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01:00 - 23:0023:00 - 00:00

@El'endiaStarman Indeed :) math people seem to particularly fancy Python though hehe
Do you know any other languages?
A bunch, but what do you mean by "know"? :)
@El'endiaStarman Hmm.... maybe meaning you're confident enough to not have to use google/SO at all unless there's some special niche problem
Hmm. Python, HTML/CSS, JavaScript, and Blitz 2D/3D fit that bill most readily. C++ is starting to get there but mainly because I work with it so much for my job (and having a bunch of pre-existing patterns in surrounding code helps a lot).
@El'endiaStarman That's a fair bit! I think Java and C are my most comfortable languages as of now... I would never call myself an expert though. I've done Java since secondary school and C towards the end of that. Still have to learn multithreading in C...
I've recently become attracted to Go because of its great web libraries and simplistically defined syntax.
I tried to learn Ruby several years ago but didn't get very far.
It's a jewel of a language.
ba dum tiss
So look. You work on the source code for the IPS comment bot. You get Ruby practice, we get a better bot. Everybody wins! :P
I used Ruby for something called Rake to build a C program awhile ago... that's when I was upset that my build system never worked using CMake / make files lol
@Mithrandir Hehe. ... Is it on GitHub?
I think gitlab... I know it's not on Github if my memory is correct
Is that it? I think so :)
@El'endiaStarman yes
@Anilla That's the chat interface API wrapper thingamajiggy that I quite obviously don't understand :P The bot itself is on GH, though ^
OHHHHhhhh I see the heuristics now... the gitlab one is the library used for the github one?
Yeah that's it hehe
I like languages like Ruby/Python/Lua because of their abstraction of annoying compiler indicators (brackets, semicolons etc.) makes it look a lot cleaner
01:00 - 23:0023:00 - 00:00

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