last day (2842 days later) » 

@Edlothiad Are you directing that question to people in the USA, or people in Australia or Canada or the UK, because answers will vary wildly. :P
@doppelgreener Rugby to the general public. I'm experienced enough in the game to know that Southern Hemisphereans will slate American Rugby and so will the brits. But if anyone has an opinion I'd be interested
@Edlothiad but... general American public, or..?
(I am an Aussie-born British resident and I heard one of the Aussie star rugby players joined an American rugby team, and left American rugby commentators gobsmacked because they actually dodged tacklers rather than just slamming into them, and held the ball in a way American rugby players do not but Australian and British people do all the time.)
@doppelgreener Interesting, guess i'm going to watch some american rugby highlights
I really just want to watch some rugby, but super rugby isn't on till tomorrow morning, and the brits have ended their season
@Edlothiad Watch the State of Origin matches between New South Wales and Queensland in Australia. It's NRL.
I don't really like NRL, but I guess I'll watch some of that
I don't really understand the game
Could someone help me out and reject this tag-edit?
@Edlothiad that doesn't seem like all that bad a tag to have though
Do we need it though?
If anything it should be Transformers-series or something to relate to all the films
Sure, why not?
or transformers-movies
tagging's a folksonomy, tags exist because people felt like they were worthwhile having.
All our transformers questions would take that tag then, it's pointless
do you only have transformers questions about the 2007 movie?
Well about the movie series
(or the movies in general?)
i figure it's not too bad but this is your site
Not a bad tag. We often have tags like that.
Hmm, it seems like we have tags for "dark of the moon" and such
Maybe that tag should stay
I wish we could give it a better name
tags can be renamed after they're created, and this could be useful stuff to discuss on meta
If the name of the franchise is the same as the name of the (often first) film, we postfix the year of release for the tag for the film.
Someone might as well go review the other one
@SQB That's true
on other sites we've found it's best to not let chat supplant meta activity: meta's for deciding site policy and chat has no place in doing so
I know, I told him to take it to meta.
cool :)
that's not me speaking as a moderator exactly, just sharing my experience as a user
I'll actually check meta if we've discussed this. I would expect we'd have made the changes during the "Big Edit Event"
Oh god, he's just gone and done 4 edits... Goodbye front page
sigh RIP mos
SQB has made a change to the feeds posted into this room
(We have a blog?)
I'm rewatching the LotR trilogy!
@SQB mind if I change the names back on the feedbots?
and avatars too, if I can find the links
A good one at that again, with creds to KutuluMike, JackBNimble and @DrRDizzle
@Feeds by this speed @SQB will make more feed then tiotal users combined :D
I think it was suggest to not use Obie.
@Riker Can I link you above to where we discussed that?
@Edlothiad I read up, I don't see any consensus though
How about Marvin?
for which feed?
main site?
Riker has made a change to the feeds posted into this room
Meta. Marvin seems Meta to me.
Riker has made a change to the feeds posted into this room
4 hours ago, by BESW
I'm not exactly sanguine about unnecessarily importing cosmetics from ME; doesn't seem like good optics, at the absolute minimum.
Babelfish for the main site.
@Edlothiad ah ok
@SQB cool
@SQB ah nice
If you read down from there, you'll get the discussiony bit
I forgot to behave, I'm going to blame it on my illness
@Edlothiad no evidence
@Riker Thank you!
Babelfish for the Avatar? Dunno about the copyright, though.
@SQB That's cool!
Hey @JackBNimble!
@SQB can you check?
what name for the bounty bot?
ok, the names are as follows:
"Marvin" for meta questions
"Babelfish" for main questions
"Zaphod" for bountied questions
@DrRDizzle Whatever Steve Rogers Would Feel Disappointed To See would be a good cultural model for things to avoid in this chat.
"xkcd" for new xkcds
"M&TV" for SFF m&tv questions
@SQB @Edlothiad any ideas for the name for the blog post one?
@JackBNimble do you have a preference for the name of the feed for At Wit's End?
What?! Aragorn reveals his age in The Two Towers
@SQB I do not. It can just be AWE or something. Out of Jack's Mouth. Jack's Only Hope for Retirement.
@Edlothiad spoilers :p /s
@SQB at wits is a tad boring
Oh god I think re-watching is going to make me hate the LotR trilogy, ever since I've led myself to the deeper lore of ME
@Riker SFFBlog
posted on April 01, 2017 by Jack B Nimble

