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@scohe001 Just ends up being a target on your back, without any real upsides...
14 messages moved to Trash
1 hour later…
whew, the editing here took a lot longer than I thought o:
3 hours later…
@EmC Really took a hatchet to that. Why?
1 hour later…
8 messages moved to Trash | Housekeeping
1 hour later…
Hello awkward world!
awkward. hello world!
What? Where did Pseudohuman go??
Yup, seems really gone ;)
@Pseudohuman Where are you?
@JennaSloan did you do something to them?
Did we displease the maker? :o
@JennaSloan No one is waving us back we figured shocked.
It looks like it restarted but couldn't log in to the chat
Oh no :(
Any rescue operation required? ^^
but what will we do without our pseudohuman? I don't know anymore what to do with my life 😞
@avazula print("Hello!")
@Cashbee get a job, get a girlfriend, have parties, have kids etc.... ;)
@AJ Sounds not as fulfilling like a pseudohumanbeing :D
Oh, it looks like they changed the log in system
@AJ aliens
@AJ crab people
or was it ManBearPig?
@Cashbee God, who led Al Gore in?! '^.^
I just ask a question on "software engineering" and started a war of "is this on-topic?" XD (hoping the answer will be yes)
@Noon could you provide a link please? I'm curious :p
@AJ Well that's not nice
But I did look it up myself
Q: Peer review of unit test

NoonWhat is a good strategy for Q/A Engineers peer reviewing Unit tests as part of the software development life cycle? I think that there are, indeed, things that I should check regarding the unit test made by the devs (like making sure that critical part are well tested). So, what should I be loo...

It seems that they finally decide (after someone edited) that it's on topic \o/
congrats :D
There, fixed it
There you are girl
Yeah OpenID was removed entirely like... yesterday
1 hour later…
@apaul like I said in the comment.. first I put in all the additional comments OP made, then tried to make it more concise. is there something I took out that should have stayed?
the ips.meta post from yesterday? or what
in fact nevermind I don't want to know
the coat question. I did edit it a lot last night but tried to keep all the relevant stuff in it..
I had an IPS bad dream last night. I had too many bad answers and @EmC write me a very kind message to let me know that I was ban and why. But it was also a chat ban and I was devasted to not be able to chat with you for two full days :(
we would never ban you from TAS <3
or I at least
Never say never...
@Noon :'( good thing it was just a dream!
@Cashbee Ahah, thanks :D
@JennaSloan The Awkward Silence
Not Tool-Assisted Speedruns?
@EmC Yeah, I definitively like to be able to speak in here!
@JennaSloan no and neither is it a Traumainducing Agriculturemagazine Subscription
Also, for the vegan people in here (@avazula) and the people interested in palm oil, I just found this: Palm oil boycott could actually increase deforestation – sustainable products are the solution
Is algae vegan?
@JennaSloan To me, yes. But I have no idea why you would thing it's not?
@Noon Did it cause you so much struggle when you heard yesterday about there being no hard rules about when someone would receive a ban? I pity you >.<
Isn't algae technically an animal?
@dhein Well, my brain definitively don't like not having hard written rule ><
Q: public transport: sign to know if someone needs a seat

NoonI'm someone who gets easily physically tired. This means that, on public transportation, I will almost always look for a seat. Some days, there are no seats available but I'm so tired that I will sit on the floor (I'm fine with that). However, on those kinds of days, if a have a seat and someon...

