My girlfriend's grandad is suffering from a cancer that is now at a late stage. He's also suffering from related problems like internal bleeding. Doctors say he needs blood transfusions, but hospitals in the area are scarce in blood and hus case is not critical enough, so he cannot receive transf...
I'm in a happily monogamous relationship. I also am friends with someone I used to date. My friend and I generally void the subject of dating/romance now because it can be a sore subject that stirs up feelings. I hope in time that this restriction will ease up as we adjust to just bei...
Despite the choice of words there's a few useful bits in the answer - that he needs to be open with his SO about this, and he needs to be sure his friend is ok with that specific orientation... and sometimes you just wanna stay friends else ...
Those little overtones of homophobia get to a person after a while... Someone being this vulnerable, this publicly, shouldn't have to deal with that. Takes a lot of courage to come out that far... Then people have to remind them why it takes courage. Just sucks.
@apaul I've made some edits. I think you're right that the tone is judgemental and some of the phrasing is really unfortunate. I hope its an improvement.
@Magisch The part I've been struggling with... a lot of these posts seem to focus on 'oh, it's so fine you're feeling this way, really, it's perfectly normal' instead of just taking the question at face value and saying 'here's the interpersonal skills you need to solve this'.
I can get a bit of mirroring and validation in an answer, but some are really overdoing it IMO
The answer in question is basicly 3/4 lamenting straight fragility and then a tiny sentence about how they need to be honest and maybe find other people to do it with
@Mithrandir Unclear, off-topic (what should I do), too broad. It's hitting multiple marks. And OP apparently deleted their account after, so no-one will improve it if it's closed?
@Mithrandir I take it as they go to their parents on the weekend. Some students did that where I studied. Other students considered those people to still 'live with their parents'. But that's my interpretation, the question can really use clarification.
@JourneymanGeek Hahaha probably true, I don't see many adults eating them :P Although my dad got one each day he stayed in a hotel a few months back :)
I already slept there a few times. Tried to cook too. I made pancakes Sunday morning. I poured the batter in the pan when I found out I didn't have a spatula...
@Imus I hope so :) I used to cook the stuff my mom bought, that went fine. Now I actually have to come up with stuff to eat myself! My partner is not a good source of inspiration. He calls me 'difficult' when I ask him what he would like to eat. (In jest, of course, but still leaves the deciding to me.)
hint: make a list of foods you both like that you can fall back to if you don't have inspiration. "We haven't eaten this in a while, this good for you?" That way all he has to do is say yes without thinking and get something he likes anyway :)
Recently I was at an academic conference where I met a famous academic in the my area during the banquet dinner. However, for some reason I haven't recognised the name and the physical figure of the person (he looks different in the picture that usually comes attached in the "about the authors" s...
My wife is having a friend staying over with us at the end of the month for a visit. She asked if she could bring her new (~2 months) boyfriend along as well. We are not comfortable with this for multiple reasons. In order of importance to us:
We have never met this guy before, and we aren’t co...
Ah and another almost 10 minute walk to go buy some food in our company shop :) (in case I didn't make my lunch in the morning, which happens way too often)
towards my bus stop in the morning is just a 5 ish minute flat walk. From the bus to my desk takes 10 minutees and first goes up roughly 2 (maybe more) floors, then down again, to go up roughly 1 floor again ... those hills are annoying :p,4.6732031,3a,60y,8.04h,95.3t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1s7TKm0IY4Ydj1luxDMPBXOw!2e0!7i13312!8i6656 the "stairs" I got to climb every day :)
If you know where I work, it leaves about 150 employees. If you know that I'm a programmer, it leaves about 45. If you know I'm a woman, that leaves exactly 1.
My identity is not exactly a secret, I don't go out of my way to hide it. One time though, someone with a crush on me figured out I studied in the same town as he lived.
He kind of stalked me, that was awkward. Luckily, he had to move away after a few weeks. Good riddance.
@Imus That's a lot :O We had like 5 women out of some 80 students. And next month we'll have 2 women programmers working here, out of 60. The consultant department has 0 women.
It's gotten worse with Zoutelande being such a popular song. Everyone goes to Zoutelande and Domburg in the morning, but I drive the other way. And in the evening they're all going back and I drive the other way again.
I was trying to see the latest activity on a post so I clicked the "sort by active" link. But that doesn't seem to work... the latest post didn't show up first?
ah i think i see what's going on - looks like it puts the accepted answer first, rest of answers in order of activity.
Did anyone else just receive an email from SO about friendliness and a survey and a remote workshop? And a $50 amazon gift card that I like the sound of.
@Magisch The post was edited by a mod. Tone says something, and in that case it was borderline, but I couldn't shake the feeling that they were skirting the line somewhat deliberately.
@Tinkeringbell There was very little mirroring or validation in my answer there, but I did try to address the whole question. (Questions are more than the bot with the questionark for a reason.)
@apaul Hmmm... I still find it very little focused on the 'how to ask' part and a lot on the 'here's why it's okay to feel like this'. Anyway, what did came up: "Straight men have some serious hangups about being perceived as anything other than straight men"... mind making that a little less applicable to every straight man?
@apaul Anyway... the quote is okay I guess, but your own statement could use the little nuance that quote has too.. 'A lot of straight men' or 'Straight men may have' appeals to a much broader audience.
I find the sentence in question to be true. I identify as straight male. But I do see that it could probably be reworded to not put every straight man under that assumption, just like tink said
@apaul When has anyone belittling you ever caused you to change your worldview? I know it's frustrating to see the effects of toxic masculinity but think about your goal. Perhaps it might be more effective to provide positive examples of less toxic forms of masculinity for them to learn from.
