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01:00 - 23:0023:00 - 00:00

@ThePuzzlingPlatypus Objections?
NOpe, and I"m eating
AUSTRALIA is Yellow (neutral)
It is now Red's turn
(tutoring has started, I will take longer to respond)
panicked wii thinking music plays in the distance
You got to get better SM music :P
Little Mix all the way here :P
Little Mix is a solid choice :p
i need like 30 more seconds to think, hang on
yesterday, by bobble
22 mins ago, by bobble
thinking of clue, thinking of clue
I'm explaining calc to tutee, no need for a quick clue
If you have a calculus themed clue @Sciborg that might go down very well :P
The integral value of...
I was a physics major, but that was 4 years ago. I forgot all my calculus
In my defense, I ended up with a programming job instead
is a flaming BUCK a thing?
"The integral of Australia is Track times Lemon"
@ThePuzzlingPlatypus I have zero clue
I"m just putting the word FLAMING in front of things and seeing what sounds familliar
what is a flaming circle? Like in the circus?
Red: Shapes (unlimited)
@ThePuzzlingPlatypus Hehe, same
Welp i guess flaming heart and circle are out
CIRCLE is Blue
I hope you feel okay about that.
It is now Blue's turn
If you've got any questions, send me/the other SM a onetimesecret, it gives a lot away otherwise
but it's a shape...
I agree, that should have been red
RED team: Sciborg, bobble
BLUE team: caird coinheringaahing, Prince North Læraðr, ThePuzzlingPlatypus
Hi msh210, you'll be joining team red!
RED: Sciborg, bobble, msh210
But I haven't read the game until this point, @bobble , so you may have to fill me in on past clues, etc., if needed.
Trees (1 left), Electronic News (1 left), Shapes (some left)
@bobble Hm, I've some ideas about those, but I guess I'll wait to say them until after their turn.
ahah, tutee figured out A Thing!
what Thing was that?
Blue: All I Wanna Do is Make Love to You (2)
and HEART?
That's clearly a song
HEART might be in shape
Let's first go with bed
BED is Yellow (neutral)
It is now Red's turn
it was DATE wasn't it
as in courtship
or both
also I looked through the chat log; why are red helicopters funny?
I have zero clue
didn't YOU star that?
red helicopters???
I thought it's funny, I just don't know why
A lot of things are funny for no reason
I think tree is date, electronic news is tube.
If it was DATE or COURT why not like... ENGAGEMENT? Or.. Pre-engagement? Or... I don't know
the real question here is: bad guesses or bad clues
If there are two shapes, they're probably heart and moon.
Moon also makes sense for the song though
A third may be band, though that's weak.
Red: Cylinders (unlimited)
as a stretch
Cylinder is a tube and a (wedding) band.
We might lose this
A half-slip is also basically a cylinder, but I doubt that's intended.
I agree on MOON
TUBE for sure
DATE for trees makes sense
no idea what a half-slip is
I'm convinced dates are just naturally-growing candy
THat is not a complaint
A half-slip is a thin skirt you wear under a skirt.
let's try the obvious ones first
any objections to TUBE?
TUBE is Red
As an aside, I think Scibord might've meant TUBE as in YouTUBE
want to try DATE?
@PrinceNorthLæraðr Oh I was thinking of the boob tube.
@bobble sure
@bobble Rather informal way to ask someone out :P
DATE is Red
I was just thinking about caird being a master troll
@bobble I feel flattered, but might be too early
@ThePuzzlingPlatypus The one problem I have with SMing :P
what next?
we can watch SHIELD by moonlight <3
@cairdcoinheringaahing it's one thing I distinctly remember about you: your ability to troll the other team without attracting a complaint
perhaps heart?
seems valid for SHAPES
as opposed to when I tried to do that
but BAND for "cylinder" is tempting, but then the last Blue clue
@ThePuzzlingPlatypus I'm not sure if that's good or bad :/
@bobble true
It's always funny, so there's that
so maybe heart > moon > band
HEART is Blue
Uh... what?
It is now Blue's turn
well gg
I guess Heart was the "All I wanna..."
did sciborg think circle and heart were red by mistake?
I'm genuinely not sure. Maybe they meant to do SHAPES (0)
Blue: Music (1)
BAND is Blue
Ah, so it was band
My log is a masterpiece
says my dad every morning
Seed: 686435806

Blue: Track, Box, Conducter, Yard, Circle, Heart, Band, France, Phoenix
Red: Slip, Date, Lemon, Moon, Press, Screen, Chair, Tube
Black: Ice Cream
Yellow: Australia, Court, Cotton, Bed, Buck, Czech, Spring

Train (3) jumps off the bat for Track, Conductor and Yard. Might get Tube, but only really if North's been to London
Rebirth (2) could clue Circle and Phoenix, and maybe Heart?
Guess I'll go with Train (3) and give myself some breathing room
North gets Track and Conducter. Box wasn't what I was thinking but +1. Guess Trainyard isn't that common
oh and @bobble Dates do grow on trees
@Sciborg You ok?
and they're delicious
i have to edit out the profanity and self-loathing in my log, hang on.
Leave it in, its a much better read :P
RED - me and bobble.


Okay, BLUE is first, I have time to think. Ughhh, what do I do???
Caird said Train (3). TRACK, CONDUCTOR and YARD. Good clue!
Yup, North got TRACK... CONDUCTOR...

