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8 messages moved to Trash
3 hours later…
Q: How to tell people to stop aggrandizing my allergies?

AnillaBackground I’m a special li’l’ person in that I’m allergic to a lot of foods. This includes... All types of nuts Milk, eggs, cheese; all dairy products Avocado... especially on toast :( Gluten Only a few of those foods are actually serious if contacted with (I would have to go to the hospita...

Guten Moooorgen :D
Q: How do you maintain relations after you've received help from an acquaintance?

MugenI'm not talking about workplaces. I'm talking about friends outside the workplace. Maybe you have a friend and got introduced to his friend (X) sometime. Then after a couple of years you needed help from this X person and you call/message him, remind him of how you know him and request for what...

lol... Funny story to share with you guys: I had just till now to identify a gif wihich was hardcoded into js code as img/gif:Bytedata. So I prepared it and just copypasted it into the browser and got the "image can't be displayed sign. The gif I had to compare it to was having the very same structure and was just being displayed fine.
Took me like 1 hour of experimenting what the problem could be.... the structure was definitely fine. and the data section it self should not be able to corrupt the images meta information as far as I know and would make any sense of it....
In the end I figured.... the hard coded GIF was a image of the "this image can't be displayed" sign.... '^.^ the browser was displaying it correctly from the very first beginning, it was just the gif itself that confused me x'D
conclusion: the 2 images aren't the same.... and I can continue my work x'D
Guten Morgen alles Leute!
Almost :P
@dhein My German is rusty. I need to go check what's wrong ;p
But hey, at least 100% correct spelling x)
@avazula It would translate into "Good morning whole people!" what you wrote x)
@dhein Hey, that literally translates into "good morning all people"
guten Morgen allerseits?
@avazula yeah that would be perfect. spelling: A+ Grammar: A+ and its even somewhat "slang" so cultural background: A+
Yay :D
I hate that I don't know how to speak German anymore
I understand it pretty well but my vocabulary is so mediocre now
poor you :x
Lass deutsch üben xP
Übungen! Ja!
Have you tried asking them to explain the joke? I found it's the easiest way to show that it isn't funny nor you aren't reaction the way they would like you to. — SZCZERZO KŁY 1 min ago
#20974 SZCZERZO KŁY (1440 rep) | Q: How to tell people to stop aggrandizing my allergies? (score: 2) | posted 3 hours ago by Anilla (916 rep) | edited 37 minutes ago by Anilla (916 rep) | Toxicity 0.22059521 | tps/fps: 0/0
Matched regex(es) ["possible-aic"]
@IPSCommentBot ftp
@avazula The File Transfer Protocol (FTP) is a standard network protocol used for the transfer of computer files between a client and server on a computer network.
you are welcome :P
@dhein haha
@avazula Oof... Morning...
@Mithrandir Morning! what's that book?
A book of the Talmud
I'm too sleepy to concentrate properly on it :p
Hence the coffee.
@Mithrandir I could for sure not even if I wasnt :P
But that letters look beautiful ^^
@Mithrandir I don't know much about Judaism, do you have to say prayers in the morning?
@dhein The main text is in Aramaic and written in the Assyrian script. The smaller ones are mostly in Hebrew and written in Rashi script. Rashi is harder to read :p
@avazula Yes, but that was several hours ago. Now I'm studying different things - this, prep for my high school tests... and I'm still sleepy.
@Mithrandir ha, I get it. Well, lots of courage and energy to you :*
@Mithrandir I didn't even see a difference. hard to read I just take what you say. But nice to look at :P
you from Israel?
Originally from the US, now in Israel
May I ask how that came? I mean that you moved? :)
My parents got married here, they moved back to the States, stayed a bit longer than planned, and then returned
Huh, not as exciting as I was expecting '^.^
You fine with it?
Yeah. I struggle a bit with language because we homeschool and I'm not... a social person, so I haven't picked up the language as well as I should, but I can get by. I'm just a little freaked out about getting drafted
But hey, sounds not too bad then :)
Into the army
in Tavern on the Meta on Meta Stack Exchange Chat, 18 hours ago, by Mithrandir
Oh, lovely. The army sent me three different dates to come in for a chat, so I need to go check my automatically created profile on their website to see which of those three dates they actually want me to come into. They sent me a password in the mail to get in to it, so I open up the site, put in my ID number and the password... and it's not working. Great. >.<
Oh... Understandable.
I assume things are a little different about the army in Israel as I would be used to from European countrys, aren't they?
I don't know, because I don't know how it works in other countries :P
Well here in germany I would just have to explain that I don't like dealing with weapons, that I take medications to stay calm, and probably the trait of having aspergers would aswell favor it if I didn't want to go to the army. at least that was how it was when I was back then asked. Nowadays it is here in germany, that only those who want to join the army join it. as we don't have any obligations to join the army anymore at all.
Well, people do get exemptions for stuff like anxiety or other stuff that contributes to a bad enough health profile. I have a lot of doctors to see; there's a chance I could get a medical exemption
guten Nachmittag!
@AJ Guten Tag :D So I introduced the german day on TAS today? :D
@Mithrandir Huh, wishing you luck then.... I guess.... I mean having such things for a medical exemption isn't a good thing in general ^^
@dhein I have allergies to pollen, dust, stuff like that; asthma; oral allergy syndrome; unofficially diagnosed Raynaud's; undiagnosed sensory issues; and preliminary blood work is indicating a thyroid issue.
@Mithrandir Here you should have good chances to be successful with that. :)
I just need a few official diagnoses :p
2 hours later…
Q: How to politely ask someone to stop air-conducting

