I was going to post this as a comment but I think chat'd be better.
@MarkMayo "taller passengers looking for more leg-room also favour the aisle." I hear that so often but I really don't understand it - the aisle results in shoulder and elbow knocks from people passing by, and it's not like you can actually stick your legs into the aisle with the way most aircrafts set up their seats (long solid arm rest between the chair and the aisle). If you could, you'd probably have to repeatedly move them for passers by as well. What am I missing? :)
@MarkMayo Everyone gets one armrest - window seat gets window side, middle seat gets sole custody of shared one with window seat, etc across. The aisle one is no man's land unless bruised elbows are desired. :)
I think the taller passengers thing (note, that was their quote, not mine) - they have less chance of seatmates hogging knee air space
even if you aren't putting your feet in the aisle, you have a bit more air space
and some of it is probably in the mind
and re the armrest - that's where your theory falls down - the shared ones! NOBODY I've ever sat next to has fairly used half that shared armrest. I'd be happy even if they just used the arm rest - but always, their elbow slips across into my ribs. I've started putting pillows/books there to block them. I'm small enough that I don't need the armrest, but I feel it's like the Koreas, if nobody can decide who gets to use it, it becomes no mans' land and out of bounds
(now please, nobody shoot me for the oversimplication of Korea's very delicate political situation)
I've been working with a very talented designer working on this. well, she's the one who did (95%) most of the designs. I'm pretty pleased with the results
well, I'm going to present the designs to the community this week. if no major design changes I can launch the site as soon as next week