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00:00 - 23:0023:00 - 00:00

Next in our ranking was SPELL, and I'm still not seeing any more.
@Shiro that was my top pick for bud
Oh, ye gods. How did we miss that?
Oh, Bill
As in something you pay
You pay your water, gas and electricity bill
For the win?
I hope not :-)
BILL is Yellow (neutral)
It is now Blue's turn
For the win.....! no.
Could have been worse
wipes brow
Oh come on, I was feeling so smart :/
Weird that we haven't guessed any words in the first column
First column is cursed column
hmmm... a codenames variant where the teams have n and n+1 words to guess, with the value of n unknown to the guessers, and also an unknown-to-the-guessers number of assassins
Blue: Huge(3)
@msh210 I stand by this variant :P
JUPITER and EUROPE are both huge
@cairdcoinheringaahing interesting
Tbh most of the words on the board right now can be "huge"
microscope makes things look huge
it hugifies, if you will
@Shiro who asked you?
@Shiro Uh, nobody did the command...
Circles are massive if drawn massive
OK with JUPITER as our first play though?
Any word you think is more likely then?
OK, I'll play it
Final Jeopardy music
Jupiter is blue
Hello! I'm Shiro, a bot to help with the game Codenames. To see the rules and a list of commands that you can use, see this answer on Puzzling Meta. Have fun!
We are currently waiting for a clue from the Blue spymaster.
We are currently waiting for a clue from the Blue spymaster.
Oh what?
Blue: Huge(3)
Blue currently has 4 guesses remaining.
OK, we're good now
Why didn't the first one work though?
I like microscope>Europe>Mexico
not sure what else it could be
I need to head out soonish. Like, preferably 15 minutes at most.
Hmm, I don't really have a preference between the remaining words
It's probably not SPELL or NINJA, since I think one of those is the remaining "Water" word
Besides that, all the others work, if not a bit stretchy
huge horn, like Gabriel? I'm very weak on my Christianity...
@msh210 Maybe, or something like a unicorn's horn
Circles and plates both can be huge
or a cornucopia
And Tokyo is a huge metropolis
or however you spell it (smacks self)
@msh210 I think that's the right spelling, no need to bash yourself
@PiIsNot3 oh. ok.
Although I do think MICROSCOPE more closely relates to the clue than any of the others
Or maybe we're not supposed to play it cause "micro" and "huge" are opposites...
If that's the case, I'm more inclined to play EUROPE over MICROSCOPE
yeah, probably one of those two but we have two guesses anyway and we have to take both of them so the order doesn't really matter if we agree that those two are 1 & 2 in some order
Just to be safe, I prefer EUROPE over MICROSCOPE. If EUROPE is OK, then we'll deliberate some more
plate is huge in plate tectonics
@PiIsNot3 sure, if you like
OK, let's see, let's see...
EUROPE is Blue
Oh, jeez, that was close
...I honestly have no idea what to play now. All of the options save for SPELL and NINJA work
I still like microscope
and I don't really see how circle works
It's probably not MEXICO or TOKYO - if EUROPE is "huge", then those are probably simply "big"
I'm trying to think of the other verb meaning of spell and can't seem to
d'you know?
besides "indicate letters"
It's interesting that our SM went for "Huge" instead of "Big" actually
or "form a word"
@PiIsNot3 true
@msh210 A spell is an incantation that witches and wizards cast
verb sense
oh I know!
I remembered --- it means to substitute for someone in a shift
"Spell it out" means to explain in great detail
(I think)
OK, does that relate to "Huge" though?
but ok that's not relevant (if it's right)
@PiIsNot3 no, but now I know it doesn't and can stop worrying about it :-)
I actually am liking MICROSCOPE a bit better now, since "Huge" implies things that are actually really big, bigger than you'd normally think of them as
CIRCLE, HORN, and PLATE seem to me to be generic references, not specific enough
@PiIsNot3 right
And I think we can rule out TOKYO and MEXICO
@PiIsNot3 not so sure
Since they aren't huge in the way Europe is
but I think microscope is better
They aren't made up of sovereign nations, for instance
OK, I'm set on MICROSCOPE now, if I made any errors in my logic, you have permission to shoot me
@PiIsNot3 well, Europe isn't huge in the way Jupiter is, eitheer
but Tokyo is huge for what it is, a city
(more so than Europe, arguably)
Hmm, I guess, but wouldn't there be a better clue for JUPITER + EUROPE + TOKYO then?
@PiIsNot3 placename
MEXICO could've been gotten, which may or may not be the assassin
fine, so microscope?
@PiIsNot3 oh oops, right
@PiIsNot3 then what?
We only have one shot at this...
We both seem to be agreeing on MICROSCOPE, though for me it's only because the other options don't seem to be nearly as strong
the world watches with bated breath and baited hooks
Welp, here goes nothing...
MICROSCOPE is Yellow (neutral)
It is now Red's turn
Another variant suggestion: Murphy's misery: Whenever a team considers guessing the assassin, the opposing SM may interject and force the team to guess it.
What is "considering"?
Red: CAPITAL (1)
@JohnDvorak Oh boy, I think I know what's coming up in your log now...
@El'endiaStarman um?
I see two.
@JohnDvorak That'd end so many games much sooner.
@PiIsNot3 so, what do you think is the assassin? :P
TOKYO is Red
@JohnDvorak I'll just keep it to myself :)
@JohnDvorak What's "force"?