TurboI regularly host chess evenings, where I and a couple of contemporaries gather to play chess. We listen to (mostly baroque) classical music. Recently, one of the group has started 'conducting' along with the music. I have tried to explain that it is distracting, but they continue to do so, theref...

1 hour later…
Q: Are my besties cheating on me?

Elina GilbertMe, my male friend and my girl best friend were a close group. Over time, me and the male friend got really close, though we never got into official girlfriend boyfriend tags. But he expressed me on Many occasions that he loves me a lot and we decided to take our friendship to next level. My girl...

Did any one see Anilla yet here in TAS? I really appreciate the effort he/she is putting on our stack right now. Is there anyway to make someone aware of this chat in case they might not know, without leaving a unwelcomed comment? '^.^
@dhein I never saw them here yet
Superpings would work, but that might be kind tooooooo invasive.... And probably also not what they are supposed to be for x'D
@dhein I'm not even sure they could ... It's not what they're used for, is it?
They can. Tinki did that once upon a time :D
She pinged peufeu cause I wanted to give him a bounty but wanted him to calirfy something before that. And she gave him a ping which he reacted a little later on, despite he was in no chat rooms active for a few days at all.
@dhein I have the same feeling about Anilla. Maybe we could live a comment under a meta post of them?
@Ælis Already did
interpersonal.meta.stackexchange.com/q/3525/32 Here, but now I did it, I am not too sure if I might have been too invasive '^.^
@dhein It didn't appear in the closet ><
@dhein I find it fine :)
Great :)
@Ælis mmh. I need to investigate this
What is the closet? I mean that one you are referring and investigating about '^.^
All comment posted on IPS (main and meta) are also posted there
Ah... theeeen thats weird :O
@dhein you're being spied on ;)
yeh, joining that chat and just seeing how often you requested info about me just within a few minutes, gave me a creepy feeling of being stalked by you at first xP
@dhein we don't collect anything about a user in particular, it's just that all comments are caught and reported if considered unnecessary / rude / something else that's not fitting the site.
What ever you say my dear :P
@dhein I'm trustworthy o/
Sure x)
I am calling it a day. Had another interview of 2 hours today x) So far this was the last one :x I hope I get requests for more. Really enjoy them :D

So have a good day you all :)
@dhein I wish I could leave work right now. Enjoy!
@dhein Good day to you too :)
@avazula Owh, don't let your head down :*
@Ælis Thanks :)
@Anilla Hello there! I see that @dhein message as worked :)
Haha, hello everyone! I had no idea this room existed. It's neat to see that the community has a method of direct communication. Thanks @dhein for showing me!
@Anilla Yay, you're here! Welcome! :D
@avazula thank you! :D So what is this chat room used for specifically? Is it just general discussion about anything and everything? Or is it specific to the site itself?
@Anilla It's the chatroom of the IPS site, so you can ask questions related to it, but we also do a lot off chitchat unrelated to IPS in here :)
@Ælis Oh I see. That's neat then! :) Does anyone know what happened to that "Are my besties cheating on me?" question? Did the OP delete it?
@Anilla If you scroll up, you will find a link to it (all new questions are posted in here by a bot). But yeah, it seems that the user deleted it
Q: How do I write a good question?

