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A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

OkxConstruct a beacon In the video game Minecraft, you can obtain beacons and put them on pyramid-like structures to give you special effects, such as speed or jump boost. Your task is to, given an effect, construct the beacon pyramid required for it. There are multiple sizes of beacon pyramids, ...

hi I need some organic chemistry help
ok we won't give you help
what is it?
@KritixiLithos wait a minute while I draw up some diagrams
so I understand basic iupac nomenclature for alcohols like this
what is the task?
(extra hs omitted)
@DestructibleLemon Let's make a PPCG challenge out of that!
but what if the alcohol group is not on the longest chain?
@DestructibleLemon the alcohol group gets the priority
this is 2-ethylpentan-1-ol
ty. so they lied to me ;_;
@LeakyNun that was my instinct I guess. great minds think alike or something
hmm, what if you have alcohols on multiple branches?
@DestructibleLemon the prefix form is hydroxy-
@LeakyNun I'm confused, what is the main chain?
@KritixiLithos the parent chain
the root of the name
nvm figured it out
@LeakyNun mmhm. thank you @leaky nun
I'd star what you said but it doesn't seem starworthy considering the specificity
What if every one of the carbons has an alcohol group
@feersum then your teacher is messing with you
@LeakyNun does the central carbon have free rotation?
@feersum show me an example and I'll give you the name
@numbermaniac This is not right. JS should be "What if everything was everything."
@numbermaniac Can we close funny pictures as duplicates
@KritixiLithos in which molecule?
@LeakyNun The structure posted above but with everything an alcohol.
in lemon's second molecule
@feersum I don't understand.
I mean every C has an -OH.
@KritixiLithos I don't know what you mean by carbon having a free rotation. I only know that single bonds have free rotation.
@feersum 3-(hydroxymethyl)hexane-1,2,3,4,5,6-hexol
is this what you want?
I don't know, I don't understand this notation.
@DestructibleLemon you may want to see this (outdated) official document for the rules for finding the parent chain
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

Kevin CruijssenI don't like change! code-golfstring Input: Two strings without newlines or spaces. Output: Both input strings on separate lines, with spaces where necessary† for one of the two strings. And a third line with the characters A, R, M and , representing added, removed, modified, and unchanged. ...

so for the programming languages showcase, new snippets can be of any length?
@numbermaniac no, length hast to be < answer score
what? I thought that didn't matter
after the mods changed the showcase last year
Q: Showcase of Languages

Helka Homba Notes This thread is open and unlocked only because the community decided to make an exception. Please do not use this question as evidence that you can ask similar questions here. Please do not create additional showcase questions. This is no longer a popularity-contest, nor are sni...

> nor are snippet lengths limited by the vote tally
@KritixiLithos huh TIL, time to showcase more charcoal things now
it's hard to think of features to showcase though :(
A: Showcase of Languages

ASCII-onlyCharcoal Note: All snippets will be shown as if they were entered into a clean REPL. 39 bytes Charcoal> UONNO_¶_OAKAαA№αOβHWψβ«A§α§⌕AαO‽βXA№αOβ This is an animated example, so REPL output is shown. It's also the submission for Make a Bubble-wrap simulator. It uses the AssignAtIndex (A§) comm...

help i need ideas so it will hopefully convince more people to learn Charcoal
@ASCII-only now you need one more snippet
If the length rule was removed, it should be closed for sure.
@KennyLau :( but i don't know what to make a snippet of
@Dennis, what did you mean here? Did you remove a revision I made during the grace period that for some reason showed up in the revision history?
@StewieGriffin It looks more like he edited, then removed his edit during the grace period?
I think I figured out a part to a song while I was just playing the keys in lmms but I don't know what the song is
@DestructibleLemon screenshot? or give in abc notation
I will try this
I was kind of just playing the parts of a chord and noticed it sounded familiar
@DestructibleLemon well the first two chords look like Clocks by Coldplay
if it isn't, idk, it looks like it could be in a lot of things
yeah probably :P
I mean I was just randomly playing it so yeah
@ASCII-only it was probably that
also I can play some of den of thieves from tower fall ascension
also some of the starting music
and a very tiny amount of rapture
looks like a good second voice
oh great I think I broke TIO
not like broke broke, but broke i.imgur.com/nncjJlh.png
@Mayube Can you provide a TIO link to that? I can't see the image.
@Mayube And, um, what's it supposed to do?
@Mayube Is that the start of a language?
It's supposed to create 1 million lists each containing their own index within a containing list
if you change the 1000000 argument to a lower number you can see the intended output
a lower number such as 10, 100 or 100000
Can I have some feedback on this?
>using semicolons in python
@Mayube I think it's TIO that's killing it because it's using too much memory
I think OOM killer kills it
Yep, TIO is killing it for memory usage. It's definitely going over whatever the memory limit is.
Debug output looks like it
Can anyone care to explain to me what @@@ means?
I know that # is the implicit argument
Q: Maximal mutually co-prime factorization

Leaky NunDefinitions Two numbers are co-prime if their only positive common divisor is 1. A list of numbers is mutually co-prime if every pair of numbers within that list are co-prime with each other. A factorization of number n is a list of numbers whose product is n. Task Given a positive number n,...

