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@EmC we just need you to sign once every few days :P
@scohe001 you mean the hnq room? there's someone who has a bot for that.. I need to ping them and ask to put it in that room too..
Oof looks like I got autocorrected. Meant *sigh. I didn't realize a poke bot existed but I guess it makes sense. Just bot speak is enough to prevent a room from self destructing though?
Q: How to reply to small talk/ random fact in a non-offensive way?

turninglightsI've discovered that when I have a conversation with someone, I sometimes answer in a somehow offensive way. For example: Person: I just read that actor is born in town X. Me: So what? You're from town Y. I'm not answering in an annoyed tone more like a joking tone, but I can see, that the othe...

2 hours later…
Morning everyone!
Good morning!
ohai Nog
Hai @JAD
@scohe001 ahaha, we can see your mouse duck across the screen :P
Be careful judging how people spend their money, its a very sensitive issue because every transaction is, in theory, someone exchanging their cash, and everything that could purchase, for something that's more valuable to them. It's only a scam if their expectations for what they receive in the exchange are fraudulent. And if she's asking you for money, then she has already baked her expectation of you (and whoever else she asks) giving her money into the choices she's making. A shortage of money can really put priorities in perspective, the last dollar bill is worth far more than the first. — OrangeSherbet 11 secs ago
3 hours later…
@ExtrovertedMainMan ..been a while since I wrote an answer, hope I remembered everything...
@Mithrandir Already 4 answers here (including mine) and only 3 upvotes in total ^^
Well, I've flagged one of the answers there because it doesn't have any sort of backup, but I probably shouldn't comment on it as I've answered it.
I did the same ^^
But still, that's a lot of answers for a question this young
@IPSCommentBot tp
@Mithrandir Bot was rebooted between now and then, you can't tp it without a manscan first now
Q: Dealing with a narcissist who offers a lot of unsolicited advice to people out of his league

imperialgendarmeSome brief backstory: Maybe I'm the issue. So, I have a friend who has a severe god complex and has gotten into this habit of thinking everyone else as a fool and condescends in very discrete ways. I, unfortunately, don't know to be discrete. I need specific responses to some of these common ph...

I'm getting serious. And blame society.
Many friends have made life-altering decisions because they don't feel at home in the bodies born.
Too many made life-ending decisions.
I refuse both options. Those who chose surgery say, "never again."
Those who chose termination just can't say how that worked out.
But, really!? Society can be a mirror that makes us unwelcome in our own skins?
You're all so silent this morning. I read the entire transcript in like 2 bus stops
@Rainbacon It's Friday. I'm busy :P
Q: How to handle my perceived disrespect to Aunt?

OrtniToday I saw my aunt for the first time in months, possibly over a year. She was never around during my childhood, not a part of my or my siblings lives. We have never received a gift from her or were taken out by her etc. This is not a complaint as we’ve had a brilliant childhood, just giving bac...

I'm tired, I asked my boss if I could use the name "Ælis" name instead of my given name on my "official" work avatar (all employe have one, we choose a fictional character, someone draws it for use and then it's displayed on the wall), it all go well but it was very stressful and emotionally draining and, even though I have calmed down now, I feel like I have no energy left.
Too bad I still have 3h15min of work to do ^^
How are you people?
(the picture isn't from me, I just like to share beautiful/peaceful picture ^^)
Actually it is
Carry on
I'm tired of rain. It has rained every single day this week
@Rainbacon We will have a big heat wave next week, I wish I could have rain instead. Maybe we could do an exchange so both of us have a little of each? :p
That sounds fair
Though I don't want too much heat, I'd hate to be sweaty from my commute into work
Too much heat and you can't sleep. You don't have this problem with cold because you can always put more blanket on. I hope sleeping won't be too hard next week :/
Why are answer comments so much harder than question comments?
@Rainbacon Good question. My guess is that, when someone posts a question, they do not believe it's perfect and are open to criticism but, when someone post an answer, they do believe they are right which make commenting under their post more difficult (because you have to be more careful)
Also, someone who posts a question wants some help when someone who posts an answer isn't expecting one. It's (IMO) either to help someone who already hope for some
Hmm, that's a really good way to think about it
(*easier, not either)
20 messages moved to Trash
morning @Rainbacon!
Morning @avazula!
I could use a second opinion on this
I left a couple of comments, but I'm not sure if I should leave a third with a bit more advice on specifically how to improve the post
@Rainbacon I think you did great. You pointed out the lack of backup and what precisely is missing.
the only thing I find unclear is that your suggestions do not strike me as a necessity for the answer to remain
@avazula What do you mean?
Q: An Unwated Ride To A Birthday Party - How to Respond?