TinkeringbellWriting a good subjective question about Interpersonal Skills has proven to be difficult, but here are some points you can keep in mind to help you: Have a question title that accurately and concisely summarizes the specific question that you are asking. Include the details: Let us know what...

@Anilla That's how such a link look like ^
@Ælis Thank you :D This is all really cool. I'm glad I found this. There's all sorts of different things I'm discovering about this site haha
@Anilla I'm happy you found it too. I (and I know I'm not the only one) really value your contribution on the site and how you are lefting comments for people to improve there questions :)
bangs their head against the wall can somebody do my homework Vue.JS project for me?
I more I code the more I feel stupid xD
@Ælis That's really nice to know. I always wondered if my contributions were useful lol. I've gone from just recognizing everyone's usernames to now being able to talk to them. Awesome!
@avazula that's a mood lol. Code can really spiral into a web you get stuck in for awhile haha
@avazula If you're allowed to switch to Angular I could help...
@Rainbacon Oh, but I already did that project ... in python. But my coworkers would like a Vue project, because it's ... fancy ... ugh! xD
Is Vue that fancy? I've never used it
@Rainbacon Let's say it's popular
but it's quite complex the minute you want to do more than displaying how many times you clicked a button
@avazula Ouch and sometimes you feel even more stupid when you finally figure out why it wasn't working... (thankfully, it's not one of these days for me)
@Ælis Oh, that's nice for you then :D
There's way too many "I-feel-stupid" days
Maybe it's a European thing? I don't think it's too popular in the US. I think we use React and Angular more
@avazula :/
@Rainbacon I know their names but honestly I have no idea what they're used for
How much overhead do these frameworks add to an application? I've been writing everything myself and I've seriously contemplated using one lol
@avazula If it can help you, I believe that you are a very nice, caring, giving, capable and wonderful person <3
@Ælis That's nice <3
I'm wondering whether I won't ask to go work from home
@Anilla Well, Vue is nice because when you attack an API for instance, it'll update the data on your page as soon as it's updated in the API
@avazula They're both frontend frameworks like Vue. Here's a good comparison: vuejs.org/v2/guide/comparison.html
@Rainbacon wooh! Thanks for sharing, that seems interesting!
@avazula If you do so, don't feel guilty about it. Your well being is important and it will also increase your productivity :p
@Ælis Well, my manager has to agree with you first :p
Is it okay to ask them you think?
@Anilla the amount of overhead depends on the framework, but in general there's a bit of a learning curve. Writing a frontend in, say, React feels very different from just writing javascript and html, even though all you are doing is writing javascript and jsx (very similar to html)
I've not used Vue before, but in my experience with Angular and React, I would recommend using Angular first because the Angular community has more well defined best practices and it's a bit easier to get started with
So the purposes of these frameworks are to dynamically add data received from a server to the DOM? Is that how they work?
@Anilla Huh, thought you would be interested in this :) glad you made it and welcome to TAS :)
@Anilla that's one usage, yes
@avazula That's primarily opinion-based, my dear :p If you think they will be open enough to hear your request and not hold it against you, then go for it. In any other case, maybe try to "test the waters" first. Also, don't forget to have a reason for it (a reason that you are willing to tell them) like "there is too much agitation, I believe I will be more focus at home"
@Ælis why do you think I asked in here and not in main? :p haha
@Ælis well, it's not busier than usual, and I don't have autism recognition yet, so that's gonna be difficult to use this as a reason for being disturbed I'm afraid ...
@dhein thank you! You were right!
@avazula Does VueJS handle Restful services and sockets? Or is that something you have to add yourself?
@avazula Maybe say that you would like to use the break for packing before you change house :D
@Anilla I'm not sure what you mean? (web programming isn't my job, I'm a reconverted artificial intelligence engineer) :p
@Ælis what break? :p
@avazula Or just say "since I didn't work remotely last Friday, can I work remotely for the rest of today?"
@avazula oh sorry! It kinda delves into the server side of things. This is all very new to me too lol. I work at a hospital and somehow managed to find interest in programming XD
@Ælis heh, I'd have loved to do that, but my contract isn't suited for me to work remotely yet (they need papers about my internet connection speed u_u)
@Anilla As far as I know, none of the frontend frameworks provides anything to handle sockets, but most come with a library for making http calls