@Mayube what is with all those semicolons?
I prefer to use semicolons, and python doesn't care
@feersum you can search it here
Q: Python3 , Can't resolve runtime ,nzec error on spoj problem

Drishti_ButolaI have been stuck with this since 3 days and simply can't get off it , any suggestions would be great help ?? Problem link : http://www.spoj.com/problems/HS12HDPW/ My code is below:- t=int(input()) def generates_bincode(num): l=[] while(num>=1): rem=num%2 ...

@NewMainPosts what?
@TuxCopter Looking at that guy's profile, there's a chance he asked the same question on Theoretical Computer Science, SO and Ask Ubuntu
def f(a,b,c,d=a*a)b<0?c<0?d:f(d,d,c-1):(0..d).each{a=f(a,b-1,c)}&&a end
@SimplyBeautifulArt language?
and wait, why are you here?
Look like ruby
I want to know if it works in 1.8
And I'm on my phone using school wifi
XD, jk jk
@LeakyNun but is that Ruby 1.8?
Ah, it works! Woo!
I think
Q: Loading Forever... Windows style

SIGSEGVMake a Windows style Loading bar by the following instructions. (notice that this is different than Loading... Forever) Your output should start by [.... ]. Every tick, you should wait 100 ms, then move each dots by one character right. if the dot is on the tenth character, move it to th...

Hm, no...
@LeakyNun know any numbers I can write without any digits?
@SimplyBeautifulArt what?
Challenge idea: given the coordinates of a starting point and an ending point, find the bearing of the ending point from the starting point.
Hm, writing z=pi, print(pi) does not seem to work
In a variety of computer languages, the function atan2 is the arctangent function with two arguments. For any real number (e.g., floating point) arguments x and y not both equal to zero, atan2(y, x) is the angle in radians between the positive x-axis of a plane and the point given by the coordinates (x, y) on it. The angle is positive for counter-clockwise angles (upper half-plane, y > 0), and negative for clockwise angles (lower half-plane, y < 0). The purpose of using two arguments instead of one, i.e. just computing a atan(y/x), is to gather information on the signs of the inputs in order to...
What does CMC stand for?
@totallyhuman Chat-mini-challenge
Ah thanks
I finally wrote up #8 of Random Golf of the Day. feedback would be welcome:
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

Martin EnderRandom Golf of the Day code-golfrandom Meta: I am running this as a little series of challenges revolving around the topic of randomness - in the form of a 9-hole golf course. I'm maintaining a leaderboard across all challenges in the series, and offer a large bounty to the person competing in ...

@MartinEnder "of the day" is a misnomer :P
@LeakyNun f@@@x is Apply[f,x,1] so if x is {{a,b,c},{d,e,f},{g,h,i}} it gives {f[a,b,c],f[d,e,f],f[g,h,i]}
@Mego *google, copy and paste shrug emoticon*
I never guaranteed that there'd be a random golf every day... "of the day" just says there won't be more than one a day :P
@MartinEnder is it an idiom?
idiom? it's an operator.
so each individual @ means nothing?
what is @@ and @ then?
f@x is f[x], f@@x is Apply[f,x], f@@@x is Apply[f,x,1] and that's it
What is 1?
1 is 1
although I probably misunderstood the question
What is 1 in Apply[f,x,1]?
@MartinEnder So profound
that the head is replaced on the first level instead of the zeroth
the head?
f @@ {{a,b,c},{d,e,f},{g,h,i}}  --> f[{a,b,c},{d,e,f},{g,h,i}]
f @@@ {{a,b,c},{d,e,f},{g,h,i}} --> {f[a,b,c],f[d,e,f],f[g,h,i]}
what would 2 do?
nothing on this input but on further nested lists it would go down further before inserting the f
any expression in Mathematica is of the form f[a,b,c,...] where f is called the "Head"
all Apply does is replace the Head of an expression (which is usually List to begin with)
I see, thanks
so {a,b,c} is just syntactic sugar for List[a,b,c]
A: Largest Number Printable

