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@Jenayah Nice question. Thanks for linking.
Q: Spinning Silver - first Jewish MC in fantasy?

GalastelNaomi Novik's recent novel Spinning Silver made me wonder: is it the first fantasy novel with a Jewish main character? Or were there others before it? (I am not looking for a shopping list here. Trying to understand if there were many and I just missed them, or just a few; if this is new, or has ...

@b_jonas well it was mainly because the answer had the quote you were looking for
@Jenayah Sure, but still. It's an interesting one.
I don't think I'll ever fully understand Snape, but the answers help a lot.
Well there's two ways of looking at Snape
Four good answers.
1. devoted man who would heroically dedicate his life to protect the son of the only person who ever cared about him
2. absolute creep who couldn't move on after being turned down by a girl in their teenage years, when he was embracing the dark arts
@Jenayah I don't think that was it. Those answer say that Snape was avenging Lily. Joining the Order and protecting Harry because of Dumbledore's plans and orders was a mere side-effect.
I still can't completely forget what I thought about him when Prince was published but Hallows wasn't, but that doesn't really match Hallows, so I have to change it.,
@Jenayah Should I remind you to edit your answer?
@Alex mmh?
oh right
@Alex Which answer?
A: Which SFF comics first used a grawlix (symbol swearing)?

JenayahTL;DR: 1936. Answer goes from describing the one I found, how I found it, what could be an earlier instance, and ends on a treat for nitpickers. I've done some research (see below) and the earliest one I can trace is this panel from "The Secret Ray", also known as "Manitoba no reply", the firs...

Oh, that reminds me. There's another "what was the first" question that I want to look up.
Q: What is the first instance of a Seeing Stone or Magic Mirror with multiple simultaneous connections?

seanWhat is the first science fiction/fantasy world that used a seeing stone or magic mirror in a way where a message/connection is duplicated across multiple endpoints at the same time? I know the Lord of the Rings Seeing Stones (Palantir) could hypothetically connect with multiple other Seeing Sto...

Hmm. No answer yet.
@Alex Perhaps surprising that ten people upvoted an answer suggesting that the first instance of something was 17,002 years from now.
I wonder if I should try to find all questions automatically protected (by user -1), since that filter is so stupid and those questions often get forgotten in protected state when we should unprotect them.
Unrelated. What does This comment will be automatically removed by the system when the post is corrected mean when raising a mod flag?
@Alex oh c'mon :p
I could probably find them with SEDE.
Also, don't underestimate Neaderthal's comic strip abilities
@Jenayah Well the alternative is that no one cared to fix a typo.
@Alex aye
@Jenayah Rand and Null are not here, so either ping JNat with that or ask in chat.meta.stackexchange.com/rooms/89/tavern-on-the-meta , possibly after searching Meta SE.
Unless @Mith knows of course
@Jenayah screenshot?
I hate searching on Meta :p
@Mithrandir sec
@Jenayah Then ask in that chatroom. They work pretty well when you have such questions about SE software, IME.
Work well as a human search engine that is.
No guarantees of course, but IMO worth a try.
It's getting late so I'll probably leave in leave in like half an hour or something, but thanks for the nice conversation about HP, @Jenayah and @Alex.
Q: Community's test comment can't be removed?

Davy MI was viewing a question about anchor tags and clicking them to run some javascript, and below the top answer, I saw that somebody had posted the comment: "this is a test comment". I re-read the post and looked at the dates, and saw that the "test comment" had been posted in 2017, wheras the que...

@b_jonas Anytime.
@Jenayah I have no idea. I've never seen that.
@b_jonas same!
@Jenayah What are you flagging? Question, answer, comment? Which site?
@b_jonas comment, SFF
Third comment here
Q: Please identify a comic strip in mid 70's about astronaut who crashes on Mars and rebuilt by them

MarkI remember a short comic strip in the back of (I think) a DC monthly which depicted an astronaut who crashes on Mars (I think) and is tended to and fixed by the Martians. He subsequently is returned to Earth and in the last panel it's revealed the Martians didn't know what a human looked like, so...