@avazula Well then, unless you know they will be open to it and/or won't ask more questions, it might be difficult to ask for it :/
@Ælis yeah, I know... I need to suck it up for today :p
@avazula Lots of love and courage to you <3
I thought it may be possible for today as I only have to code but maybe they wouldn't be cool with me not being on Skype or whatever
@Ælis thanks dear, same for you <3
@Rainbacon ah okay. I'm sure it probably isn't too hard to implement socket functionality. Do you do server side stuff?
Yeah, but I haven't done anything with sockets since college
@Rainbacon They seem somewhat complicated. I haven't done much with them either. What server side language/tool suite do you tend to use?
Most commonly C#, but recently my projects at work have been trending towards AWS Lambda, which I usually write in JS
Hi @Anilla :) Glad to see you here as well.
@ElizB thank you! Glad to have a chat :D
I'm pretty much clueless about programming but my hubby @El'endiaStarman knows more about various languages, python is his favorite :) I'm studying to get my masters in public health, and have a bachelors in Environmental science.
so science is my thing lol
@ElizB I thought you had an internship that was somewhat programming related?
I must be thinking of someone else
@Rainbacon that was this past summer, i gotta change that....
I know just a tiny bit of SQL that's it
it's alright lol i don't know enough to really work with it
Right now I'm fighting against some tricky SVGs... they don't wanna let me import them externally and modify their stylesheets >_<
ah, hmm. don't know how to help....
Unfortunately, SVGs are outside the scope of my powers
@ElizB Haha that's okay. That's neat you're in health and environmental science. I'm currently studying various medical diligences at uni rn. Right now I'm at a loss as to go into something with computers or medicine. Love people, I'm afraid that working in a computer related industry will take that away from me lol
@Rainbacon seems to be the same conundrum for me too haha. I need to important them externally so Cloudflare caches them. Hmm.
I was summoned...?
@Anilla Yeah, what were you thinking in terms of what kind of work you're interested in?
@El'endiaStarman Yes, dear. Do you know anything about importing SVGs? @Anilla needs a bit of help
Not very much regarding importing them. :/
@ElizB I've been leaning towards Radiology currently. I'm interning at a hospital as of now and do technical work with patients. I love it. But I've found a new interest in working with computers too.
@El'endiaStarman Ah, alright
@El'endiaStarman thanks for the effort! It's somewhat of a niche area... SVGs are pretty weird since it's like a XML document itself.
@Anilla That's really cool. It's kinda hard to do that - people + computers
@Anilla Nothing is as pleasant as that line x)
@Anilla Oh yeah, I know. I've been using them in my latest personal project.
I'll probably be switching to Canvas sooner or later though.
Marked this comment as caught correctly (tp). Currently marked 1tps/0fps
@ElizB Yeah, that's what I was thinking. Maybe I should just stick to studying and work with medicine. Giving up people isn't something I'm keen on doing.
@Anilla @ElizB They way to do people + computers is to become a consultant
@Rainbacon yeah, thats true
@Rainbacon it's strongly related to countries, though. I come from medical engineering, and there's so few jobs in that field in mine...
I'd love to go back being a software engineer for surgeons. That was cool
@El'endiaStarman I wish I could use canvases. The only problem is it's hard to cache that information it seems.
@avazula software engineer for surgeons?? That sounds amazing!
@Anilla It was :)
@Anilla My work was about modeling aortae in 3D, as you can see here
@avazula Very cool.
@avazula that sounds really cool
That was challenging but it was so cool working for stuff that actually helps people
agh, just embarrassed myself by having tea go down the wrong way into my lung tube :P
hacking and coughing while teacher looks at me and asks if I'm okay and i'm like "ah, no worries I'm fine cough hack tea went down hack the wrong way hack hack
@avazula that's awesome! Was that a temporary job you had?
@ElizB Oh no! What type of tea? xD
@Anilla I'm drinking a tea that has beetroot and some other herbals
@Anilla sort of, I was an intern
@ElizB I've been americanized; never heard of such a tea lol. Did you make it yourself?
@Anilla No, my dad got it from London when he went to visit- the company is Teapigs, the name is UpBeet tea... i'll probably never find it again but it's nice
I prefer a green tea personally
but since i have looseleaf tea it's not as easy to transport
@ElizB What does it taste like? Anything comparable? Green tea has always been my go-to; but I'm interested to hear about others :)
@Anilla oh there's so many others. Black, oolong, roobios, white, herbal...
Black tea is the best tea!
hmm, it tastes something like a beet-ish herbal mellow tea with a tiny bit of bitterness
@Rainbacon Not so for my super sensitive stomach....
I mostly drink iced tea (that's why I like black tea the most) :)
@Rainbacon yeah, agreed
i love iced herbal fruity teas