I am the Red Spymaster, up against John Dvorak for Blue.

Assassin: CIRCLE

This looks like a pretty sweet board for me.

SCUBA DIVER + (surf) BOARD + STREAM + MUG = WATER (4), perhaps? The surfboard part isn't immediately obvious. I could go with OCEAN (3) and eat PORT (blue) when my team inevitably guesses it.
Darn, it was MEXICO
@msh210 order to

I'm blue and second.

Blue words: Belt, Stock, Jupiter, Europe, Port, Light, Robot, Mexico
Black: Circle

I have three locations, but Tokyo's red. No other conflict.
Ship seems to cover a lot loosely, but it also has some red FPs
Recharge for Robot / Light / Port? Light could easily miss. Spell/Y exists. Some charge indicators are Circles. Joy. Oh, and it's a Stream/R of energy.
Any harbor city that's both in Mexico and Europe?
Light + Port could be "Web Version" or something? Stream/R big risk.
@El'endiaStarman ROSE could've worked for "Water" as well, since roses are plants that need water
@JohnDvorak Knowing how you clue things, "Japan (0)" would've worked out nicely for us :)
Noted to use that strategy next time
> You know what, Pi, I think you only like Circle because of nepotism!
I resemble that statement!
Thanks for the games! Gotta do other stuff now
@El'endiaStarman for water=board I thought waterboarding, not surfing
"Japan's flag has a CIRCLE on it. >_< "
Now that would have been the perfect plot twist!
@msh210 Yeah, I realized that connection later and went "oh, that works too!".
@El'endiaStarman yeah, it's very effective, albeit illegal
As a clue, it is perfectly legal!
@JohnDvorak yeah... I meant the torture method
That too is legal if you have the government permission
@JohnDvorak yeah... that's what legal means :-)
Also, it's called "enhanced interrogation technique"
@JohnDvorak right, sorry
> Waterboarding at Guantanamo sounds like an awesome vacation if you don't know what either of these means
@El'endiaStarman "Hah, three of four players on that team are not American, including the SM!" For some reason I thought @PiIsNot3 was American.
@JohnDvorak heh
@msh210 Californian, I believe.
Oh, are you American?
@El'endiaStarman ah then you were right, not American
If so, I apologize!
@msh210 oooooh spicy
@El'endiaStarman by upbringing and citizenship, though not by residence
I moved here relatively recently.
Ah-ha, that explains it.
@El'endiaStarman no need
and I think you wrote that comment with regard to guns... but though I'm American I don't know guns (I think that's just a stereotype) and have certainly seen more machine guns since moving here than I did in the States
@El'endiaStarman It's mean if the trolling can be reasonably be believed
@cairdcoinheringaahing you almost had me . . . my astronomy is really weak ;-)
@msh210 @El'endiaStarman Ah, no, Googling a bit tells me that the gun that I apparently see a lot of is actually a submachine gun, not a machine gun.
00:00 - 23:0023:00 - 00:00

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