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good morning oh ye survivors of numerous travel stories
what did you do this night? :D
i stayed at the most eccentric place of my whole trip and i've slept outside in parks and behind petrol stations on this trip (-:
that sounds werid
i'm dying to review it on tripadvisor. i got photos and this time i also have the phone number and at least the street name if not the street number
can you send met the link ;)
when its done
here's the only other review of the place i could find, if you weren't here when i was talking about it last night: members.virtualtourist.com/m/p/m/18fdd2
it will be a few days at least because trip advisor has to do some checks to add a place they don't already list
a yes i saw it
after i got back from chatting with you guys and went to bed he banged on the window and brought a new guest to join me, a "profesor" - "no problem!"
that's after getting back and nobody around not being able to find my room but found another room with guys sleeping in it that i didn't know was there before
and how was this professor?
was he a real professor??
well i tried to indicate that i would expect half my money back if i now only had half the room
for which i lacked the words in albanian, italian, and greek, and for which he lacked the words in english
yes that would be fair
but difficult to explain :D
i won (-:
of course he or somebody kept coming back to the area outside my room which involved lots of chain rattling and turning lights on and off and for some strange reason sounds of something sloshing in a bucket
at 8am it was time to bang on the window again and tell me it's time to leave but i did manage to convince him i didn't have a specific bus to catch and was able to have a shower that while not hot was a teensy bit better than my last hostel
no diamonds around?
ok sounds weird :D
do you stay there another night?
no the diamonds are gone
nah (-:
the annoying bit is if i want to see the old town i have to carry my huge backpack up teh slippery cobblestone hill
was gonna ask a diamond to make cellphone and mobile-phone synonyms. nonamericans dont say cellphone habitually
hmm btw
how are the diamonds chosen?
there were nominations in meta that we voted on after the private beta then the stack exchange people chose some contributors based on that. they are called pro-tem moderators
ah ok i see
Q: What's the address of this guesthouse in Bulgaria?

hippietrailA few weeks ago travelling with friends in Bulgaria we stayed at a guesthouse of an older lady named Rosa who basically accosted us and climbed into our car when we arrived in the old town of Veliko Tarnovo. I have been reviewing all the accommodations I've stayed in on my trip to help future tr...

