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Q: How to reply to "don't you trust me?" when asking to see bill?

HaptometerI live in a shared house where the utilities are under the lease holders name (Bob). I have a written agreement with Bob where he said I can see the original bills for utilities. I don't know why, but Bob gets together with another roommate named Dylan, and together they (allegedly) add up the bi...

1 hour later…
11 messages moved to Trash
Morning from the 90s everyone
Cute joke. Makes the site pretty much unusable while at work though
@JAD Agreed. Fortunately you can turn it off (and on again, I already tried)
the toggle appears to be site specific though
I just went to another HNQ site and its back on
oh shoot
let's see if there is already people complaining about that on MSE
@JAD There are actually
Hello AJ!
Q: 2019 April Fool's Day Retro Theme

a stone arachnid Screenshot / Code Snippet (click to make bigger) About Keeps the 2019 April Fool's Day theme, all the time! Inspired by this post on Meta.SE Download Get it here: // ==UserScript== // @name Stack Exchange 90's theme // @namespace http://tampermonkey.net/ // @version ...

@JAD Just a few :P
Yesterday was a fun day in mod-land...
smurfland. :P
@Tinkeringbell why so?
@avazula Things were a bit broken and a lot of people were upset with that. So there was quite some moderating to do to steer stuff into good directions ;)
@Tinkeringbell erh :/
It's calm(er) now ;)
was it broken because of the preparation of the new theme?
@avazula I'm guessing the theme is what broke things
12 messages moved to Trash
@avazula The new theme was broken: You had to turn it off per question instead of per site.
@Tinkeringbell outch... that's heavy
And it still is having some understandable issues with e.g. accessibility. Some people are really put off by it (I heard it may be hard on people with an ASD), people not liking this in general, site breaking for people because it's quite heavy to load apparently...
So it has a bit more issues than last year's rubber duck, it seems ;)
@Tinkeringbell I get the ASD thing, I'm quite disturbed by it myself
@avazula Can I poke that a bit and ask if you can point out specific things?
( I completely understand if the answer is 'the whole thing' :P)
@Tinkeringbell The color choices makes it difficult for me to find the interesting piece of info
@avazula But you don't have trouble with e.g. turning it off?
@Tinkeringbell oh no, no issues with that
but I admit it's a bit annoying to have to turn it off every time :p
But that's a temporary joke so I'm not bothered
@avazula It's per-site, and per device. I agree that it may be a bit much, there's feature requests addressing that too :)
I may be a bit less active until April 4th though :p
@avazula I wish more people had that attitude :P
@avazula It doesn't last that long :P
@Tinkeringbell FR for a 3 days joke?!
That's even worse!
Oh dear, chill out people :p
@avazula Well, there's a joke every year ;)
@Tinkeringbell yeah, but last year's was way less "visible"
I can't believe people complain about this
@avazula Well, if the jokes are only going to get 'bigger'....
This one is really, really visible ;)
I can understand, but I disagree with all the partypooping too ;)
Yeah - it is hideous, but that is kind of the point
I like Jon's post about it - and the hope it will help some visitors cross over from visiting to find the answer to staying and being members of the community:
A: What testing is done on 'April Fool' pranks?

Jon EricsonWe began brainstorming ideas for April 1 early in February. (The first version of the brainstorming document was written on February 20, but we had informal discussions when we started March planning.) The initial specification was written on March 5 and finalized on March 18. The first commit fo...

Example of new sign-up because of this:
A: Should we prank not-logged-in users?

ocæonhaving viewed thousands of stack* pages over recent years, this gag was the cake. finally went through the wibble of checking how this login system worked these days and signed up. just to say, thankyou devs for enlightening my day!

