So its been a few years, but its a fantasy series where there is a thief who lives in the city (His mother and sister died traumatically) and a princess. The princess decides to go into the city in disguise and they meet. Plz help
When I was a toddler, I remember a Sifi movie that I want rewatch but do not remember the title. This is killing me as I tried to watch ever movie I could think of.
It is about a group travel to another plant that had rock monsters that would hug you and burn you up. It ends with one of the group...
Hoping for pointer to story.
Person lands on planet [having done something bad] in space lifeboat with no windows.
Planet has two or three suns.
Does bad things on planet. Small children he meets warn him about a danger.
Gets comeuppance when caught out in open when the really big blue gia...
In Cinder (by Marissa Meyer) the following passage appears on the first page: one
Her knuckles ached from forcing the screwdriver into the joint as she struggled to loosen the screw one gritting twist after another. By the time it was extracted far enough for her to wrench free with her prostheti...
In the Akallabêth it says that when Sauron is imprisoned in Númenor, he convinces Ar-Pharazôn to give up the worship of Ilúvatar for the worship of Morgoth.
Does Sauron keep worshipping Morgoth during the Third Age, and does he enforce this worship on his subjects (orcs, Nazgûl, men of Khand etc.)?
Can anybody name a short story (probably 1970s or early 1980s, definitely written prior to 1984) that revolves around a group of scientists and explorers who discover how to travel via naturally occurring worms holes.
The group are technologically around where humans were in the 1970s but with a ...
This is a story I read about 15 years ago (or maybe 20?) within an anthology book of sci-fi stories that was already old when I read it. From what I can remember, the story goes like this:
An alien wakes up in a lake and using the energy stored within him (thanks to the advanced technology of hi...
I'm thinking of a story I read probably in Asimov's in the 1990s or early 2000s. There wasn't much plot, just an extended "what if" about being able to tag all your possessions with RFID chips, so if you lend a tool to a neighbor, it's always clear that it's yours. I think the story was by one of...
I remember having read this story on some blog. Each car has a central computer with an AI running in each one. The got into a head on collision but one of the car can survive if they both agree to take certain action though the other one would certainly imply the death of the inhabitants.
The tw...