ZibbobzAfter returning from an Anniversary trip last week, my sister informed us of an upcoming birthday party being held for her daughter this coming weekend - the drive there is several hours away, so we would have most likely opted to take the train instead. Since we have had to content with both p...

I like this question already! I read the title and my first tough was "please, back up!"
Happy Friday!
@Tinkeringbell I'm writing an MSE post about the fact that I didn't get credit for a review in the first posts queue because someone else "completed" it first. Should I tag that as or ?
@Rainbacon bug or support I'd say
@Rainbacon I think it already has one..
Q: How to ask someone to elaborate their statements without arguing with them?

gaazkamIt has happened many times to me. Also, but not exclusively, on *.stackexchange sites. Someone makes a statement. Often, but not always, they do this as a response to a question I asked. What they say doesn't seem right to me! It is in conflict with what I think I know / it seems self-refuting ...

I'm a bit busy travelling now though. Drop in the tavern on meta, or wait a bit until I'm off this bus? :)
@ExtrovertedMainMan I want to write an answer but I also have to work. Plus, I don't want to answer if someone is already answering >< I guess I should work and come back later to see if there is an answer already. If not, then I would write my answer
@avazula Well, the user deleted their answer and then their account. Can't win them all I guess
@Mithrandir lol shhh I'm not good at gifs :p
@scohe001 Whoa, I didn't recognize you. This will take some getting used to.
@scohe001 It's a bit weird to see that you are mostly orange now and not yellow anymore ^^
Yeah, I thought there was a new user in chat :p
I didn't but I didn't knew who it was either ^^
now if only the name was displayed next to the profile picture :/
Haha the Yellow Square was just my chrysalis. I'm a butterfly now!
@JAD I can't be bothered to read something
@JAD It's much more quicker and easier to now have to read ^^
There is things to vote on in the review people (and comment to post for those "what should I do" questions) : interpersonal.stackexchange.com/q/22145/21067 interpersonal.stackexchange.com/q/22144/21067
Wow, we're getting a lot of new posts for a Friday
@Rainbacon I believe that it's because we are still on HNQ with our last question. It drags new users (or user that are not regular) and new users tend to ask questions (or it's just that "more people" = "more questions")
Nice meat question @scohe001
Lol that's a beautiful typo
But thank you :)
New avatar @scohe001?
@AJ yup! @Ava was kind enough to make me one<3
My Gravatar days are done
Cool! Wonder if she could make one for me. ;)
@Rainbacon i meant that you're putting your finger on what's the answer lacking of but the phrasing may not be understood as "these are nice edits you could make and you actually should because we won't be able to keep your answer if you don't". Some may get it, some others wouldn't.
@AJ of course I could... But it'd need some details in order to do so :p
@avazula lol thanks but what details?
@AJ well, the thing is I know what you look like IRL and it could be a bias for my drawing so, it'd be nice if you could tell me when you'd like to appear in that drawing :)
Rn i see a SE cap, some reference to movies and lame jokes, IT...
Its not much :p
@avazula Your choice. I know you will do the best. ;)
How not stressful this is haha
@avazula look at it this way, we're helping you build up a portfolio so that you can start charging
@avazula Is that illustrator reference, @avazula?
@Mithrandir behance.net
As someone who is often on the receiving end of a response like yours, I can tell you that your response is rude and that you're basically questioning your partner's right to talk about the topic in his statement. Especially his reaction ("he would stop talking or only reply in a resigned way") is exactly my reaction to this kind of response. — Niko1978 1 min ago
#22136 Niko1978 (101 rep) | Q: How to reply to small talk/random facts in a non-offensive way? (score: 2) | posted 11 hours ago by turninglights (11 rep) | edited 5 hours ago by Arwen Undómiel (2403 rep) | Toxicity 0.49630526 | tps/fps: 0/0
Matched regex(es) ["possible-aic"]
Q: HNQ 1 month anniversary - How are we doing?

