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Nothing like morning link cleanup, eh?
check my inbox respond to changes check all new questions and new updates to old questions tidy up some shit offer some bounties check the rankings oops guilty (-:
same here.. I scanned briefly the new questions, checked for new stuff, wrote a comment, and now I can get back to wave propagation in blood vessels
is that what drinking coffee does to you?
no, it's the other way around
and not only coffee, but also non-cafeinated beverages distilled from fermented fruit
as evidenced by my profound knowledge on the topic of drinking
wasn't there a SE site for moonshining?
homebrewing might exist
i <3 coke
@Roflcoptr: you are less than three coke?
I dont understand
now i understand
yes i am
only 1
i <=1 apple && > 1 coffee
Syntax error: cannot compute
(are nerdy jokes on-topic?)
nerdy jokes are specifically on topic in chat
but if you go too far i reserve the right to point at you and call out "NERD"
still better than "DORK"
only a "GEEK" would even worry about such things
Where do YOU want to go today?
i should go to my office
its already a little bit late :D
I'm already at work, pretending not to mess around SE sites
somebody say something travel related. my brain isn't ticking over properly
i should be showering and redoing my pack and figuring out which way out of town to walk to head to Sarandë
what's next after Albania?
Greece? ;)
a little peece of griece
but i'm supposed to be in tbilisi in around ten days ...ish
Then I would go to Thessalonikis, then take a night train or bus to Istanbul and from there its not far to Tiblis
hmm storm in corfu this weekend
no buses no trains
besides there are no international trains into or out of greece at the moment
where will be good to stop on the way from albania to thessaloniki?
ioannina has a hostel for ten euro
or Ohrid -- have you seen the lake?
i was in skopje for almost a week already (-:
i was in ohrid for a day between skopje and ulcinj
in greece i only know thessalonikis and athens ;)
i would have to ask my room mate
he is greek
litohoro has one place for 15 euro
i'm definitely going to thessaloniki, loved it last year
hmm i can't see this bitola place of which you speak
Bitola ( , formerly Monastir or Manastır; known also by several alternative names) is a city in the southwestern part of the Republic of Macedonia. The city is an administrative, cultural, industrial, commercial, and educational centre. It is located in the southern part of the Pelagonia valley, surrounded by the Baba and Nidže mountains, 14 km north of the Medžitlija-Níki border crossing with Greece. It is an important junction connecting the south of the Adriatic Sea with the Aegean Sea and Central Europe. It has been known since the Ottoman period as "the city of the consuls", si...
kind of on your way to Thessaloniki
bah ioannina i would need to find other people to share a private room, it's not a hostel after all
ah no macedonia would be too much like backtracking at this point not to mention wasting valuable passport real estate d-;
those private rooms are really trendy atm
grr silly hostelbookers maps puts the litohoro pin in the wrong place along my route instead of on the coast: hostelbookers.com/hostels/greece
they work out ok if i bump into a travel buddy
maybe i can buy a tent again when i get to greece. what big chains do they have in greece? carrefour etc?
Spar, Aldi, Ikea, DIY
ooh thanks!
are those the big ones? even aldi might sell cheap tents in greece?
i think that aldi might sell tents
1 hour later…
man my sunscreen leaked and my missing deodorant just fell out of some hidden place and cracked on the floor
hippietrail has been automatically appointed as owner of this room. (What does this mean?)
you're the owner now?
1 hour later…
what on earth does that mean? Oh look there's a link
Oooooh, he can change the room name. We know what this means - time for that Meta question to be put into action!
and naked girls?
Mark Mayo has added an event to this room's schedule.
naked urls
ok, I just tried making an event. An answer-a-thon, where we can boost all the numbers of answers, tweet the questions we improve, and clear out the unanswered questions, and add bounties on the ones that need it. Scheduled for Halloween, when the zombie questions will finally get attention! ;)
nice idea but i can't open the link ;)
ah now
room topic changed to Travel: Friendly discussion for travel.stackexchange.com [travel]
hmm, never noticed those features
I'll have to raise some of these in meta tomorrow
for now it's sleepy time
5.20am, oops
lol :D
cya tomorrow
5 hours later…
we have a topic?
i thought i was appointed owner the other day already, i guess that was for linguistics (-:
yes i was going to say do the final room name vote thing when we come out of beta, but any other key point will do i suppose (-:
are you now in greece?
"friendly discussion"? I came for the mud-slinging, and now you give me this
btw i have a new question that im not sure if it is ontopic
but i asked it in meta
Q: Are identify-this questions on topic?

