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Piper (1)
the plot thickens
Do we go for mine?
@n_palum well what now? Go for mine?
It's gotta be
... seriously?!
3 mins ago, by Rubio
I'm up for DRILL here, if only because if MINE is not a death word then dcfyj is insane
Tech was right, my other death was luck
rabbit's foot, the thing has to die for it
For the record, I was trying to hint you to go for mine
(So - the bit I didn't say was - if it IS mine, Red will do our work for us hehe)
This was an amazing game!
Well that, and there's no possible link between mine and centaur
Yeah, we we're screwed either way, that's why I didn't bother steering away from mine
I couldn't think of a way to link flute/luck
the reverse gambit almost worked
And worst case, I didn't have much confidence in linking flute and luck
That feels very stretched
but you had to make a (2) clue, no matter how stretched
"Magic" would have worked, possibly.
just to tell your team it wasn't mine
Magic would have been my choice as well
Magic Flute is a thing. With a (2) there'd be nothing else than LUCK
magic doesn't really scream "luck" to me
I would've guessed luck/flute off of magic
honestly it's pretty hard to link luck with anything
the (2) would have definitely dissuaded the mine
I kinda wished I could make a spelling clue having center and centaur :P
You'd be about as likely to get QUEEN ouf of it than LUCK, but at least that's neutral
@BusinessCat haha yeah, I saw that pretty early on
well, he had to try at least, the (1) was just giving up
I couldn't think of a way to link them, so yes
I read the (1) as "you know the other one, just guess it"
I thought about saying explosive (0) but then they wouldn't know the last word
Oh by the way @BusinessCat, turkey is also a sports term
still better than 0% lol
what sports term is "turkey" ?
Bowling specifically
3 strikes in a row
three strikes in a row
Meh, at that point we were so far behind I was taking a risk
I was hoping someone knew that and went for it lol
I knew that but bowling isn't really a sport
Lol yes it is
Shots fired.
it's more a sport than WWE hehe
I believe it's considered as such
And it's also a lot more obscure than center, block, bat, etc
going for the obvious ones tends to be better
So, POOL, NET for fish (2)?
That was my thought
Since when is WWE a sport? I thought it was considered a form of live theater.
wow, 5 left on the board. close match
It was supposed to be pool, net. It wasn't a great clue but our words weren't great either
So I was floundering
Yeah, that was a hard board to clue
Anyone going for another? I want in if so.
aight. I AM OUT, have a happy.
I was glad when manshu bolded snowman, saved us from immediate death
It's almost like you guys knew Turkey was the assassin. It was the joke answer for every clue
lol yeah
so our double agent actually almost caused red to win
weird game
lol, yeah. gave us a chance at least.
Oh huh, I just missed a game
It was a beaut
I'll join next game
It was epic
I'm in.
but sadly I couldn't save the red team
still in
you missed an epic game, Deusovi
I still have no idea when I was made RO lol
I'm still in
But prefer not SM again
lol, rough match?
I wasn't cluing particularly well, just doing 2 at a time, your 3 clue saved your team
I couldn't justify cluing sports with drill and stick both out there
But I just had to when we were so behind
I still don't see how they got stick for fish lol
Fish sticks
fish sticks
I didn't think of it either
I guess, net and pool feel far stronger to me
hm, I'd've guessed those first
I would have guessed octopus net
And octopus? Like yeah it's technically a fish but is that really what I'd be going for
Octopus is stronger than pool to me, because pools don't have fish
Octopus isn't a fish though, they eat them, but they aren't fish
Actually yeah I guess they aren't
@dcfyj I think Mith made like you and someone else a RO during the first day or two this was made for some reason
Aren't octupus fish?
Fish are vertebrates and octopi aren't
Now I think of it
@n_palum Probably because I'm RO in contact?
