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02:00 - 20:0020:00 - 22:00

An airlines I suppose
Accounting firm, says Google.
Are you active at English.SE, @RoryAlsop?
He/She's everywhere.
And everywhen.
And all powerful, literally (mod on many sites)
I rather developed this theory that it's people who are very interested in knowledge who spend a lot of time at Stackexchange, and people interested in socializing in general prefer social media. I could spend hours reading wikipedia...
@EnglishStudent Thank god the only "social media" I have is email :P
Me too is all i can say. @Zizouz212 which is why i identified with apaul's question. Not everyone needs to be on social media.
Hahaha XD
That was priceless!
Not everyone needs ti be on social media. Apaul is the highest rep member here and people will ask 'why are you not on friendbook?' Ironic.
Information, Q&As are the energies I need to survive. I don't care for what Alice and Bob are doing in their summer in Italy or whatever.
I spend more of my online hours on SE than anything else.
Here there is a sense of achievement, on social media, there is a sense of entitlement.
I've never understood social media. And that's coming from a very social person :)
Totally right @Bradley Wilson. I prepared a question about communism over 4 hours, first ever Q I posted on Politics.SE and it got closed as too broad. Discussed with senior members and edited to narrower focus, waiting for reopen. Whether it gets reooened or not I feel the sense of achievement, of having prepared a really good question to my own satisfaction! Learned about the topic in the process.
@EnglishStudent I am definitely interested in everything to do with science, history, culture, geography, flight, radio, space, life...etc and entirely uninterested in social media (although I do seem to have accounts on a few of them...)
@NVZ is okay - I'm a he
I do a wee bit on English.SE. Not even at 10k there yet though
Modding definitely reduces time to answer questions.
@EnglishStudent Over on the meta? I'll go take a look, not been on Politics much today.
Politics has some really great content, but then also some really crappy content.
@RoryAlsop I'm not sure if you see it, but your avatar changes every now and then. I'm just curious why that could be
it gets good questions, just bad answers
@EnglishStudent Bradley is active on politics.se
NVZ might even be able to tell you that there is a 'cultural difference' between (the people at) ELU and thise at Interpersonal.SE, @RoryAlsop
@BradleyWilson Transparency?
@Zizouz212 Not quite sure what you mean, could you elaborate?
@EnglishStudent LOL. He doesn't need my opinion. He's been here longer than any of us.
I think the image is transparent, so the system just throws a black/white background on it.
oh, okay. I thought you were replying to the Politics comment
Thank you, @BradleyWilson -- you might be able to suggest improvements to my Q. What I really mean, I didn't feel my time spent on preparing thar Q was at all wasted -- is that the temperament if a Stackexchangian?
@BradleyWilson And that too. I've been impressed with a few answers, but many answers I've found are just horrid, or completely wrong (and both often get tens of up votes)
Right, @NVZ - but for me that cultural difference was striking: ELU folk mainly have IQ and Interpersonal.SE folk deal in EQ! Reminds me of H.G.Wells' "Time Machine" novel...
@EnglishStudent I feel like the answers already sum up exactly what I would say, you've mixed History and Politics in a very broad sense. I think it could be split into multiple questions (but determining those to be on-topic would mean developing a political climax to what you want answering, at the moment. I can only see many answers being history oriented. It's a shame because it's an interesting question.
@EnglishStudent Maybe you could pinpoint a specific event, in which you could feel it would develop in a communist state, although that could be closed as speculation. People on Politics, like finesse and precision, specific events, specific outcomes
@RoryAlsop You don't say ;)
@Zizouz212 I couldn't agree more, we have the same problem (not as drastic as you can base an answer her on personal endeavours), but the citations and general understanding of some answers don't come across as well (as there is also an emotional investment sometimes)
I admit it's very broad, @BradleyWilson but we need Stack Exchange expertise mainly for overarching analysis. For everything else we have wikipedia!
@BradleyWilson I feel like that's the biggest issue with the site. There are many people who try to present their (often flawed) political opinions as fact, and people just vote up to say they agree.
Which is a shame, because it scares a neutral environment away.
@Zizouz212 people downvote for disagreement and upvote for agreement rather than content and citations. I agree.
@Zizouz212 It's certainly one of the outlier SEs
I'm kind of surprised that there isn't a reference requirement there actually. Or if there is one, that it's not enforced.
it's been brought up numerous times
but a consensus hasn't been made (as you can imagine alot of bickering happens both on the main site and meta)
I think it's a bit telling that I periodically see questions from politics.se reposted on skeptics.se looking for more reputable answers
as people see some users as emotionally invested in certain topics they disagree with or have ideologies they disagree with
yes or Law.SE
