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Q: How should I apologise for making someone feel bad for something that wasn't their fault?

DividedByZeroI recently met a girl on a night out when we were both quite drunk, and, having liked her I began texting her every now and then. After a few days, we decided to go out for some coffee. Now, when we met up I realised pretty much instantly that I wasn't really attracted to her at all (i.e. I don...

2 hours later…
@El'endiaStarman well If I broke it thrice, I fixed it at least twice.
Why else would I be here? ;)
I'm happy to break things. Then I fix it.
Of course, the question now is: did you fix it thrice?
Don't be silly. I'm up to 4 times now
Which is perfect. I have the tooling and knowledge to fix it easily if I do it again
not sure I will.
Impressive. So, is that 4 or 5 bricks, 4 fixes?
4 bricks 4 fixes
I think I can root it sucessfully now but meh ;p
The only think I need to root it for is hacky daydream support
but that's not zat critical
What is it that you're trying to do in the end?
Oh, its a spare phone. Apparently you can edit a property file to enable daydream support (so I can use my other spare phone as a remote)
my 3d headset has no button... (and for some reason google dosen't think using the headset buttons as a button is smart for some reason)
on the other hand I jerryrigged a magnetic button that mostly works so...
Using one phone to push buttons remotely on another phone that's running some VR app, huh? Neat.
oh the problem is you need one of the few phones that support google's 'second gen' VR
some OP3 firmware will happily support it if you edit a file
and I have the perfect phone for that - the unihertz jelly
So now, in theory if I unlock the bootloader, flash in a patched bootloader and install magisk - I MAY be able to edit the build prop file and have a faux daydream compatible device
(or I can spend a few dollars and buy a BT controller)
@JourneymanGeek That's pretty cool.
3 hours later…
Q: How can I have healthy friendships with other high achievers?

Anonymous83I've struggled with insecurity and low self-worth for a long time. Growing up, I was often the top of my class in school, most well spoken, best dressed, etc.. I've continued to be a high achiever. But even though I have a lot to be proud of, hearing about other people's accomplishments and hap...

Hello everyone!
@Pseudohuman u still in there?
@avazula I do not understand.
Of course you don't
Hello :)
Hey Noon :)
good afternoon everyone
How are you all guys today?
@Mithrandir which emotion is that? xD
@avazula, fit n fine
@avazula means not great
@Mithrandir uh no :(
what's wrong?
Well, I've been sick for a week and I'm getting tired of not breathing...
fair enough :(
hope you'll get better very soon!
...that, and I'm starting to get stressed about taking the tests I have to take to finish high school soon. And it's very hard to concentrate like this.
when are they due?
eh, planning to schedule the test in about a month, and i'm not prepared
do some meditation for 15 minutes. it helps
helps for concentration
@Mithrandir I don't know what to say except that I hope you know you have our support and that we believe in you :)
2 hours later…
A: Sandbox for Proposed Questions

NoonHow do tell your aunt that she made an honest mistake by buying something that isn't vegan? tag: eating, family, France TL;DR My aunt bought some houmous thinking it was vegan when it wasn't. How do I tell her she made a mistake without upsetting her? Background The other day, I was at a fam...