A quick look at a dozen or so of the worst movies over the last 30 some odd years. Including Galaxy Quest, Ghostbusters, Aliens, Star Trek: Wrath of Khan, and more. Superman II: Woe is Superman, he’s super strong, and super fast, and can fly, and can reverse time…apparently, and he has a marginally attractive ... Read more

posted on April 03, 2017 by KutuluMike

Ghost in the Shell is widely considered one of the most important franchises in the history of anime/manga. The 1995 feature-length movie, in particular, was wildly successful, and influenced a number of filmmakers in the science fiction genre. When Dreamworks Pictures decided to bring a live-action adaptation to the big screen, they had some big shoes to ... Read more

posted on April 15, 2017 by Jack B Nimble

IMDB Description: A young martial artist embarks on an adventure, encountering other martial artists in battle until one day he meets an aging blind man who will show him the true meaning of martial arts and life. The opening scroll of this movie says it was drafted by Bruce Lee, and it has some controversial ... Read more

posted on April 18, 2017 by Jack B Nimble

Stats Top Question: With a score of 133 the highest voted question was the controversial Which ship can go faster, the Millennium Falcon or the USS Enterprise? asked by g.rocket and answered by Valorum. The second runner up was What did Frodo mean by “He told me the true story”? asked by Noosre with a ... Read more

posted on May 04, 2017 by Daniel Rochelle

After just under a decade of consistently producing some of the best blockbuster entertainment each year, you can be pretty sure that you’re in for a good time if you go to see a movie with the Marvel Studios title card in front of it, and Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 – the fifteenth(!) ... Read more

@Feeds Oh hi!
ok then
@doppelgreener The last action Steve Rogers took in the films was leading a rebellion at least in part against his superiors and former co-workers because he disagreed with the new rules implemented that limited his and others freedom.
@SQB ah ok
@Riker Why these names?
We are now rich in blog feed wealth.
Afternoon @Catija
@Edlothiad that was a placeholder
zaphod's a dude from THGTTG tho
@Edlothiad They are all themed on Hitcher's Guide to the Galaxy.
I'm entirely open to better names
@DrRDizzle Well I was thinking more along the lines of language and such.
@doppelgreener I know lol
also, does anybody mind if I continue a random floof a day?
No problem with me. Make it a feed!
@Riker That's one angry little Floof
With all these feeds, no one in this room is ever going to go hungry.
I think mos had all the old ones though
Thanks, I'm here until Thursday. Try the lobster, tip your waiter.
maybe not the comics
Sauron = explosive blackhole
@DrRDizzle tip the lobster, try your waiter.
@SQB Babelfish and Marvin are back to the SFF logo, one in meta colors
@SQB and I don't have anywhere to make it a feed >_>
it's juts me
now I'll have to start posting comics more regularly.
@JackBNimble How's that for motivation!
@SQB ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
28 more upvotes!
Sorry, just getting excited
Woohoo new top voted answer!
Anyone notice that when Gandalf does the fireworks for the kids at the start of FotR, it's like his cart farts
@Edlothiad that is possibly one of the most poetic things i've ever read in the vein of LotR analysis
British people love fart humor.
(i'm also going to have to watch this now to see what you mean)
> is the dude who posted language gifs earlier
> in two rooms
@Riker Ain't nothing wrong with a spooky lenny face.
@JackBNimble That's actually a myth. I personally am not a fan.
Five guys is now on Deliveroo UK, going to order that as soon as I can
Damn, doens't deliver to my address
@Riker who is pinning these?
originally gallifreyan, this was me this time though
I'm fine with unpinning if you want though
originally me, then gallifreyan got you to do the proper single-linkified-message format and repinned that
@Riker no no, i just wanted to say"Cool, who doesn't love a daily floof"
best abuse of my RO powers so far
@Ixrec So I guess we really really shouldn't make jokes about flagging now?
let's go with yes (as in we shouldn't)
@Skooba thank you captain obvious /s
@Riker always reporting for duty
Q: Why does the Earth have a penal colony in Star Trek?

zibadawa timmyIn certain episodes of Voyager and DS9, we learn about the existence of the New Zealand Penal Settlement on Earth. But at multiple times during DS9, Sisko and others wax on about how Earth is a paradise: no crime, no hunger, no war, no needs unmet, etc. Indeed, several episodes of DS9 are dedic...