@Zizouz why would I ask a fact based question at Politics.SE OR History.SE? I take my facts from wikipedia which has only facts and no interpretation. For that we need Stack Exchange.
The mods have a hard time there, I feel
@BradleyWilson Yeah, we see a few questions coming from Politics over to Law
I personally couldn't do it
@EnglishStudent You my friend, need to reconsider Wikipedia. I like Wikipedia as a starting point for research, and you have to take everything you see with a healthy grain of salt.
Fortunately, I go there to learn moreover teach
@BradleyWilson Being a mod on a relatively calm site is generally a stressful, antagonistic experience. I can't even begin to imagine what the mods on politics.se go through
@Zizouz212 I back that statement
'Emotionally invested' seems more for Interpersonal.SE...
@Beofett If you ever come across Phillip, he's a great moderator (and very patient)
@EnglishStudent Unfortunately, some people are living through the issues they are talking about on Politics, so it can get a little heated
@Beofett Oh really? I've been a mod for two years, and I bet the mods on this site have handled more flags than I ever have.
@BradleyWilson For the most part, I only lurk on politics. The temptation for me to troll is too high :)
@Zizouz212 Where do you mod?
@BradleyWilson Oh yes. He's great.
That's news, @Zizouz212 I thought wikipedia was OK, with all thise citations.
@BradleyWilson Open Source
@Zizouz212 Yeah, this is another site I suspect is not exactly a walk in the park for the mods ;)
@EnglishStudent Wikipedia is great to find citations. But people can often bend those citations into offering opinion. Most of the information is factually correct, you just have to verify it
Interesting, didn't even know that existed aha
I used to mod on parenting.se
@Beofett Oh eek
Philipp at Politics patiently helped me understand the problems with my question.
@BradleyWilson Yeah, I sometimes forget that I'm a moderator there.
@Zizouz212 Brilliant
I probably handle maybe a few real flags a month...
@Zizouz212 What's your favourite SE?
@BradleyWilson The only ones that I've really participated in is Open Source and Law
I like Aviation, and Skeptics from time to time, but never really participated.
I am trying to put forward a new site devoted to Urban Planning though.
@Zizouz212 I should probably stop being lazy and check your profile. I like observing skeptics, some of the questions on there blow my mind.
Since you and Zizouz @BradleyWilson are experienced at many sites here, are you satisfied how this young site Interpersonal.SE is progressing?
@EnglishStudent I wouldn't say experienced on "many" sites, I only really participate on Politics and SO and now on this
But i'm really enjoying it so far
@EnglishStudent Yes and no. The community here is invested, but the quality is something that I think there are still places to work on. But overall, pretty good.
We need variance on Qs, away from the communication based ones
It's just, this site breaks the model an awful lot.
It truly does, alot of opinion
And that can make things tricky. Introducing objectivity into a subjective topic isn't pretty
I was impressed with the level if empathy and good sense displayed consistently by many members here.
@EnglishStudent SE is full of intelligent people, It doesn't surprise me
@Zizouz212 I feel it'll mold well, we have good mods and good active users, who was wanting to make this site better
Intelligence, empathy. These people are emotionally talented and I appreciate it. INterpersonal.SE has the potential to be uniquely different within SE.
Both of you are absolutely right. I've worked with Catija and HDE (two of the mods here) a fair bit on other sites, and they are wonderful (as much as I may disagree with them on certain things)
I got the impression we are getting too many 'is this rude' 'hiw do i politely' questions...
@EnglishStudent True, that. "Bandwagon effect".
I wish to see more questions that push the boundaries.. "Is this rude?" isn't the only thing we are here to deal.
Good point @NVZ and I hadn't considered thst bandwagon is bringing all those questions.
On the bright side we are not getting any bad questions did you note?
They will come. The key is to let people ask questions freely (and not for the sake of asking)
Disagreement creates good discourse, sometimes
I like people disagreeing and presenting counter points. (but peacefully)
I feel there is a comfort zone too, people don't want their questions being closed too quickly either, it's almost a faux community insecurity
Yes it does, @BradleyWilson and teaches about cross-cultural differences in unique ways you couldn't get anywhere else!
That's true, I've certainly learnt about Indian culture from @NVZ alone
Isn't Indian culture wonderful?
I told somebody yesterday, that sort of opportunity never existed before Interpersonal.SE
A beautiful chaos (from what I've gathered so far)
especially the political knowledge I've acquired from India, too
Great developers, too.
Anyway, it has been a pleasure but food and sleep await. See you on the morrow.
Indian culture finds ways to function within tremendous uncertainties, which is what I appreciate about our people. We/they can also bear tremendous adversities philosophically
Bye @BradleyWilson good talking to you!
Meanwhile I chanced upon this cute video on Youtube under Artist On the Rise. It's a beautiful video, loving couple, from young age to old age.
Q: Impact of the internet on people's high self-opinion

