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00:00 - 23:0023:00 - 00:00

o/ I think?
@user58 great clue BTW
or 0/ I spose
taps mic This thing on?
...I really want to try [ab]using Shiro's functionality to see if I can get some crazy situations to happen.
Like, can I be an SM and then join the other team?
Can a new game be started with only two players?
Sorry guys, I had something important to take care of
@DJMcMayhem Thanks for filling in for me :)
Just cause I won? :P
Nah, even if you lost I would’ve been fine with it
It was a tough final word to guess anyway, so I would’ve understood if you couldn’t get jt
Anyway, thanks for the games! Have to go though
7 hours later…
@Rubiksmoose thanks
9 hours later…
@cairdcoinheringaahing no, he's not a bus driver. He was driving home at that time from work or something
This is the most Codenames I've played in years
I need to brush up on my spymastering because me and @El'endiaStarman are hosting a game night saturday night and we're planning on doing Codenames!
Doesn't that mean you should both be SMing this game?
No, I'm at work. :)
.......... (don't tell my boss)
yeah, I'm home and he's at the office
So no game?
we still have enough players
one spymaster, one guesser on each team
@Khuldraesethna'Barya your wave still stand?
@ElizB o\ for now. I'll be back in an hour and a half.
i have to go teach, probably be out ~3pm to 6pm- that's in an hour so can't play. :/ that's alright we can try for later
3 hours later…
Took longer than I expected. The quiz wasn't at the start of the lecture :(
New game coming up, unless somebody has to go
!newgame El'endia Starman, John Dvorak, Khuldraeseth na'Barya, caird coinheringaahing, PiIsNot3
RED: El'endia Starman, Khuldraeseth na'Barya, caird coinheringaahing
BLUE: John Dvorak, PiIsNot3
RED spymaster only, please click on this link to see the seed: https://onetimesecret.com/secret/6rp9gutd68iv49ja6c5tw0kr1p0t5vw
BLUE spymaster only, please click on this link to see the seed: https://onetimesecret.com/secret/r1ng3wctygwme6d0n9cgywsyg4m0vyg