@steelersquirrel hello
@steelersquirrel RUN AWAY. You know to where ;-)
@DrRDizzle gross
@Skooba I can't. I'm not on a desktop :(
@AnkitSharma Hello!
Argh! Where's Mike?
Not much. I have crappy WiFi right now.
@SQB Why did you VTC this question
not sure why Mike's not in here
I'm still at work which is a little like crappy WiFi in that I can't respond frequently
nvm then
Yay, my first meta good answer badge.
@Edlothiad because I thought it to be a duplicate.
@SQB Even after the edit?
Q: What is the maximum volume of a space suit?

styksIn the end of Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2, we are treated to the death of another parental figure (I'm currently on the mobile app, doesn't seem to have markup for spoilers on the ready.) Similar to this question, I wonder if a different resolution could have been possible from an in-universe...

@Babelfish 7
@JackBNimble I'm pretty sure it's 42
@Feeds what was that, nevermind
@Edlothiad I'll check in a bit.
Oh joy, 4 upvotes!
On Lit...
@steelersquirrel haha no worries then
good to see you on this day of circumstance
@JackBNimble I have one the goes to 11
Q: Trying to identify a comic about a girl and a robot break into a lab to steal experimental chip

ShawsonI'm on an impossible task to try to identify a comic I read online. It was a free PDF (maybe 30 pages long?) and was the first part of a story about a girl whose dad (or something similar) brings home a robot from a lab? I think they go on to break into the lab to try and steal some experiment ...

My wife picked up an old copy of Tolkien: A Look Behind "The Lord of the Rings" by Lin Carter for me (…). One interesting thing I learned is that The Lord of the Rings was finally published in paperback in 1965 in the U.S. & became an instant hit.
I'd always known LotR was popular with hippies (eg, the "Frodo Lives!" graffiti seen around the country) and I bet that's because the availability of the cheap paperback edition coincided with the counter-culture scene in the late 1960s.
Also I wonder if the whole fantasy RPG scene, beginning with Dungeons & Dragons, was sparked by kids reading LotR for the first time in the 1960s.
Also the fact that the hobbits & Gandalf smoked a lot of "weed" endeared the books to hippies. :-)
plus, the book's themes of the importance of nature and friendship
@Edlothiad voted to reopen.
@DaaaahWhoosh Yes, that too. I can see Sauron & his minions being equated with the government.
I'm now imagining Donald Trump as Denethor, and Putin as Sauron
honestly, the great thing about Tolkien is that he didn't like allegory, so nothing in LotR means anything specific, it can be whatever you want it to be
so everyone can read it, and find their own meaning in it, and that meaning can shift as time goes on and the world changes
Well clearly the palantirs, with their powers of instant communication, represent the dangers of television & the Internet. You might say Denethor's madness was linked to watching too much Fox News on his palantir. :)
@SQB Cool thanks!
@RobertF Hmm, never heard of this book
@Edlothiad It's an out-of-print book first published in 1969. It includes rumors about Tolkien's next book, a prequel to LotR and The Hobbit, titled The Silmarillion. :)
@RobertF Silmarillion sounds like a sort story to me. Probably one with no thought given to the background of the world that is just written to cash in on LotR.
@Gallifreyan :)
@Bellerophon The silmarillion explains who the players are and how things are in the LotR world it is also the one fantasy book I read that makes Technical Manuals look like Hugo winners
@EnigmaMaitreya I know, I read it once.
Q: Story about an AI to bring down politicians

MikeI'm trying to identify an novel from the 80's or 90's that involved a group of political operatives traveling across an America just this side of apocalyptic. They were protecting a depressed programmer who was building an AI interface based upon interviews with the President that would truthful...

Q: Can't remember a sci fi book title I read in the 80s

RachelFemale protagonist. Story starts out with her discovering that she has amnesia from a crash landing on a strange backwards world, so she wanders around lost and trying to figure out who she is. She has a green triangle in her forehead and special powers. Many of the people she meets on the strang...

@EnigmaMaitreya I'm reading the Silmarillion now, it seems like a great jumping-off point for fan-fictions.
which is probably why I liked Rogue One more than Awakens, despite the fact that film people have the opposite opinion
@DaaaahWhoosh I agree, Rogue One had its own plot and more on-screen death.
yeah, but just generally the world felt cooler. Like, I want to see more about the Rebellion and the Empire and the Guardians of the Whills. There's nothing I want to see more of from Awakens.
@DaaaahWhoosh Tolkien (and his friend C.S. Lewis) didn't like allegory because it was too shallow, if I may so paraphrase them. They preferred more fullness of character — if the characteristics resembled real world situations, then they preferred to say that their stories were genuine rather than allegorical.
Of course, I am thoroughly mashing their own opinions on the subject.
I don't think there is anything wrong with allegory, but it should be an aspect of a story rather than the entirety of it.
yeah, I mean it works, but it seems easy to limit yourself with allegory
Q: Is there a specific name for a character that is a sacrificial "example"?