@Noon nonverbal clues can be culturedependant. Doesn't have to be for this one, but I know that for example the european "shoo" gesture means 'come nearer' in japan
Oh, algae is a bacteria
@JennaSloan Eating bacteria is consider fine amoung most vegan
what I wanted to say is, can you add culture tag?
Ok, the wikipedia page for algae doesn't make much sense
@Cashbee Done :P
(I have done it between your two post but didn't had time to notify you ^^)
@Noon I know what you mean, for the same reason I have so much trouble with our current policys. The written policys didn't change that much but how we moderate did. So it causes me so much trouble in trying to find the pattern of how I should be moderating and trying to find the exact changes so I can just accept it. It chased me 2 times already in my dreams aswell the last 10 days >.<
So I totally get what you mean.
@Noon Is there actually a way to avoid eating bacteria at all? I mean without damaging the bacteria, what as I get it would challange the idea anyways?
never clap your hands guys, you could harm thousands of microorganisms
Are Cnidarians vegan?
My break is over now, I won't be able to answer your questions, sorry (also, I'm not sure I know the answer so...)
@JennaSloan what do you mean? "Do they eat vegan?" or "is eating them considered vegan?"
@Noon What the heck? that's surprizing. I gotta read this. thanks for sharing :)
@Cashbee both
@Noon Well it was spontaneous curiosity. DOn't bother with it. bye.
Mostly the latter though
Now there's something on HNQ that actually upset me and that I find actually damaging
@Cashbee I once had a discussion in my philosophy class when we were discussing abortion and someone came up with the "abortion shouldn't be allowed at all" argument, reasoning "all beings deserve to have a chance to live"... I countered "So do you consider masturbating as abortion, too?"... the guys in my class found it kinda funny.... most of the girls for some reason hated me after that for the remaining year till graduating >.<
@Magisch what is it?
@avazula a highly upvoted answer workplace.stackexchange.com/a/123586
@JennaSloan I'd say depends on how you define vegan. There are many levels of veganness. Some don't eat apples that haven't fallen from the tree themselves. I would guess this case here is a similar grayzone
@Magisch Yep, its discriminating aswell.
@dhein hehe. What I would have said: "They had their chance."
Gosh, people are weird
@Cashbee Why you edited it? Was it too offensive?:P
@dhein no my answer is just better without the addendum
kk ^^
by saying 'they lost' I 'admit' that I killed it which is an argument for them
@Magisch I am not finished yet reading it, but I think I am going to flag it for moderator attention and explain why I feel offended and discrominated by that answer. Lets see what comes out.
my jimmies are just ever so slightly rustled by that
@Magisch Pardon? what does that mean?
@Cashbee I like your reasoning. But I won't go further into this topic as I already learned once back then: You can earn yourself a lot of anti sympathy with that topic ^^
@dhein "something rustles my jimmies" means something bothers me.
I think there are multiple similar expressions in german (assuming that jimmies stands for balls)
the jimmies on ground ice :'D

Sounds very odd in english tho xD
@dhein I think its an amazing expression, and the variant that magisch used makes it even funnier
@Magisch I will try it first with a comment.... I mean the way he explains it isn't thaaaat wrong. just his headline seems like an totally inadequate fallacy to me.
@Cashbee Nono, I meant my literal translation of the german way I just translate.
Wouldn't dare to criticism someone else's english, by the level of my own english skills.
Btw, I assume giving an intrapersonal answer for an interpersonal question is considered a bad frame challange, isn't it?
@dhein yup
@dhein If you really want to offer such contribution to OP I suggest you invite them to discuss it in a chat room. that's what I would do nonetheless.
If a company wants me to be still useful in 5 years (meaning I continuously learn stuff) then I expect them to give me the time to learn during work hours. That is the main point I would criticise on that post. Are you feeling discriminated by that, or is it something else @dhein ?
@avazula Yeh, but dunno. Don't feel like flooding Noon in here with all my personal views. Especially since I am a bit annoyed by my self putting all that stuff in TAS, as I appear being the only one doing it to that extend. So if I could have done it as answer to that OP, I would have gone for it. But meh... rather not again in here :x
@dhein you can create new chatrooms
@dhein it depends on the periods but we sometimes share very personal stuff in here so, don't feel like you would bother us with sharing :)
@Tinkeringbell in your answer to noons question-post, are you saying that it's not possible to offer a seat non-verbally, and instead one should do so verbally? Because the only part that vaguely answers her question is your very first sentence. Or am I misunderstanding the question? (genuinely asking)
@Cashbee Well, that is more the part why I just don't like that answer in general. I feel discriminated, cause I for mental reasons resulting in stress, never was able to finish one of my private projects. And at some point just gave up trying. But that doesn't mean I am not motivated to educate my self in my spare time, not even to mention not willing to do so. And that's why I feel discriminated by the headline of that answer.
@Cashbee I answered the reverse: So, what non-verbal clue can help me determine if someone needs my seat?
I thought it was about determining when someone is 'asking' nonverbally, not about offering non-verbally
IMO the question is not how to spot whether someone wants to sit, but how to signal them that you're okay with giving them your seart
Where do you get that?
Both title and body question ask for signs that signal that people want your seat, not for signs to signal you're ready to give up your seat, IMO ;)
@Tinkeringbell yes I indeed misread the question. read it again, can't unsee real meaning of question now
@Noon where are you when we need you!?
sorry for that
It's okay. At least you didn't downvote me :P
I only voted to delete.. nah
Oh, yeah, I see. :P
in this case, great answer :)
bows Thank you! :D
I guess where I made the mistake in reading the question was the title. I read it as
> [I want to] sign [to people] to know [/nonverbally ask] if someone needs a seat.
starting from there, it's easy to misread the whole question
Perhaps an edit to the title may be in order ;)
@Tinkeringbell Don't worry, you manage it well :P
Take a peek now ;)
argh i was in the middle of a title edit xD
The new title sounds good to me :)
yup minor edit that would've have prevented me from reading it wrong. looks good
@avazula You're welcome dear :)
I have some issues at work ...
@avazula Oh, what's happening? :(
I have issues with work this Friday afternoon.
@Tinkeringbell what is it?
I'm still in filehandling hell
@avazula Just having to work :P
What is going at your end?
My manager wants to put us in an open space but it'd only concern the engineers, the managers would remain in their individual offices. My coworkers sent an email asking that the people who disagree with that open project would co-sign a mail, so that our manager knows we disagree. Upon all of my 15 colleagues, 12 are against that project, yet we were only 5 to sign that email. Now my colleagues think I'm willing to cause trouble in the company and the way they look at me, darn it, I hate it ...
I just thought it was for expressing our disagreement and it has now turned in an opinion war
Its not about feeling uncomfortable with sharing it with you all. As I said already last week. But it is. my willingness to openly share my most inner thought processes I recently having the suspection this is actually part of the source for some intersocial dynamics I hassle with for years already, without being able to make out whats causing it. So recently I try to figure out the connection in between the problems, and this behavior. But I am not able to predict the outcome.
What makes me feel very uncomfortable, cause when ever I do this, and the reaction I receive differ from what I wo
Q: How to convince girlfriend to not cycle to work?