I've been going through a lot of ginger and lavender tea lately! Herbal teas are the best! Also, fruity teas.
Iced tea is pretty great. Where is everyone from btw?
@Anilla @avazula and I are from France and you?
Northeast US, near Albany, New York
I just got 6 inches of snow then a half inch or so of freezing rain.... ice covered my car and it took at least 15-20 minutes to hack that ice off the car to make it driveable
A couple hours south of ElizB, in the big city
I live in the Northeast(ish) of the US as well. I'm surprised we've made it through the insane cold XD Oh! I reached 1K reputation. Yippee! :D
@Ælis France! How's the weather over there?
@Anilla Congrats!
@Anilla Yay! Yeah, that polar vortex was crazy
Thanks everyone! Any tips for making edits on the fly? That seems to be the new privilege I've acquired.
I rarely make edits unless something needs serious clarification, and I edit only when I think I know what the OP is trying to say
@Anilla It depends on the region. Unfortunately, there is no snow for me :( (I move this year to a "warmer" city and I'm missing having snow in the street like I use to have, at least once a year, in my old city)
@ElizB I mostly edit for spelling / formatting or narrowing the scope if off topic
@Anilla Don't forget to check the title and the tags when making an edit. People always forget about them
BTW @Anilla, lots of courage for your allergies. I have IBS, I know how painful/disturbing it can get
I have IBS too so I get it as well
@Ælis Aww, that's too bad. I love the snow too; except when I have to shovel my driveway because Americans love their cars... >.> @avazula @ElizB thanks for understanding. It does kind of suck to not be able to enjoy a lot of the foods other people do. I'm taking specialized 'therapies' to help fix some allergies though :D there's hope!
@Anilla oh, that's cool! :)
I hope it'll get better
The recent snow is more of a pain because of all the ice that came with it
This is me, every day, when I only have two hours of work left:
omg me too :P
I'm so unproductive at the end of the day that it's like I'm getting paid to do nothing (but I would rather be home and unpaid)
I get it... it's ok to be unproductive because that's your brain asking for a break
Been there too lol. I have ADHD so I often find myself anxious if I've been focusing on something for too long.
@ElizB Yeah but I can't give it that break because I need a real and long break, not just a 15-minutes one :/
@Anilla Oh, I didn't know ADHD could cause anxiety this way. That mustn't be fun :/
@Ælis yeah, gotcha
@Anilla congrats on the 1k. I'm getting close to 2k. It's exciting!
I'm so close to 2k too :)
Hey you yellow square
Hey you German pub girl
hey be nice :P
Oh but that's a compliment! (it is right?)
Anyway, I take it as a compliment
I'd love to be a German pub girl. With white hair. And lots of beers.
Maybe? Lol I thought we were just describing our avatars. I guess German pub girls are probably cool people
Lots of beers does indeed sound good
@scohe001 Nah, I don't know, I just love Germany
For the beer?
That could have been deep-learning-generated image captions
Or the people?
Or the places?
@scohe001 erh ... both?
I prefer Czech beer
Ahh you really can't beat Czech beer
They're the world's biggest exporter, aren't they?
@scohe001 Well I only know Berlin and a couple of villages but München sounds awesome
@avazula have you ever been?
@scohe001 I don't know. When I wanna drink Czech beer I go directly to the source! PRAHA!
@scohe001 not in München, sadly.
I'd have loved to live there
@avazula damn I'm jealous. We have some cool micro-breweries out here in the states, but it's nothing compared to all the amazing old beer y'all have out in Europe :(
@avazula Then what's stopping you, silly!
@scohe001 You're welcome to stop by if you wanna come visit our continent :) I could use a Czech beer-tasting trip.
@scohe001 Well ... Now I'm not the only one making such decisions anymore ... I have a wife and children I have a partner and a cat :)
LOL well if we consider the cat already convinced, you're 2/3rds of the way there!!
Not saying anything until I confirm she still has interest is a good advice. She could have lost interest. Thanks — Simon 1 min ago
#20969 Simon (146 rep) | A: How do I tell a colleague that I won’t have an intimate relationship with her? (score: 2) | posted 14 hours ago by bruglesco (581 rep) | Toxicity 0.043784756 | tps/fps: 0/0
Matched regex(es) ["chatty-no-doubt(@Noon)", "chatty"]
@scohe001 Nah, the cat really prefers my partner. That betrayer.
I guess that's because of their unemployment, they and the cat spend lots of fun time together. Without me. ;_;
Someone not liking you most? I don't believe it for a second
This must be one eeeeevil cat
@avazula whoa that was the weirdest thing. This message didn't show up in my transcript but I just got a notification for it on the main site. When I refreshed chat it suddenly appeared O_O
If I'm ever over there again you'll be the first to know!
@ElizB I finally got the sandbox post made interpersonal.meta.stackexchange.com/a/3550/11659
A: Sandbox for Proposed Questions

