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Goats being sacrificed ^
pls can you remove the onebox
@Arjun 0/10 this is not appropriate pls reomve very disturbing
I didn't know it will be shown as box, I thought that worked only for SE urls, sorry
@Arjun That was so sadistic
A sacrificial lamb is a metaphorical reference to a person or animal sacrificed for the common good. The term is derived from the traditions of Abrahamic religion where a lamb is a highly valued possession. == In politics == In politics, a sacrificial lamb candidate is a candidate chosen to contest an election despite the fact that he or she has little chance of victory. The political party thus appoints the person as a sort of "sacrifice" to the stronger opponent. In some cases, fielding a sacrificial lamb candidate can serve as an opportunity for the party to be more creative in choosi...
In Kamakhya Mandir (Temple), hundereds of male goats are sacrificed in a day. Weekly, buffaloes are sacrificed too. I have seen that happen. I wonder why such cruelity under the name of religion exists. :( That is certainly not what other Hindu Temples are like, its a clear exception.
@Arjun though to be fair, you only sacrafice things of value, i guess that why sheep rae not sacrafice as much because sheep = 0 worth :'(
O_o wow almost 1/2 of millennials are unaffiliated with any religion (in US)
I think sheep have negative worth
they have a worth of i
Sheep are edible
goat is edible too
outgolfers are edible too >:|
And the even more saddening thing is that, its the people who go to the temple to get the goat sacrificed to bring happiness to their home. They even choose the goat they want to get sacrificed :'( And the cut of head of it is placed near the deity's statue
@EriktheOutgolfer true, I'm just saying sheep have at least some value because you can turn them into curry and curry is delicious
@Downgoat that means Dennis is edible too?
I plead the fifth
@EriktheOutgolfer Yeah, mostly. Except the place that I mentioned (and a few other places too). (Although, there too, only Buffaloes, Goats and Pigeons are sacrificed, not Cows). Beef is banned in most states of India.
sacrifice means the animal is honored actually
so goat is respected in Hinduism
I think there is a big difference between valued and respected
sacrifice goes to gods, gods always get perfect
@EriktheOutgolfer That's one way to think about it.
Wait. Are we sacrificing Downgoat or something?
If anyone would like to continue discussing sacrifice, I'll make a new room
@Phoenix whaaat? we want him to leave, sacrifice isn't a happy thing
except if the happiness is derived from the aftermath
For the rest of us
Not for Downgoat
you imply we want Downgoat to be sad or something???
I was wondering what was going on
Goats are my favourite =/
> Sacrifice Goat instead because that's not anyone's favourite.
After cats
please don't put offensive stuff in
Ok true
Can we be done with goats and animal sacrifices please?
offensive? Sorry if it was so. I didn't realize.
also how do you know goat isn't somebody's favorite animal?
@EriktheOutgolfer I was talking in terms of Hindu Gods at that time.
oh...present tense is confusing though
I like goats because of their horns...
@Dennis It will fade away naturally when we find an on-topic conversation path to follow.
We don't have one yet though.
Nobody will die if TNB is silent for a couple of minutes.
I like goats because they're just awesome...also no on-topic conversation yet
IDK what that website is, it looks sketchy, but it hosts a relevant image.
59 messages moved from The Nineteenth Byte
@EriktheOutgolfer Turns out you were right.
Ram (male goat) is the vehicle of Goddess Agni
Vahana (Sanskrit: वाहन, Vāhana, literally "that which carries, that which pulls") denotes the being, typically an animal or mythical entity, a particular Hindu deity is said to use as a vehicle. In this capacity, the vahana is often called the deity's "mount". Upon the partnership between the deity and his vahana is woven much iconography and mythology. Deities are often depicted riding (or simply mounted upon) the vahana. Other times, the vahana is depicted at the deity's side or symbolically represented as a divine attribute. The vahana may be considered an accoutrement of the deity: though the...
@Phoenix A little weird, right?
That's why I am irreligious
@trichoplax you have to get here first...
Religion is weird
Why is there a diamond mod in here
I'll make the first person who asks a room owner, then I'm out of here
And I don't mean Trichoplax
not really me...
not in the mood to
@EriktheOutgolfer Ram is the vehicle of Goddess Agni. Kamakhya Mandir, where the sacrifices are done, is a temple of Goddes Agni.
@Arjun So, no one cares about Agni?
@downgoat So goats are valued a lot! Yay!
conclusion: goat is most important thing ever
Downgoat isn't here
And is therefore unpingable
@Phoenix Nah, Nah. Agni is goddess fire. She is important.
And she likes rams.
So she is given rams as sacrifices.
But dead rams.
So, the ram dies by natural causes, and then you burn it?
sacrificing alive goat must be so painful
I'm off now. Remember this is still SE, so still Be Nice
@Phoenix No, no. The goat's head is chopped.
So he dies.
And goes to the Agni.
I thought you weren't supposed to kill important animals
Which is why you don't kill cows
Fun fact: The mountain goat is not a goat.
It belong to a different genus
@Phoenix Agni is different than other gods. She likes sacrifices made to her. Other gods don't. So nothing is sacrificed in temples that are of gods other than Agni.