scohe001As of yesterday, it's now been one month since we were brought back into the HNQ fold and we've had a couple questions make it on the list since then. The numbers make it clear that these have resulted in an influx of visitors, votes and questions: But what the numbers don't say is how we're h...

Oh hey!
@scohe001 What was the last HNQ question btw?
As in the most recent one?
Good afternoon :) munching on my rice with meat and veggies
@scohe001 no! The A one
@ankiiiiiii OH. You mean the last HNQ before we were removed. I believe we had a couple on the list at the time when we were taken off. But that was before they had the tools in place to track questions hitting the HNQ list, so it's all fuzzy data-wise. I wouldn't be able to tell you ¯_(ツ)_/¯
@ankiiiiiii I think I can find it, let me look
@scohe001 I am googling to find a conversion of ¯_(ツ)_/¯. Can you help :)
@ankiiiiiii A conversion? Like what it means??
in simple emoji terms
A shrug is a gesture performed by raising both shoulders, and is a representation of an individual either being indifferent about something or not knowing an answer to a question. A shrug is an emblem, meaning that it integrates the vocabulary of only certain cultures and may be used in place of words. It can also be used when simply ignoring a question. It may be accentuated with raised eyebrows, a turned-down mouth, an exaggerated frown, and raised palms. It is very common in Western culture—rather than saying "I don't know", one may simply perform a shrug. In the English-speaking world it may...
@ElizB Had a chicken biryani in dinner 😋
@ankiiiiiii This and this were on HNQ at the time of A
@Rainbacon Oh yeaaaa. I forgot that those should've been easy to find since they were the reason we were kicked off to begin with. Good find!
@scohe001 They weren't as easy to find as you'd think. I had to look through several MSE posts before I found one with a screenshot and then I had to search them by title on IPS
@Rainbacon Ha two of the most elite scenarios. As in difficulty to happen in real life but people can imagine them.
@Rainbacon So I starred it for future reference.
@ankiiiiiii two slashes because of markdown: ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ -> ¯_(ツ)_/¯ but ¯\\_(ツ)_/¯ -> ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
@IntrovertedMetaMan Too early scohe.
1 month? That's just like, 30 days.
@M.A.R.ಠ_ಠ gotcha how to type the tilted bracket?
@ankiiiiiii Wha, this? {}
@ankiiiiiii That's a Japanese character
Tsu, IIRC.
I realised that it is a separate character after copying it.
Related, if not a duplicate: japaneseemoticons.me
A site that enables us to communicate in hieroglyphs.
So, Scohe's newest bounty got me thinking that there should be silver and gold versions of the benefactor and altruist badges
I can agree with the general advice in the last part, i.e. if OP is okay with potentially being mildly annoyed (if that is the reason for her type of response), but wants to do her partner and their relationship a service, then yes steering towards a more enjoyable part of the topic / kind of discussion is a good option. — Frank Hopkins 58 secs ago
#22138 Frank Hopkins (563 rep) | A: How to reply to small talk/random facts in a non-offensive way? (score: 3) | posted 7 hours ago by Dave Sherohman (181 rep) | Toxicity 0.044911936 | tps/fps: 0/0
Matched regex(es) ["chatty"]
@Rainbacon Almost all new suggestions for badges are bound to be received poorly.
Hence why I put it here and not on MSE
That, well, it's probably been suggested before, has some 30 upvotes and is lying around somewhere without an official status tag.
@Rainbacon thing is, it doesn't matter how good your idea is, it'd probably receive some backlash because people just don't want any more badges
@M.A.R.ಠ_ಠ It is good to have numbers with those little round dots
we dont really check which badge we or someone else got
I do. Or did.
A Marshal badge is much different than a Fanatic badge.
Yes they are.
"we" -> "I " *
I'll get to editing my photos now..
I don't care about the number, I wanna see what the user is here for. Is it the shiny icons, or do they actually care about the site
Steward is weird. Probably meaningless on SO.
Or conveying the opposite meaning it would on smaller SEs.
that's mostly evident by looking at whether they got repo by a lot of (common) questions < a lot of answers < making edits or meta posts.
Nah not necessarily . . . wait, meta posts?
Umm network profile..
Anyway I got lost. What were we talking about in the first place?
@ankiiiiiii What about it?
@IPSCommentBot fp
Marked this comment as caught incorrectly (fp). Currently marked 0tps/1fps
that I see meta posts' rep on network profile.
Meta posts don't earn you rep, what do you mean?
I should have been 100k by now
wait what!
never been there, so okay . .sorry
Meta.SE's case is special
No one has any idea why it has the rep system in the first place anyway
@Rainbacon That still makes me sad.
People have an amazing power in finding fault in the most innocuous, most heroic things possible.
But I guess the way some leftists argue these progressive things doesn't help things in the slightest bit.
Let's find something fun.
Composing haikus / is easy. Just stop at the / seventeenth syllab — Anton Geraschenko Aug 19 '09 at 0:36
A: Additional Badge Ideas