I understand people are annoyed by the per-site thing tbh
@Tinkeringbell the duck got an aweful lot of hate too
seems like people just don't like fun
@JAD Not as much as this one, or I missed a huge part of it.
I literally just spend 10 minutes moving my mouse around to "make it snow". I believe I like this prank :p
@Ælis Yeah, that stuff is addictive :P
I wave the mouse around a few times each time before disabling stuff because I remember I'm at work XD
@Tinkeringbell I think that last part is the important bit. Contrary to the duck, this isn't work-friendly
@Tinkeringbell Me too, but disabling it makes me a lit bit sad every time :'(
But actually reading anything is way too hard with all those colors going around. I just can't focus when it's active
@Ælis That's why it has an off button :P
I don't think you're expected to read anything, more to play around, with the theme active
Probably true. Anyway, this brought back some old memory to when "skyblog" was a thing (but maybe it was just a French thing?), that was nice ^^
@Ælis oh dear
the memories ...
@avazula I just decided to visit my old skyblog again. There are approximately 140 posts on it ^^' (I'm talking about the visible and not deleted ones)
I think I deleted mine
Maybe a wise decision. I never had the heart to delete mine, it would have been like deleting my past me and I couldn't do that
@Ælis I actually regret I deleted it
I feel like I kept myself from going back to a (stupid) part of my life :p
@avazula :/ The stupid part of your life are the best, IMO. It reminds you of a time where you were mostly carefree (but it might just be me who have forgotten that I wasn't that carefree at the time either)
@Ælis we were definitely less busy with bills, chores, and similar stuff...
@avazula on one side, less bills and stuff to worry about, on the other hand, also less money on hand to do fun stuff
heya :)
Good morning!
@JAD Depends on how far back you go :P
Gamen :)
@Tinkeringbell I loved the stack creation simulator. That was really fun.... made me play that simulator rather than working for the full 3 days.... And I just realized it was an aprils fool, when it was over x'D
I missed that one, I guess :P
@Tinkeringbell oh?
oh actually
@JAD I don't know about you, but 12 year old me didn't have that much money on hand to do fun stuff :P
I meant to say less
too late to edit
@Tinkeringbell yeah that was my point, my bad
Like that :P
Fixed it for you ;)
There was a game, where users could join. A group of 40(?) users were playing a game, where they just opened a new stack for the network. You had options like "moderating answers more strictly", "advertise your platform" and so on (overall like 5 choices I think it was). In the end, all users had to vote which options the community wants to take.
and the highest voted won and was what happened. You had X turns to fulfill the prequesites to get into the next stage (closed-->open beta--> release) and then you had either won and your paltform got released or you lost and it got closed ^^
Hahaha oh that sounds like fun! I hope they do that again someday :)
I've only been around since late '17, so I only saw two april fools' days so far.
Comment cleaning please: interpersonal.stackexchange.com/q/21426/21067 (NAA)
@Ælis Done dear
It took me a while to recognize you @dopp3Lgr33n3r
@avazula If you hadn't point it and if @dopp3Lgr33n3r wasn't a mod, I wouldn't have recognise them either!
Big question: what does "Y2K" mean? ^^'
year 2000?
Hum, could be, thanks dear :)
since it's supposed to be a late 90s style it would make sense to me :p
but I'm not sure either
@avazula i feel like new
and/or very very old
@dopp3Lgr33n3r RE JU VE NA TED
that's a good word for it
I love fancy English :D
@Ælis ever heard of the Y2K scare?
@avazula it is :P
@JAD Do you mean "Le bug de l'an 2000" (The bug of the 2000 year)?
@Ælis true, too. But it was more like people thought whole technique might fall out from 2000 on ^^
@dhein Yeah, that what we called "Le bug de l'an 2000" in France. When everyone was afraid that all the technology might stop working when the calendar would switch to 2000
@Ælis yep
3 hours later…
It's too quiet in here. Is nobody willing to procrastinate? :p
I just procrastinated a whole lot in the Tavern :P
@Ælis Well, I just got on to the computer to work. I figured I should do that for at least 30 seconds first
28 seconds too much
@Rainbacon Ahah, but yeah, I was more blaming the people who are on the same side of the ocean that me :p
@Tinkeringbell What a treason, you should be able to procrastinate in both!
@Ælis I'm now listening childhood songs at work and it's hard not to sing along (I'm in an office today)
I really should try to get at least this one thing done today, then I can procrastinate again until tomorrow, because I need to ask someone something if I can't fix this ;)
@Rainbacon Did you notice my SE rep? The number doubles every time! :D
@Ælis Ooh, that's a rather nice number
@Tinkeringbell I'm sure your coworker will be happy to sing along :p I know mine do when someone starts singing a well-known childhood song ^^
@Ælis Ah, the old procrastination paradox...
@Tinkeringbell Ah, giving work to other people, that's nice, go you! :p
@Ælis I hate water, I hate soap, I don't want this to ever happen, yet I have to every week. I try to hide in the basement or the closet, but when I try to sleep, my owner takes a hold of me! :P
I don't want to go and take a bath!