AlbertMy girlfriend and I have recently moved to London and she wants to get a bicycle. Her reason is more along the lines of personal freedom that you get with a bike. It is (very pointedly) not about the cost savings or environmental benefit. Also, we can't afford a car here. The thing is, I find Lo...

Also, apparently one shouldn't tell a manager that they should join in the effort, as "those are things you don't say out loud, you may only insinuate them". I'm sick of this childish behavior and I'd want them to understand that I don't get irony, or second degree, or whatever that's not explicit.
So the difference is, placing in an answer to an OP I would feel fine with, as long it is on topic, since I am clearly within the frame of what would be expected. But putting it in here could create a intersocial situation, where the behavior could run totally out of my receivable perception.
@avazula Oh, I'm sorry, I hope you will be able to clear the misunderstanding :/ (and won't get into trouble for signing an email)
@avazula Yeah, some people have very strange rules...
If that makes any sense what I jsut wrote.... Just realized I just put my self in such a situation again when I tried to explain it.
@dhein It makes sense to me :)
@Noon My manager went to see me this morning and told me he was surprised I signed it (he knew I was against the project, but that I thought we had no chance in escaping it). So I repeated what I already told him but he didn't seem happier. I think he thought it was a rebelling act from me, which is what pissed me most.
@avazula I'm sorry, it sucks when people don't trust what you are saying :/
@Noon Yes it does. Fortunately I have you guys, and I can chat with you when they stress me out :p
@avazula <3
@avazula <3
@avazula <3
group hug! <3
Is it actually ok asking for "how to enforce my view onto someone?" I mean, that question (interpersonal.stackexchange.com/q/20088/32) could easy be rephrased, but if OP actually wants to know what he asks as is, he asks for how to manipulate his GF, and we don't accept that, do we?
@dhein it's okay to ask "How to be more convincing (or assertive)" but not "how do I convice X".
neither is "is my reasoning correct or is hers?"
@dhein in this case, it really is hairsplitting, but IMO an important one. A minor edit could do the trick. Can't right now
@avazula Being put in an open plan office I would consider constructive dismissal.
@Cashbee So what closing reason should be taken here for this as it is?
@dhein either what should I do, or doesn't belong on this stack. With both options, I think an explaining comment should go aloong (Hi @loong xD). Another alternative: edit yourself if you think you have all information needed for an edit
I also think the frame challenge answer could need some help
but again, no time. aah why am i still writing and not coding
@Cashbee Well, I don't feel like functioning right now. I don't trust my self right now to be able to give reasonable feedback. So I'd rather not be the one doing that.
I think I am gonna head into weekend now. So have nice weekends. I probably will look in when I feel better again. So bye :)
@dhein you seem very self-aware. nice
@dhein have a very nice weekend! don't try to overthink social interactions (who am I to say that, right?)
'^.^ And you try to code more rather then helping us(me) out :P
or else I have to code in my free time xD hahah
^ How convenient
JSON is date-free ;)
My work has a homebrew JSON encoding that can handle datetimes, binary blobs, etc.
oh no I can't recast a VTC :O
I just wanted to write a custom close reason
instead of using a predefined one that would not really describe the problem
@Cashbee wouldn't the best way be to write that comment since you can't recast anyway?
Ahah XD Well, at least you are aware of that now and won't make the same mistake in the futur
@avazula I already wrote a good comment. In my custom VTC reason I would have referred to the existing comment.
@Cashbee tell me what to do and I'll custom close for you (that won't make you vote for that specific reason though)
(If I agree with you, of course)
better than VTC because it's unclear what op is asking - because I know what he's asking. Neither is it too broad and isn't a WSID question (WSID = what should i do. we need an acronym for that)
My chef "I'll call you in 5 minutes" -> It's been 12 minutes, where are you?
@Noon D':
The worst thing is I want to go fetch some water but I won't because what if he call in the wrong time?
@avazula "I'm voting to close this because of the reasons mentioned in the comment above by Cashbee. " or something like that. thanks <3
I can upvote the comment at least :)
@Cashbee on my way. What's the question?
(aka linky plz)
and, if the rest of the VTC also use that custom reason, the right message is dispolayed
Q: How to convince girlfriend to not cycle to work?