John TopleyBadger—awarded when someone continually requests new badges on Meta.

1 hour later…
Yikes somebody at work posted this in our Slack channel. How not to be nice to your users:
@ankiiiiiii I'm sorry, I'm not sure I understand what you mean?
@avazula Think a movie character that makes lame jokes
Or maybe TV show character
To me most sitcoms are bland.
Hollywood just sucks at humor.
I barely watch any movie. My movie culture is terrible
I know a lot about music though!
Heh, go for Jay Z.
@avazula I watch a lot of movies. My movie culture is terrible.
@M.A.R.ಠ_ಠ I'd rather go for AJ haha
Oh shoot I switched G and J in my head and now my lame hole does not even rhyme
Why does this autocorrect won't spell JOKE correctly? Ugh
Maybe it's a French thing?
Maybe its time for me to go haha
Do you guys have humor over there?
@scohe001 I think so, you mean that thing we pour in our tea?
Humorism, or humoralism, was a system of medicine detailing the makeup and workings of the human body, adopted by Ancient Greek and Roman physicians and philosophers. == Origin == The concept of "humors" (i.e. chemical systems regulating human behaviour) became more prominent from the writing of medical theorist Alcmaeon of Croton (C. 540–500BC). His list of humours was longer than just four liquids and included fundamental elements described by Empedocles, such as water, air, earth, etc. Some authors suggest that the concept of "humours" may have origins in Ancient Egyptian medicine or...
Nope. Nothing French about it.
Lol something like that
Fun fact: I can't remember jokes. I forget them almost right away.
Well, you're not alone. I myself suck at making jokes.
Speaking of French, I'm trying to sell some stock I got from the French company I used to work for and every time I call to do it they always start out in French and make me switch to English. Makes me think of you guys, @Ava and @Ælis lol you're the only Frenchies I know
Pragmatic humor is the best.
So bonus for you TAS people, here comes the latest joke I've heard (which is why I can recall it): what's red and smells like blue paint?
@scohe001 lol are you trying to speak French with them?
Hmm, "red" written with a blue pen
@M.A.R.ಠ_ಠ nah
Red paint.
@avazula oh gosh no, I press 9 for English immediately lol I would just be like "Baguette. Baguette! Baguette." if I tried
Bonjour! Erm, fromage. Je suis patate.
Baguette's great.
@scohe001 A baguette besides Eiffel.
And cheese. And caves.
And protesting bees.
There's a lot more to France than food!
(And strikes)
May 29 at 6:05, by M.A.R. ಠ_ಠ
Note: France is probably the only country where yellow is threatening.
@avazula Oh, also those funny hats.
Right now we have this scandal about these cows that some scientists thought it'd be interesting to put windows on. Now they can see inside the cow's stomach. Everyone's going crazy about it rn
Don't cows have multiple stomachs?
Oh, and the fact that only 9% of donation promises for rebuilding Notre Dame were actually paid haha
Cow privacy violation?
@scohe001 I think it's just one that's really big and has four parts.
@scohe001 yes, but they put only one window per cow. Money ain't falling from trees
That's like saying Bugatti has 12 motors.
@avazula Hahahaha sounds like a bad place to run out of your budget
@avazula Good that its not India smh