RainbaconProposed title: How can I be assertive without causing conflict? Background I am on the autism spectrum and often have trouble being assertive without causing a conflict. The result of this is that I have become very timid for fear of causing issues by advocating for myself. An (albeit silly)...

2 hours later…
@scohe001 yeah,that happens a lot these days, that's weird.
I mean, the missing messages haha
Hey @Tinkeringbell @EmC I was wondering. I just bought a crochet pattern and I'm looking to buy some yarn. So you guys have some good sites to recommend me?
@avazula You're in France right? I mostly use the local yarn shop here :P
Are you looking for synthetic or natural fibers?
@Tinkeringbell preferably synthetic? But if you buy it IRL, I'll look myself don't worry :)
@avazula If you have a Facebook account, you could look to join a french language crochet group, they could probably advise you :)
@Tinkeringbell ooh, smart. Thank you :)
You're welcome :) Most crochet groups are nice, and they often know where not to order. :)
I've heard bad things about deramores, though the one time I chanced buying there, everything went fine.
Q: Can anyone please help

MissTaurusGood morning I have a friend who is very intelligent but terribly absent minded who sends the odd gift out every couple of months and then announces every year that he will be coming over from the United Kingdom (I live in New Zealand) for x number of days and never thinks of asking me if it wi...

@avazula I've ordered from yarn.com and knitpicks before! I don't know about their international shipping though
what are you planning to make?
@EmC @Tinkeringbell I bought that pattern:
Oooh, nice :)
I know it's written 'free', but, ya know... Pinterest tricks to attract you :p
It'd like to crochet this to a part of my family who's fond of beekeeping (I learned from them actually)
Ill make it bigger than a baby blanket though
The things you do for patterns :P Once you get (PUN!) hooked, you'll never stop collecting them ;)
@avazula Seriously... I have over 150 GB of files, mostly crochet patterns, on a disk somewhere. I must admit that once sorted there's probably only going to be 50GB left, but...
@avazula that's so cute!
@Rainbacon Great, i'll take a look
@Tinkeringbell what prevents me from having too much is the price, honestly. How comes fabric, yarn and everything is so expensive, especially when you can buy a t shirt for 4 bucks? Really?
Ooh btw guys just wanted to share some cool stuff with you: I was looking for an app for learning ASL (not enough resources online for learning FSL...) and I found this... An app that translates oral speech into ASL instantly... And its called Ava! so illegitimately proud
oh yes I heard about that, thanks for reminding me!!
@avazula Try looking at this website to begin learning gallaudet.edu/asl-connect

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