I really don't think they'll a.) know the song and b.) appreciate me singing it :P
Oh hey, little siblings
@Tinkeringbell Oh, nice song! :p I never heard this one before but all my childhood song are in French, so that's not surprising ^^
@Ælis It's a freely translated Dutch (actually Belgian) song.
I kinda like those songs, as they're really calm but still fun
I even have one from the same album that I like to listen to whenever the world seems bad (too much war or terrorism or stuff...). It's a really childish one about world peace, with the quote 'Grote mensen moeten nu eens leren, dat woorden mooier zijn dan schiet geweren' (Big people need to learn words are prettier than shotguns)
@Tinkeringbell That seems like a really beautiful song. I, personally, like to listen to the "Totoro" soundtrack (and also other soundtracks but they are all from the Hayao Miyazaki movies) when my anxiety gets too much.
@Ælis It's not so much that the song helps with anxiety as that it perfectly captures how childish adults can be (for me) :P
The biggest problem with working from home is that I don't have a coffee maker here
@Tinkeringbell I know some songs like that (all in French), they are often nice (and kind of funny in the mean way) to hear indeed, but I need the right mindset to listen to them
Also, I'm curious, do the Netherland also have child song with hidden sexual content? I realize growing up that French had a lot of song like that
@Rainbacon But that doesn't cost that much and it's easy to find, right?
@Ælis A lot.
That's why I'm listening to childhood songs now, people were discussing that kind of stuff in the office :P
@Ælis Yeah, I just decided to hold off since my fiancee has one and we're going to move in together in a couple of months
@Tinkeringbell Haha, I guess that every country have this kind of song x)
@Tinkeringbell april fools is the worst day of the year
@Rainbacon It's not! As long as it's done well ;)
@Rainbacon Well then, good luck until then ^^
@Tinkeringbell Seems like a perfect Netherland joke :p
@Ælis Yeah, this one is very country specific :)
But I am curious now. Rainbacon, why the dislike for April Fools'?
@Tinkeringbell Short answer: I'm autistic. Long answer: Imagine that you have a hard time telling the difference between people who are serious and people who are joking. You work really hard at it and feel fairly confident that you've learned how to do it. Then this one day comes along where everyone goes out of their way to try and sound as serious as possible when in fact they are actually joking.
Hmm. Yeah that sounds like it may actually be really annoying. Especially if people see you as an easy target as well :/
Never really thought about it that way. Thanks for explaining :)
@Rainbacon I do hope you got the fact that the new theme was a joke? :)
@Tinkeringbell I did, and I've very happy for the ability to turn it off. Rather horrifying to look at
@Rainbacon I must say, I appreciate April Fools better when I now before the joke that a joke will be made (and thankfully, we don't really do prank in French this day, it's only on the internet that I have to be carefull)
@Rainbacon That's kinda the point of the theme though :P I think no-one is seriously browsing the site for long in that theme, unless they're playing with said theme :)
(I also feel I should point out that I might not be as horrified as others due to being pretty neurotypical)
> I found a recently opened auto body shop highly wreck-a-mended.
...I don't know if I can trust anything I read today. Is this real? Is this? I'm pretty sure the second one isn't, but what about the first? *confused*
Probably not.
Just wait until tomorrow and you'll know for sure :)
1 hour later…
@Mithrandir the first this could lend to some interesting results :p
BTW is this site about LGBT news?
:49746407 The article mentions that their first campaign rally would be on April 31st
@avazula ya
@Mithrandir Neat! Thanks, TIL about good stuff :D
Hey people, question for you:
- My manager thanked me after I presented them my work. What am I suppose to answer?
- Would that ^ make an on-topic IPS etiquette question?
Seems a little broad for an IPS question. It's lacking a goal
Or what you're trying to communicate
@scohe001 I think the question @Ælis has is not so much "how do I communicate" as it is "what am I expected to communicate"
@scohe001 I'm just trying to not be awkward :/ I don't understand why they are thanking me when 1) they helped me and 2) it's my job to present what I have done to them. So, I don't know what answer they expect of me after thanking me
(so, like Rainbacon said)
@Rainbacon yea that sounds like a "What should I do?" to me, but maybe it could be phrased as an etiquette question?
@Ælis I think it will need a decent amount of context in the post
It sounds like an on-topic question to me. Perhaps if you phrased it as "What is the etiquette for responding to someone thanking me for doing my job?"
@Ælis "You're welcome".
@Rainbacon Oh, I like your title, thank you!
I'm very interested in seeing the results of such a question as I've been in the same position multiple times
@Rainbacon I sandboxed my question if you want to take it a look: interpersonal.meta.stackexchange.com/a/3635/21067
@Ælis if you're posting a sandbox link, you have to add a "woof!" to the end of the message! You can't take Sandman's job without putting in the effort :P
@scohe001 Haha, I'm actually waiting for the sandman, we don't see them often enough :D
A: Sandbox for Proposed Questions

