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@JohnDvorak You still around?
Thank you for asking
I can play in ~5 minutes if you want to get a game going
Sounds good to me
I wanna play but I need to drive home first so o/
newgame caird coinheringaahing, John Dvorak, PiIsNot3, DJMcMayhem, El'endia Starman
Just putting it there for future use
!newgame caird coinheringaahing, John Dvorak, PiIsNot3, DJMcMayhem, El'endia Starman
RED: caird coinheringaahing, El'endia Starman
BLUE: John Dvorak, DJMcMayhem, PiIsNot3
RED spymaster only, please click on this link to see the seed: https://onetimesecret.com/secret/f7iwd5i5rlpw4y8onfwbfkjs16rdrob
BLUE spymaster only, please click on this link to see the seed: https://onetimesecret.com/secret/9gia3vvu5pfxg5zeir2yvj0lde9vtib

Please save the seed somewhere! As a last resort if any of you happens to forget the seed, you can type !recall to get a new link.
Much obliged :P
BLUE goes first!
@DJMcMayhem I’m on mobile, so you can do the guessing (unless you’re also on mobile)
I'm on a laptop. I'm fine guessing
Blue: Haematology(3)
Oh boy
John, your words are too complex for me
@PiIsNot3 Any idea what that means?
I do. Too bad I'm not on your team. ;)
I'll join when I get home
Hmm, interesting clue
“Hema” means related to iron?
That was a guess I had. Study of blood?
Or maybe related to blood?
The congenital disease is called hemophilia right?
No idea
I know "Hemoglobin" is something in blood
But the spelling is different enough from "haema" that I'm not sure if they're related
If we are dealing with blood, then what words can relate to it?
@DJMcMayhem I think that’s just a variant
@PiIsNot3 I don't think it's spelled like that because I think that word literally means "lover of blood".
At any rate, cell/microscope/drop are my first guesses
CELL and DROP first for me
COPPER? Isn't blood supposed to taste like copper?
I'm good starting with CELL and DROP
Oh, and some animals have copper-based hemoglobin instead of iron
Really? TIL
Like the horseshoe crab I believe
Or maybe that’s a different metal, idk
CELL is Blue
DROP is Red
I feel for you.
It is now Red's turn
Many years ago, for a story I'm working on, I looked up all the different possible colors of blood. If memory serves, they were red, blue, green, yellow, and one more (black?).
@PiIsNot3 I think for next round MICROSCOPE > COPPER
@El'endiaStarman Green blood means copper I believe
@DJMcMayhem We’ll see what Red does first
@El'endiaStarman So a game of codenames + Green?
Or maybe, glass even?
@cairdcoinheringaahing hahaha
17 hours ago, by Shiro
GREEN is Red
Red: Straight (2)
LINE is obvious and a RULER is a straightedge.
LINE is Red
RULER is Red
Question: does listening to music while playing count as research?
Nah, course not
I'm listening to music right now. :P
Unless the clue was a musical artist and you were looking them up
Granted, most of it doesn't have lyrics...
@El'endiaStarman Same, lol
I was wondering, maybe the music has lyrics that can help make connections in the game
Does watching TV count?
blue: Thermometer(3)
@cairdcoinheringaahing Hmm that’s a harder one to judge
@PiIsNot3 Maybe looking away from your monitor you might see an object that would help make a connection in the game
MERCURY of course
Id say probably not, unless it was a documentary or something
GLASS probably
Yep, MERCURY and GLASS both work
GLASS is Blue
A thermometer measure change in temperature?
Or maybe we should find other scientific instruments, so MICROSCOPE
@PiIsNot3 Just temperature I think
There could be clues overlaps though
@DJMcMayhem Depending on how poorly you make the thermometer, it could also measure air pressure.
And if you drop it off a building, you can measure how long it takes to hit the ground and thereby determine how high the building is.
Btw there’s nothing deterring us from MICROSCOPE and COPPER, so they should be safe-ish ie not Res or Black
Hi Rubiksmoose, you'll be joining team red!