AustinI was wondering if there is a title/role in movies, specifically horror or Sci-fi movies, for characters that are cast specifically to die first as a way of being an example. This could be as a way to show the cast/party that things have turned horribly wrong or to show what they are up against.

for instance, I was in an art museum with my parents once, and they kept on looking at paintings to see what they were imitating. I just looked at the paintings because they were beautiful, and I feel like I had the more fulfilling experience
I think I'm getting too philosophical. Quick, someone post a cat gif!
@M&TVFeeds what O.o, bleh
@RobertF That sounds interesting, I'll have a look out for it and see if I can get my hands on it
There may be a store near me that has it
@Edlothiad It's also available online at Amazon.
Mr Bean said “I sit in the corner, and I look at paintings.”
What O.o
in one of the movies, he was mistaken for an art scholar and critic.
@M&TVFeeds red shirt?
And here you go, @DaaaahWhoosh:
@can-ned_food ah, thank you, my brain has once again switched off
@can-ned_food Story of my life. Girlfriend invites me to Paris, takes me to world famous art museums, overhear people discussing the wide strokes of impressionist art in the 1800s and I'm just there like "Well this is pretty"
@RobertF There's also a Kindle edition
I need some input on this - do we have the film night or do we not? On one hand people may not be able to come because reasons; on the other - it's been scheduled, and prepped, and some people registered, and it'd elevate spirits.
@Gallifreyan I still want to watch the film, I'll probably attempt to do so at the scheduled time regardless
@Gallifreyan I'll try my best to make it
Oh crap, wrong room.
Q: Movie (or tv show) from 80s or 90s about school kid who makes a computer program come alive

Janne JohanssonIt was probably american, they talked english at least. There is a computer class, and one of the students either cause or notice that his computer program starts communicating with him on his screen, and in the middle of the movie the program needs to hide, and moves about on the school network...

Q: Why are the Dragon Balls in episode 41 small if they are Namekian?

Pedro Adame VergaraI'm watching DBZ again as an adult, and when Bulma, Krillin & Gohan meet two medical namekians, these people help them find some dragon balls. I remember namekian dragon balls were very big, but these ones can be held by hand. Why are they small?

@DaaaahWhoosh @Edlothiad That's good to know. It looks like DailyMotion is still cooperative, so there'll be a copy in the shared video room.
@Gallifreyan I can probably no longer make it I'm afraid. I'll do my best.
I do want to reiterate the fact that I'll probably be late
though I think based on how things went two weeks ago, this time I'll just be up-front about my deadline and hope the DM can accomodate
@DaaaahWhoosh Haha :D How late will you be? We can probably wait for half an hour or so.
@Gallifreyan Woops, wrong chat
@Gallifreyan the event is scheduled to end at 6 Eastern, so I should only be as late as it takes me to drive home (~20 minutes). However, last time it went an hour late, and this time I can be smart and just set up to leave early
@Gallifreyan My obstruction should be going out, and I'm too ill to, so hopefully things will work out
@Gallifreyan I thought they were Neil Gaiman and Amanda F. Palmer. Close enough.
@SQB TBF I thought it was Neil Gaiman too
@Gallifreyan I will participate as I liked the movie and would enjoy seeing it again. Having said that, with the recent events, if it is delayed or canceled, I would understand.
I agree that it should be run, as a way to lighten spirits and to reminds us that we're here to enjoy SFF and have a nice time
A: Is there a specific name for a character that is a sacrificial "example"?

SkoobaAs @BrettFromLA mentioned is the comments, I would suggest this character is called the: Red Shirt Warning! TV Tropes Link! The trope name come from Stark Trek: The Original Series where the new recruits/ensigns wore red uniforms. This can be a bit confusing because in later Star Trek series ...