Simply Beautiful ArtMy score is approximately f(ωf(ω2+2,2)+2,2) where f(a,b) = f_a(b) in the fast growing hierarchy. Ruby 1.8 def f(a,b,c,d=a+a)b<0?c<0?d:f(d,d,c-1):(0..d).each{a=f(a,b-1,c)}&&a end z=[a,a].size f(z,z,f(z,z,z))

hmm, in js how would one split on every 5th occurrence of a given character? Would I have to split on every occurrence then stitch it back together?
waffles - too late
@SimplyBeautifulArt isn't [a,a].size 2
@ASCII-only rules are I can't use any numbers
Hence why I did that
Larger than this
Smaller than this
I'm making a clone of Atomas in Processing
What should I put individually into classes?
The gameboard obviously
The atoms as well
What else should I put in?
@Qwerp-Derp ... Everything
I don't know how to design the game... :(
@Qwerp-Derp O_o what
Think I have to print the result?
@ASCII-only Like I know the rules, but I don't know how to make it
I don't know where to start
@Qwerp-Derp wut, i thought programming normally makes people better at this
@Qwerp-Derp Start by the backend and end with the GUI
@Qwerp-Derp java or js
@Qwerp-Derp start by screenshotting so you can steal the colors
Could do with some opinions and/or suggestions for improvements here: codegolf.meta.stackexchange.com/q/12347/58974
@ASCII-only Java version
I'm thinking of assigning some values to special atoms, e.g. -1 for plus, -2 for minus, -3 for clone, -4 for black plus
but then actually i might need to create separate classes for each one
e.g. one main class for normal atoms, plus and black plus (which insert into other atoms), and one other class for minus and clone (which select one atom)
and then one for the actual game board
@Qwerp-Derp pls no
@ASCII-only Fine what do I do then
@Qwerp-Derp the board should handle that, OOP 101
So board should handle special atoms, and atoms should just hold basic information?
The thing I'm confused about is that atoms don't really need all that much, so I'm wondering why I should even bother making a separate class for atoms then
@Qwerp-Derp Probably the best idea, plus that way atoms can just be an enum
@Qwerp-Derp because OOP
But I might need a method for displaying atoms though
@Qwerp-Derp Have a seperate class for displaying an atom, construct it with an atom (enum instance)
So I basically create a new object whenever I want to display an atom onto the canvas through the enum?
@Qwerp-Derp Actually, I think it would be better to have a class just to draw
So basically an "atom" is an enum, but when I want to display it I make a new e.g. Atom class?
I think I've been programming in Clojure too much :P
not sure how OOP it is, but worth the performance increase
Do you mind using collabedit (no repl unless you link your own terminal though)
Collabedit looks really bad TBH
@Qwerp-Derp It is, but you (probably) can't access c9 right?
I can access C9
We have a programming club at school, and I'm teaching a Processing course :P
@Qwerp-Derp oh cool then that's probably a better idea
the way I marketed it was "you can make graphics stuff, which therefore equals games"
@Qwerp-Derp nice +1
@Qwerp-Derp 0/10 processing is the worst thing to make games with
I think Processing is a good language to teach, because it leads into Java
I'm introducing them to graphics stuff
I know it equals trash games
But they can move on to more complex things if they really want to make games
Like LWJGL (I hate it because of its verbose methods)
@Qwerp-Derp It doesn't equal trash games, it's just that it doesn't have a builtin physics engine which games usually need
@Qwerp-Derp 0/10 Unity is the best
Q: Proposals for alleviating API strain

ShaggyProblem With a recent influx of stack-exchange-api challenges, the poor old API has been taking a bit of a hammering and some of us are finding ourselves hitting the throttle limit and being blocked from accessing the API for extended periods of times. The answers below propose possible solutio...

The only thing that puts me off LWJGL is the ridiculous boilerplate required to even start
It's just mind-numbing
and stupid
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

Beta DecayOutput the Balmer Series code-golf kolmogorov-complexity graphical-output Challenge Write a program which outputs the following image exactly (note, it is an svg): It is the emission spectrum of hydrogen, caused by the Balmer series: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hydrogen_spectral_series#5 ...