RoflcoptrI just asked a new question: How is this hotel in Poland called? But I'm not really sure if this kind of questions are/should be allowed here. What do you think? I personally think it is okay. For example gaming.SE has also an identify-this-game tag.

re your point about gaming-SE: I'm not quite active there, but from what I remember, they tend to frown on questions like this
hmm i think they are really common there
although I do agree that such questions have specific answers, which weighs in their favour
oh dear. must have been a while since I last checked.
if it's good enough for them, then it's good enough for us
yes ;)
but i think idenepdent of that
it is ontopic because as you said it is objectively one correct answer
i have one question on gaming.SE
yes, but we need to make sure that they are reasonably easy to answer -- not just post a random picture of a house and ask people what's this
ok i 9
little bit more active
but when diablo3 starts
i've also posted food identification questions on cooking.SE
it will be a lot more :D
but we have to make sure we're identifying travels and not buildings, we already tried that out here a month or two ago
travels? what do you mean by that?
BTW I weighed in on the country-citizen tagging on meta. feel free to comment
A: country-citizen tags - convention needed

mindcorrosiveWhy not using the ISO two-letter country codes, aka country code top level domain designations? Advantages: Unique. ISO may be a bunch of wrapped in red tape bureaucrats, but at least they got this right -- every country that issues passports has one, including some lesser dependent territorie...

