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12:56 AM
өглөөний мэнд
@hippietrail good morning
what's that very businesslike url for? d-:
that's for a passenger who smoked onboard emirates flight and got tied up
oh bondage well that's ok then
smokers have rights you know
they have extra rights
including the right to break the rules and the right to get kicked off the plane
no one get kicked off the plane...
it is kinda hard to open the door in the middle of the flight..
so they tie him up...
1:06 AM
if you just want to make some stink and make other passengers feel uncomfortable without getting into such trouble i highly recommend farting as an alternative
well planes have made unscheduled stops for similar incidents in the past
farting passengers are the worse.. very difficult to locate...
and smiling while smelling fart just cant combine..
not to mention getting kicked off at any scheduled intermediate stop
smiling make the nostrils wider..
I woke up just now, 4:00 AM.. shitty time to wake up at..
i usually wake here somewhere around 10-10:30 but it looks like i woke up at 9:00 is today
it's time to move on but i don't know where
need to find somewhere a bit more sociable
hard to learn the language when there's noone to talk to d-:
people in Hohhot are not really sociable?
even the shaving trick didn't work?
1:14 AM
well i don't know where they go. where to meet them. bars have no windows or are upstairs or both. cafes tend to be big large upstair expensive places too
no other guests at the hostel and the staff are usually not around
must be a winter thing
read this about a westerner sharing his xenophopic experience in china: answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20100115113934AAbjxdp
man plenty of races/ethnicities/countries have similar stuff
calling themselves the central country or worse the "real" or "true" people, or chosen people or people of the sun
north korea is definitely worse
1:21 AM
barbarians comes from the superior arabs vs the berbers in north africa
sometimes it tells you it is not sent [retry].. when you click retry it sends it twice..
and also used for the germanic tribes by the romans
and pretty much all over the world
some arab people have this issue, but very rare.. we do not believe in superiority over others...
yeah that's what it did
speaking of arabs..
the stupid war between sunni and shia is getting really hot!
spread in few countries now..
Lebanon, Syria, Iraq so far..
and iran (Ahwaz)..
1:24 AM
don't they realize the whole sunni v shia thing is a western crypto jewish plot to get them to wipe each other out?
that's bull shit... I do not believe in such conspiracies
well just kidding but sounds just as plausible as any other conspiracy theory d-:
yes we hear this from low educated people.. in reality it is an old war even before the jews come around in the area..
if nobody believes that yet i'm sure somebody else will make it up too and then start believing it d-:
it is part of the traditional divide and conquer strategy perfected during the british empire though
my home town is one of three cities in saudi with mixed people (sunnis ans shia)
1:27 AM
find ways to divide your larger enemies up into factions that hate each other
conquer and rule.. or something like this
the thing is, Iran is supporting the shia radicals in the arab world, to make a reason to have power in those countries.
and i think the divisions in the arab world have a lot to do with why israel won all the wars
saudi, emirates and maybe Jordan, can not just watch.. so recently they are supporting the sunni radicals..
not just shia sunni but any other kind of differences seemed to keep the arab world from acting in cohesion
so, basically it is an arab-irani war in other lands..
a one big country, is devided into 18 smaller countries :) so what you said is totally true :)
1:29 AM
our lives are so short compared to the lifespans of religions and sects
the jews came from a hundred countries all over the world where they'd been dispersed for like a thousand years and managed to get their act together
having us $$$ was just a part of that
I will tell you what will happen in the near future.. saudi will play the same irani dirty game.. saudi will support the sunni rebels in iran.. making domestic issues in iran.. to keep it busy..
just like the chinese they are good at playing the long game
1948.. do you know what arabs call that year?
i dont' even remember who are sunnis and who are shia
we call the 1948 " catastrophe year"
because in that year, the arab world was defeated so easily by a small group (the jews).. while ae are 100 times more...
because we simply got busy with domestic issues and underestimated the enemy..
so we deserve it..
since then, the leaders were so ashamed.. so they had to make domestic issues sound more important.. like sunni vs shia thing..
and "conspiracies"
so almost every leader here talks about conspiracies... bull shit
and when few leaders wanted to make the arab countries reunite again under one big country, they all were killed! including king faisal of saudi and anwar alsadat of Egypt.
1:35 AM
well as long as they never make world peace an important issue we won't get bored d-;
now, everyone think this "as long as my salary is coming to my account in monthly basis, I do not care"..
don't let them hear that in some countries you get your salary on a biweekly or even weekly basis!
