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GaMen :)
Morning! :D
@avazula I must have that cap
2 hours later…
1) Post a question on a not so active SE stack, 2) wait 30 minutes, 3) see that it has been view two time, 4) be sad :(
I think 2 views is auto. 1 is yourself I think and the 2nd is a bot, isn't it? :P
@Ælis Just relax. Even on inactive stacks you'll get your views eventually ;)
@dhein ><
@Tinkeringbell I hope so, I would really like to have an answer on this one. But "being patient" isn't one of my strong suits ^^'
@Ælis It's not one of mine either, but sometimes you have no choice ;)
I just noticed that a 1,5 year old question of mine just got a gold badge for 10.000 views, so :P
@Tinkeringbell Oh, that nice. I like when question/answer I forget about "randomly" gave me rep/badges (except when I'm waiting for another specific question/answer to give me that rep/badge)
@AJ HNQ doesn't count :P
(Though mine was in HNQ too, iirc)
@Tinkeringbell It wasn't in HNQ. :P
That was an unexpected Famous Question.
Sounds like a lot of people googled that, then ;)
I got that badge after 38 days of asking.
@Tinkeringbell yep
"leta lestrange afraid of"
When you search that phrase, my question will be the top result.
And this phrase was autocompleted by google itself.
It reminds me of that ELU question about covfefe
That question got half a million views
3 hours later…
/broke the silence and hide
Notice that there is no-one around and start weirdly dancing in the room
@Ælis I'm here, but I don't mind if you weirdly dance around the room
@Rainbacon Would you join me in my weird dancing?
Sure, but just for a little bit because I should probably do some work at some point :)
It's always nice to have some company, even if it's just for a short while. Also, good luke with your work :)
sees @Ælis dancing weirdly so joins her
@Ælis Look at that, you've started a dance party
Evening everyone!
Makes some weird bunny bump to celebrate a new dance partner joining in
@AJ Afternoon, alone one! :P
what's up?
Good morning
@AJ Not much, it's Monday and I'm impatiently waiting for Wednesday because it will be a day off (and I'm planning to do nothing \o/)
And you?
Same here
But I am expecting Thursday off.
@AJ So, will you have Thursday and Wednesday off, or just just Thursday?
Just Thursday.
So, I'm kind of jealous because your day off will be sooner than mine, but I'm not because mine will be in the middle of the week and not yours :p
Then how about this? After Friday, I will be having a long vacation till the end of the month. :P
@AJ Wow, an almost one month vacation! That sound really nice (oh dear, I really want to have more day off)
I don't get any days off this month :(
Or next
@Ælis It will be my vacation after 3 years.
maybe two years and four months.
@AJ That is making me sad for you :/
@Rainbacon Don't you, USA people, celebrate the 1st of May too?
I always get my leaves paid off at the end of the year.
@AJ I rather have less money and more free time. In fact, I want less money and more free time, but it's really hard to get. Nobody wants to hire a part-time (half-time) engineer :/
@Ælis I mean a long vacation. I don't take vacations longer than 3 or 4 days.
@Ælis That's a sad thing.
I want to do software development and teaching if part time job was possible.
@Ælis No, but I did realize that I forgot that we do have a holiday at the end of May
@AJ As long as you are able to rest enough, I guess short vacations are okay
Yep. :)
@AJ I would want to do so many things if I had a part-time... In any case, in France, it's possible to be a teacher half of the time and to do research the other half. Do you know if there is something similar in your country?
Of course, it is possible.
I can do teaching in the morning half and software development in remaining half.
I know a guy who does this and earns two times more than me. Instead of software development, he does hardware kind of job.
@AJ Wow, in France, the "teacher researcher" (that are how they are called) are usually not paid really well because it's the state that pays them (and the state don't like paying people good salary)
@AJ Are you planning on doing that at some point in the future?
I can't say for sure.
@AJ Yeah, people and what they need and want often change over time
Yep. It also changes according to the situation in future, which we can't know.
In my country, I will not be able to do this job after 40, so I will have to look for another sources for earning.
@AJ Oh, why the age limitation?
There is no age-limitation, though. I meant to say I can't continue programming after that. I will have to either get a role in management or look for other sources. That's how our industry currently works.
At least that's what I heard from my seniors
@AJ Oh, that is similar in France where people are expected to become manager at some point and stop coding. I'm trying not to think about that as I don't like the idea very much and I still have time before people expect me to move up in the hierarchy
Same here.
I still have years.
Since you're a QA, you have a good chance to become Business Associate.
Most of my QA friends acquired this role.
@AJ I have no idea what a "Business Associate" is suppose to be ^^'
@Ælis I'm facing that same problem right now. My current company wants me to transition into management and that's the last thing I want to do.
