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I would love feedback on that meta Q. I've been tagging some posts to make some searchable sense out of the questions - at least on that identifier. But I don't want to go off half cocked without community support
@Randal'Thor ^
I think ROs have italic names @Christopher
@YvetteColomb (I'm off to bed soon, but) which meta Q?
I'm over tired. Had forced sleep deprivation, will make up for it tonight
@YvetteColomb Interesting idea.
Both these relationship tags and the previously-discussed country/culture tags are about defining context for a question.
the link to context wasn't the best. We did a course in my masters in professional communication
Is that what we want tags to be for here?
and context is important
well yes
just as java does
it's searchable
people might search 'friends' 'bossy'
and if we have the friends tag that helps
they are for SEO really
but need to be logical
There's a lot of disagreement over what tags are for.
Searchability is definitely one good purpose.
I've also seen the phrase "bat-signal for experts" thrown around a lot.
but at least if we can sort questions into groups based on subject matter
Not sure what its origin is.
well SEO is the main benefit for SE in terms of hits from searches with tags
Q: Is it a good idea to have classes of relationship types for questions to create context?

Yvette ColombIs it a good idea to have classes of relationship types for questions? By this I mean, family, close-friends, etc A question like this Asking someone to check out something I created could be construed as a little broad, as it would vary greatly depending upon whom the pitch was aimed at. An acq...

@Randal'Thor Hello from your colleague at Movies.
Q: How to make a relationship more romantic?

10 RepliesI was in a relationship with a female, went out on several dates (more than 3), but, nothing exciting happened. We didn't break up, we just kind of stopped talking to each other. About a year later (now minus a week or so) she asked if I wanted to "hang out." I agreed since I still liked her and ...

Where you expecting your first kiss or something?
Nah. I was expecting like at least hand holding or somthing.
Maybe I have too high hopes
@10Replies do try to feel her out, too. She may be finding it way more romantic than you are; The 5 Love Languages could be worthwhile reading if you're into reading at all.
Hey it's that guy who hides in the shadows.
"Feel her out" what does this mean lol?
Look for signs that she's really enjoying herself.
I'm assuming you're already doing that, though.
Yeah, I'm not quite sure how that will help.
@10Replies I'd suggest simply waiting. It's been a year - that's a long time! It sounds like you guys were close but not incredibly close; you both might have changed in that time and still need to get to know each other again. She may still be evaluating whether or not she wants a romantic relationship, and you should do the same.
Ye. but what do I do...
Hang out a second time.
@10Replies May or may not, but if she is finding it more romantic than you are, then to some extent it might just be a waiting game.
@HDE226868 yes.
Above all: Don't rush this.
Good plan
I made it an answer, just to be a bit more explicit.
I do wish you the best of luck.
thanks :)
@Randal'Thor Congratulations on getting both the first and second Nice Answer badges.
3 hours later…
Q: Should workplace related questions involving communication be on-topic?

A JProper communication is an important aspect in life at workplace. However, should workplace related questions like how do I approach someone for promotion etc be on-topic? We have Workplace SE for all questions related to the workplace. So which kind of workplace questions can be on-topic here?

5 hours later…
@10Replies that's little unique user name
Another mod is here.
Maybe mods will like using this site to help them learn how to communicate with the users.
@HDE226868 WUT, seriously?!
@Randal'Thor You're about to hit another rep cap.
Q: How many questions do we need about politely asserting your boundaries?

curiousdanniiWe already have several questions that essentially ask how to say "no": How to say “no”? How can I politely reject someone asking for whatsapp number How to politely decline an opportunity to be involved in a pyramid scheme? And then there are ones like these, which ask how to make potentiall...