Fish sticks > octopus
@dcfyj That's what I figured when I saw it
@n_palum, @dcfyj: Oh, I think that was me, and yeah. I figured that was a good "default"
@Sconibulus no, they're cephelapods I believe
contact ROs --> codenames ROs
I'm just a default :(
That sounds right
I was gonna do the rest, but never bothered with it
(Just based on Cephalids from MtG)
Ooo ok
Anyhoooooo \o\ who is in
Not like we need a huge number of them here
I'll guess another game
I vaguely remember a chart in like elementary school that had Fish, Insects, Reptiles, Birds, Amphibians, Mammals as classes under Animal kingdom
Oh good god! What a game... @Rubio That gut was w/o analyzing the facts.. Well done. Nice game..
another game that would be great to play with you all but I have no idea how to possibly implement: Dixit.
@n_palum me please
although actually maybe Insects was Invertebrates...
Dixit would be quite harder because we would need to keep everyone's cards hidden
I'm quite good at that in Portuguese, but I don't know about English...
yeah, and votes, and we'd need a way to shuffle...
There's like 7 classes of invertibrates or something ridiculous
We should just find an online way to do it and send people over
Or we should just make everyone get table top sim and play board games there :P
(From the second last game - how would be BRAVE for CAPITAL AND KNIGHT?)
@ffao Hm, I wouldn't expect it to be language-dependent - if anything, I'd expect Codenames and Contact to be harder for non-native speakers.
I learned it in grade 6 and it's been thoroughly useless in the 10 years since then so I don't really remember
@Techidiot Better for knight, not great for the other
So you're ~20 then?
Yeah, add almost another 10 years on top of that for me haha
~22 :P
>2 months
Now, BRAVE still clues WAR? or CAPITAL/KNIGHT? (quite difficult to get those two )
brave might hit war too
such an annoying assassin
Castle (2) might get you capital with knight
the worst assassin for me that game would be TUBE, it related to almost my whole board
I thought of that, but castle is often placed in the capitals and is took over in war's
I was almost happy when it was guessed
Okay for who's playing: me, deus, dc, ffao, cat, tumble, mike - unknown: techi, sconibulus
I am not here much..will be going in a few minutes and then connecting from phone..so, you can skip adding me in a team..
@Sconibulus in or out
I didn't even know he was here
anyone else have any other ideas for games that could be ported to chat? :P
Not offhand
I'd like a D&D room
Does contact still get much traffic?
@Deusovi Not ones that would warrant their own rooms
@dcfyj Yeah
I mean, I didn't think Contact would warrant its own room before we introduced it
and look at what happened there
@JanDvorak I think RPG.SE has something like that
@JanDvorak Pretty sure that would be too intensive for the people at work that shouldn't be playing games anyways.
Oh, nice
@Deusovi Probably a bad idea, but maybe an exclusive room for CCCC?
@Deusovi Well.. I have one, but I still stand by making people get tabletop :P to play card stuff
yeah, that's probably a better fit for RPG.SE chat anyway
@dcfyj I'm pretty sure I wouldn't be getting any work done if I had to drill down 480 minutes per day...
@n_palum yeah, card stuff would need Tabletop Sim - we're lucky that we were able to implement Codenames so well
@Deusovi Scattegories and you don't say might work.. but would also be hard
what is tabletop? does it simulate a lot of major card games?
Tabletop Simulator is a "game" on Steam
and it's exactly what it sounds like
@ffao tabletop sim is something on steam that allows you to play a ton of boardgames
you don't say would be a bit hard because that requires fast-paced action
@n_palum Scattegries would require an honour system as best I can tell
and this chat doesn't get a lot of fast-paced action
No way to really enforce people not changing their answer after time's up
^ ^^ my reservations about them
Soooo... we starting up the next game?
Need to pick SMs
not changing answers is easy, just instead of "writing down" you submit a hash
I can't be SM
@Deusovi round 3?
or 4.. not sure
I'm willing to SM if nobody else wants to
I can probably do it again, unless someone else is coming up to bat.
Going once...
going twice...
going thrice...
...don't know how to say that for #4...
I'm guessing I'm red again, I have been both matches today hehe
!newgame MikeQ, dctyj, n_p, Scon, ffao, tumbler, deus, cat, jan
Although I could be blue since I've been alternating as well... which one takes precedence I wonder.