11 hours ago, by SQB
Let's not discuss what happened to Mos Eisley in here; please take that to Meta.
@Skooba The reason I'm encouraging y'all not to have those discussions in here is to foster a good environment in this room, if this is the one you want to be your Official Room (tm).
If you really really want to make a special room for discussing it... well okay I guess, but you're gonna have to be damn careful it's a discussion that doesn't descend into railing against Shog or whoever
23 messages moved to Trash
@ArtOfCode I guess my point is that when on the main site a post has too many comments, they are moved to chat. This situation seems to be opposite where we want people to just go to Meta, then most likely be unsatisfied with the information there, yet have no constructive outlet.
@Ixrec and that really doesn't help either.
but whatever
@Skooba Please, can we leave it? New room if you absolutely must have a chatroom to discuss it, but can we keep it out of here?
So.... How about them Penguins?
@Skooba They're real slippy!
Ok I tried to think of a pun and failed
Be Nice to your fellow site members. Insulting the community as a whole is not OK.
If you're concerned about mainsite moderation, the appropriate place to hash that out is meta.
(I think it's asking about a specific instance rather than a general one, so it doesn't seem like a duplicate to me, though I can see the argument both ways)
@DaaaahWhoosh Is there a context to that?
A message I deleted.
@EnigmaMaitreya not any more, there's not
I put it in parentheses to indicate that it should be ignored, but that I still wanted to say it
@DaaaahWhoosh Ok, I accept my fate, this is my day to be in the barrel of the completely confused.
I might need to find my own barrel, this room is covered in eggshells
@DaaaahWhoosh Some rooms do seem that way. :)
@doppelgreener Oops, sorry
Didn't mean it to be that harsh
Q: What is the parentage of Gil-galad?

Jason BakerIn The Silmarillion, we're told that Gil-galad is the son of Fingon, son of Fingolfin: Great was the lamentation in Hithlum when the fall of Fingolfin became known, and Fingon in sorrow took the lordship of the house of Fingolfin and the kingdom of the Noldor; but his young son Ereinion (who ...

No one can get me into a discussion about the Silmarillion
@Riker, can we get the treasure chest back for Zaphod?
@EnigmaMaitreya I'm confused as to what that means
@Edlothiad Thanks. Might sound different to different people, but it was a disparaging turn of phrase to use, and we need to avoid that kind of thing if we're serious about establishing a healthy chat environment.
@DaaaahWhoosh It is asking about a specific instance. The issues with asking about a specific instance is that the answer is almost always covered in the general case.
One could make the plea that the answer isn't good enough, but it is. So the question should remain closed.
typically the answer for a specific instance is "this general rule applies and this other general rule does not apply"
I now better go put my icecream back in the freezer before it melts completely
@Ixrec I don't follow?
@Edlothiad well, slippy is a good Yinzer word!
@Edlothiad I read the book, it illuminated the LotR, it had a fantastic cross over concept to middle earth but I swear to god, it was without doubt the most boring and least interesting book I have ever read and I could NOT care less about any character in the context of that book
@Skooba Had to google what a yinzer was
@EnigmaMaitreya Have you read the Unfinished Tales or BoLT 1/2?
@Edlothiad get the sweeper out, its time to red up the room
They are about 17, 19, and 28 times more boring, respectively
@Skooba You lost me
Also, If I call a citizen of Canada a Canuck, is that offensive?
Is that just the vancouverians?
@Edlothiad im not sure
hence the questions
@Edlothiad Ah, BoLT = "Book of Lost Tales (Tolkien book) BOLT" and that would be a no
It's a Canadian
and i guess it is Canuck
@EnigmaMaitreya Ok, given your opinion of the Sil, don't ever, no matter what anyone ever says
@Skooba Why even ask that as in it is clear some will find it offensive
@Edlothiad sure
@Skooba Still a Canadian
@EnigmaMaitreya Talking Penguins, I was figuring if any Canadians might be interested.
@Edlothiad should I set the blog feed to jack's avatar
@Edlothiad oh yeah, I'm just saying I spelled it wrong
Canuck seems to be the accepted term, a canook would be more offensive
@Riker Tes...
@Skooba I think the general rule is, if you are one, it's not offensive. If you aren't one, even if it's not offensive, it's offensive.
@Edlothiad @JackBNimble is that ok?
@Edlothiad Thanks for the heads up but I am done reading LotR books
@Skooba A Canook is the more derogatory version of the word Canuck
also we still need avatars for the at wit's one
@EnigmaMaitreya Shame, I found The Children of Hurin a good one
@Skooba Yeah but we all got dinged and I am a citizen of the board pointing that out normally I would not :)
@Riker Maybe set TAW to Jack's avatar?
@Edlothiad I bought that one thinking it was going to be about dwarves, halfway through the Silmarillion now and I realize I might be disappointed
@Edlothiad are the Vancouver Canucks the equivalent of the Washington Redskins?
@DaaaahWhoosh It's still a great read. And also you should never buy anything Tolkien thinking it will be about Dwarves. They were his treasure, he kept them to himself, in his mind, and never spoke about them to anyone.
@Skooba Didn't they agree to change their name?
@Edlothiad oh, that's his blog isn't it
I forgot
@Edlothiad Aww, that makes me want to read about them even more!
@Skooba My only knowledge of the phrase Redskins is a derogatory term for Native Americans, yet is used by the football team
@Skooba Here in the Washington Redskins -…
@Riker I think Dr R Dizzle, KutuluMike and JackBNimble contribute, and either one of them or CreationEdge funds it
ah ok
@MattE.Эллен Interesting to say the least
A quote "Caesar's wife must be above suspicion." I would think the message was rather clear. Why test them now.
@MattE.Эллен That's an interesting nickname you have there :)
What's the russian bit
@EnigmaMaitreya Is this about the redskins
@Edlothiad It says "Ellen". And it's actually Cyrillic, not Russian.
@Gallifreyan they say people respect you more if you have a middle initial, so :D
@MattE.Эллен Ah :D I should get one too then... but it wasn't what I was asking about ;)
Oh, crap.
It is about being squeaky clean for a while. Nothing more nothing less, and that is just my opinion.
oh yeah, what's going to happen to that bot now?
@Gallifreyan Yeah, I know ;) I like a little flavour in my name
@DaaaahWhoosh tune in next week to find out!
same bot time, same bot channel?
@MattE.Эллен It's just a bit of cognitive dissonance, so to speak; I didn't see Cyrillic nicknames outside of Stack Overflow на русском.
@Gallifreyan ah! sadly I can't speak русском.
@MattE.Эллен That should be "на русском" or "по-русски". There, now you know something new ;)
oh! thanks :)
From Gaiman's Tumblr. Looks like he doesn't mind those two :)
Hm. Is there a way to get a Tumblr account without a Yahoo mail box?
I don't have a Yahoo mailbox, I used a regular email address
but that was a few years ago
Hm. It's still processing the captcha - I wonder if I broke it.
maybe you made captcha wonder if it is the robot
You were expecting this, weren't you? :)
no, but I'm glad it's what I got :D
Like in ex machina, where the guy cuts open his arm just to be sure
^ Something went wrong.
I played a video game once that tried to do that. Was fun arguing with it.
Q: Looking for an old story: humans become informationally dependent on loaf-of-bread sized robot PIM with arms and a single red "eye"