AlbertMy girlfriend and I have recently moved to London and she wants to get a bicycle. Her reason is more along the lines of personal freedom that you get with a bike. It is (very pointedly) not about the cost savings or environmental benefit. Also, we can't afford a car here. The thing is, I find Lo...

We all make such a good team
I'd have loved to help them but I'm so busy this afternoon
@avazula I'd loved to have helped them too, but I really didnt find a way to make it on topic. At least OP seems to understand
@Cashbee yup. Which is nice.
or at least they accept
not sure if they understand
Q: How can I inform a foreign colleague that the private conversation in their native language is not so?

KozakyI enjoy learning languages and in the past few years, have been learning Spanish. A work colleague, who is either new or I have only just noticed him, calls (presumably) his partner during his lunch break in the kitchen area. We're in completely different departments and our paths have never cros...

Q: To make couple life easy

Muhammad MehboobWhat are the important factors which make couple life easy and how it can be better if both husband and wife have different thinking, opinions and also way of dealing is different?? And both life faced a conflict at many stages!!!

Q: Approaching someone at a party to to have a one on one discussion?

QueenSvetlanaI've been job searching for awhile using sites like indeed and monster, but it's like I'm sending my resume into a black hole. I'v read several books and web sites that offer resume and cover letter help, and while it did help me get a few phone interviews, that was it. My cousins birthday part...

Q: Use of communication method to tell subordinates regarding irregularities

Ahmad RazaI am working in big engineering organization. I have a very efficient, dutiful and experienced supervisor working under me. He has gained a great respect for his longtime services in the organization. Few days ago I came to know few complaints against him 1. He is claiming overtime for more h...

11 messages moved to Trash
1 hour later…
@ExtrovertedMainMan what happened here? Looks like the user just up and left the site completely. Did something happen?
Nothing remarkable that I can see, just a self-deleted post and profile :/
Sadness :(
@Tinkeringbell Since you are here, did I just forgot to post my comment under that or was it deleted?
@Noon You forgot to post ;) Nothing deleted there...
@Noon don't forget you can always check the Closet!
@Tinkeringbell >< Well, someone posted a similar comment anyway, so I won't write it again
@scohe001 I did and didn't see it. But I couldn't believe that I was so tired/unfocus that I forgot to post it so I just wanted to check
1 hour later…
hey all :) i know i've been out for a while, the post-thanksgiving crunch really got me
i'm still working through it but it's tiring
My post-thanksgiving crunches have kept me busy too. Gotta work off that turkey, right? :p
Hope things are going well over there!
haha yeah, i wish it was as easy as that
grad school is no joke :P
2 hours later…
posted on November 30, 2018 by user3280964

Party A and party B don't trust each other. I'm trusted adviser to party A, and have no influence on party B. While I can see that both have some legitimate grievances (and some irrational ones), them getting over their differences is in my interest. Mainly because, I strongly believe that it's also in their long term interest to make up. For example, A will win

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