Hence, Cows are not sacrificed.
But, Cows are more important for other reasons too.
I see.
@Phoenix in fact, it is the only member of that genus.
@Phoenix And Agni likes Ram (hence it's her vehicle), so it is sacrificed to her.
That makes sense.
@EriktheOutgolfer I've seen that happen. The goat's body makes movement even after getting head chopped off.
And it's done by so-called priests.
@Arjun of course since sacrifice is religious
Probably painful for priest also
Goat does not want to be sacrificed
@Phoenix Sounds like a fairy-tale. Doesn't it? That's I am irriligious.
So am I, but it's still fascinating.
@Phoenix 100s of them are sacrificed a day.
Sad, but still fascinating.
@Phoenix True. It's actually an attempt to understand the universe, made by our ancestors.
I tried reading the bible once. Very boring book, the people who wrote it were not good authors.
@Phoenix Once, I said to you something like 'That's an a*****e thing to say'. I am sorry for that. I apologize.
I am saying that today, because I couldn't at that time.
@Phoenix I did too. It was filled with stuff like 'And then God created the world.'
I know the feeling
And then God said "let there be light" and there was light
@Phoenix Yes, yes. It was so illogical, based on unexplained axioms.
To be fair, they didn't have any logical explanation.
I mean if they tried to explain the world they should have done some nice attempt to do so. It's not about writing a story.
But still, those stories are amusing.
is this discussion about sacraficing evil sheep or about religion >_<
if read as a story, without having any intention to understand the world
@Downgoat are you a regular goat or a mountain goat? I recently learned that mountain goats are not actually goats.
@Phoenix regular goat
Mountain goats are awesome
@Downgoat It's about many things
Can I be a Pygmy goat
pygmy goats are great
It's also partially a discussion about the awesomeness of goats.
@Phoenix aww yiss
Yes they are
@Arjun My biggest annoyance is that, if you believe in that stuff, fine, but it makes no sense when you dismiss science >_<
Near-magic, omnipotent being which has been magically resurrected to control and create the universe and no proof of it: America: OK
Earth is getting hotter: America: WHAT NO UWHREIUSFDLJKAHA K! FAKE NEWSD UHQWF
user image
What is this room about?
@TuxCopter Originally about sacrificing sheep, now general religious blasphemy and goat discussion.
O____O magician who swallow sword actually put sword down throat
how do you not acciendetally stab your stomach and die
@Downgoat The blade is probably smoothened
user image
I don't mean to post noise but like:
o_O my computer is slowing down because of the gif
I'm getting a 404 on that gif
if goat is bipedal. and human is bipedal, by substitution property of equality goat is human :O
@Downgoat Actually, you do mean to post noise.
dammit caret reply
@Adám :| gif does not even have sound
> sheep
sheep is valuable like goat?
eveil shep
@Downgoat Meh.
ikr totally roasted them sheep
That's why they murder them
sacrificing them is offense to gods though
I mean, you don't just give a god utter crap
@Downgoat Yes, that's exactly how it works. Since A (goats) is in set C (Bipedal creatures), if B (Humans) is in set C, clearly A and B are the same object.
Gods are weird.
All the respect for goats. I mean, the defining moment of the Jewish people was that everyone had a designated BABY goat to kill.
@Adám wait what O_O
@Adám You killed a goat ._.
@Phoenix No, my forefathers did.
^ if all human are children of god why do we die like I'm pretty sure most decent fathers don't let children die
y tho
;_; especially the goat ones
wait are goats children of god
The Passover sacrifice (Hebrew: Korban Pesakh קרבן פסח‎), also known as the "sacrifice of Passover", the Paschal Lamb, or the Passover Lamb, is the sacrifice that the Torah mandates Jews and Samaritans to ritually slaughter on the eve of Passover, and eat on the first night of the holiday with bitter herbs and matzo. According to the Torah, it was first offered on the night of the Israelites' Exodus from Egypt. Although practiced by Jews in ancient times, the ritual is today only practiced by Samaritans at Mount Gerizim. == Torah (Hebrew Bible) == The blood of this sacrifice sprinkled on the door...
goats are the best
Quetion: are goats children of god or is that only humans
> Passover Lamb
Goats are associated with Satan so dunno
@Downgoat The sacrificial animal, which was either a lamb or goat
@TuxCopter [citation-needed]
Clearly, both sheep and goats are instances of the same base class.
i don't mean to become one of those anti-all-religon people but wow this suck
@Downgoat don't worry you'll be fine it's just a blasphemer
ono did something get flag
I don't think so
I didn't see blue
@Downgoat You could start your own religion.
:O good idea
What are pronouns
@Phoenix good idea
as I suggested before, Downgoatism
what about upgoats
And somehow we're back on the topic of goat sacrifice
but one of them otherwise it's civil war
@EriktheOutgolfer That sounds like a mental disorder
@BusinessCat Sorry.
yeah Upgoatism seems better given that the goat is going up to the skies
Personally I don't mind but it shouldn't really be here
Downgoat goaded me with his chicken-goat.
but wait what's superior deity?