@Mithrandir And you have "2458 helpful flags" on Sci Fi SE according to your profile page, so you would have seen it.
@Alex soooo... Mod flag on the Q, reading to rmove third comment?
@b_jonas Yeah, I think I still have the most helpful flags on the site...
@Mithrandir Wow.
@Jenayah Doesn't look like mods can delete it either.
@Mithrandir lol, what?
I'm not surprised that you have many,but I wouldn't have suspected that you have the most.
I'll try to check that.
How can mods not delete stuff
I can't delete it either, with the same error message. I can edit it however. — Samuel Liew ♦ Aug 3 at 21:32
@Mithrandir ah I skimmed over that post tbh :p
lemme see if I can poke animuson
@Mithrandir Lol. "It's a magic comment that attract upvotes and we cannot delete it ... "
@Jenayah I don't think that will help.
@Jenayah comments are gone
The real question for the Netflix Marvel Cinematic Universe: Why do all the gangsters in Harlem have piles of guns, while the ones in Chinatown and Hell's Kitchen seem rather fond of knives, hatchets, and even more exotic weapons?
@Adamant stereotypes
@Jenayah Actually, I don't think so at all.
I think it has a lot more to do with the fact that Luke Cage is known for his bulletproof skin, and well....
Let's say that Daredevil and Iron Fist...aren't.
@Mithrandir holy... That's when I realize this NLN-comment-flagging campaign of mine this summer was aggressive. By today's numbers I'm 10th on this list oO
If as many people fired bullets at Danny Rand as at Luke Cage, he wouldn't be among the living much longer.
@Adamant true.
It's a bit irritating. We're treated to a picture of a violent city flooded with guns and ammunition...where people only use it when it's useless.
@Mithrandir You are correct. You have the most helpful flags on main.
@Mithrandir so what was the trick?
@Jenayah "ping a CM and have them delete all comments by Community around the network"
@Mithrandir wait, all of them?!
that seems like
a lot
oh noes!
was that funny one also deleted?
spoiler: it wasn't a lot
and it didn't include Meta.SE
@Mithrandir Sorry, I'm a programmer, so I checked it directly rather than searching for something that already does that.
No it's fine, it's still there
Meta SE indeed
I just had to check the 24 users who have the gold badge.
"all' = "6"
@Mithrandir lol
you know which ones were the others?
@b_jonas Yeah I've done that out of curiosity as well, but not in months
@Mithrandir What? It took me only like ten minutes.
Yes, I mean I haven't done that in months.
@Mithrandir Ah ok.
Yeah, I'm tired and misread your line.
it's like... 11:45PM there, isn't it?
@Mithrandir Yes.
41 but yeah
(it's like 12:45AM here so I feel the sleepy urge as well)
@Alex “with all the big numbers and stuff?” giantitp.com/comics/oots0675.html
OMG, I saw a non-powered character on Iron Fist literally grab a police officer's gun and just toss it away.
Woah, the anime version of Iron Man is stupid.
Y'know, I like this site, but in the span of one week, to write backed-up answers I've had to watch American-produced cheap anime and listen to K-Pop. That can't go on forever :p
A: Spinning Silver - first Jewish MC in fantasy?

BuzzGenesis [Bereshit in Hebrew], verse 12 (King James version) 1 Now the Lord had said unto Abram, Get thee out of thy country, and from thy kindred, and from thy father's house, unto a land that I will shew thee: 2 And I will make of thee a great nation, and I will bless thee, and make thy name g...

Flag: religious text presented as fantasy.
@SQB I'd rather just downvote. Though it's a rather poor answer.
And the question always was going to invite such answers.
Hey, what's our stance on pastafarism?
@SQB Is there a particular flag reason for that?
Genuine question
The other one, for all that it's from a Talmudic scholar, is a pretty blurry example as well, and long lists of answers are not great anyway.
@Jenayah The same as any religion, I suppose.
@Jenayah Lol.
It's a trollish religion, though.
(doesn't beat zuism anyways)
If the text is written as a religious text, we don't deal with it. If a novel exists that's clearly written as fiction, wherein the flying spaghetti monster makes an appearance, it's on-topic.
(the Icelandic one I mean)
Zuism or Sumerian-Mesopotamian Neopaganism define a modern Pagan religious movement based on the Sumerian religion (and later Mesopotamian religions which continued it), and calls itself the "oldest religion, foundation of all major religions". Modern Sumerian-Mesopotamian religious groups already existed since the 1980s; however, the first institutional form of the movement was founded in Iceland in 2010 by Ólafur Helgi Þorgrímsson, and in 2013 Zuism was registered among the religions recognised by the Icelandic government. After the mid-2010s, branches of the church were established in other...
@Adamant hey, the flying spaghetti monster exists for real
@Jenayah Right, that's the point.
Q: Should we include parody religions like the Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster?

blehSo someone recently posted an answer about the Flying Spaghetti Monster. Is that acceptable?

So does Marduk, but Marduk showing up in a clearly fictional book not only doesn't disqualify it but might actually make it fantasy.
Magical stuff in a work makes it on-topic, even if you believe that magic also really exists.
@Jenayah We have a precedent for allowing questions on Middle-Earth mythology on Sci Fi, but IIRC not allowing them on Mythology. It would be great if pastafarianism didn't fall into the cracks between the two.
Q: Eighties novel about Robot killers who look like kids

Danny3414This was a hardback book from a UK library – I read it in the late eighties. No memories of the book cover. Some may say this is just a ‘techno thriller’ but there was a strong robot element. What I remember, evil organisation (or Cold War enemy) with bad scientists is having a go at world dom...

Q: What determines the number of Fists a person has?

AdamantClearly, Danny has a single Iron Fist, from the moment he was granted it. He only ever uses a hand, and the same hand, to manifest the Fist. However, when . he ends up with Clearly, there's no "conservation of Fists" here. By contrast, ends up with a single Fist particularly ha...

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