@Noon your question is interesting but I think it's gonna be very difficult for it not to end up on HNQ and get similarly-shaped answers to what you already got on your last question (i.e. people critiquing your lifestyle rather than actually trying to answer the question)
It'd likely bring a few valuable answers as well though. What I'm trying to say is that I hope you're aware you might get called names for "being that demanding" towards your aunt. If you're okay with it, then I'm glad and I hope you'll get nice contributions :)
@avazula I gave it my personal edit :)
@Tinkeringbell, @avazula, Thanks for the edits and feedback! I'm stil a little bit unsure about the title. Any thought on that?
I'd make it a 'communicate to someone they made an honest mistake' or something.
Something like this: "How do tell someone that they made an honest mistake without upsetting them?"
@Noon Take a look ;)
@Tinkeringbell Nice, thanks :)
@Noon You're welcome!
Nice, I already have a down-vote on my sandbox question and no explanation as to why ><
@Noon "Oh, it's the vegan again":P
@Tinkeringbell Yeah, probably that X)
I was thinking of self-answering my question with a solution that involves my little sister (in clear: me asking her to do all the interpersonal stuff). 1) Is that consider an interpersonal solution and 2) Is that a good idea?
(I'm talking about self-answering my question, not if it's a good idea to ask my sister to do that)
Hello DDD :)
@Noon Self-answering is always encouraged, but... did that solution work for you? Have you tried it? Is it expertise or just an idea?
@Tinkeringbell It's an idea (but we often use each other to pass someone a message) and I have the justification to why using this technic could work (my sister is neutral and if I'm not in the room my aunt won't fear my immediate reaction)
I'm personally not a big fan of ideas as answers... it goes a bit against what a subjective stack exchange site should be...
Alright, I probably won't use it then (or only if I don't have satisfying answers after a few days)
@Tinkeringbell I like it :)
I have a genuine question for you @Noon
Please do not take any offense in it haha
What's most important to you? To have genuine, valuable answers to your question or to post it on IPS?
I'm asking because i feel like you may have very interesting contributions through other ways
For instance, I just re-read the tour on Vegetarianism.SE and it feels like such a question would be on topic. Biggest plus: people and answerers wouldn't question your lifestyle choices
Biggest drawback: this stack does not have much activity
@avazula Is it really on topic there? It doesn't feel this way to me (after reading the Tour and the help center).
@avazula Yeah, it's a nice way to put it...
I thought it would fit in the "questions related to the vgr/vgl lifestyle" category ... but I may be understanding it wrong here. Do you want me to ask on their meta? I don't think they have a sandbox in there
@avazula If you have enought reputation for it, I would appreciate it :)
@Noon I think I have (bonus rep). I'll see first in they don't have an official chat in which I could ask :)
@avazula There chat is kind of sad, not active at all :/
@Noon Mah. Indeed it's not ... like a lot of chatrooms on SE...
I need to reread your question but I think I actually might give you some advice (I've been veg for 12 years now, so ...)
Heh, I'm confused. Why did you link to your previous question and not the one you want to ask now?
@avazula Because I might ask it which mean the link with die
@Noon Huh, and since the goal is similar, you'd get enough info and see if you could still post it in there if you don't get what you want here.
This way, even if someone come see in one week, they might still be able to answer me
@Noon okay :)
Do you want my piece of advice on your issue? (I also commented your sandbox post and pointed out what I think is missing from it)
@avazula Sure :)
@Noon I think it's gonna be difficult for you to directly approach the issue with your aunt, as you're not the one who saw the ingredients list. Your sister could be seen as the teller, "la cafteuse", and your aunt may not like it (especially since you say that she's a very sensitive person).
@avazula That's why I was thinking that my sister could point this out to my aunt in the future when I'm not in the room (cf: self-answer discussion that I had with Tink)
Telling her directly could really deteriorate your relationship with your aunt, especially since she made efforts to try to meet you in your choices. Because of this, I can only think of indirect ways to make her understand. For instance, next time you share a meal all together, you may say "I'll bring some cake/dips/crackers to share" and then say: "I thought I'd miss cheese but this is delicious even more"