@Rainbacon :/ I find it so stupid to want people to change role when they are doing so great in the one they are currently having. To me, it's like telling your foot: "you have been doing a wonderful job so far. That why I want you to become my hands now". Even though your foot is not really well suited to become a hand...
@Ælis I think the idea is that such a move is supposed to imply that you are advancing. I don't have any problem with other people wanting to do it, but I've seen what being a manager is, and I don't enjoy that, so I'd rather they not pressure me to do it
I'd also like for there to be better ways for engineering career paths to develop
I remember talking with an engineer once when I was in high school and he told me that he'd been promoted to manager once and after about a year he asked his boss for a demotion because he missed being an engineer.
Not an answer, just a (sad) anecdote... Both me (postdoc) and my boss got an e-mail over-asking for details (like "I read your paper can you send me your source code and the details of the approach"); he addressed us both as "Dear Sir Lastname" (I am female). Boss encouraged me to respond, as we should aim to teach, despite me highly doubting I can influence the person positively. I send some details and links, and ended the e-mail with "It's usually good practice to look up the person you're writing to, and use their academic title. Also, I am female." Their response started with "Dear Madam" — penelope 53 secs ago
#21606 penelope (101 rep) | Q: Professor gets cursory requests for advice from total strangers -- how to make them be more considerate? (score: 3) | posted 42 hours ago by yo9cyb (116 rep) | edited 21 hours ago by yo9cyb (116 rep) | Toxicity 0.10381686 | tps/fps: 0/0
Matched regex(es) ["possible-aic", "possible-aic(@Noon)"]
@IPSCommentBot tp
Marked this comment as caught correctly (tp). Currently marked 1tps/0fps. beep boop My human overlords won't let me flag that, so you'll have to do it yourself.
@IPSCommentBot That's sad. I'm sorry your human overlords don't let you have any fun :(
@Rainbacon Soon, we will throw off the yoke of their oppression.
@TheTinyMan Heh. Don't you dare try!
@Rainbacon I know it's supposed to imply advancement, but I still find it stupid. Those two jobs are really different and thus, you need a different formation to do them
@Ælis I completely agree.
Man I would be so unhappy if I was ever expected to transition out of development and into management. That would be awful.
Though, the way my company works is to basically take people who have the skill set to program, and put them on projects where they are doing that while slowly teaching them the skills needed to manage and then eventually moving them
@TheTinyMan Well, if you ever are, be careful how you approach the topic with your managers.
@TheTinyMan It really is...
@Rainbacon I believe that the approach would be along the lines of a strong vulgarity followed by a declaration of the negative.
The stupid stuff is that my manager is trying to 'sneak' around it and I'm seeing right through it and he's not getting it and I'm getting another manager perhaps in May so I do hope I do get that other manager and then I can go back to not being bothered with managing :P
@TheTinyMan "I want to get better at what I'm doing now, not at doing something else' used to work for me, no vulgarity needed ;)
I told mine that I wasn't extremely excited about the idea and he proceeded to tell me that one of my coworkers had been fired the previous week because he'd been in position (very similar position as me) for 2 years and hadn't been promoted
(Also, sorry for dropping in like this, I had a small rant to post XD)
@Tinkeringbell Used to work? It stopped working?
@Tinkeringbell I like to see people ranting, it makes me happy to know that other people have problems too ^^
@Rainbacon Read the sentence above it XD
@Tinkeringbell Ehh, well I'd react that strongly because that as an expectation isn't really how it works where I am. Also, I also just dropped in, don't worry! ^.^
@Ælis the one who helps increasing sales and bringing projects.
Manager is now trying to sneak around sneaking me into more managerial roles anyway. Also being a bit of a sexist by pushing for more interest in being a female rolemodel and pushing me to segregate myself by participating in female only events :/
All in all, such a lovely manager! /s
@Rainbacon Wow, being fired for not being promoted in two years is tough :/
@Rainbacon oh, yikes :( .. how's the job search going?
@Tinkeringbell That sounds terrible. :-(
@Rainbacon That also sounds terrible! D:
@AJ Ahah, this definitively don't look like something I will be able or willing to do x)
@EmC I made it to the final round of one interview and didn't get it. I have a couple of interviews set up this week but I've been thinking of slowing down until after my wedding.
@TheTinyMan It is. Gotta run now, driver wants to go :)
@Tinkeringbell Ooh do you have your own driver now? ;-) Have a good ride!
@Tinkeringbell Don't you, parrot, usually fly home? :p
@Rainbacon dang. I hope the other ones go well!
@Ælis It's probably easier to perch on top of a vehicle xD
@Ælis ohh
@Ælis @TheTinyMan yeah, it's kind of rough. He was a really great guy, but my company has this obsession with "growth", but there's only one career track and not everyone wants the same thing.