:) we say it because this is how things are here. monthly..
that's the strategy that keeps us mostly calm in the west
wage slaves. being good little consumers.
we have a saying in Arabic "make your dog hungery, it will follow your orders"
so, I think they manages to apply it to humans :)
1:38 AM
just watch the ads and buy the shiny and keep the rich people at the top calling the shots
well the ones best at controlling us are the ones best at understanding how we work
in australia we say "treat 'em mean keep 'em keen"
they got our operating manuals ;)
I am off to some ASP.NET stuff... in mood of learning..
yep. there's actually some good shows on reality tv about this stuff finally.
saw them on nat geo in ulaanbaatar
shows about what exactly?
don't damage yourself too much with that crap.NET d-:
.NET is not crap..
not at all!
1:43 AM
there's one about the tricks your mind plays on you - forget what it's called
it's horrible.NET!
even ms seems to be backing up from it
I think because you do not know it..
ms seems to be backing up from it? that's the most wrong statement I have read recently..
i don't know it in the same way i don't know frozen vomit. saw it in the street. it looked disgusting. i kept my distance.
man, you are totally wrong..
once you hook up.. u will never leave!
just give it a shot...
1:45 AM
do some google searches - there's looks of pissed of .net programmers out there who think ms is abandoning them
frozen vomit? no thanks
"some" out of millions.. not a base to build your opinion..
all my code is cross-platform anyway so i can use it anyway so marrying ms is no use to me
php is horror of horrors
so ?
1:46 AM
the only reason it still exists is because some people can make it work and it's pretty fast
but i did learn php to hack wiktionary and it is cross platform
if those are the only two choices i choose to go backpacking instead d-:
I advice you strongly to install the express (free) version of VS 2012. give it a shot..
ms tortures us by first replacing the word program with application and then replacing application with solution! ick! and every second word is called "a technology". i think those guys even fart is marketingspeak
solution is something else..
i have vs express 2010 2012 and 2013 installed i think
solution is a combination of few applications that work together..
for example, a DLL program and a windows form..
1:50 AM
eww "form" there's another ugly word
or a webservice and a webpage.. two applications.. or even 10. all of them are called a solution..
I meant, windows forms application..
they just make this stuff up so people who like to wear ties to impress people will pay $$$ for silly courses to get silly certificates that they think will also impress people
if they change program to application, why not change programmer to appliationist?
i still hate the word "app" but these days you can't escape it. you can't say "smartphone program" d-; they divided and conquered
also wrong! .NET is free! even the development environments are free (the express versions). there are other options as well (mono).. all free... toturials are everywhere in the internet for free as well..
1:53 AM
just like how they redefined what cursor means and they had to rename what cursor used to mean to the horrible icky yucky horrible word caret!
caret :D
free as in we don't take your money to wash your brain. they still hate freedom
I guess because both mouse pointer is a cursor, and the caret is a cursor..
mono is poo and i should know. i used the same toilet as miguel once d-:
php is free too and loves freedom but it's poo anyway so what's your point?
look, I am not a programmer in real life, so I cant really talk about this.. but as a fan of programming. I found .NET the most productive environment... just a non-pro opinion..
1:55 AM
mouse pointer is a mouse pointer, cursor is entirely different. caret is a weird name for an accent mark in some weird european language
bingo "productive" d-:
don't forget to say "performant" d-:
i tried something few years ago, called C++ builder from Borland. it was nice, but again, lack of support.. i tried plain C++ and MFC, too damn difficult..
i'm an ex pro, just like ex smokers we are the worst kind
anyway, what makes the program is the programmer, not the language.. so bad programmers always complain about the language ;)
c++ is also poo. java is poo too. c# must by definition be poo. i do hear it's less poo than the others but by that time i was sick of the poo and the politicking so i moved on
i am sure i read this somewhere, it is not from my head..
C# is sexy..
1:57 AM
borland was good but ms killed them. it's actually one of the reasons there's a free version of vs
c# is sex when the only other chick in the brothel is java!
it's like choosing the prettiest camel d-:
anyway the bigger question now is if ms is going to survive or be relevant at all. so many failures even the chair thrower is backing away
when i want a c-like language i've gone back to using c
it will survive,
the ms haters been saying that since Linux was out...
ms will disappear.. blah blah..
look at Linux now! 200000 different versions!
all are poo... the only advantage is, it is FREE...
well ibm survived but how many of their technologies do you use to build performant solutions?
ibm is on coma, the body still there, but that's it!