ÆlisWhat is the etiquette for responding to someone thanking me for doing my job? work-environment, etiquette My manager has the habit of thanking me after every one-on-one meeting we have. Here is how those meetings goes: I present my work to my manager My manager gives me feedback and helps m...

@Sandman Woof!
LOL Well played
@Ælis I'm heading off to a job interview at the moment, but I'll take a look when I get back
@Rainbacon Thanks and good luck for the interwiev!
Q: How to make a proper, harmless April Fools' joke?

TinkeringbellFrom Wikipedia: April Fools' Day or April Fool's Day (sometimes called All Fools' Day) is an annual celebration commemorated on April 1 by playing practical jokes and spreading hoaxes. The jokes and their victims are called April fools. As the name implies, traditionally, April Fools' jok...

^ Sourced answers win :P
@Tinkeringbell "I threw a pie at my boss last year. It didn't work well. Don't do that" <- is that sourced enough?
@scohe001 😛 That's from experience yes, but there must be some sources on april fools' etiquette out there, right? :P
Go combine a few. It's supposed to be a light seasonal question 😀
Lol I would expect as much
Honestly it's a really really good question and it gives the opportunity for some truly high caliber answers
I'm interested to see what ppl say
Thanks. I was kinda nervous posting it, could see it going wrong in entirely different directions and stuff :P
Really? I guess if it hit HNQ I could see it getting some quick-to-delete answers, but not from everyone else
I hope so 😀
@Tinkeringbell I keep thinking about your question, but the "look a bit foolish" and, at the same time, "harmless" makes it nearly impossible to answer. The "group joke" suggestion is a good idea though.
In the past have you tried thinking about how you would feel if a prank you are considering was played on you? — DaveG 55 secs ago
#21433 DaveG (4857 rep) | Q: How to make a proper, harmless April Fools' joke? (score: 3) | posted 1 hours ago by Tinkeringbell (21826 rep) | edited 39 minutes ago by Tinkeringbell (21826 rep) | Toxicity 0.0 | tps/fps: 0/0
Matched regex(es) ["possible-aic"]
@Ælis Hmm. we'll see :)
@Tink I might've taken a too-far-back scientific approach to the problem, but I gave it a shot! And resisted the urge to put a bunch of misleading April Fools jokes in it :P
@scohe001 Hahaha yeah this is more scientific then expected, but it's awesome!
Only thing that can be said against it is that it might need a bit more April Fool's, and a bit less general joke/humor for my taste... But that's up to you
Yea I found a few sources on "pranks" which would be closer to April Fool's, but the opinions were pretty polarizing and it basically boiled down to "know the person you're pranking," which I figured probably wasn't helpful enough to make another section on
If I find anything else I'll edit it in tho!
heya. finally back in here. was too busy with finishing presentation. did it today and I feel great!
@ElizB Good for you!
@Rainbacon Thanks :) I'm pretty tired and now I got a whammy of "ohshitIforgottodothishomeworkitsduetomorrow"
and i have other late assignments
sooooooo i gotta get my butt back on that
but brain wants to recover.
@Tinkeringbell You might want to clarify why you used the tag, because it's currently not very clear (to me at least)
@ElizB Also, congrats for your presentation! And good luck with those task you still need to do ^^
@Ælis Thanks. I went ahead and emailed the teacher for that one that's due tomorrow because that's a 1500 ish word paper and i'm in no condition to get that done in 2 days ah haha
so i asked him for the rest of the week to finish it and I'm already picking out the topic today so I can get started on it
Is it generally seen as rude/disrespectful to give parental advice to a parent (not your own) when you're many years younger than them and still a childless 'child'? I'm considering asking a question about it :P
@Anilla I certainly know a number of people who would find it disrespectful
@Rainbacon would it be considered that way no matter how the advice was delivered? ie. more of a suggestion like "hey, have ya thought of doing x, y, or z"?
@Anilla suggestion != advice ;)
Probably, I don't know that I have answer level material about it, but the people I'm thinking of are very set in their ways and would probably dismiss such a suggestion without looking at its merits
@Anilla I've experienced doing that... I have given suggestions to people but in the way of "I've seen my mom do this and I think that is a good idea"
@scohe001 oh? how do you think they differ? :o
@ElizB how did that end up for ya most times?
@Anilla Mostly it's been like "okay, thanks" and it's really up to them to follow or not follow that suggestion based on their judgement and decisions
@Anilla "advice" to me feels a little stronger, like you're suggesting (ha.) that your solution is better than others that the person is thinking of. A suggestion is more neutral
But that may just be my opinion
@scohe001 That's the way I think of it as well. I would freely give suggestions, but I usually give advice if someone comes up to me and asks me what I thought about it
Ahh, so advice is more solicited and suggestions are just freely given out?
That's my perspective on it, yeah
it might not be everyone's but that's the way I see it
Yea, I guess going by that way of thinking my thing would be more of a suggestion.
Okay, cool.
So my friend's mom has been having problems with my friend vaping. They're legally able to, so it's not like they're breaking the law or anything. But the mom keeps taking their vapes away or breaking them and I feel like it's not gonna help their situation. Like I've been the kid who's had loads of restrictions and such placed on them and it really doesn't help to make yourself the enemy of your kid like that (imo).
@Anilla Right, there's a fine line of being an ally and being a parent to a child... it's hard.
She fears that her child is going to develop some sort of lung disease and other health problems in the future (which, I def understand)... but I feel the way she's going about it isn't helping. Like I've been on both sides (the mom and the child) and understand how they both feel about things
I wanna help their situation out somehow... but im not sure where i'd go about it
Yeah, that's a great mediation question- are you wanting to mediate between the two?
Yea some how... like it's bringing them apart and causing a lot of issues. and i don't like it because i feel for them both.
that's good question material I suggest putting it in the sandbox then tweak it there and post it
hah, yeah. I need to figure out which question ima ask in the first place... like it all depends on which action I go for. plus... I need to deal with my other question in the box... i've been procrastinating on finalizing it
ah lol yeah do that
not sure if I should even bother finalizing that one... it seems rather mundane and maybe not particularly useful.
@Anilla I still like it and I think it's useful... it's just not something I've seen often here :) doesn't mean it's bad
@ElizB dhein suggests I remove all those fictional examples and instead ask the question directly (and maybe list answers/questions as my examples). do you have any thoughts on that as well?
@Anilla I think adding just one fictional example is good
Conversation of the day:

>Recruiter: Here's a job you might like.

>Me: That's a UI job, I'm not interested.

>R: No, it's full stack. Here's the description.

>M: The title is UI Engineer and the description says the primary task is designing and building user interfaces

>R: No, it's full stack

>Me: ...
@ElizB how do the current fictional examples stand with ya? should I conjure up an entirely new one?
@Anilla humm... i think they're not bad, you don't need to make up new ones, it feels like I want to get the point of your question without reading so much into it
@Rainbacon What.... :O is that recruiter... legit?
@ElizB see that's the problem lol, the stories are more of a drag than supporting elements
Yeah, he's gotten me legitimate interviews with 2 other companies
@Anilla they are supporting. I feel like one is good, two is more than good?
@Rainbacon huh, well then lol. does he know what "full stack" means now? :P
I'm not sure
@ElizB which one of the two conveys the idea best then? hmm
@Anilla sorry, my mind is occupied with trying to arrange my schedule and make sure I have time this week to complete everything I need to catch up with in school
@ElizB oh, no worries! i'll figure it out :P planning sounds like a good idea :D
@Anilla like seriously i dropped pretty much everything except sleeping when i was working on that presentation
@ElizB yea... that's school for ya. 'bout to be that here soon with finals >_< im not ready.
yeah well go make yourself ready lol
alright haha, i'll get to it here in a few. I have to take a lot of notes tonight. wanna check in later this evening and see where we're both at? :o
@Anilla sounds good.
2 hours later…
Q: How do I get a classmate who is creepy to leave me alone?

nicoleMy classmate and 'friend' is really starting to creep me out. It was obvious that he has liked me and did weird stuff earlier this year but I just shrugged it off. Now im starting to get creeped out. He took a picture of me from across the lunch room, and recently asked me out. I said no thanks, ...

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