Technically, a thermometer is a speedometer for molecules
RED: caird coinheringaahing, El'endia Starman, Rubiksmoose
@cairdcoinheringaahing Brilliant. (An average speedometer anyway.)
@PiIsNot3 not blue or black well, we hope they're blue :P
Yeah, we've got two guesses left, we could go for those
@DJMcMayhem Oops, lol
Probably MICROSCOPE > COPPER, since microscopes are in the same category as thermometers
Or maybe the “Thermometer” word is GAS?
Since you can measure the temperature of gases with them
Yeah, that's possible
Lets try our “Haemotology” words forst
But we can only guess 2
K, guessing MICROSCOPE
Both agree on MICROSCOPE...
Gas or copper?
MICROSCOPE could’ve been our remaining “Thermometer” word
So Id prefer COPPER over GAS
Plus again our SM hasn’t anti-clued COPPER
COPPER is Yellow (neutral)
It is now Red's turn
Hmm, imma search hemotology after this game, we might be on the wrong track about it
Alright team
@cairdcoinheringaahing (because I know you tend to get distracted ;) )
@Rubiksmoose Don't worry, I'm still here
Red: Horse-riding (2)
BACK, for sure.
BOOT for stirrups?
Whip maybe?
Err, not stirrups, but whatever goes on the heel of a boot that you can use to prod horses to go faster/do things.
Yes, thank you.
Well centaur has got to be in there right?
WHIP seems marginally plausible. I don't think people use whips from horseback. Ropes, yes, whips, no.
oh BACK.
Yeah I agree WHIP is probably a long shot
Right now I think I'm CENTAUR > BACK > BOOT
I'd swap the first two but otherwise I agree.
I'm fine starting with BACK and seeing how that goes. Shall we?
BACK is Yellow (neutral)
It is now Blue's turn
well then.
Yay, we get our turn BACK :)
CENTAUR and BOOT next turn?
At least it wasn't the assassin...?
@El'endiaStarman That would have been my top choice too
Honestly, I wouldn't have thought of BACK if you hadn't mentioned it. Maybe our SM is in the same spot.
@DJMcMayhem "Am I making too many connections? No, it is the SM that's wrong." :P
I'm probably going to have to leave soon, not that it really matters.
Maybe in 10ish.
Blue: Nail(3)
Hi ElizB, you'll be joining team red!
RED: caird coinheringaahing, El'endia Starman, Rubiksmoose, ElizB
SEAL means roughly the same thing as nail
”Nail it shut” and “seal it up”
HOOK is another good one
Shkjld we go for THUMB first?
THUMB is Blue
HOOK as in “nail a left hook?”
No, like you could hang things on a nail
AFK for 5 minutes
Tbh quite a few of these words work for “Nail”
E.g. a FIGHTER might nail a punch, you can nail a tire SWING to a tree, and you can nail the look of a SUIT
None of them seem better than HOOK though
@Shiro If you hit your thumb when aiming for a nail, then THUMB is Red.
Nails make a lot of RACKET when they’re being hammered in
Hmm I guess I’ll go with HOOK since DJ was pretty confident about it and I don’t see anything better
HOOK is Blue
OK, I don’t know what the remaining word could be, so might as well try “Hemotology” and “Thermometer” words
I'm off all. o\
RED: caird coinheringaahing, El'endia Starman, ElizB
See ya!
Sorry to play and run lol
Maybe GAS relates to both previous clues? Since we can have gas exchange into blood, and gas has a temperature
ooh me and hubby on the same team guessing! That's okay I can jump in for you :)
@Shiro Yay!
BACK is Yellow
@DJMcMayhem do you see anything better than GAS for either “Hemo” or “Thermo”?
I think GAS is for Thermo, not hemo
But I think GAS for thermo is pretty good, I don't think it makes that much of a difference
Then what could our remaining “Hemo” word be then?