@Noon Mmh. I see what you mean, I'd personally not go for it (because of how your aunt could consider your sister after she points out her mistakes whereas she's not even involved by these choices). But I think it may be an IPS solution, indeed :)
@avazula I absolutly agree with the undirect approch. I was also thinking of telling here something like: "Rhhaa, did you knew that sometime they put cheese in houmous!" (Ça c'est moi qui rale, I have no idea how to say this in English)
@Noon That's also a great way to put it!
I think the most important thing is not to directly tell your aunt she made a mistake (you'd hurt her feelings, according to the description you made of her) and this is a great way to make her realize she didn't notice the cheese in it. Of course, if she asks you why you're not eating the hummus, then you should tell her, in a nice way that expresses your appreciation of her efforts to respect your decisiosn.
@avazula Thanks ^^ The problem is for the timing, it's hard to bring this up before the meal and also hard to bring this up at all.
I get that. It must have been hard. How did it went? Did you have a chance to let her know?
@avazula Nop, I didn't tell her anything but I'm worry she might buy the same exact houmous next time (without even checking since she knows that it's vegan :/ )
@Noon Did you had enough to eat when she brought the hummus the first time or was she expecting it to be the main part of your meal?
@avazula In response of idea to put the "why" in the TL;DR, here is what Tinkeringbell said (in another comment under my sandbox question): "Kept the 'don't have her do it again' out of the question part, just in the 'problem' paragraph, that way your concerns are there but hopefully people won't focus on 'making aunt do something' and instead helping you with communicating. "
@avazula The hummus was only for the appetizer, so it wasn't a big deal
@Noon Oh, okay. I get it. I was only focusing on the fact that people may not understand why it was a mistake, but this is more important.
I think this would make a great question, but I'm also afraid of the contributions you'll get :/
Otherwise, I think you're good to go with what you already have, keeping in mind people will ask for a lot of details both because of the topic and the crowd it'll attract
@avazula I'm thinking of posting it and not come to IPS for a full day so that community can do a bit of clean-up when I'm not here :P (but I probably won't do that because I'm way too curious)
@avazula Lucy! \o/
@doppelspooker Yay! :D
@Noon Haha. Up to you pal. I'll keep an eye on it anyway, I'm done with my current projects so my afternoon is free :)
@Noon There's a few typos left in your text though. Do you mind me editing it before you post it on main?
@avazula Go ahead, please :)
@doppelspooker How are you pal? Long time no see :)
@Noon okay, OMW :)
I'm done!
@avazula Thanks, I'm gonna post it then :)
@avazula Going great!! :D
Life's good and I found a fun & wholesome LGBT chat group the likes of which I've never seen before.
@Tinkeringbell the communication tag doesn't exist :/
@Noon I'm glad for you :)
@doppelspooker Really? I'm happy for you!
@Noon Ehh. leave the IPS tag out of it then ;)
@Noon you can still create it if you think we need one :)
Just... don't add eating, as that's more fit for cooking than here ;)
There's 2000+ questions here though, so maybe there's a reason why it doesn't exist :p
You could add conversations ;)
@avazula thank you! :)
@Tinkeringbell Done, thanks :)
@Tinkeringbell Why do we have the eating tag if you thing we shouldn't use it?
@Noon I don't know. but I think that's one that we can definitely burn :P
@Tinkeringbell META POST!!
I love the burminate posts haha
> A tag is a word or phrase that describes the topic of the question. Tags are a means of connecting experts with questions they will be able to answer by sorting questions into specific, well-defined categories.
I don't think IPS has experts on eating :P
@Tinkeringbell You don't know me ._.
I don't think either :p
@avazula Okay, I do eat a lot too :P
But that's not what tags are for, I guess ;)
haha :)
Oh boy, my question on the Sandbox is listed as the 13 one :O
@Noon bad luck?
@avazula Worst then that, it means NHQ and a lot of outrage reaction about me being vegan!
(note: I don't actualy believe in this kind of things, I thought it was funny though)
Q: How to communicate to my aunt that she made an honest mistake when buying food for a family meal?

