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long day today. gotta catch up...
If any of you like Lindsey Stirling, she did a virtual concert today and it's up now! youtube link to recorded concert oh and bonus! it's CAPTIONED!
@ElizB cannot agree more, longest day of the week.
yep. Lindsey makes mondays better though :D
@ElizB oo and she’s on Spotify too !
Cool :)
2 hours later…
Q: Using what a person wants or needs to do whatever with them

Joselin JocklingsonWhat do you think about people that can figure out, in whatever manner, what a person wants, needs, or depends on, or cause a dependency, or figure out what they can be easily taken away from them, entice the person into thinking they can provide it to them or offer and give it to them, and then ...

2 hours later…
Q: My bf is way too involved with his female employee

DianeI have been with my bf “ Tim “ for about a year . He hired a housekeeper “ Anna “ about 8 months ago. She and I got a long well at first. She is very pretty but I wasn’t bothered by that...at first. Tim decided to expand his business and needed a secretary and baby sitter in addition to keeping ...

1 hour later…
At least in Germany, some people suspect that the mix is different when multiple drinks are being drawn at the same time. — Alexander 1 min ago
#22763 Alexander (101 rep) | Q: What is Soda Fountain Etiquette? (score: 6) | posted 12 hours ago by scohe001 (12206 rep) | edited 11 hours ago by scohe001 (12206 rep) | Toxicity 0.11622292 | tps/fps: 0/0
Matched regex(es) ["experimental-aic(@scohe001)"]
Today is documentation and presentation day. Meaning that I will write stuff for human instead of writing stuff for computers. I'm already board ><
Wow, someone really didn't like me asking them for backup Oo
(so nice to be called a nazi so soon in the morning /s)
@Ælis Blegh. Deleted the answer, made sure the user won't be calling anyone a nazi this week again ;) And all that before I even had breakfast!
@Tinkeringbell Thanks @Tink, I really appreciate it :)
Now... getting dressed and getting breakfast :P Don't upset any more users! :P
Ahah, I'll do my best but I can't promise anything :p
Good :)
1 hour later…
Morning :)
I'm not in holidays anymore, but if I were, I'll probably choose a place like this:
@Ælis Ehh. I've just gone to a mountainous part of the world, I wasn't that impressed :P Too much walking uphill XD
If you go, make sure you bring all the necessary food and stuff, so you can just sit and do nothing :P
I spent a week at the mountain during the holiday. We went to the top with a car (and bring a lot of food), we also had a grocery store nearby (also at the top of the mountain) and so, when we did walking, we can just go from the top of a mountain to the top of the nearest one without too much of uphill walking :p
But the best part was all the blueberries we found and eat :p (we founded so much of them that we had one pie a day :D )
@Ælis Oh, that's so nice! I love eating wild berries. Somehow they're always sweeter than the ones you buy in the supermarket.
@Tinkeringbell True that! Also, wild blueberries and wild strawberries can't be found in supermarket (you just find the "regular" kind, but they aren't that much alike)
Yeah! Though the strawberries here are usually good and sweet :)
Now that I live in Paris, I find it much harder to find good strawberries, it's a bit sad :/ But they "regular" kind of blueberries are, most of the time, very nice (even if they have not much to do with the wild kind)
The only time I regularly eat lots of fruit is summer, when there's loads of strawberries :|. I don't like the storebought blueberries here, they're big and tasteless :/
It took me some time before I found blueberries that weren't tasteless, but I'm glad I finally did. They are (more or less) the only fruit I can eat without thinking about it (because you don't need to prepare them and they don't "juice" everywhere when you eat them)
I kinda like the same thing about seedless grapes. You can just spend 2/3 minutes picking them from the stem, then you have a bowl of grapes you can just mindlessly eat :)
True that but the seed in them annoy me a little (and I guess I just like there taste less)
seedless grapes with seeds?
Oh, I must be tired, I didn't see that these grapes were supposed to be seedless ^^'
@Ælis No worries ;) I don't like seeds in grapes for the same reasons :)
I'm not sure I ever taste seedless grapes, but that sounds nice indeed ^^
@Ælis Well, it tastes just like a grape without the seed. :P
3 hours later…
@ankiiiiiii I guess it's a bit of a consolation prize, for when you get accepts but not votes.
Ahhh, the fun I can wreak on a co-worker's computer when he steps away from his machine and leaves it unlocked...
@TheTinyMan Nicholas Cage background? With a bunch of Nicholas Cage icons on the desktop?
That'd be my go to lol
Well I've Hasselhoff'd him before, it's a lewd picture of David Hasselhoff covered in fluffy puppies
Then I Hasselhoff'd him on all three screens the next time he did it
today I wrote a batch script that Hasselhoffs him every 30 seconds
Lmao that's amazing
It was gonna be every 10 minutes but he walked in while I was testing it with a shorter delay xD
@Tinkeringbell But those are the nice crunchy parts!
Funny description :p
I took this from Skeptics.SE so it's normal there to have extended discussion on comments
@Mithrandir You maniac! :P
@TheTinyMan that's work environment, people leave laptops open in cafe!
feels bad
@Tinkeringbell how does the design/coding team prioritise feature-requests?
any idea?
@ankiiiiiii No clue, sorry!
hmm.. I thought the idea I proposed was good to solve some ping issues.
@ankiiiiiii I'm not gonna do that to some stranger in a cafe! :o
I am seeing this a lot recently(partly because I comment a lot) that people dont tag me but reply, which I get to know while revisiting my comments. Now I will start appending "ping my by @ankiiiiiii" to every comment
@TheTinyMan oh that's nice ;p
well people aren't that stranger, it's often regular students.
Students are plenty strange!
And I also don't put inappropriate pictures on someone's screen at work unless I'm confident they're okay with that. My first prank is usually "open Notepad window, type 'you got haxxed,'" if I don't know them well
@TheTinyMan han I get it, I wasn't implying that you do it or should do it
Though, I am a bit precautious, so that little prank would be troubling for me
Q: Rejecting volunteers

AprilI am involved with a local SF con, and I will be running the Info Desk, which has been defunct for a few years. (Volunteer Desk guy would try to handle questions while doing everything else he did, and Info Desk was just a place where programs and maps were stacked up for people to take them.) ...

@ExtrovertedMainMan interesting question, but it seems like there's a bit too much information there that doesn't need to be
@ankiiiiiii Gotcha :-)
4 hours later…
For everyone that cast a delete vote on this answer It's been edited to include some backup. You should go take another look at it
11 messages moved to ­Trash
@scohe001 it has a ton of info. would read it tomorrow.
what's SF con for starters
Con stands for "Convention." SF is Science-Fiction. So a convention for science-fiction lovers
Similar to Comic-Con I'd imagine (if you've heard of that)
@Rainbacon undeleted now ;)
Ooh, @Ælis my IPS rep is currently 6336
@Rainbacon Oh, that nice and a little bit devilish too :p
Uh oh. Don't tell my wife. She wouldn't like me being devilish
I would like to promise you that, but you know what they say about making a pact with the devil :p
Tweets her so she knows
@Mithrandir oh, you probably can find her on twitter
Took around 20 seconds.
That's what I get for following IPS people on social media. My mother always warned me to be careful on the internet

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