@apaul Intent only counts for so much. Does it matter to you if the hurtful thing I said was intended to be hurtful or not? It still hurts that it was said.
@apaul remember, if you're the better person, the difference will be stark to onlookers, and you'll come out on top
Sometimes its hard to give the benefit of the doubt and be exceedingly polite if you smell the same BS you've been dealing with for years, but try not to get goaded.
If the intent is indeed malicious then it'll backfire in its own time
@apaul your statement resonates with me. In a good way. Well, good from you, not from society. I am a bi woman. I've been in two commited relationships before, both with men. I did have a girlfriend for a very short time. My parents don't know about the girlfriend. I'm sure they'd accept me as being gay, but I don't know what they'd think of me being bi.
If they're here just looking to stir the pot an aggressive reaction is exactly what they're looking for. Since stirring the pot is disruptive to regular site activities, if you don't reward them by engaging and escalating the situation, it is much easier for mods to step in and take action against disruptive individuals.
Still hard not to be a little irked by the way so many didn't have a problem with a post that used the terms "revolting" and "man-on-man sex" but were entirely willing to be upset that I didn't bother to qualify "straight men" as "many straight men"
@apaul I can't blame you. It's frustrating for me too.
You can always edit posts yourself to make the language less hostile. Your perspective on what is unwelcoming puts you in the perfect position to make those edits.
My coworkers gave me a gift card for a foot massage as a graduation present. The problem is that I have a problem with people touching my feet, so the idea of getting a foot massage is thoroughly repulsive. Needless to say I'm never going to use the gift card.
I've already been asked twice if I'...
@Tinkeringbell that seems to be the case some days, I've seen the pattern come up often. I'm finally back in my office after battling an absolutely horrendous cold that just steamrolled me... I'm happy to be back on my feet
where I am, it's late morning, so I have all day to check into chat and IPS
I am currently supervising a student doing his master's thesis in our company. We have weekly update meetings with the whole team, where students report on their progress. While my student is doing a good job workwise, his presentation skills are lacking. Specifically, he seems unconvinced of the...
Have you ever experienced a coworker who suddenly stops talking to you or stops being friendly, for no apparent reason? This woman used to go out of her way to say hello and now ignores me while speaking to everyone else. She will walk by my workgroup and greet the others yet act like I'm not t...
I have to write a report with 3 other people about a project work.
We split it up in different parts. First things went slowly and but a week later one group member have written a very good complete introduction, even that he was struggling heavily with other parts. As an information the report ...
She. You love me, don't you?
He. Yes!
She. Marry me!
He. No.
She. Ok then we break up.
He. Oh no okay.
(later on, she is mostly happy)
He. I hate you for manipulation, now we divorce.
My actual question is, what to read to find answers to my questions below, in case this is a known dcenar...
@scohe001 It was only that situation that I was able to walk away within the rock climbing gym, I guess I wanted more generic applications like being in other situations like being unable to leave (in a car, at an event/restaurant, etc)
plus, my husband, my sister, and my friend were there and being who he is, he didn't want to tarnish his "appearance" of being kind too much
yeah, I wanted to find things to say that I could say to him to his face
that's the only one that's worked, ish.
he and I have had many, many tearful arguments and at one point when he was dropping me off late at my mom's house (where I live) he said "go back and hide in your moms house"
like i was some scared little girl and not a pretty mature and hurt 17 year old
I know you gave me that example in the comment about gaslighting, but after a bad situation has he ever seen your side or acknowledged how he's making you feel?
@scohe001 I know I need to let go of a lot of resentment, I am working on that. hmmm, I have told him my side, but I don't see that he really listens. his mental attitude is something like "i'm "listening to you" but you need to listen to me as well!" so he'll just play the trump card and think his words worth listening more than mine... this is only what I see from his actions after the fact. he doesn't apologize for specific situations, only a superfical "i'm sorry"...
it's maddening to deal with and my solution now is to not see him as much, which makes a vicious cycle of me being guilty of not seeing him enough, then him pointing that out, then him berating me for not spending time with him, etc etc etc
it just goes round and round and round. my sister who saw that short exchange at the rock climbing gym was in absolute heaven.... she looks up to me a lot. She told mom, then mom told me. I kinda like knowing I stopped an unpleasant discussion... it could also be that dad chose his battle and decided not to push it. Other topics are much more "serious" like being more athletic (which my sister is not.... ) that annoys her so much
@ElizB Reading through the chat it makes more sense now. Sorry if I came off as rude or anything, it just seemed like you had a decent solution already.
@ElizB As an aside, have you checked out ? It has a lot of information and people in similar situations. It could be of some use to you.
@TheRealLester Hmm, checking it out. Thanks :) a lot of answers I see are more long term but not immediate statements that stop the negative interaction from continuing
@scohe001 No worries. people I'm around don't realize it either, even after seeing me. I speak for myself so they assume I'm able to hear and understand on the phone... not the case there :P some people with cochlear implants ARE able to do so, only after extensive practice. I've simply chosen not to practice and use other devices, like a video relay system.
@TheRealLester This reddit is very nice, there's a lot of info here. i'll keep looking around. seems to be mostly stories and vents
@ElizB No problem. I can't remember exact titles or links but I read through some of these and the comments can sometimes have some pretty good information.
@TheRealLester Yeah, I haven't seen any so far. I tried searching for the "Ndad" and havent found much. I found one that i can relate to already about Nparents being bad with money... my dad is obviously in debt and still goes on trips... he recently went on a cruise just with my sister... he doesn't really include me out of "fear" that I will reject that. I think that reason is just bs.