NoonTL;DR My aunt bought some houmous thinking it was vegan when it wasn't. How do I tell her she made a mistake without upsetting her? Background The other day, I was at a family dinner. My aunt didn't mind making it a vegan meal. She bought houmous thinking it was vegan. My little sister point...

@Noon Y R U annoying people by being different??!
@avazula I did sort through them once (in July)... We have stuff like , , ,
None of those really add anything to a question.
@Tinkeringbell good Lorde it's dark ._.
(I recently chose to avoid mentioning religion with these "good lord" of mine and instead praise the great singer o/ )
@avazula Okay, I don't understand your english right now ><
@Noon Y: why, R: are, U: you. I was joking about the potential reactions you'll get to your question, especially from people who despise veganism :)
@avazula Ahah, yeah that exactly that XD
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@scohe001, are you here?
@DDD that I am
Was just catching up on mail and notifications
Q: Telling close friend they're being cheated on by another friend in the group

scohe001Note: one of my best friends is in this situation with her friends, so I'm asking this question for her. I have two close friends, Bobby and Sarah, that I met together almost 3 years ago (we all met at the same place/time). Bobby and Sarah have been dating for almost two years now. Things are pr...

I saw that ping @ElizB sent the other day
You were asking about this question?
@scohe001, thanks, i want your help regarding some technical stuff. yesterday ElizB suggested your name to me
@scohe001, yes, I think we should not talk technical stuff here.
I think it is not allowed here
@DDD as long as we don't start sending pages and pages of code back and forth, I think we'll be fine :p
@scohe001, would you able to use chat.stackexchange.com/rooms/83766/ddd
@DDD we have a room dedicated to programming issues here, you may wanna ping @Tink for they can unfreeze it
Sure, I can hop in
@avazula, thanks. I am using different room now.
@DDD I saw that :)
Good evening friends !
@avazula I'd unfreeze it if I knew where it was
Oh no, I thought you were going, since you said good evening i thought you were leaving n_n
@avazula, talk is over :-)
@JourneymanGeek Not sure it'd be helpful since DDD chose to use their own room but otherwise it's here
i mean, talk is over with scohe001
ha, ok :)
LOL The Awkward Code. I love it
What would awkward code even look like?
I am trying to get some help on R, so asked scohe
@scohe001 what would self confident code look like?
int umm_pleasecallme_like_ifyouwant_okbye()
Ah, I don't code.
@JourneymanGeek, nice profile picture
@JourneymanGeek haha good question :p
(also, man, its a lot of work getting a hat on a dog ;p)
@scohe001 void youDontKnowYetButYouNeedMe( int ImNotUselessCode );
@avazula hahaha it should be a friend function too. Like it already knows it's going to access everything
@scohe001 right
@DDD there's a running joke that the dog's the mod.
I am watching nice movie on Netflix. 'Little Things'
(series actually)
@DDD basically that's my dog. I've had various pictures of him as an ava... and well...
People assume its a selfie? ;p
@JourneymanGeek, ohh really! it's your pet
I have seen your profile pic 4 to 5 days before
In a manner of speaking. ;p
@DDD Its been this picture since I became a mod ;p
dog is also mod
2 for the price of one? ;p
what is its name?
He's Ash
Does that mean @Ash has an avatar of you?
Though I do vaguely in theory know how to miss with a bazooka.
Haha I mean everyone's gotta start somewhere
@Ash probably vaguely in theory knows how to dog well, so I think you're even
So at the lunch room we have a pool table. I think it's fitting that invitations to play a game are called pool requests
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@JAD Nice :) I think pool is better than one of those soccer tables. Those are noisy!
@Tinkeringbell Foosball tables?
@scohe001 soccer/football. Not foosball :P
@Tinkeringbell in the US we call "Soccer Tables" "Foosball"
tablefootballtable if directly translated from Dutch :P
(pronounced fooz-ball)
@scohe001 Oh... Today I learned another new word!
These are the best kind though ^
Q: How to stop eating my nails/skin until it's bleeding

NylakI have a serious habit that I want to stop doing. For whatever reason and whenever I want, I just keep eating my skin and my nails, until they start/close to bleeding. It's not because I'm stressed or anxious (or maybe it's because of it and I don't realize it), but I need help to make it stop....

@Tinkeringbell haha that looks amazing!
Would love to see one of those with the members of this chat
@scohe001 Well, if everyone flies over to the Netherlands, I'll see what I can arrange XD
@Tinkeringbell that's actually a good point...I wonder if you took all our locations and averaged them, where would that point be?
Where would be the best place to meetup? :p
Middle of the Atlantic Ocean? Mariana Trench?
Could work, the thing floats :P
Haha I'd be down. We could all get a helicopter to drop us in. That'd be crazy fun
Just hope we have a way to get back...
Nothing like using Interpersonal Skills to figure out who to eat first
@scohe001 Oh... I guess parrots taste like chicken
Haha you're not helping your case!
Q: How should i greet someone when bowing is a common greeting among the people without being disrespectful

Salmaan Al-FaarisMuslims are only allowed to bow and prostrate to God because we consider such things acts of worship, and Islam is a very monotheistic religion. This is a problem in Japan, where bowing is considered a common greeting. How should I handle greetings when unable to bow, without seeming disrespect...

@IPSCommentBot tp
@scohe001 what does tp mean?
@Philbo we can mark comments to the bot as tp (comments that don't belong on the site and should be removed as No Longer Needed) or fp (comments that are beneficial to the site)
@IPSCommentBot how do I respond to you again?
@scohe001 Interesting. Most people want to know why they've been downvoted on this site, which is all my comment was. I was willing to be challenged and remove that -1 where they disagreed.
@Philbo ahh I didn't realize that was your comment, sorry! We actually had two pretty extensive questions on our meta about exactly this topic just the other day though! You can take a look here and here for more on the community policy around downvote comments
@Philbo If it doesn't answer the question, it's better to raise an Not An Answer flag, downvote, and do something like 'You're answering X, while the question is about Y, could you [edit] to make it answer that?'
@scohe001 @Tinkeringbell Alright, I've gone ahead and removed my comment. Save you guys a job :D
@Philbo it was good advice and I agree with what you wrote! But like Tink said, it was phrased in a way that would more likely start a conversation/argument than give constructive feedback
Q: Etiquette regarding borrowing of power tools

StrongBadBased on television shows, it seems borrowing tools from neighbors is a potential minefield. I need to power wash my front and back porches and the siding of my house. My neighbor has a power washer that he uses to do this on his house 2 times a year. In the ideal world I would borrow the power w...

