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Talk about your tumbleweeds:
Q: Is it legal to bring Magpul firearm accessories into Russia?

AussieJoeI would like to know if it is legal to bring firearm accessories into Russia. My point of entry would be Sheremetyevo International Airport (SVO). I would be coming from USA/JFK via Aeroflot, and these items would theoretically be in my checkin luggage: MOE Magpul sling https://www.magpul.com...

6 hours later…
If there’s no point in redaction what’s the point in this: travel.stackexchange.com/posts/149006/revisions
10k users can see the history so what’s the point?
As for this it needs to be deleted as spam: travel.stackexchange.com/questions/2550/… What’s with the declined flag then?
Why the declined no longer needed flag on: travel.stackexchange.com/questions/148734/… My comment was deleted so imo the comment serves no purpose
I don’t agree with the flag ban and request to ask other moderators to take a look at the (in my opinion) wrongly declined flags and manually remove the ban
@MarkMayo @JoErNanO @JonathanReez can you please take a look?
@Daniil just an optional nice-to-have
@Daniil it was deleted a long time ago. Therefore why do we need to remove it again?
@Daniil comment removed
@Daniil mods cannot do this AFAIK
as in, we don't have a button to unlock flagging
Can you view my flags? Do you agree with the flag ban?
@JonathanReez see above
@Daniil yes, I see your flags, but there is nothing I can do to remove the ban, as far as I know
@JonathanReez Do you agree with the ban personally?
This is the first time I flagged a rude or abusive post for redaction. As Willeke edited it saying it’s too bad and needs to be edited I though it needed redaction as well. I’m new to 10k moderation and still learning. It’s not like the flag was outright inappropriate or wrong. And what do I get from learning, a ban?
Do you get my reasoning?
@Daniil please ask on Meta.SE
I think a 7 day ban is definitely an overkill
I agree with automated silencing bans after too many rejected flags
but the duration should be shorter
Q: 7 day overkill flag ban

DaniilI recently hit 10,000 reputation on Travel.SE less than two weeks ago so I am new to moderating deleted posts and the moderator tools. The two flags which led to the ban I recently got a flag ban after two declined flags. The two recent declined flags were as follows: A user pretending to be...

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