@enderland You've inspired me to post a question.
Not sure if it's a good one. It may be too easily answerable, but then I've always had trouble with the terms "introvert" and "extrovert" and their precise meaning, so maybe others have too.
@Randal'Thor question sound perfect to me but seems more of ELL question to me
Because it's about meaning of two English terms
My first DV here \o/
@HenryWHHackv2.0 lol
@HenryWHHackv2.0 blame @AJ for making me come here
@IntrovertedMetaMan. lol, 2 are mine there
@AnkitSharma Most sites have terminology questions. I think it's appropriate to have questions about the meaning of personality classes when they impact our interactions so much
... and here come the downvotes.
I got one too after that meta :D
I also think it could be good to have a few questions like "What is ASD?" and "What is antisocial personality disorder?" which would give a good overview of the topics, and at the end say something like "if you think this could be describing you or a loved one, we strongly recommend you talk to your family doctor."
@curiousdannii terminology question works because sometime terms means something else then there plain dictionary meaning but here it's clear language question
@AnkitSharma Feel free to downvote for lack of research, but I don't think it should be closed. And in this case, I think the terms are so frequently used inconsistently that simply checking a dictionary won't bring clarity
@curiousdannii I don't agree with the idea, as the site is Interpersonal Skills not define me this , defien me that
@curiousdannii I say it works better on ELL then here and should be tehre
@AnkitSharma I'm not saying the site is define me this, define me that. All terminology questions would need to strongly relate to the site topic.
@AnkitSharma Well, feel free to flag and ask a mod to migrate it :)
@curiousdannii migration don't happen in private beta, even rarely in young public beta
@AnkitSharma automated migrations don't, but mod migrations happen all the time (once it's public).
@curiousdannii on Private beta O.o ? I never seen that.
@Randal'Thor ... and here comes sympathy upvoet :p
@AnkitSharma Ah, but the question isn't just "look up this word in a dictionary for me". It's a question targeted towards the area of expertise of this particular site.
@curiousdannii Terminology question work better in question like this movies.stackexchange.com/questions/46181/…, where the word's popular meaning is different then the context of the site
@Randal'Thor ELL have many such kind of question
@AnkitSharma I don't think you're understanding what I'm saying.
It's not a question for English-language experts; it's a question for interpersonal skills experts.
Surely ELL isn't full of questions tailored for interpersonal skills experts.
@Randal'Thor I know what you are saying but my point is it's still more applicable there then here
Take this example :
Q: Is there any difference between being ill and sick?

Danubian SailorI can say I'm ill or I'm sick. But what is the difference between the usage of these terms? I've heard that one can use sick for longer-term and ill for shorter-term, but is that really correct? How are these terms different for native speakers?