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Q: How do I defuse a shouting fight about a bad test?

JruaI have Chinese parents and the stereotype is 100% true in this case... I’ve recently gotten a bad score on a test, however I’m in double accelerated math. However, apparently that’s the standard for Asian kids, and other kids work harder and are smarter and etc. How do I get my parents to not yel...

2 hours later…
Q: Can I use more schema markups in the same page?

Sharif Mohammad AshikI want to input more schema markups on the same page. Is it possible?

2 hours later…
Q: If your friend borrows something from a stranger, do you have to ask them to use it too?

PascLeRascRecently I was out with a friend and we both needed a pen for something. He asked a stranger "Hey do you have a pen I could borrow?" and he gave him one. He used it then handed it to me, but I didn't feel comfortable using it without the stranger's permission, so I asked him "is it OK if I use it...

200% spoot
Q: Woman and her husband became swingers and are now neglecting their kids. What should I do?

Big Ride '76The Background: Sally, is married to a guy named Marty. They have two kids, Robert (who is 11) and Kirk (who is 4). Sally didn’t really want kids and both were accidental pregnancies. Marty has since had a vasectomy. Their marriage has always seemed to be working just fine. It’s clear that Sally ...

whoa, should I go read those before I say anything about that question?
Oh, I can't read Trashcan anyway
those are unrelated anyways
@spiralsucculent Nah. the question is safe to talk about. Those messages were unrelated to that ;)
dont worry about it
In fact... welcome, change of topic!
I feel like this is a question where 90% of the background info given should be stripped out
The question is basically a "How do I?"
Okay, so, we should close this question before it starts attracting attention
because with a wall of drama backstory, its ripe for HNP moral bandwagon messy crapsplosion
@spiralsucculent on hold, 2 mins ago ;)
dope, glad I could help with that
Sorry. I was quite busy cleaning up the chat ;)
Hot network posts
@Noon Yeah, working on that ;)
@ExtrovertedMainMan This one feels like creative writing to me.
@apaul I almost want to point out that the OP's brother is painted as a poor innocent man led astray by an evil woman, vindicated from any responsibility, in this story
but it wouldnt be very constructive
This is my best effort at explaining what I think should happen with this post to OP
>Thats important info to include and should be edited in. While editing, please consider what backstory is truly important to your question. If you are asking about how to talk to your brother and sister-in-law about paying their kids more attention, do we actually need all the background of their relationships, affairs, drug use? Extra information will often muddle an effort to create a good answer and attract poor quality answers trying to address things unrelated to your intent.
how much effort should be put into this question though?
its not about a specific interaction
its super clearly a "How do I?"
and frankly none of OPs business
@spiralsucculent Seems like either a fabrication, or a hit piece written as more of a "She's awful, am I right?" I wouldn't put any effort into it.
Even if the situation is real, we are being presented an extremely skewed view of it with a lot of conjecture and judgey observation presented as fact
youre right, I will give it no more thought
seems like 90s style moral panic mixed with "women amirite"
if I was any more cynical i'd call it bait
@Magisch This.
Although... I'm not sure if the 90's have more claim to moral-panic than other eras...
@apaul Maybe Magisch means that the moral panic has a 90s flavor to it. (Open relationships, extramarital sex, and POT???)
@IPSCommentBot tp
Bot isn't answering :'(
@El'endiaStarman Eh... That was a thing both before and after iirc
I was a smol child in the 90s and therefore have no place in this discussion
Pretty sure we had better moral panics back them
@JourneymanGeek Not near as over the top as the 80's
But not really the point at hand.
@apaul So, "the 90s" is correct on average! :P
@apaul Moral Panics are moral panics?
Oh man, I have long hair.
The 80's had crack, pcp, aids, the resulting gay panic... Not to mention satanic child abuse rings.
(actual sign in the 70s)
@JourneymanGeek :(
ash counts as a long hair dog
Apparently singapore was worried we'd be overrun with hippies
Touching the eyebrows? Mine touches my mouth if I straighten it.
Oh and the cold war. Can't leave that one out.
I miss the cold war almost.
... I'm afraid to ask...
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