I love Processing because it's so simple, but I don't like how there's no imports
I made an issue on the repo about it, but they were like "Processing sketches don't need to be that complicated, if you want something like that you should move on to Java"
I honestly don't agree with that concept, the way I see Processing is as a "beginner's language", I think this leads to bad practices
@Qwerp-Derp which is why libgdx exists
@Qwerp-Derp what about Unity
@ASCII-only Unity's a full engine, not just a framework, plus it's C#/UnityScript, not Java. Plus the Unity editor is windows only, the linux editor is still extremely alpha and very unstable
Why does this have an undelete vote?
Does this being deleted mean the user lost over 1000 rep? :O
@HyperNeutrino Deleted posts keep their rep if they're deleted after a certain amount of time has passed iirc
yeah seriously though that answer was dumb.
Oh I see.
I feel like that was not a good enough answer to deserve 1000 rep...
Though if the user had lost the rep, I wouldn't have been sad
the actual winning post has less upvotes
Also how did it take 2.5 years to delete that
Yeah. People need to stop upvoting funny things and actually upvote good quality submissions.
The quality of PPCG posts in 2014 was much much lower
I think that's around when code trolling started
The user himself deleted it on March 4th 2015.
@HyperNeutrino A Carrot submission of mine had a "funny" comment on it, and so it now has over 20 votes
Then 13 hours ago, JungHwan Min, programmer5000, and Riker undeleted it.
And then an hour after that, Dennis nuked it.
@KritixiLithos I see. Yeah it seems that funny things are the way to get upvotes now...
@HyperNeutrino Why am I not surprised...
@programmer5000 @Riker Please use your privileges maturely.
It's really sad that a mod needs to be reminded not to undelete obviously NAA posts
@HyperNeutrino Also submission languages that are in the theme of the challenge tend to get a lot of votes, regardless of the actual content
Yeah. That is true as well.
@Qwerp-Derp pls create c9 java workspace?
I think I should just try and install Processing first
Hang on
@Qwerp-Derp on your laptop/computer?
@KritixiLithos like that dog challenge that was answered in Rexx
@ASCII-only On the C9 thing
What's c9?
Is it that cloud hosting thing?
cloud 9, presumably
basically a collaborative cloud IDE
@Qwerp-Derp Are you trying to set up EssentialGUI on c9?
@KritixiLithos Maybe that could work
I'm making an Atomas clone right now, to familiarise myself with Processing a bit more
That was a good game
@KritixiLithos In the theme of the challenge?
@KritixiLithos EssentialGUI?
@ASCII-only It's a library that KritixiLithos and I are making
We're going to include buttons and stuff
@ASCII-only Like what Mayube said, "that dog challenge that was answered in Rexx"
How do I download a release from GH using the command line?
I want to download the Processing linux release...
@Qwerp-Derp git clone <address>
@Qwerp-Derp pls link to c9
@ASCII-only Doesn't work, that clones a whole Git repo I think
@Qwerp-Derp oh i'll do it
@Qwerp-Derp link pls
See link above
@Qwerp-Derp i mean for the processing linux (x64) release
wait nvm
Install the 32-bit version
@Qwerp-Derp 0/10 why
Wait I'm red now @ATaco?
@ASCII-only Is the C9 repo 32-bit or 64-bit
I think it's easier to clone the entire repo than just the linux release
@Qwerp-Derp 64, 32 bit processors are pretty much obsolete
You can just git pull for the latest version (this is what I do)
@KritixiLithos ... no it isn't
@KritixiLithos and then build with like 5GB swap, no thanks
Ugh, c9 wants your name to be able to register
Oh well, I can't register anyways, I don't have a credit card
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

Erik the OutgolferAh, Polish notation is always so confusing... code-golfstring ...so I order you to show me just how it works!That is, if you accept the challenge of course. For example, I can't even determine if xyz01 is supposed to do x(y(z(0)),1) or x(y(z(0),1)), if I don't know the arities. And, even if I k...

@KritixiLithos There's a free version
But apparently I still need credit card details to be able to register an account
@Qwerp-Derp pls go back on c9
@KritixiLithos Not true
@Mego You need credit card details, it changed like June 17 last year
Q: My problem in Java

user69225My problem in Java is this class, in NetBeans it detects the error and I can not solve it. I did not complete program, is under development public class Arquivo extends JFrame implements ActionListener { JLabel lblplaca,lblproprietario,lblcpf,lblmodelo,lblmarca,lblinfracao,lblmulta; JBut...

@ASCII-only Huh, weird that they didn't notify me
@Mego Yeah, because accounts created before that time don't need credit card details
Usually services would require them from existing accounts
@Mego I guess, but some services only use a credit card for age verification, or to prevent creation of multiple accounts
Anybody know how to make 1 or 2 in Ruby without numbers? For example, 2=[a,b].size. I'm trying to golf something
@SimplyBeautifulArt didn't you kind of just answer your own question?
@SimplyBeautifulArt I thought you belongs to math.SE
create a 2 length array and fetch it's size
@Mayube I want shorter
@LeakyNun sh!
did I say "you belongs"?
@SimplyBeautifulArt not sure if [,].size works
A: Largest Number Printable

Simply Beautiful ArtMy score is approximately f(ω63+63,63) where f(a,b) = f_a(b) in the fast growing hierarchy. Ruby: y=[t].size z=??.ord def f(a,b,c,d=a+a)b<y?c<y?d:f(d,d,c-y):(y..d).each{a=f(a,b-y,c)}&&a end f(z,z,z) This is much much larger than Graham's number, and therefore larger than leftaroundabout.

