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Guys, do we really need in addition to ?
IMO should be merged
@GayotFow I'm laughing out imagining you poking out of your front door to see an angry Indian guy with a stack of refusals, demanding your assistance
@JonathanReez as @GayotFow just commented that cooling off periods are an internet myth, why would we have such a tag? When I asked him about adding visa-shopping, his reply was that having one would suggest that TSE supports the notion. Wouldn't that apply to cooling-off?
2 hours later…
@Dorothy we have a tag, but that doesn't mean that we endorse scams.
@GayotFow whence this notion that the existence of a tag implies endorsement?
@phoog true, and valid; might there be a visa-shopping tag, for those numerous questions about to which Schengen country is fastest, easiest, etc.?
@Dorothy It seems reasonable to me. If people want to ask about that then why shouldn't we have a tag for it?
In fact, there's nothing wrong with visa shopping as long as people use the information to craft their itineraries.
There's no problem with someone deciding to spend more time in Portugal than in Spain because the Portuguese consulate does a better job of meeting demand for visas.
Maybe such pressure would improve the visa-processing services in general, if countries start to compete for tourists.
@phoog I agree; a tag is just a topical indicator, and can help locate similar questions/answers. Before I consider proposing such a tag, do you think it would be Schengen-specific? That seems to be the most common basis.
@Dorothy I suppose it could apply to any set of countries with shared or overlapping visa schemes. The Common Travel Area comes to mind.
@phoog of course, you're right. I'll mull verbiage, so that it's non-specific to place but, rather, general in terms of activity. Thanks.
@chx Are you returning; I do miss you (and upvote your input).
5 hours later…
@Dorothy: Nope.
@chx ahhh, darn :-) I do understand and often have to take a mini vacay from TSE
1 hour later…
it's not a mini vacay
as long as Sheik Paul is upvoted I am not returning
@chx I share your pain and stay away from that nonsense, a spaghetti thrower just wanting to see what sticks to the wall, and making a mess
2 hours later…
Hey, anyone have access to Timatic? or alternately, a database of visa requirements, for all countries, for citizens of a certain country
I'm trying to make a program that compares passports (and combinations) of passports, and timatic seems to have closed all the public portals to timaticweb, which makes this a giant pain. My best bet right now is probably to scrape wikipedia but the data is kinda in a messy format

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