Richard HavenPIMs ride on the humans' shoulders (re Puppet Masters), reading documents for their human and providing digests. One scene has it ripping up a paper report it did not want its human to read. PIMs have a head twitch which the humans start emulating. Climax of the story: protagonist tells every ...

ultragallifreyan sounds like a HHGTTG alien
Those %$#^@!*(.
(that is a little microgame BESW wrote recently)
What's that link?
Some form of RPG thing?
@Edlothiad Just a Google Spreadsheet.
@Gallifreyan It's a doc?
It's a Google doc for a small tabletop RPG BESW wrote for fun.
You play it with dice.
I can confirm it's pretty funny to play.
but those suggestions of megagallifreyan and ultragallifreyan brought it to mind :D
I went for Jin En Mok. Which Tumblr made me turn into "jinenmok"
jive monk
jinenmok could be someone from Sheffield describing a gin based cocktail
in American Gods - the god of spoilers, 9 secs ago, by Gallifreyan
TIL there's a comic book adaptation of American Gods, adapted by none other than P. Craig Russel.
these are some good floofs, ty
Q: Who actually nuked the Karakum?

hitchhikerWarning: Contains spoilers to "The Expanse" Season 2. In "The Expanse" Season 2, the Martian Ship "Karakum" apparently carries out some black ops mission on Ganymede. It gets destroyed while at or above it's landing site. Here's what I know, but not quite understand: In the Pjotr/Errinwrigh...

@doppelgreener My pleasure. I'll go to sleep now.
Good night!
@Gallifreyan Night!
Just for the record - I'm still confident we can make the film night happen tomorrow. I may need a volunteer from the audience to set up the video room (it's no big deal, you just go to the site and press the big yellow button), as I'm not able to attend myself.
Register here if you wish, or just come tomorrow to meta - there'll be a link there.
Hello people, great room name
@ArthurDent Appropriate name.
Yep that's why I had to join this chat. Just wondering, is anyone going to Comicpalooza this weekend?
@ArthurDent I don't know I am looking for Marvin.

  last day (2842 days later) »