No idea
OK, you can play
GAS is Red
It is now Red's turn
...ah darn
We've missed one for every clue so far
Not sure the third NAIL word
Im all out of ideas for “Hemo” and “Thermo” now
@PiIsNot3 Maybe change?
It was a tenuous connection, but now it’s looking mroe likely
Red: Footwear (0)
Okay so it's not boot.
I'm thinking CENTAUR and WHIP now.
want to try for centaur for the horse riding? I was thinking other words might be whip
maybe fighter or trip but they're really a stretch
WHIP is Yellow (neutral)
It is now Blue's turn
Ok still in this :)
racket? Fighter? Trip? Millionare? are all potential connections to horse riding
Ugh, I'm starting to get sick (or it's allergies, not sure) so my nose is stuffed, and every time I breath out, my nose whistles. :(
@DJMcMayhem Oh I hate when that happens to me
@ElizB Yeah I would pick TRIP next. Must be a terrible board for our SM if we're having this much trouble.
@DJMcMayhem I have a sore throat. I can relate
Also hate it when one side is clear but the other is clogged up, so you're trying desperately to unclog that other side
Only to find that the side that was originally clear has clogged up
@PiIsNot3 yes I hate that too
Blue: Women's fashion(2)
You know what's even worse? Phlegm. My favorite
BOOT and SUIT are fashion items
@PiIsNot3 I suspect it's not suit because otherwise it wouldn't be "women's" specifically
Hey, women can wear suits! Don't be discriminatory!
But yeah, I wonder why specifically "women's", there only appear to be two clothing related items on the board right now
@PiIsNot3 yup that's right! I look good in suits!
Not saying they can't. But if it was really "boot" and "suit", wouldn't the clue just be "fashion"
What other definitions of "fashion" are there?
Besides "attire"
Women act like they're MILLIONAIREs? (Sorry, now I'm the one being discriminatory here)
Yeah, this clue is throwing me for a loop
Would you say BOOT is more likely than SUIT?
You can CHANGE clothes
Or rather, since Red's previous clue was "Footwear" for 0, maybe BOOT is the assassin?
@DJMcMayhem Ooh yeah, that seems more likely
lol wow tough board
I can't tell you how long I've had to wait for my mom to finish trying out all the clothes she likes at the mall
@PiIsNot3 I think so? But I feel like there's something we're missing
I guess, you can go on a shopping TRIP?
BOOT and TRIP could be clued with WALKING or something similar
@DJMcMayhem I was thinking that could've been Red's remaining word for "Horse-riding"
Don't let that stop you. ;)
Tbh I don't associate boots or suits strongly with women's fashion, both are pretty masculine imo
Though there are those UGGly boots...
@PiIsNot3 My wife really likes wearing boots so it doesn't seem weird to me
But yeah, they both definitely have a masculine connotation
@PiIsNot3 Clearly you don't know enough women hee hee. All the females in my family have more boots than I do and well-made women's suits look really good.
I think CHANGE is more likely, that will cover "Thermo" probably
For "Nail", I still stick with SEAL, only because the other words only tangentially relate to it
@El'endiaStarman My thought was cowboy boots, but thanks for that info :)
I think we should probably start with BOOT
I have serious qualms about BOOT cause it could be assassin
(BTW I'm on a computer now, so I can do some guessing)
But there's only 2 words that relate to fashion in any way, so that makes me think it's not an assassin
MILLIONAIRE did cross my mind.
Then why "women's" then? That's gotta be important somehow
That probably means at least one of BOOT or SUIT is not ours
That's the problem. I don't know :/
Do you wanna try going for previous clues' words then?