Brett OlsonI spend a fair amount of time perusing the internet blogs, twitter, etc. In general it feels that most people are very confident of the correctness of their view of reality, right, and wrong. This is has led to droves of online "experts", a perceived inflexibility, and a lack of curiosity of ot...

@ExtrovertedMainMan An interesting change, I beleive.
Q: How to deal when you are too excited about someone you just met?

André SousaI just met a girl through a friend and so far, we haven't stopped talking not even by a second. Even though I'm really excited, she is friendly with everyone. Like really friendly. How can I stop acting like I'm too excited? Or even better, how to deal in situations like this? I really don'...

Q: How to proper backfire at a psychologists advice?

TomasA few years i am feeling sad, down and very angry at everyone. The last 3 years struck harder then ever. I felt the need to leave everything, except my wife and daughter. I mentally snapped. It felt like i had a burnout. I did not quit my job, but i had to be home all day. So i called in sick. In...

@Beofett and were one of my role models for how to try and mod there. I haven't managed it, but I try. Parenting is a challenging site to mod. Like this one. And Workplace...
@EnglishStudent it's doing a lot better than I expected.
having seen how difficult the other subjective sites are...
Of the sites that I mod, two are very subjective - and they take up almost all my mod efforts. The biggest sites I mod are almost entirely managed by the community.
Good to know, @RoryAlsop -- and is 'extroverted main man' a nickname for feeds?
@EnglishStudent not generally, but the two feeds in here have my favourite feed names of any chat room
Extroverted main man and introverted meta man
That's innovative, @RoryAlsop and what exactly does 'introverted meta man' mean?
Q: Do we need [help]?

apaul34208Just spotted a meaningless tag on the main site that I'm pretty sure we could do without. help It's only been used on 3 questions so far, and doesn't really add anything, as I'm sure most everyone that posts a question is looking for help of some kind or another. So, do we need help?

Oh right I get it 'main and meta' @RoryAlsop -- I am an introverted meta man. Thank you and good night!
Q: How to deal with people whose English is not good enough to be understandable

stefvanschieSo I develop plugins as a hobby for just over two yers now (nothing professional). I've posted one plugin online on a forum for everyone to use. Note that this forum has a rule stating you should write in English, and while it's not that big of a deal if you don't, it has basically become a stand...

02:00 - 20:0020:00 - 22:00

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