DATE+LEMON = Fruits!!! There we go. But NOT ICE CREAM!!!
I'll word it as "trees." That way she won't guess ICE CREAM. That's better.

Shit, North got BOX. Okay.
I think we owe you guys a rematch
The Loire is the heart of France y'all
I didn't know that
you're not stupid
@Sciborg The Trees clue wasn't too bad FYI. It's all too easy to miss a word on the board
And I can understand wanting to avoid Black as much as possible
@cairdcoinheringaahing Tell me, does BED not sound like All I Wanna Do is Make Love With You?
missing both YARD and CIRCLE+HEART as shapes made me just... put my head in my hands
it's a song
that's why the italics
That sounds like BED
I'm with North on this one
it's a very famous song by the band Heart
I didn't know that
BED would have been my first guess :p
I don't know that
I only even knew it was a song because it was italicized
How many of y'all are in the US?
0/ I really don't feel like SMing
it's been far too long
@msh210 @bobble?
We clearly have very different cultural tastes/knowledge :P
My broadest knowledge of music is "classical" (as in Baroque, Classical, Romantic, and a bit of 20th century, none of modern) and video game music
If I had clued Bonnie Tyler (2) would you have gotten Band and Heart? @PrinceNorthLæraðr @ThePuzzlingPlatypus
I know a bit of pop
@cairdcoinheringaahing Definitely not
I know billy joel, weird al, and classic rock
Maybe if you did wedding or wedding ring
wait, was she the total eclipse of hte heart person?
Guess I'll know what to avoid next time I've got you guys then :P
@ThePuzzlingPlatypus Yep
that might've clued MOON by mistake
if I remembered that
because eclips
> Wedding (2) would've gotten Heart and Band, damn it
Don't screw this up you guys...
...oh thank god. gg
@cairdcoinheringaahing Yeah, no pop culture unless it's super nerdy
Right at the end :P
only here would trivia be "not nerdy enough"
I can do history pretty well
So me and TPP are SMing?
I kept guessing the wrong things D:
I mean I don't want to but I can
The problem was a terrible flailing SM, not your guesses, i promise :p
!newgame caird coinheringaahing, ThePuzzlingPlatypus, Prince North Læraðr, Sciborg, bobble
RED: ThePuzzlingPlatypus, Sciborg
I'm very rusty at this
BLUE: caird coinheringaahing, bobble, Prince North Læraðr
eyyy let's go
also, how do I get the seed?
@ThePuzzlingPlatypus Looks like no one else can tho :/
RED spymaster only, please click on this link to see the seed: https://onetimesecret.com/secret/m9ekig7hb5fd616egg3l9prlnwx8ite
BLUE spymaster only, please click on this link to see the seed: https://onetimesecret.com/secret/5rwahnajyfh697vlnqza21b0zohczo4

Please save the seed somewhere! As a last resort if any of you happens to forget the seed, you can type !recall to get a new link.
BLUE goes first!
@ThePuzzlingPlatypus Click ^
Ooh if dwarf and belt are in the same group that would be AMAZING
Astronomy, baby!
(still tutoring)
poor tutee, getting half my attention
@bobble Dw you've got a teammate this time :P
platypus, i feel like i'm a better guesser than an SM, i promise i won't let you down
you got all sorts of wrong things for my DEW clue :P
okay, i suck at both, but i'll still try
you are a smart baby bird
@Sciborg I feel everyone's better at guessing
who goes first?
OK good i have time to think
yesterday, by bobble
thinking of clue, thinking of clue
So I'm gonna guess BAR is black
And I think DWARF and BELT might just be in the same group
hm, yes
also don't guess BOTTLE
Do dwarves have PUBS?
BELT is Red
Uh... what?
It is now Red's turn
???? why'd you guess Belt??
Because I thought that the 0 meant that I was correct in my assumption of DWARF + BELT!
Okay you know what, @bobble it was probably process of elimination
What is everything in a pub
does MOSCOW have lots of pubs?
do pubs do the WAVE?
do SOLDIERs go to pubs?
How do you italicize again?
@bobble BOTTLE, BAR, CLUB, SWING(???), TABLE, um... okay at least we have this as a "can't use this" , so I guess it would help caird out with making clues
swing dancing?
Red: War and Peace (2)
Dragon Pub? Isn't that harry potter?
someone make sure I did that right?
Red: War and Peace (2)
We are currently waiting for a clue from the Red spymaster.
Use ***three***
It has to be bolded
We are currently waiting for a clue from the Red spymaster.
Post it again, Shiro doesn't recognise edits
@ThePuzzlingPlatypus You need to write it as a new string
Red: War and Peace (2)
now what
Red: War and Peace (2)*
there we go
Type Red: ***War and Peace* (2)**
Red currently has 3 guesses remaining.
Well, I know War and Peace is Russian, so MOSCOW. And EMBASSY sounds liike making peace and war.
Okay, that worked
I hope you feel okay about that.
It is now Blue's turn
I feel so bad for sciborg
I feel so bad
(look at the board again, sci')
why aren't the new teams on the starboard?
Oh, I don't know
Well, we take some, we lose some. we traded one for one
Blue: Mexican (2)
AZTEC, I think
AZTEC, I think
Great minds think a like
01:00 - 23:0023:00 - 00:00

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