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A: Largest Number Printable

Simply Beautiful ArtMy score is approximately f(ω126+126,126) where f(a,b) = f_a(b) in the fast growing hierarchy. Ruby: y=?.ord z=?~.ord def f(a,b,c,d=a+a)b<y?c<y?d:f(d,d,c-y):(y..d).each{a=f(a,b-y,c)}&&a end f(z,z,z) This is much much larger than Graham's number, and therefore larger than leftaroundabout's nu...

What is a? I haven't tested, but isn't it undefined on the second line?
I fixed it. It's supposed to make z=2.
Okay. Yeah, I understand what that statement does. What's t? (Sorry if this is a dumb question, I don't use Ruby :P)
@HyperNeutrino I believe it's just a string.
Fudge, I just realized I used numbers. I'll try and fix that...
Hope I fixed it up now... =D. First answer for me!
Hm, it doesn't work when I run it as above, but it runs if I replace all the y's with 1. Any idea why anyone?
y = ?.ord seems to be causing an error.
@SimplyBeautifulArt Oh there's an unprintable character?
@HyperNeutrino Yes, I think?
in The Nineteenth Byte, 56 mins ago, by Simply Beautiful Art
Anybody know how to make 1 or 2 in Ruby without numbers? For example, 2=[a,b].size. I'm trying to golf something
Hm. I don't really know Ruby but that unprintable seems to be necessary.
Yeah it seems to be causing errors in the function statement as well.
Yes, indeed
But when I take out the y and replace all instances of it with 1, it works fine
And it's not even replacing y = ?.ord with y = 1, the occurences need to be replaced. Strange.
Anyway I have to go now, if I figure anything out before you do I'll ping you here.
Okay, thanks!

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