RED: MikeQ, jan, n_p, tumbler
BLUE: dctyj, cat, ffao, Scon, deus
RED spymaster only, please click on this link to see the seed: https://onetimesecret.com/secret/m5xjsrxriwnqlm8dj2vve90zvnpmio3
BLUE spymaster only, please click on this link to see the seed: https://onetimesecret.com/secret/qmdmjjc3c7h392edf62iimyevlkthrm

Please save the seed somewhere! As a last resort if any of you happens to forget the seed, you can type !recall to get a new link.
t? lol
I goofed
Also these teams :O
Wait, what happened to the link where the SMs can see the colored board?
It's there
It's on the starboard. Just farther down.
May 22 at 17:32, by Deusovi
Empire State Building (3)
Iron and Glass?
I'd say America
hm, I was thinking America
+1 America
but iron/glass sound plausible
America also seems likely
although it might be hard to do skyscraper without incidentally doing iron/glass
so maybe that doesn't mean anything
Very loose: King
KING KONG would do it
Because EMPIRE State specifically
Or King Kong yeah
wait, KING's a word!
@MikeQ ?
Yeah, just gimme a sec
Temperature, 2
Mercury for sure
ah yeah
Why glove
You put on gloves to warm your hands when it's cold.
Mercury is RED
ehh not crazy about that
so, what... snow?
Water > snow > glove
In what order I'd guess them
Hot/Cold water, Ocean water temp
Eh, sure. Whatever
Water is BLUE
why hello there can i join
River (3)
can i join red? it seems red has less members than blue...
Stream and Bank?
hm... tap?
like a faucet?
kinda vague but I don't have any other ideas
oh wait, duck?
wow what happened to red
duck is better than tap imo
They guessed a blue word
duck, snow(melt), scuba?
yeah, agreed about duck vs tap
Duck or ship
ship could be also
yep, duck or ship, don't see any other
Scuba diver is a stretch, that would be in the ocean
lakes are pretty common as well, or quarries, but yeah, not often running water
ducks I think are more likely to lakes or ponds as well
I have the impression that ships are also more common in sea
maybe just pass?
and "river duck" is definitely a thing
I say we go duck if we do pick something
Buffalo is probably on a river
there's a buffalo river
there is? I vote for pass then
I think so, at least
...wait, is dcfyj from America?
I'm sure there is, I'm just not sure how notable it is
well, you two know it, maybe dcfyj does as well
I'm just not American
Buffalos lived by rivers
I think River Buffalo is also a critter
but I say pass
yeah, agreed on passing
we have some likely candidates
Some rivers go in circles
...no, that is not a thing rivers can do
Christmas, 4
I think it was in an Escher painting :)
date maybe?
Yeah snow.. maybe date
snow definintely
maybe date
everyone knows about the annual tradition of the Christmas Duck
Start with snow?
I'd be on board with church too
start with snow
Duck's super tasty
Snow is RED
date next
I like church over date
glass, as in glass ornaments?
@Deusovi is that tradition honored in Buffalo?
Bomb is pretty Futuramish
But I think they're both right. And I would not argue glass at all
i do eat duck on christmas honestly
I'm pretty sure they celebrate Christmas in Germany
Ship is a bit tenuous, but "I saw three ships on Christmas day" is a song
Church is RED
Date as well?
do it
I also think we should go back on the first clue
Date is RED
And you have to IRON your clothes so you can look good for your family
and now try glass, i guess
any objecttions?
I think snow was for the first clue
Post card?
Not so sure about glass
Oh maybe..
No I still object to glass.
I write Code that only works in Magical Christmas-lnad
well then what
My next guess would be ship.
it actually could be duck
that's.... true
remmebr one from temperature
if we want to do that first
I think temp was for merc and snow
I agree snow may have been temp, and christmas was just reassuring it
I think it could be either post or may be glove(as in sock)
i like glove
shall we try glove?
I don't like glove or post, I'd be more towards passing

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