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@n_palum No, it's not giving any feedback either
406 messages deleted
Okay so it's not just me
Blimey. 406?
He went a little overboard imo but whatever
There are more.
Yeah, he started talking earlier than you started deleting
100 messages deleted
Personally I think it would be better to not have a massive block of removed messages, but that's just me
Lol yeah
Eh, they'll be pushed off the screen eventually.
True, but when looking at the transcript it's kind of a pain
Man, I asked for help and got nothing, dc asks one person and 3 mods show up for them D: (/s)
I didn't see you ping any of them
yeah, but it seems none of us can actually remove the (deleted) things.
Didn't think to ping gareth though, I suck
yup :/
I had a removed ping message to deus to say a few things that shouldn't be visible
@GarethMcCaughan That's odd...
I saw it. And I appreciate it.
Yup. Deletion and moving-to-Trashcan both silently do nothing.
Sure thing! :)
Well, not quite silently. You'll see the note up above saying "100 messages deleted" from me, but they were all ones that had already been removed and nothing actually happened when I "deleted" them :-|.
Wonder why we couldn't move them though
Not sure.. my guess was we don't have access to move things into "trash"
Moving on ...
@Randal'Thor talking more about inability to move things than anything else
pounds table Codenames, codenames, codenames pounds table more
Apparently I can't kick-mute myself :P
@dcfyj Can you kickmute another RO? No, wait, don't try.
The option is there when I click on palum, whether or not I can actually do it I don't know
You can remove them as ROs I believe
Pretty sure yeah
Nothing against them.. but bobo added Wen1 as a RO here to let them make events, I don't know them well so I can't speak to it. Bobo just did it so they didn't have to make the event themselves it seems..
Why not just make the event? it's a one time thing no?
(The making of, not the event itself)
No idea
That being said, I'd feel awkward or bad removing them as an RO
Unless he gives a reason for us to do so I don't see why we should
Trusted or otherwise
Fair enough
(That point of view applies to any RO imo)
Well... \o in if we try to play
Personally I'd only RO someone if I trusted them, so I'm sure bobo did the same o/
o/, not spymaster
While I don't know wen that well I've not seen him do anything (ever) that I would hold against him.
I'm ok with sm
I could sm sure
If it's just the 3 of us Deus will have to figure out all the clues :P
@BusinessCat @JanDvorak @Techidiot @Sp3000
I'm here
Jan said he was leaving
The cat is ready for business!
Okie dokie
I'm here, just gaming until something starts
I'm kinda sorta here, but distracted by politics and food, and may have to leave soon.
Yeah I'm working on an interpreter on the side
@n_palum hmm, I just made a room (to play with RO powers) and I moved my messages to trash just fine...
@dcfyj You can't move messages of deleted users, apparently.
@dcfyj ^ I think that was the issue
Ah, I didn't see that message
@Sp3000 Watcha playing?
@Deusovi That was really weird, this message wasn't showing up in chat until I refreshed just now :S
I'm going out for a while. Will enjoy the transcripts :)
@Deusovi Same thing happened when I tested kick/mute deleted/suspended users. We get a notification that we can't for suspended ones, but didn't for deleted ones
As a confirmation, who's in?
and who's sm? (not deusovi I know)
(just more SOUND VOLTEX on PC - beta's coming out soon so I'm spamming the alpha version while it's free)
And o/ too
I can sm with you dc
!newgame dcfyj,np,deusovi, cat, 3k
RED: dcfyj, deusovi
BLUE: np, cat, 3k
@Sp3000 That took off real fast XD
RED spymaster only, please click on this link to see the seed: https://onetimesecret.com/secret/kmsr3ncdf2y3rnaqk17cidvskzrb07z
BLUE spymaster only, please click on this link to see the seed: https://onetimesecret.com/secret/rle4wj2c9tkdzpgge7cxhj8e5qdrpqw

Please save the seed somewhere! As a last resort if any of you happens to forget the seed, you can type !recall to get a new link.
RED goes first!
Hopefully deusovi is thinking like me today, we'll see how it goes lol
wanna forfeit now?
Hmmm some hard words in there I see
Hi Rand al'Thor, you'll be joining team red!
RED: dcfyj, deusovi, Rand al'Thor
(I may be semi-inactive - hope that's OK)
(sure, that's fine!)
Oh deary
quotes are working I see
Lemmings (2)
march, cliff?
What a great game
Haven't played any of them in ages
Not so sure about march.
march too?
Hey, why aren't the pins working?
She's probably out of them
I just noticed it so I fixed it
what is this madness? An actual game of Codenames in Codenames?
1 messages deleted
It took some nudging
@GarethMcCaughan flagged for poor grammar
hey, it's not my fault some programmer someone is lazy
anyway, the actual number of messages deleted turned out to be zero, so actually the grammar is fine and it's just that the number is wrong :-).
which team shall I join?
!join Gareth
Hi Gareth, you'll be joining team red!
there ya go
RED: dcfyj, deusovi, Rand al'Thor, Gareth

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