@Phoenix ;_;
It does!
@EriktheOutgolfer sheep
@EriktheOutgolfer can we be rational religion and not have magic floating diety in sky
It's like combination down syndrome and autism!
@TuxCopter WAT
@TuxCopter stop blasphemy
@Arjun can i be RO :3
I am thinking of a religion, which forbids you to follow any religion including itself. Hence, you are stuck in an infinite loop. You can't do any bad deeds if you follow this religion, because you won't have any time to do so. Sounds cool?
@Arjun you are an RO please kick TuxCopter for blasphemy
ok i gtg
31 messages moved from The Nineteenth Byte
why do people insist in posting "messages moved" lies? I just don't see the messages
have you tried scrolling up
@Downgoat Can't do? I enter your URL, and nothing happens.
@EriktheOutgolfer They are interleaved between the existing messages, according to timestamp
I thought it didn't keep timestamp
What blasphemy did TuxCopter do?
@Arjun oh just type downgoat
and then there should be like an arrow or something
@Arjun he was praising sheep or something...
^ he call evil shep god
@EriktheOutgolfer You can link directly to the first moved message from the "moved to" message in the other room
which is the worst of the worst of sins in a religion where the Goat is the milestone
Can there be only one RO?
@Arjun That's for the RO to decide
You have the power
@Downgoat yay now you are RO...crush 'em sheep!
So what's this room about?
@Avantgarde praising sheep
@TuxCopter just stop it
how do I kick TuxCopter?
@Avantgarde don't believe him it's praising goats
@TuxCopter bai bai that will teach u to not praise eivl shep;_;
@Arjun i did :D
How is it done?
you click on a user profile and bottom-most option says "kick-mute user" or something
@EriktheOutgolfer Well that doesn't help either
huh? goats are the best
May I do it to anyone of you? I swear it won't be for a large period. I just want to do a practical.
Nah, I vote for alpaca
@Downgoat but sheps make best meat
Just for a minute.
@TuxCopter >:|
Can I kick someone for just 1 minute?
Please Please Pleae
@Arjun Yes, that is the first kick length. But don't kick people for no reason, since it will bring mods in here, and you don't want that
@EriktheOutgolfer Just for a minute, please, if you don't mind? I request. Please
sorry what geoham said
@Arjun Feel free to kick me if you really want to
@GeoHam Thanks! :)
@Arjun you found the button?
@GeoHam Thanks!
that's how you kick sheep worshippers
@EriktheOutgolfer Yup
Isn't a minute over yet?
I think he needs to join the room again
Thanks, @GeoHam :)
@Arjun btw you or @Downgoat should add "Sheep worshippers will be kicked" on room description
or something like that...
this face looks really weird on ubuntu's default font ಠ_ಠ
@TuxCopter fyi you're free to make another room and make a sheep religion in there
here we worship goats
room topic changed to Sacrificial discussion: Chat here about religion and animal sacrifices. Sheep worshippers will be immediately kicked. Be ware, @tuxcopter (no tags)
room topic changed to Sacrificial discussion: Chat here about religion and animal sacrifices. Sheep worshippers will be immediately kicked. Beware, @TuxCopter (no tags)
can I worship ships then?
@TuxCopter Certainly :)
I am going to sleep. Bye!
@Downgoat what about making a religion where good people get upgoated when they die and sinful people get downgoated?
the downgoats carry sinful people who don't even consider making up for their sins to HELL while the upgoats carry faithful people to GOAT HEAVEN
both downgoats and upgoats eventually go to heaven unless they do really bad sins (like worshipping ***** secretly, Upper Goat will know)
that is, they do one of the most dangerous and effortful jobs ever
and sacrifices be like throwing sheep in a pit of fire and let them rot
yeah that will please Upper Goat
while goats get buried in well-made graves
GOATLE be like:
Once upon a time, nothing existed, except Upper Goat. He decided it was lonely, so He created Upper Doe, His eternal companion.
He also decided They need some fun, so He created Earth, the planet where goats and does will prosper.
However, holy creatures were unorganized, so He made the ultimate organizer, the human.
Suddenly, things changed dramatically. Evil forces of the Devil created equally evil creatures, setting them free on Earth. The Devil decided to call them sheep. They started taking over uncontrollably and horrendously. Something had to be done.
Eventually, half of Earth was taken by those evil living creatures, sheep. Since then, Upper Goat is fighting the Devil, while Upper Doe keeps normal life peaceful.
Upper Goat then wrote the Commandments:
- Thou shalt never praise sheep, the evil creatures of the Devil.
Yes, this is the only commandment. Somebody will be burnt in Hell, should they praise, worship or otherwise show affection with sheep or the Devil.
Shall they live their life fighting for the goats and does, thee shalt be raised to Heaven.
@EriktheOutgolfer That's awesome :)
Starspammer again?
1 hour later…
WTF is this? Did this start via some tangent off of DownGoat's name?
for a minute I thought this chatroom might be related to the isaac soundtrack
@EriktheOutgolfer brb contacting publishers
@EriktheOutgolfer do things rot in fire?

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