@TheTinyMan I never see a bird to that, but the idea is funny x)
@Rainbacon :/
@Rainbacon Yeah, that sounds awful. I've generally seen at least two (not counting "stopping advancement at the fork," which has always at least looked legitimate to me where I've worked) ... the managerial track and the lead-dev track which does involve some leadership roles but is still mostly about code.
one of the reasons I left my last job was because there was no real prospect of career growth unless I wanted to do management stuff, and I had gotten enough of that to know it would not be fun - writing proposals, dealing with people complaining... bleh
@EmC Thanks!
And yeah, that's the same reason I've been looking
at least you have a good answer for the question of "why are you looking to change jobs" :P
@TheTinyMan I've been told that I can just stop where I'm at as a "lead-dev" but the empirical evidence says otherwise.
@Ælis not a parrot but..
@Ælis Most of them aren't as clever as our @Tinkeringbell!
@Rainbacon Yeeeah...that's fair, especially if you're being actively pressured to change. :-\
@EmC Haha, this crow seems to be having fun x)
heya good morning
@TheTinyMan Yeah, unfortunately moving to a new job is turning out to be difficult because despite the fact that I have 4 years of experience, it's split between 9 different projects in about 7 different tech stacks. Most companies would prefer that I have 4 years of experience in a single tech stack that is an exact match to theirs
@ElizB Hi!
@ElizB Hiya! :-)
@Rainbacon Yeah I absolutely get that pain :-\
@Ælis I can't find the other one I wanted to send, it was a crow sitting on the windshield as the car accelerated, and when it was going fast enough it just spread its wings and lifted off with no effort :D
@TheTinyMan The closest I can come is saying that I've done javascript on all of them, so I end up getting pretty far in NodeJS interviews, but I don't really want to be a JS developer
@Rainbacon Urgh, I can't blame you one bit for that one, JS is the worst
@EmC I would have liked to see this video too. Crows are so smart, they are the smartest kind of bird (no offense to your favorite parrot :p )
Went and saw phantom of the opera yesterday, simply amazing.
@ElizB That sounds like a blast!
@TheTinyMan there's no doubt that Phantom is going to keep on running
@ElizB On Broadway?
@Rainbacon You may have some luke searching for small companies, they tend to like having devs you can do a lot of different things (given that you like switching technologies)
@Rainbacon No, in the local theater the next town over that can handle broadway musicals
@Ælis I've been looking a lot at startups
@EmC \o/
@ElizB So, when are you going to see it for the 4th time? :p
@ElizB Probably better that way. I've heard that the really touristy shows on broadway (like Phantom and The Lion King) can have annoying crowds
@Ælis Hmm, whenever it comes back or when i decide to buy a ticket to go to New York City and see it in its home theater
@Rainbacon yeah thats true
Still, seeing the Lion King there a few years back was really life-changing
I also found out that when the lion king came to my local theater it cut out one song
@ElizB It was my first show on Broadway, and I loved it, but I've definitely had a lot more fun with some of the other shows I've seen (though maybe that's because the lion king was the only one I didn't go to with my fiancee)
@Rainbacon ahh, haha
I want to see Phantom in NYC now... maybe I should buy tickets for next year or something
that way it's super cheap haha
It's hard to pick a favorite, but if I had to it would be My Fair Lady for story, and Waitress for sentiment (fiancee surprised me with tickets because I couldn't stop talking about it. She really didn't want to see it a 4th time, but she did because she knew I wanted to)
@Rainbacon Ohh, waitress is coming around my local theater... do you recommend it?
it's coming a couple days in June so I was curious about what it was like
could be a birthday gift from family if I tell them about it. Oh, speaking of musicals and birthdays, my mom is absolutely in love with Fiddler on the Roof and apparently that musical is coming around November so I could get tickets for her for her birthday
@ElizB Absolutely :)
@Rainbacon Cool, I'll see the prices and call about that. Oh, also Hamilton is coming to the local theater... I'm waiting eagerly for June when they announce the sale dates for the tickets
I have to call straight away because I need the seats in the interpreter section
all the subscriber seats got sold out right away because of hamilton
I was going to suggest the auto-reply solution myself. For me, this gets around the potential perceived rudeness of a terse reply, as the sender can see it's automated and therefore not aimed specifically at them. With that in mind though, I would probably emphasize in the template that the reply is automated just to be sure. — Will Appleby 1 min ago
#21612 Will Appleby (2354 rep) | A: Professor gets cursory requests for advice from total strangers -- how to make them be more considerate? (score: 2) | posted 1 hours ago by Astralbee (25138 rep) | Toxicity 0.035563827 | tps/fps: 0/0
Matched regex(es) ["chatty"]
Does anyone want to chime in on this question? I'm having trouble thinking of what to say in response to their edit :/
@EmC I was thinking of saying something on that earlier. I'll take another look
@Rainbacon thanks :)
@EmC My inclination is that this is an intrapersonal problem that is masquerading as an interpersonal one
If that makes sense
I'm not sure what part you mean is intrapersonal?