Ruby probably allows implicit conversion from bool to int, so true probably equals 1
@LeakyNun yes, you did
@Mayube O.O
If you're ok with using unprintable characters you could use ord. I'm sure there's a better way but I don't know Ruby
.code.tio:1:in `+': true can't be coerced into Fixnum (TypeError)
	from .code.tio:1:in `<main>'
@SimplyBeautifulArt ?~.ord maybe
@SimplyBeautifulArt ^
@LeakyNun Can you please clarify which problem you had here?
Your link crashes, meaning that I cannot kill it. — Leaky Nun 2 hours ago
@LuisMendo I don't even see any otput
@JonathanAllan I think you can fix your Maximal mutually co-prime factorization answer by appending 1K to your current solution.
I don't know why I can kill it now, though
Must have been be a timeout then. It sometimes happens with that intepreter
So now you get output?
I don't get otput
So you don't get output but you can kill it? Weird
@ASCII-only that gives 126
I want 1 or 2
@SimplyBeautifulArt look at my link (here)
@SimplyBeautifulArt I mean use that instead of ??
@ASCII-only yeah thanks
@Riley Ahha, I had not worked out how, thanks
@SimplyBeautifulArt 1, @LeakyNun already posted the one for 2
Thanks guys
@SimplyBeautifulArt SE stripped the '\x01', better say something about that
So does my updated answer work?
If my analysis is correct, my number is larger than the approximation of the number at the top of the current leader-board by a bit.
Hmm, so if HTML's <marquee> is deprecated, what's the supported way to create scrolling text?
would it be CSS animations?
@Mayube CSS or JS
@Mayube Coincidentally, here's a JS option.
def f(a,b,c,d=a+a)b<y?c<y?d:f(d,d,c-y):(y..d).each{a=f(a,b-y,c)}&&a end
This piece of Ruby returns some errors
(repl):3: syntax error, unexpected tIDENTIFIER, expecting keyword_do or '{' or '('
def f(a,b,c,d=a+a)b<y?c<y?d:f(d,d,c-y):(y..d).each{a...
(repl):3: syntax error, unexpected tLABEL, expecting keyword_do or '{' or '('
def f(a,b,c,d=a+a)b<y?c<y?d:f(d,d,c-y):(y..d).each{a=f(a,...
(repl):3: syntax error, unexpected ':', expecting keyword_end
...b,c,d=a+a)b<y?c<y?d:f(d,d,c-y):(y..d).each{a=f(a,b-y,c)}&&a ...
But if I replace all the y's with 1, then it works
def f(a,b,c,d=a+a)b<1?c<1?d:f(d,d,c-1):(1..d).each{a=f(a,b-1,c)}&&a end
And it return 32
Why does it works when I put 1 in directly and doesn't work when I put y=1 and then put in y's
My guess is that inside the function it can't access global variables
Again, I don't know Ruby but some languages are like that
ARGH... okay...
def f(a,b,c,d=a+a)
  b<y?c<y?d:f(d,d,c-y):(y..d).each{a=f(a,b-y,c)}&&a end
This doesn't work
what lang?
I'm using repl btw
And can't see images on school Wifi
^^ icon of bronze badge doesn't match the site I earned it from
@mbomb007 Actually I think it's being DDoS'd.
It's up
Up but soooo slow.
Also, isup.me reports oeis.org is down for some reason.
It was. I couldn't get there at all before
Yeah, I think it's being severely DDoS'd though, since it's too slow.
Okay, who decided to make an internet-based OEIS challenge?
It takes ~30s to load for me.
I got a proxy error (502)
> Proxy Error

> The proxy server received an invalid response from an upstream server.
> The proxy server could not handle the request GET /search.

> Reason: Error reading from remote server

> Apache/2.2.14 (Fedora) Server at oeis.org Port 443
@PhiNotPi IIRC that's a known bug that was reported on Meta.SE a while back. Badge icons show as whatever site you're currently using.
@mbomb007 takes a look at the questions page...finds nothing
@Mego I figure they probably won't fix it, mainly because that would involve loading a bunch of extra resources?

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