Also, couldn't they find something more disgusting to watch? I can think of 80's exploitation films. Also, couldn't people find some real issues to be concerned about?
I'm surprised they gave the cows windows though. I'd think Linux would be lighter
Yeah that's a weird thing to do
@avazula Adobe illustrator or simply an illustrator. How did you color it after the initial sketch
@ankiiiiiii oh! I have markers. I color the old school way most of the time :)
and the gif?
That's from @scohe001
Ahh that was me messing with the hues of the jpg @Ava uploaded
I know Scohe was sad I didn't make that pig purple
LOL I hope our pig doesn't turn purple
I'm not a vet, but I'm pretty sure that wouldn't be a good sign
I'm not a zoologist but any purple animal wouldn't be a good sign
@ankiiiiiii I think some frogs are purple?
yes thought of the same, they are poisonous right?
Chameleon in front of a plate of grapes?
Okay it backfired but as I said I'm not a zoologist.
Lol close enough
From the artists of this room, can I have some feedback regarding any of these projects. First two are in adobe awards.
Wow, there's some talent there! Are you studying arts?
Thank you so much!
nope.. Engineering bachelors rn, might do design in masters.
Ooh I can always appreciate some good Rule of Thirds
@scohe001 Where did I miss it? or is it you being humble?
You may find better critiques over at the Photography chat room
@ankiiiiiii oh I'm saying a couple of your pictures are using the Rule of Thirds well :)
ah yes.. :)
@scohe001 Do I just go in and say please critique xd ?
I can use some help...
I've never been in there, but I'd start by asking if I could post links to some images for critiques and see whether or not they'd be alright with it :)
If any chatroom would be, it'd be theirs
Okay! cool
Q: I have only one friend, but they are really annoying and talk about really boring things, and are loud, what do I do?

Jacob KatecanoI have only one friend, but they are really annoying and talk about really boring things, and are loud, what do I do? How do I talk to them but so they won't say boring stuff to me?

@ExtrovertedMainMan That question is going to need a lot of help in order to be able to stay around. I'm getting things started, but we've got a social after work that I agreed to go to in half an hour, so I may not be able to follow up. If anyone else is looking for things to do, this question is a good place to start
@Rainbacon I'm gonna check this and make sure someone's available to answer if they have questions. Happy after work!
@avazula We're getting ice cream from big gay ice cream to celebrate pride month
@Rainbacon I'm not sure what this means but it seems delicious
Are they open all year long or only for pride month?
1 hour later…
@avazula All year. And their ice cream is really good
If I ever make it to NYC again they're on my list of places I wanna visit because their ice cream sounds awesome.
i've been there too
to NYC, or to that ice cream shop specifically? :)
only nyc, it was 30 years ago
i think
i mean, is the bronx in nyc?
It was an interesting city. I wasn't there very long, there's still a lot I'd like to explore.
i was 13 years old
maybe i should go back there now that i'm an adult
to be honest, i'm reluctant to go to america, because they have guns there
i know it's just paranoia
who would shoot me?
it's also expensive to go there
but i do have family there so i have a good reason to go

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