Please save the seed somewhere! As a last resort if any of you happens to forget the seed, you can type !recall to get a new link.
Question: who does the starring for the team messages? Is it Shiro or a room owner?
Seems like Shiro doesn't like the Red team then...
RED team: El'endia Starman, Khuldraeseth na'Barya, caird coinheringaahing
BLUE team: John Dvorak, PiIsNot3
Red first, eh? Okay...
Be back in a few
Those are some long names
Shiro's really weird. I'm trying to figure ChatExchange out to fix it. Watch this.
RED: El'endia Starman, caird coinheringaahing
RED team: El'endia Starman, caird coinheringaahing
BLUE team: John Dvorak, PiIsNot3
RED: El'endia Starman, caird coinheringaahing, Khuldraeseth na'Barya
Usually she'll edit previous messages in addition to sending new ones.
Red: BUD (2)
Thinkin' DOG and AIR
Never did see that movie (it is a movie, right?)
@cairdcoinheringaahing pokey pokes
Bud is a beer
Although Air and Dog work better than anything else
AIR is Red
DOG is Red
Hi user58, you'll be joining team blue!
BLUE: John Dvorak, PiIsNot3, user58
Hi msh210, you'll be joining team blue!
BLUE: John Dvorak, PiIsNot3, user58, msh210
still thinking...
Blue: Mobile version(2)
Scuba's mobile version would be awesome
light, as in a light version of a Web site
for mobile devices
Sounds good to me
LIGHT is good for me too, yeah
microscopes come in mobile (portable) and non-mobile versions
Oh, a PORT can be a mobile version of a video game
I suppose robots do too, though
*shrugs* I've got nothing.
ah yes, port, excellent
I prefer port to light
I don't really have a preference.
I think PORT > LIGHT for me
PORT is Blue
Hmm I'll take a second look
I think we should go for it. I don't see anything better.
yeah me too
Sorry I'm being distracted, gimme another minute
Maybe BILL because you can have a digital version of it rather than a print version?
That's... a real stretch.
@user58 yeah
especially because both are mobile
I kinda like it better than LIGHT though since light can apply to non-mobile things too
Also wouldn't PORT + LIGHT be clued differently?
Something like "Pier"?
how? can't do lighthouse
How does "pier" clue LIGHT?
LIGHT (or LITE) is rather common for mobile versions of things (e.g. Facebook Lite).
Hmm OK, I'm not super confident playing any other of the words either
I'm fine with LIGHT then, but if it doesn't work then BILL will probably be my next up
We could pass. I like light for this though
(Also sorry for the delays, I was on a phone call)
It's a 2, I'm pretty sure the words are fairly obvious
Real life is no excuse. Chat is much more important
Would prefer guessing over passing
So light, decided?
Yep, let's try it out
LIGHT is Blue
Red: WATER (6)
Stream and Scuba Diver for sure
Although last time I got a Water clue, the assassin was Fall :/
I could see MUG.
@cairdcoinheringaahing In my defense, I... don't really have a defense.
BOARD as well
Mug maybe?
Agreed with Board
Water -> water buffalo -> Buffalo Bills -> BILL
That's rather tenuous
You ok with Mug?
BOARD is Red
I've heard of a dry spell. Is there a corresponding wet spell?
Okay with MUG.
MUG is Red
@Khuldraesethna'Barya Yeah, I think so
Also Aquaman to consider
So, I don't see anything else very obvious
The options are Aquaman Superhero, Spell?
Anything ese?
SLIP, maybe.
Though SLIP, STREAM, AIR could have been clued easily by "wake" or something without worrying about PORT
For me, Superhero > Spell > Slip
@Khuldraesethna'Barya Yeah, but a 6 clue
Red currently has 3 guesses remaining.
A 6 clue indeed. I like that ordering.
SUPERHERO is Yellow (neutral)
It is now Blue's turn
Y'all got 4 in one turn. That's incredible, especially this early in the game
A success nevertheless
Blue: Machine gun (3)
Machine guns have a STOCK of bullets
carried on a belt
BELT also for the bullets that are fed into it?
I don't like stock -- that connection is too tenuous, and I think El'endia clued it
Isn't a STOCK a part of the gun?
oh that's true
@msh210 There's plenty of possible "Water" words on the board though
Little known fact: Jupiter is made entirely of machine guns
@PiIsNot3 yeah but that one seems best to me -- though obviously not to the Red guessers
For the last one, maybe CIRCLE? Because the barrel revolves around
@msh210 I thought a different word was more likely, but I'll withhold that info for later
I assume ninjas don't carry machinen guns?
@PiIsNot3 :-)
MICROSCOPE, probably.
@user58 What's the connection there?
@user58 how's that?
It's dafka machine gun, not just "gun č, so the" machine "has to be important.
In that case, wouldn't ROBOT be a better fit?
davka = specifically
for the uninitiated
@msh210 Appreciated!
@msh210 I can use my context clues, thank you very much :)
@user58 hence belt... most aren't carried on one, are they?
@PiIsNot3 :-)
@PiIsNot3 I did too but I mentally inserted a particular swear word instead, so...
Where are machine guns primarily manufactured? Europe?
I see large guns generally on shoulder straps, not belts, so...
@PiIsNot3 haven't the foggiest
@user58 me too, aren't those belts?
Let's at least play one word first
@PiIsNot3 obviously the US :P
Do we all agree on STOCK?
@msh210 depends on your definition of "belt"
@user58 true
@PiIsNot3 I say go for it
@PiIsNot3 I'm worried about it
but I seem to outvoted
be*. And I'm not super worried.
OK, let's see what happens...
STOCK is Blue
I still like CIRCLE because machine guns revolve around, which is I think a unique aspect of it that differentiates it from other guns
robot could wield a machine gun
ROBOT > BELT ~ CIRCLE for me atm
Maybe MICROSCOPE if none of those turn out well, but only last resort
@PiIsNot3 I don't actually know much about how machine guns work
@user58 nor I
Or actually no, I'm thinking about miniguns
Yeah, maybe BELT then over CIRCLE
but they're probably expensive, so BILL? :-)
@msh210 "It costs $400,000 to fire this weapon... for 12 seconds"
I saw let's do robot
ROBOT is probably good
@PiIsNot3 when I can Google again, I'll have to find what you're quoting, I've no idea
Though I don't know if our SM intended "Machine" and "Gun" separately or just the entire thing
@msh210 Same reason why I know what a minigun is :)
Any objections to trying ROBOT?
OK, I'll play it then...
ROBOT is Blue
one more
Phew phew phew phew phew
@PiIsNot3 no, that's pew pew pew pew pew
@msh210 No, that's deficient deficient deficient deficient deficient
Anyway, I think BELT is our best shot (no pun intended) at this point
I'm tending to agree the shoulder strap isn't a belt, on nth thought.
But whatever feeds the ammo in probably is, right?
@msh210 Yeah, that's the possibility I was considering
And MICROSCOPE doesn't seem very likely for "Machine" imo
and if machine & gun are separate, belt is good too, since there's "gun belt" and various belts in various machines
@PiIsNot3 right
@user58 Thoughts? Should we play BELT?
OK, 58's asleep, but I think BELT is OK
I'm gonna play BELT, let's see...
BELT is Blue
Red: PINK (2)
@El'endiaStarman make up your mind
I like ROSE. Less sold on SLIP.
Pink Slip is a notice that you've been fired IIRC
I was thinking the garment
ROSE is Red
Any objection to Slip then?
SLIP is Red
Both could have been for water as well, but El'endia wouldn't do that. Let's win this.
I think Slip would have been the fifth water clue
00:00 - 23:0023:00 - 00:00

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