2:04 AM
software pirate! d-:
well ibm are rolling in billions of dollars but normal people don't know or care what they're doing
what ? consulations?
i know the words of freedom hating dollar loving microsofties when i hear them
so marcel c is not santa c?
or something..
i mean his user name is changed now to santa c
2:09 AM
i wonder if whether and how much people are using .net on android and ios
no idea, but that would be using Mono i guess..
i do not think much.. maybe only new people to program on iOs and Android..
i never met anyone who uses mono
i only saw people asking questions on SO..
i met miguel either before mono or when it was just about emerging i think
those are the only two relevant platforms at the moment
well and "web apps" i suppose, but those are not platforms - don't know what to call them
i am still sure if you ever try VS 2012 express, you will fall in love..
2:15 AM
no i am sure it will suck
i made an app in vs. it's in c. it has to run on my netbook and on wikimedia toolserver
has to support full unicode on the command line - not easy in ms land
my friend made a command line program that supports Unicode...
he is an MVP..
what's an MVP?
something about wearing ties to impress people?
that link looks icky
ok this
more icky? :D :D :D
2:20 AM
or this
C is tops on TIOBE!
didn't get that
tiobe is also poo though
the funny thing is, two men (you and me) working in the service industry (hostel receptionist and cabin crew) are talking about which is best for programming and so on.. i am so happy that non of the SO freaks are here... we could have been killed and then rekilled again...
they would have stupid opinions on airlines and hotels d-:
2:28 AM
Q: Xamarin 2.0 vs Appcelerator Titanium vs PhoneGap

Valerie LincAfter all IDE evolutions (all platforms on topic are changed) of this year, i'm looking to understand what is the state of technology for those platforms. What are strengths and weaknesses of each ones? There are some limitations of one of those approach? I have a good experience on C# and Java...

@hippietrail it looks like Xamarin is winning this... since it compiles in native code..
on their homepage where they brag about their famous customers i didn't recognize any
i recognized Bosch only
sounds like a mighty british tv comedy
the c#'s solution to callbacks is really nice (async/await)
2:42 AM
which have you compared it to?
i liked yield that almost made it into js a few years ago
i famously gave up in frustration trying to extended somebody's very useful code on wiktionary because i found the callback hell totally impenetrable
yield does not replace callbacks...
it was the only solution i ever found to a certain very hard problem
nobody else ever came up with an alterative either
i am talking about something like asynchronous calls.. when for example you call a webservice, you wait for the result but meanwhile you want to do something..
usually callbacks are the solutions.. it is headache, at least two methods.. the call method and the call back one..
now, with async/await, just one method in a very clear way.. i loved it..
Happy snow day!
oh no those are trivially easy
for those simple things i prefer promises
2:47 AM
@Karlson please if you ever read the technical discussion made by two untechnical persons, please ignore..
no snow in inner mongolia - it even got above zero yesterday!
I've been ignoring it for the last half an hour I can continue
@Karlson hahahahahahahahaha
@Karlson are you a .NET programmer?
i'm technical. i'm just on prolonged sabbatical. d-:
@HaLaBi Nope
@HaLaBi I can if I need to be
2:49 AM
sure you can, you are a programmer...
And for the moment I don't need to be and I don't want to be. :)
not good for you :D
please, no one blames the cabin crew inspector here... programming is hobby for me. weird one :D
now it is time for some noodles.. i am super hungry..
anyone wants some?
yeah i have noodles too. the good korean ones, not the nasty chinese ones.
i have Indonesian ones..
I just had a steak. That was left over in the supermarket after the pre snow storm raid
2:52 AM
snow storm where?
i have to head to Cleveland next week, and they are predicting snow and below 0 F temperatures :(
only good news is that i booked an expensive direct flight on the grounds that I'm not connecting via anywhere in conditions like that...
google says -10 here right now but in ulan bator they were unreliable
@Doc PA, NJ, NY
There is a big system moving through
-17C at night
yah, that's the places i decided to avoid
i could have connected via PHL or IAD, and it's like... yeah... no
NJ sux during the snow storm.
even ORD was looking bad as CLE-ORD was a small plane
err.. ORD-CLE
2:56 AM
so my SFO-CLE cost about 200 less than my recent SFO-LHR-IST-SFO... go figure
no conncetions via SMA
SFO-SMA-CLE would be interesting...
instead of haiku we could invent a new kind of poetry where we only write in IATA
ORD - CLE is not that bad if there are no lake effects snow
@karlson direct is better :)
Direct is always better
2:57 AM
especially given that I'll also certainly get the upgrade
almost even
@hippietrail Santa Maria Airport in Azores?
So Many Acronyms d-:
You don't know ORD and CLE?
you business travellers speak a funny language d-:
ORD = Chicago O'Hare
2:59 AM
well i knew some but i also knew what it looked like - a curious dialect
CLE=Cleveland, OH

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