short version: tagging is a mess currently
top level domains would be cool
but can't upvote anymore :(
ok i can on meta :D
btw is meta working like cw? no rep but all the other stuff?
mainly because only us geeks know country codes, plus the european union isn't a country
we already decided airport codes good airline codes bad
yeah, but the question is specifically about citizenship
but hey you can do a lot with synonyms
oh really which question was that then? must be new
yeah, but still there's a need for a convention to link to
I mean, Mark was asking about a convention for e.g. when the problem concerns only holders of said passports
ok somebody needs to explain albania please. what the ...
whats the problem?
i asked in chat what to call the tags but usa-passports just sounds wrong. not many people were around so i just started the ball rolling. we can always add synonyms for it too. more of the questions seemed to use the citizen wording than the passport wording
@Roflcoptr: which problem? the tag problem or the albania problem?
albania ;)
why is there a scarecrow hanging from a half complete building? and why are there dolls and stuffed toys hanging in windows in buildings all over the place?
i think theres a simple explanation
a horror film was made there
a horror film for small children?
your point being..?
a horror film with small childern ;)
they need horror films too
and they do.. for example, teletubbies
hippitrail i think its a custom or something like that
but ask a question about this ;)
that's just to scare children away from people who don't take drugs
no i have to ask it as a sample question on the culture proposal
I'm thinking of a title that will be interesting and not offensive to Albanians at the same time.. so far nothing
but "Hanging out with Albanians" seems okay-ish
how about
do albanias hang small children?
very uncool..
what have I wandered into??
no i have to ask it as a sample question on the culture proposal
people from Balkans are known for their temper..
my puns just can't compete with the high standards you set d-;
you forgot the <sarcasm> tag
yes i read in my lonely planet that there is still vendetta in albania
I wonder if it is true
"Is it safe to bring up the war as a conversation starter in Albania?"
but the blood feud is generally in the north and between male humans rather than stuffed toys in the south
I think it's safe to assume not, in any country recently involved in wars
people get very.. defensive about those things
which war? they are numbered from 1 to 1000
i tried it today
We had an awesome taxi driver in Tajikistan for a couple of days
and it was a positive experience
he'd been in the Soviet army in East Berlin back in the day
until the christian era when they began naming them
it's generally safe to bring up the "revolution" or whatever it may be called when communism ended in each country
check out where i wound up with a room tonight: members.virtualtourist.com/m/p/m/18fdd2
So not 'who was worse, Stalin or Hitler?' ;)
looks not so sexy hippitrail
mmm, fleas
better than bedbugs
two hostels in Victoria
one completely sold out
tsk tsk it says looks like fleas but no
the other one is completely vacant
in nicaragua people love to tell you about living under far left and far right
so no choice but to take the second, I wonder what's wrong with it
the bedbugs there have fleas?
Godwin, so early?
there is a 3rd option but it's a HI hostel
and hasn't had a review since mid-2010....
lol @ Martin
but hi hostel aren't bad?
They often just feel too commercial
i like to invoke godwin right at the start to shake things up too
somebody stole my bedsheets in that hostel!
when booking a hostel, what's your top criteria? location? atmosphere? cleanliness? staff?
it's the lack of advertising it over the last twelve months that makes it feel commercial
price and then balanced by rating, but that's for a cheaparse trip like this one
LOL @hippietrail re bedsheets, at least they're free
they are so popular, they don't need steenking advertising
oh and location
yeah I used to go just on price, but found in South America that gets you some ... special places
so now I sort on atmosphere and cast my eye down the list until I see a price that suits
speaking of, anybody been to Brazill.. Got a question 'bout Bahia
and then regularly forget to check location and end up walking miles ;)
I've been to Brazil for an hour past Iguazu falls? ;)
uhh, doesn't really count :)
unless I misunderstood you
and an hour on the way back (I snuck into Paraguay for the day)
today i went on "i hope somebody come up to me in the street and asks if i'm looking for somewhere to stay"
ooh that's a fun way
often i rock up in town and hunt for a wifi hotspot then see where google map puts me then see which hostels are near then check their prices and ratings and reviews
I accidentally stole a guy's seat on a train in Kazakhstan, but by the time we'd reached Uzbekistan he offered me a place to stay at his house
yeah, you start developing an eye for the wifi sign eh ;)
there's no hostels and no cheap hotels here... at least not ones you'd know about. fortunately an old guy asked me if i was looking for somewhere to stay (-:
wifi sign?
the universal wifi logo indicating free wifi available
you've obviously been in the developed countries d-;
nah I saw it in Tajikstan even
100% pure war walking is the only way to do it in albania (-:
i choose it based on the rtatings
location is important
prices not very important
because it is always a lot cheaper than in switzerland
no hostels in the stans either, couldn't rely on hostelbookers etc. Fortunately there's almost always some person willing to help, even if you can't understand them :D
and i don't like these party hostels
some fun is important
lol @ Roflcoptr, so true
in shkodër there was only one place with a sign and i hunted everywhere but then it turns out there were open hotspots all over the place if you look and since there are bar kafes all over the place too there's always somewhere to sit with 50 cent espressos when you catch a signal (-:
but not this party hostels
oh yeah, you have to be in the right mood for a party hostel, and that's fairly rare
nice hippie
in my next stop there are two hostels and one is a party hostel so i'm going to the other one. i think they're both the same price both central and both get good ratings. also the party hostel in up in an apartment building
i prefer the unexpected parties in the non party hostels. the ones that always have a party are a bit meh
good way of putting it
when the staff get involved and bring out that surprise bottle of absinthe ;)
insider tip: when you have no sense of direction and get a room offered by a tout rather than on some neat hostel map, take a photo of the place or the street sign so you can find it again, with a local's help if need be (-:
my favourite absinthe!
this one is a real party hostel
yes thats a good idea ;)
something for those of you running winblows: photosynth.net/d3d/…
@Roflcoptr I stayed at Monk's Bunk and another one there, didn't do that
the funny part is even though my hotel has no sign and i was found by a tout and google maps can find my hotspot current location, i know where the hotel is on google maps but not where i am!
Monk's Bunk was a party hostel until 11pm, then if you wanted to continue you had to go into town. I liked that approach, let those tired still sleep if they want to.
man photosynth is amazing
is it just me or is area51 broken since they changed it? on the front page it always things i'm not logged in even though it does think i am on other pages. and now it won't let me propose a question on culture exchange after i logged in though it said i could before i logged in
if you ask on MSO, the first thing they'll tell you is to clean your cookies and restart your browser
kinda like windows
got it but it was almost to the point of restarting \-:
hey, this one looks interesting
"Would it be rude to decline when drinking with Georgians I'm asked to make a toast?"
most certainly it would be
oh, just now noticed that you asked it :)
that's one of mine
i really wanted to ask how to make a toast but i thought that would be too subjective
so far only the georgians have had to make toasts when i've been drinking with them and i have no schooling in their very impressive art form
a shame, really
this time i should be there long enough to learn. if it's ok to learn while drunk
quote of the day
ooh there's a local dish: qifji!
that's so just a keybash ;)
I wonder if it's possible to get to Campbell Island....
without being part of a research expedition
it's the most remote place from London, UK
what's a key bash? it was hard enough to get a key for my "hotel"
ok getting chilly and i'm hungry. i'm sure there's no wifi in my accommodation so catch you guys when i catch you guys...
key bash - where you just hand smash random keys
on your keyboard

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