It's about terms of health but still a english language question and worked fine there
Ill and sick don't have different meaning in context of health
@AnkitSharma One of the trickiest rules to understand about Stack Exchange is that each site determines its own scope. Lots of people get tripped up by this all the time. But, I'm not aware of any site in the network which bans terminology questions because they can be asked at ELU! So, please stop raising the existence of ELU/ELL. These questions need to be judged on or off topic on their own merits on the basis of this site's topic alone.
Neither do shy
@curiousdannii you can raise that in meta then and yeah I know "each site determines its own scope" but it's decided by raising concerns and discusiions. And "stop raising the existence of ELU/ELL" sound more like "stop raising any concern at all"
@curiousdannii and let community decided it
@AnkitSharma Can you point to any site which bans terminology questions?
@curiousdannii did you missed the examples I gave?
@AnkitSharma You never gave an example of a site which bans terminology questions. You gave an example of a site with a question about jargon, and an ELL question
I am expecting Interpersonal Skills site to be about Interpersonal Skills rather tehn Interpersonal Skills & dictionary
@curiousdannii I made my point, you misinterpreted it . Don't know what else I can say here, I expressed my concern by votes and constructive feedback, nothing else I can do.
@AnkitSharma It's not "stop raising any concern at all". The fact that questions are on-topic at site A is never a reason to ban them on site B.
If it was, then we should close all questions about sci-fi films on Movies & TV :-)
@Randal'Thor it's time to decide the scope and when site decide scope concerns comes
@Randal'Thor seen that coming :D
We had this debate on Literature too, when people were saying "don't ask questions about sci-fi here, take them to SFF instead" and had to be taught better.
@AnkitSharma I know what your point is. My point is that no site bans terminology questions. If everyone thought like you, that terminology questions only belong at ELU/ELL, then there should be lots of sites which ban terminology questions.
@Randal'Thor But this site is Interpersonal Skills not "Interpersonal Skills and dictionary"
@curiousdannii This question is more of definition rather then terminology
@AnkitSharma Yes, and the question is about interpersonal skills.
@Randal'Thor it's about two English language word which don't have any different significance regarding to Interpersonal Skills. They don't sound like a terminology question of other site to me
@curiousdannii @Randal'Thor rather then dictating to me take it constructively to meta and let community take the decision. Each site decided scope by community consciousness and meta is best place for it then chat.
Agreed, this is something to be discussed on meta.
Because right now 3 people DVed it, 2 close voted , 1 upvote , which is not a clear conscious yet.
@AnkitSharma And I got +5 for that. :P
@AJ lol
I decided to come here the exact moment I got the ping but that time there was no question and I also got busy
@AnkitSharma I had to stay up for late when that ping came.
@AJ I slept early
Why was that universal thing changed?
I felt tired and I use SE less late night this days
I hAve lots of stuff to think about
@AnkitSharma think about only? Not do about?
I am more of thinker then dooer
Hey @John
Glad to see you here.
Hello @AJ. Long time no see.
Same for @AnkitSharma
Wow, this is the new Screening Room :-P
Hello again @Randal'Thor
Hi hi.
How's it going?
@Randal'Thor I am OK. A bit busy, but OK. I certainly hope you are also (or better).
@John because you are being slacker lately :p
@John Same here: busy, but OK :-)
Wow, people do not like the suggested chat room names.
(sans Rand's)
wow that's a good suggestion and I will even say the only good one rigth now — Ankit Sharma 3 hours ago
Ankit probably downvoted most of them.
I gave my suggestion too
Which got DV too
And you got my upvote.
Anyway it seems to be decided already, give it a day and rename tomorrow
And I thought "Living Room" was witty. I guess not.
Gotta go to work see you guys.
C u later alligator
@AnkitSharma no werealligator. ;-)
Anyway reply should be "after a while crocodile"
@HenryWHHackv2.0 Certainly.
'Noses are optional' - I think dear old Voldy took that a little too far, don't you think? Just a smidgen? — Mithrandir 1 min ago
That was definitely not sarcastic. At all.
@HDE226868 yeh I noticed that
@John actually it is :) I didn't notice that until I saw your comment
@YvetteColomb Sorry. I don't understand. My comment? ...
@John I didn't notice your answer 'the living room' until I saw you mention it here in chat
@YvetteColomb Oh OK. Yeah. It still got the DVs, so I guess it wasn't witty enough. Maybe there are people who don't like their living rooms. Hee hee.
I just came up with 'The Relation Ship' what do you think?
It's great!
I didn't offer an explanation
Hoist up the sail and post it.
I did :D
Oh? I don't recall seeing it. I will have to go back to that. Thanks.
How do you like the site so far. I think it's great. For some reason this place makes me feel more normal.
oh only just posted it - trying to get more than one popular one
@John I think it's very different from the average SE site
I love the community - it's got a personal feel
I hope we don't run out of questions, what do you think?
I think I am going to stay a while ... at least. But probably a lot longer.
You have already made a number of posts that got me thinking. Thanks for that.
I quite like this
Q: What's the difference between being introvert and being shy?

Rand al'ThorI noticed some people in chat saying there's a big difference between shyness and being introvert: I am both extremely outgoing and extremely introverted. shyness definitely isn't the same thing as being an introvert Now I've always thought of "introvert" and "extrovert" as meaning roughly ...

I can see why it's been closed, but I'm thinking it would be a good idea to somehow work questions like this into scope of the site
maybe we can include the terms and meanings of phrases that are used in interpersonal skills?
Q: What makes this question off topic?

10 RepliesHow to avoid walking into others in busy hallways? Interacting with others in a hallway seems to be an interpersonal skill... What makes this off topic?

Q: Are Mbti related questions on topic?

Nathan CoustenobleAmong the MANY questions I have for this site, some require me to specify the other person's Mbti type, like : How should I bring up that subject with an Infp ? For example. Are those questions on topic ?

I agree. Plus Rand is a famous member of the greater community.
Perhaps there should be a Meta post for vocabulary.
I jsut wrote one!
great minds and all that :D
Hee hee.
Good post. +1.
ttytt I'm a little baffled by our scope and I know that's the biggest thing about private beta
I get the impression many of us have our thinking caps on re scope
I guess that's what the private beta does, in part. It's already gotten me quite concerned once.
what was your concern?
I just asked a question - it's a real life experience, but it happened 30 years ago lolol
I wanted to introduce the topic
Q: How can we include the terminology of interpersonal skills into our site?

