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piercing as in sharp sound would also fit drill
Do some people get foot piercing? I shudder at the idea.
@El'endiaStarman The Drill of Babel?
Drill > glove > head ....?
@user58 Ooooh, yessss...
not really keen of head
a star pierces the heavens?
me either
Not sure I've heard the phrase
DRILL is Blue
Link? like earring chain link? i'm just not sure
I"ll leave glove up to you
I don't think I've seen earring chains
@JohnDvorak For any part of the body, someone somewhere has had it pierced
what about cross? I'm thinking now more about tattoos
not sure if that's intended, my gut doesn't think so
A cross would be a common tattoo, but that's a different type of bodily muti decoration
Yeah, that's what I was thinking that a cross is pretty common
We also have some girl-stuff from before
there should be overlap
I'm still thinking that it's hard to clue 5 words together so maybe Head might be one of the words
Bar might potentially fit both clues
You pick up girls at bars, and a simple rod might be the thing you stick through your body.
thats true. Some people who get piercings get bars/rods in their bellybuttons or tongues
I'm liking bar more but there's also glove
I also like glove, as piercer's equipment
I think I prefer bar over glove
so bar > glove > head? > cross?
I"d be willing to drop cross entirely
I'm good on the first two or three
it's on the edge for me
see how far we get
want me to guess
You may
BAR is Blue
GLOVE is Blue
okay how you feel about head, cross, link?
anything else you see?
I'm fine with guessing head
HEAD is Blue
ooh nice okay
any girl-related stuff you see? I think star might be a possibility
could "star" fit "girl"?
wow are we reading each other minds or what?
Let's try star
star first then cross then link?
As you wish
STAR is Red
I hope you feel okay about that.
It is now Red's turn
I guess that settles it for now
still that was a good round
Still, great round
cough Mind readers cough
I'm looking at Cross, Cover and Foot to be Red, just because I want a triangle
@cairdcoinheringaahing If Beijing, Screen and Link are Blue, the symmetry will be glorious
Red: Weird Al (2)
COVER is Red
BAND is Red
RIP symmetry
Well actually, FOREST...
Field kind of messes that up
No, there's still symmetry across y=x.
Ah, I was looking at y=-x
You guys just need Screen, and I need Link :P
How dare you conflate symmetry groups with their fixed point sets?
Sorry, I haven't memorized the wallpaper groups yet... :P
I think Mercury Peppers might be a thing, but really not sure :/
You cross types of peppers to make new ones
You can describe the group as (x,y) => (y,x)
MERCURY is Yellow (neutral)
It is now Blue's turn
There goes the no Yellow guesses :/
I don't quite remember the notation for "group generated by the set"
Blue: Born to Run (2)
okay, that's a movie I haven't seen (sorry!!)
@JohnDvorak Hmm. Yeah, I think that's the phrase you'd use.
but from that I see foot and screen? for movie screen?
Oh, I thought it was a metal album.
I'm okay with screen. Why foot?
running requires feet?
and then there's foot piercing
I think so...
What part of the foot can you stab through without crippling your ability to walk?
i'm hoping that the clue isn't meant to be either beijing or australia because it could have been from one of those places but I have no idea
@JohnDvorak I don't want to think about it lol
screen for now?
I'm not terribly confident on that but if you don't know anything better might as well
We also have one excess that doesn't fit the clue
perhaps cross or link
maybe cross is an overlap for crossing the finish line
I'm okay with cross on the sole basis that we've already indicated it as our first and nothing afterwards suggests against it
@El'endiaStarman If Satellite is Yellow, Screen is Blue and Forest is Red, I think it'll be symmetric again. And, if Link/Beijing is the Assassin, the entire board will be
Fingers crossed! :P
I think I want to go for the born to run clues first to get them out of the way so foot for sure?
Foot > Cross > Screen?
The order doesn't matter. It's all or nothing.
FOOT is Blue
@JohnDvorak It's Nerf or nothing
CROSS is Yellow (neutral)
It is now Red's turn
Bummer, I was expecting that one to be blue. :P
And that's why I wanted screen first :P
Red: blade (1)
RIP symmetry. For reals.

Red: switch band Moscow cover field fair mint star Czech
Assassin: satellite

cover + field = grass ?
star + field + band? = American flag
-- risks embassy (yellow). And they're called stripes, never bands

Moscow + Czech = Europe

Starting with Europe in absence of anything better

Okay, they got those easily, as I'd expected

Blue clues girl (4), probably going for chick, head, foot, and... glove?

star + field + switch = light -- risks satellite, assassin

mint + field + band? (Sgt.) = pepper
Link, huh...


Only 12:30, should be fine...

Idle thoughts: "extremities" might clue FOOT, GLOVE, and loosely HEAD. "person" migh fit FOOT, HEAD, maybe GLOVE.

Maybe "girl" - CHICK, HEAD, FOOT, GLOVE. Might run into FAIR. GLOVE is really tenuous, but might be worth a shot in any case.

(gives "girl" clue)

CHICK seen. FAIR spotted :/. I wanted FAIR to be at *least* third.

"Girls have HEADs, I guess" - you *guess*?

Hmm, BAND. Missed that that was red...
Link and screen were blue, huh
anyway it's creeping closer to two in the morning so i'm off to bed, GameN
G'night! \o
@user58 ditto, gg, gameN
Good night. Gotta do more laundry :P
It does add a bit of spice when it's the middle of the night for both SMs
@user58 :-)
@msh210 Light would've been a better clue for Switch IMO, especially as the last one
I was only ~75% sure for the last word
@cairdcoinheringaahing I'd have done SWAP (1).
Even Ninteno would be better IMO

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