@chx Please do not start a flame war. If you don't agree, downvote. If you think the user is being rude, flag. Flaming brings absolutely nothing of value to the site.
@GayotFow hah, all part of the game I guess, which one of us is secretly the Commissioner?
personally, I can't wait until I qualify for Gayot's tour of Marylebone. side note, if any of you are visiting my part of the Netherlands, the pretty old city of Delft, I'd be happy to give a hand and possibly show you around
@JonathanReez ah you're right, looks like it just went down for a few hours. Whoops!
oh yeah, and does someone smarter than I am know how to construct a Timatic URL such that I can get all countries' visa information summarized for one passport? that way I only have to make about 200 requests vs 40,000 requests
@JonathanReez (1) Ecological footprint of flying, (2) my wife is travelling from the north, I was travelling from the west (I omitted this detail from the question), so if travelling together it would have taken substantial train journeys for at least one of us anyway, (3) in this case this alternative was much cheaper than the Eurostar and allows a later departure, (4) I enjoy travelling by rail and sea and I hate flying.
Also, I like how the Rail&Sail ticket is a fixed price, not wildly varying like flights or Eurostar, and no worries about extra fees for luggage, seat selection, etc. I find flying very stressful.
At Harwich this morning nobody checked our passport for UK exit checks, I was surprised.
@gerrit I was under the impression that the UK doesn't have exit checks beyond reporting by the carrier. Did you give your passport details to the ferry company?
@chx Some of the stuff he posts is correct and well sourced and therefore should be upvoted. Some is incorrect or unsourced, and should be downvoted. Let the site work as designed.
@OwenVersteeg It may not be possible. The purpose of the application is to evaluate requirements for specific itineraries. An attempt to extract the entire database contents with successive requests is likely to violate the terms of service.
@gerrit Really? I thought they had only French officers doing Schengen entry checks, but then again I haven't been there since the exit checks were implemented.
@JonathanReez Perhaps the ferry company checks passports on boarding. I took that ferry once maybe 15 years ago, long before the current UK exit controls were put into place, so I have no idea how it works now.
@JonathanReez Depends a ton on the country and the rental car company. I'm definitely not a rental car expert but I have rented some cars in a few countries so I know a bit
What do you mean by scams? As in damage that was already there that they claim is new? Or something else?
There is a lot of different travel social networks. I would sugeest you this one - the TripGiraffe . I managed to find new travel friends despite the smaller community. But now, maybe there is a lot of new people there :-)
@JonathanReez oh, the easiest way to avoid that is to take a video of the whole car. If you use the flash, or a flashlight, that will make existing scratches look worse (which is clearly to your benefit.) You can turn off the flash/flashlight for the video you take when you return it. Move slowly and cover all surfaces (underside, roof, inside, etc.) If you tell the rental car company employee you're taking a video, they'll be way less likely to argue with you about scratches
in Europe, I've gotten rentals in France and Iceland, no troubles there. I've even rented a brand new car in Iceland, and that's like the worst to rent because if there's even a minuscule scratch on it they'll kill you