there's a bulgaria one to challenge @MartinTapankov
On it
i'm trying to hunt down at least the church but i only know what it looks like from the back. i might have a pic of that actually...
Church St. St. Konstantin and Elena!
Катедрален храм "Свето Рождество Богородично" е православен храм във Велико Търново. История Патриаршеската катедрала "Рождество Богородично" се намира в старата част на Велико Търново, в т. нар. "Болярска махала" и е издигната върху старата църква "Рождество Богородично". Старата църква е построена от Уста Кольо Фичето в периода 1842 г. - 1844 г. Изградена е от дялан пясъчник, като характерни особености на църквата са големият главен корниз и двойната, фичевска кобилица от камък и червени тухли. Украсена е с четири колонки и елипсовидни прозорци, които придават особена оригиналност ...
is this the one?
it would help if you have other photos to get an idea of the overall look
„Св. св. Константин и Елена“ е източно-православен храм, разположен в стария център на Велико Търново, строен през 1872 г. от майстор Колю Фичето. При земетресението от 1913 година претърпява значителни разрушения. През 20-те години на ХХ век храма е възстановен под името „Свети цар Борис“. Известна е още и като църквата с въртящите колони. История Историята на храма е разделена на 2 периода: първият е до началото на 1870-те год., вторият — по времето на Екзархата. Категоричните алтернативи на възрожденските идеи започват все по-настоятелно да рефлектират върху формите и изм...
most likely is this one, actually.. the scaffolding seems right
it's been in a state of renovation for years, I believe, due to lack of funds
woah big connection problems while moving inside the cafe for electricity
yep now to figure it out by the maps
yep now to figure it out by the maps
now to find it on google maps. there's no english wikipedia article and the bulgarian one doesn't include latitude and longitude
got it, will give you the coordinates shortly
goddammit, I never knew it's so difficult to find the address of a church.. everybody is helpful to give directions how to get there, but not actual address
amazing isn't it
I managed to pinpoint the approximate location
25.64125, 43.08208
(don't ask how)
I don't really want to search for the sex shop..
I couldn't find anything on Rosa either
not too much information to go for
there's no listing of "rosa's guesthouse" (or variations that I could think of in Bulgarian)
there's also a restaurant nearby with a view whose name i will recognize if i hear it (-:
hmm, these are not the right coordinates
I must have done something right -- these sent me in the middle of Saudi Arabia
that seems to be taking me to somewhere in the arab world
do you know how can I get the coordinates of a location in google maps? e.g. click somewhere and get the numbers?
yep wrong wrong wrong d-;
hmm i dunno! you can ask on webbapps.SE though! i always do that now
huh, that will take some time.. will take a look though
if you right click on a spot that isn't marked and zoom in you seem to get coordinates
asynchronous and synchronous questions can be worked on simultaneously (-:
i think you had lat and long switched
yeah.. but for some stupid reason the map I found them listed them in this order!
you are right, I just realized that when I got the coordinates from Mr. Googles
it could be ul. Mitropolit Panaret Rashev
this is the street name I found, but was unconfirmed
now it is
there are overlapping and crisscrossing streets though so i want to be sure of which one has rosa's on it
yeah, this is in the old town, and the streets are crooked like snakes
is it on the same street?
this isn't the right church here on openstreetmaps is it? openstreetmap.org/…
when i go to satellite view i can't even tell which blob is the church
Рождество Пр. Богородица?
it's not listed on osm.org
aha fount it on lonely planet thorn tree! she did mention that she was in french travel guide books
wrong name or wrong church?
wrong church
I see only one, but it's a few hundred meters to the east -- not the one you are looking for
i can't spot the parking lot either. bing maps gives better images but i'm still not sure what i'm looking at
it could be that we drove NW on stambolov then sharply SEE on mitropolit then left where it joins maksim raykovich onto Ivanka Hr Boteva where there seems to be a parking lot south of a church
hmm, so this is the street?
any other photos with landmarks, shops, restaurants, other hotels, etc.?
on the same street, I mean
ok this might be the walk from the carpark to roughly the guesthouse
(sigh) should I start with the sex shops?
the sex shop was on the main road where you turn into the road leading to the guesthouse and parking lot. if you didn't turn and went past the sex shop on the left is the restaurant we went to whose name i forget but will know if you say it
that's the sex shop
so from the sex shop you descend?
hmm, so it must then be on the SE side, which makes ul. Kolyu Ficheto (or 10th february) the most probable one
can't be on the other side, because of the hill
from google earth seems that there is indeed a descend on these streets
it's on the SW side
yeah, SW I meant
Роза Григорова
the LP post mentions two addresses though and one looks like polish \-:
or Роса (pronounsed with "s")
(also a common Bulgarian name)
couldn't find a street with name Stefan Denyew so far.. will search some more
restaurant "Shtastlivetsa"?
oh yes last time i did look for both spellings of Rosa in cyrillic actually
that's the best bet i can find for the restaurant yet i seem to remember something based on an italian or english word and we would've had trouble even pronouncing that one
i think i can understand the thorn tree post now saying that is the previous name no longer official but there must still be a sign with the old name there
no that's not it
we had gyuvech there i have some photos from the restaurant too...
(sigh) allright, let's see them
I actually wondered how you managed to find the sex shop
shopska salad
hmm only photos of the food, not the interior or the view or the menu. i often take a photo of the menu but i hate flash and i think the lighting was very subdued
not listed in the phone book either
i think i found the sex shop using the "search nearby" feature on google maps
which raises interesting questions as to why sex shops are listed, but churches are not..
anyway, I'm done with this for now.. I hope I was able to help
my guess is they get randomly submitted rather than methodically sought
or they scrape certain types of sources
ok i've submitted rosa's to tripadvisor (-: thanks for your help by the way!!
always welcome.. felt like a detective trying to hunt down a suspect :)
If I manage to get my grubby hands on a dead-tree phonebook of Veliko Tarnovo, I'll be able to find the exact address (I'm pretty sure they must have wired phones, as almost everybody in Bulgaria, but is not listed online if they didn't opt-in)
anyway, I should get a rest before going back to aortas and biomech
ok happy biomechanical aorta resting
2 hours later…
roflcoptr is back
rofl "rofl* rofl
I just skipped trough the last conversations... I think I have missed something... just spotted sexshop a few time
2 hours later…
sexshops are uhh.. important landmark locations, apparently.. and actually helped us crack this case
1 hour later…
@Roflcoptr: look on the bright side, at least we weren't talking about naked urls
2 hours later…
naked urls!
2 hours later…
yeah baby
1 hour later…
low activity today in Travel
hope it will be better tomorrow
cya guys

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