None of them seem good. I don't really like SEAL. I'm like 50% sure on CHANGE, and RACKET is a maybe I guess
But not super confident about any of them unfortunately
Maybe SUIT is for "Nail", I brought up "nail your look"
Usually I can glean information about our words from our SM's previous cluing habits. This time around... I have no idea what's going on
@PiIsNot3 See, the thing we have to consider. We're only missing one word from all previous rounds. So after we get any old ones, there's still two "Women's fashion" words we need to guess
@DJMcMayhem Unless we aren't missing any words from previous rounds (except for "Nail")
So it might be CHANGE|SEAL|RACKET, but I don't think it could be more than one of them. Unless that relates to the current clue
GLASS + MERCURY + MICROSCOPE works for "Thermometer"
@PiIsNot3 True, we have to be missing one from nail
CELL + MICROSCOPE + THUMB can plausibly work for "Hemotology" (thumbs have a lot of blood in them)
No, thumb is for nail
@DJMcMayhem It can be for both for all we know
Cause I don't see any more possible "Hemo" words on the board right now
I'm OK with seal
John is probably super mad at us right now hehe
We have to guess something
...Ok, I guess we can try...
Don't kill us, John!
SEAL is Blue
Oh pheeeeeeeeewwww
Sweet, thanks. I wouldn't have thought of seal
Now just two "Women's fashion" words left
H*ck if I know
I think the most likely words right now are BOOT, SUIT, CHANGE, and TRIP
@DJMcMayhem Hey! No swearing in my Christian Codenames chatroom!
I agree
I mean, since it has "fashion," we have to guess one of BOOT and SUIT
Possibly SUIT > BOOT, since BOOT has a possibility of being assassin
You know, I think I'm leaning towards guessing SUIT and BOOT. It doesn't make sense for the clue, but those are both things women wear, and I can't think of anything else.
Maybe if we want to play it safe we could try SUIT and... CHANGE?
Then if boot is the assassin, John can clue us away from it
Unless red goes out
There's still a chance for another turn since "Horse-riding" IMO is vague enough to be distracting
I'm in favor of playing SUIT
Please don't kill us John part 2!
SUIT is Red
It is now Red's turn
Please kill me John! (figuratively, not literally lol)
Let's see if our SM can manage to clue the remaining two words together...
Red clues so far:
Donated: GAS, DROP, SUIT
We've donated 3 words? Geez
In fairness, they all seemed like good ideas for our clues
Donated? Hehehe well thank you
@PiIsNot3 Yep. Really speaks to how difficult this board must be.
John operates on a whole separate plane of consciousness than us
Or how bad at the game we are :P
New headcanon: Maybe "Women's fashion" was secretly a 0? So no clothing, but other stuff associated with fashion like CHANGE and TRIP
It would be nice if we could wrap up in 15-20 minutes, I'm gonna have to go soon
@DJMcMayhem Each team has 2 words left, so we should be done in a couple of hours :P
Wow, lotta communication between SMs this game.
Anyone want any drinks? Snacks?
No thanks, I just finished eating. :)
Seriously considering heading home now and finishing the game at home lol.
Would be about 20 minutes from now.
i made my dinner all through that discussion
It's only been my turn to clue for 15 minutes now :P
If it's taking this long to clue two words, I gotta believe the two words are complete opposites of each other
@PiIsNot3 Even then, it should be possible to clue their shared theme.
More likely that there's no relation between the words at all.
Which could be an interesting metagaming strategy.
OK, then maybe it's like ROME + PENGUIN or something
Well, I'mma head out. I believe in you ElizB! :P
welp, okay! I'll try my best
@El'endiaStarman That's quite a short commute, here in the Bay Area it could take up to an hour due to traffic
RED: caird coinheringaahing, El'endia Starman, ElizB, Rubiksmoose
I'm back for the moment
@cairdcoinheringaahing pong for clue, or still thinking?
@PiIsNot3 Waiting for @JohnDvorak to respond to my question
@PiIsNot3 we live around the Albany NY area, it's not crammed with traffic- only a few specific routes are definitely crammed
Alright, I'm out. @PiIsNot3 Make me proud
@JohnDvorak Fair enough
BLUE: John Dvorak, PiIsNot3
@DJMcMayhem See ya! I'll do my best :)
@PiIsNot3 clue NUN for that ;)
@Rubiksmoose Genius
Lol don't steal that caird if those are actually your words

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