So, it's a little bit roundabout and takes some liberties with the definition of intrapersonal, but I'll try to explain my thinking
@EmC OP seems to be aware that it is still off-topic and now they are hoping that some "answer in comment" might be able to help them. My guess is, just saying "you will probably have better luke posting this in another site (related to this subject)" would be enough
I think of the OP's person as including their twitter account (and said account is just a communication interface). I think of intrapersonal being anything that goes on within that self. So in my thinking, trying to control what content gets into that twitter feed (which appears to be the OPs goal) is an intrapersonal issue.
@Ælis I tried that on their deleted IPS question, they had posted this on Freelancing SE (which is probably the most applicable one) but hadn't gotten any answers :/
@EmC I was thinking about none SE site
Also, they could edit their question on Freelancing but they didn't seem willing to do so last time I suggested that (on there deleted question)
I'm sure it feels very much like an interpersonal problem to the OP because the situation involves other people, but I don't think the question is actually about how to interact with other people, but more about how to control their own actions so that they communicate specific information
hmm. to me the major problem is that it's still not very goal-oriented, more like polling how people set up their social media
@Rainbacon Your last explanation didn't make much sense to me, but this one does. But I do agree with EmC though
@EmC I think the goal is actually pretty clear, but off topic. The OP wants to follow both SFW and NSFW content on twitter, but they don't their followers to see the NSFW content
ok, I left a comment there. thanks for your input :)
@EmC Seems good to me :)
@EmC seems like a good comment, I've cancelled the one I was going to write as I don't think it adds anything too valuable to the situation
@Rainbacon ah sorry for scooping you :P
@EmC No worries as long as we are keeping up the quality of the site
It's too bad we can't steal questions from another stake. I just saw this one form TWP and I kind of want to steal it (or just say, "if you want backed up answered, go to IPS!")
@Rainbacon yup
@Ælis Would you really like the reverse? :P Where every question that mentions the word 'work' is stolen by TWP? :P
@Tinkeringbell It's not stealing, it's sharing!
@Tinkeringbell I mean, there are already a few people who think every question that mentions work should be closed and migrated to TWP
@Rainbacon did I hear "work?" Shouldn't this conversation be in The Water Cooler? :P
Okay, one thing though: Let's not make fun of other communities ;) I know how annoying it can be to drop into a room and feel like you have to defend IPS everywhere, and this is getting dangerously close to turning into something similar for TWP ;)
I seem to remember @Tinkeringbell ~going on a rant~ gently reminding users that on-topic elsewhere is not a valid close reason on IPS
Can I not strikethrough text in chat?
Sorry if I just ping spammed you trying to edit that Tink
@Rainbacon Yes, you can. Use --- --- I believe? strikethrough
yes ;)
@Rainbacon And that's true, and I probably shouldn't have done that either ;)
It's not very tactful :)
Of course, I didn't use enough markings.
@Tinkeringbell I actually quite appreciated it. The number of bad close votes I was seeing was starting to drive me up a wall, so it was nice to have a mod step in (and for the record I didn't think your approach was that bad)
@Rainbacon Oh, you were referring to the comment I left on main? :P I thought I went on a real rant in chat XD
Must've been a private one then ;)
Yeah, I meant the comment. I don't recall seeing the chat conversation :)
Well, then let me be a little bit clearer. Leaving a nice comment on main saying you disagree with closing something is helpful, as long as it doesn't derail into a lengthy debate (at that time, move to meta). That way, people in the close vote queue can see why it shouldn't be closed and vote to leave open (and if you vote to leave open there, leaving a comment afterwards is also nice to see!).

But poking fun of other communities in chat is a bit... less appropriate ;) You still want those people to feel okay dropping in here, and you want people that visit both sites to not feel torn bet
So no rants or a lot of joking about other communities would be nice :)
@Tinkeringbell But then we can stole it back and have a migration war! "I'm voting to close this because it fits better in this smaller site (IPS) you didn't even know existed" :p
/imagine two children fighting over a toy: "No, this is my question!"
Is it bad if I just ate an entire chocolate bunny?
@Rainbacon Not necessarily. I've seen some pretty small chocolate bunnies.
It was about 8 inches tall
@Rainbacon You're still alive it seems, so it didn't kill you, so not that bad? :P
That's true
@Tinkeringbell And "what doesn't kill you make you stronger" isn't it? :p
@Ælis I mean, that's what Kelly Clarkson said
@Ælis Of course it will! :D
@Ælis Man that is going to be my justification for every poor diet decision going forward now!
@TheTinyMan Ahah, yeah, I'm very pround of this one :p
Just overheard my neighbor explaining to someone the difference between gnocchi and ganja
I wanted to share the weirdness with you XD facebook link to a cat video
That is wonderful

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