Yvette ColombThe following question got me thinking about scope What's the difference between being introvert and being shy? Personally I'm keen not to narrow our scope to situational questions. As this meta question hints at How many questions do we need about politely asserting your boundaries?, there can...

nice answer - one thing I've noticed that this person "X" is mentioned a lot on this site, I'd like to get my hands on this individual :D — Yvette Colomb 15 secs ago
ok that's it from me. see you all tomoz
@YvetteColomb. That situation about social engineering was the source of my concern.
I don't understand the scope at all. It seems like we are just kind of randomly choosing questions as out of scope even if thats not the reason we don't like them (like the one I posted about on meta which was closed as off topic even though it was just a bad question, but, on topic)
@10Replies welcome to a private beta, that's kind of the point
refining scope
oh the ping brought me back to life
@John is there a link?
Yeah but bad questions still in scope are bad questions and not out of scope
@10Replies I can understand why you feel like that
@YvetteColomb It was that Meta post on whether social engineering should be on topic.
ah ok I'll go look
@10Replies Pretty soon, we will be collectively reviewing each other's posts. That should help I think.
I'm loving some of the new (what am I saying they're all new) tags
Q: Who should we have as pro tem moderators?

Yvette ColombThe community team will allocate Moderator Pro Tempores for the site, so we don't have an actual election. Who would be interested in being nominated and what does the community think?

@10Replies do I have you r permission to edit that question a bit?
well you can reject it or improve it I guess, but I was going to try and jiggle it into "scope"
it's like there's two different questions in there, so I'm going to choose one and you can let me know
@10Replies done
I voted to close on that (no downvote) I think you need to put more context on the type of dance, there's massive cultural differences between what is perceived as a dance. It seems like it's a school dance? I'm not sure
also dance implies it's loud and difficult to talk. Did people form groups to chat or was it really about dancing
was it a party as opposed to a dance
or was it a particular type of dance that people needed to know the steps to?
I'll edit to add more details
you're good natured about it
anyway I really better go to bed now
night \o
Q: Deletion or incorrect close votes?

10 RepliesFrom this question What makes this question off topic? I realized that we are trying to get the best questions during the beta. Mine clearly wasn't the most well thought out question and it made more sense in my head, but, now what should I do? Should I delete the question? Should I let it sit ...

Q: Would psychology question be on-topic here?

OokerI think well-asked psychology question does attract experts, but do we want that kind of question in our site? It seems that we accept question about how a person with neurodivergent/disorder should do in a particular situation, but do we want to have a long tail on psychology specifically? Below...

4 hours later…
@YvetteColomb Yeah, the scope here is kind of . . . weird. Maybe more than normal for a private beta (for me). But then again, I've never really used a site that relies this heavily on subjectivity.
Q: Should and can we encourage writing from experience?

HDE 226868I haven't answered many questions here because I've decided to stick to dealing with situations where I've experienced something similar or identical. My rationale for doing so is that answers on Interpersonal Skills can have major outcomes on a person's life and relationships, and answerers shou...

Q: How to be accepted back into a group

Abhigyan ChattopadhyayI am a teenager, and I recently moved back to the place where I grew up as a child. My old friends have probably "moved on" in life, whereas I'm still behind. They seem to act superior to me, and don't accept me back as a friend. Every time I try to talk to my old friends, they crack a joke abo...

This is still just as broad as before!
@curiousdannii I agree.
Q: Questions about how to establish or fix a relationship are too broad

curiousdanniiHow to be accepted back into a group For this site to work I really think that we have to limit ourselves to well focused questions. Questions need to focus on specific situations and the skills to use in them. There's no single interpersonal skill which you can point to for solving the problem ...

Q: How this tag description is actually rejected for not describing when to use it?

dheinIn this tag wiki excerpt I wrote Asperger syndrome (AS), also known as Asperger's, is a developmental disorder characterized by significant difficulties in social interaction and nonverbal communication, along with restricted and repetitive patterns of behavior and interests. Since this affe...

Q: Not so fast! (When should I accept my answer) - Stolen from ELL

CatijaI've noticed that some questions are being asked, answered, and accepted in very short periods of time. Accepts are great but, particularly as this site contains a lot of subjective-ish content, I feel it's important to share this post from English Language Learners Meta. So, someone has answe...

The site is a little confusing to me.
I'm writing an insane meta post right now
will get back to you
Q: Isolating the problem

10 RepliesMost interpersonal situations are different and have little details that could change everything about the answers. I'm not sure whether questions should add paragraphs of detail to help the user, or, to be more open in attempt to help future users. For example, on the site in which I have the ...

TL;DR On other SEs the goal is to make your questions useful to all potential viewers. It seems like this site is trying to just help the individual asker.
Which does make a little bit of sense because with all the extra details you can help them a lot more.
But, it will never scale
as a large site, I don't think we could support that

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