentric... I've been told that guys won't like me because I'm "intimidating" and girls won't either because I'm not socially accepted. I hate that people have to be divided like that.
i can see @Ælis pronoums are They/Them :)
@CaldeiraG Thanks for the tip!!!
I don't get why they even happen to be kid toys. They're not cute, they're worse than alligators, they're the proverbial drunk grumpy man in an undershirt
It's a userscript
so you need either Tampermonkey/Greasemonkey, etc
@M.A.R. Or they can inhabit the Met Museum of Art
Userscripts are so 2016.
@CaldeiraG wait, what are userscripts?
@M.A.R. Some are helpful
Sorry, I'm old-fashioned. Grew up reading and without TV.
@CaldeiraG but 2016
@ifitnonietzsche "A userscript (or user script) is a program, usually written in JavaScript, for modifying web pages to augment browsing" — Wikipedia
basically adding some CSS to pages
@CaldeiraG Here's an emdash: —
@CaldeiraG Thanks. Sorry for my ignorance; I'm taking my first Java class in school this year.
It makes your quote 350 % cooler.
@M.A.R. How about now? x)
@M.A.R. Ehhh coolness is very arbitrary.
is that a standard key?
@ifitnonietzsche :/ Well, if it can reassure you, I will probably "die alone" too, but that's because I don't fall in love and don't feel sexual attraction toward anyone. But I still have my family (which is great) and I hoping to be able to make friends IRL soon-ish (I, too, have a hard time figuring out where to find them)
@ifitnonietzsche As a non-programmer myself, this stuff is already too hard for me.
Or too easy, who can tell.
@ifitnonietzsche Only if you're doing it in Fahrenheit
@CaldeiraG chef kiss
@ifitnonietzsche No worries :) cool
@Ælis My funny story of trying to find people IRL: walks into Met museum with notebook in hand taking furious notes on my thoughts on certain pieces, clad in usual leather jacket and messy but straight Asian-gal hair
Java is a bit old-fashioned too though
@CaldeiraG Are you on Windows
@M.A.R. I like your humor...
It's fine
@M.A.R. Yes I am
Alt + 151
@CaldeiraG :) You seem like a brilliant person.
I like my humor too
ah crap
@ifitnonietzsche Hey don't spoil him
@M.A.R. Yup. And I like my own sarcasm
alt 151 is a different character here
@CaldeiraG What's wrong?
let me check now
I like your shoes.
@CaldeiraG Whoops, sorry, alt +0151
@M.A.R. LOL not wearing shoes... :) Socks on the carpet with the heating on max feels great.
@ifitnonietzsche Thanks :D you too
Alt + 150 is endash. Alt + 153 is ™
@M.A.R. "very cool"— CaldeiraG
@CaldeiraG Oh haha
@CaldeiraG Achoo — Ernest Hemingway
@ifitnonietzsche Well, for me, I think I'll try joining a club (like a book-club, a board game club, a chorale) or something in order to "found more people" and maybe make friends
I have to go... no more procrastinating. Back to working on writing my analytical paper on Prokofiev (you see now why I have no friends). :) Be back soon!
@Ælis You're not wrong! :) Have a good one
At least it's not chemistry
In other news, I don't have to wake up at six tomorrow
Mondays are a blessing from the heaven here. Puts up anti-tomato shield
@ifitnonietzsche See you :)
@M.A.R. I can't blame you, I was feeling the same last Sunday. Too bad I don't anymore ^^
So I've been wondering. Is that "If it" or "I fight" or "I fit" or "iFit"?
Nietzsche is overrated anyway. Except his mustache
1 hour later…
Hey guys. Back on break. My username is a pun, Nietzsche and "niche"? Ehhh bad joke anyway. @M.A.R.

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