So, I remember watching on YouTube a movie scene of two asian girls (I bet they were japanese by their facial features) fighting on a random rooftop. One of them uses a enormous piece of wood to attack, and both of them start to use things to hit each other. They both have short hair and wear opp...
There is no fully canonical information about the history of Middle-earth after the end of The Lord of The Rings, known as LOTR for short, except for a few dates and other information about events happening years and decades after the ending in the prologue and in the appendixes.
And a few of Tol...
In Zack Snyder's Justice League (2021), when Justice League are at the Kryptonian ship trying to resurrect Kal-El, Cyborg has some sort of vision/dream of the future:
In this vision, Cyborg sees that
The only GL appearing in the movis was Yalan-Gur. But it couldn...
I’m trying to recall the title of a vampire movie which I believe came out in the 1990s or, less likely, early 2000s.
It involved a vampire (very possibly Dracula) who was chained up for much of the movie in some sort of warehouse or gym or something. I believe the movie involved a group of colle...
I sort of wish movie identification answers would always include a tomatometer or IMDB rating so I can tell if the movie is worth my attention (other than reading the answer).
Or maybe a warning "This movie is terrible; don't bother watching it unless self-degradation is your thing"
When I look back at reading the Lord of the Rings as a child I was astounded at how every chapter in the book is almost a self-contained story. Yes, the three books do operate as a collective, but I'm often drawn to reading my favorite chapters in the book in isolation. Each chapter in some ways ...
@DavidW If I don't recognize it, it's usually either because 1) I've forgotten it because I'm old; 2) It wasn't made in the US.
@Spencer It's very rare to find a movie that is completely devoid of any interesting content, even if only so that you can make fun of it. But even mediocre movies have interesting characters or bits of dialog.
By the end of the first season of Avengers: Earth's Mightiest Heroes, the heroes got teleported into the other 8 realms (they were on Midgard).
Black Panther was teleported into some kind of dark location with tombs and dead trees. Shortly after, he was pursued by some kind of shadow creatures:
There are two scenes in movies that the Joker had interviewed on a TV channel.
One in the Joker (2019 movie) and one in Batman: The Dark Knight Returns Part 2 (2013 animated movie); and in both Joker killed the interviewer.
Is there the same incident in comics too?
@Babelfish Without having seen it, I'm guessing the scene in TDKR2 is based on a similar episode in Frank Miller's Batman: The Dark Knight Returns where the Joker wipes out an entire studio audience.
In Dark season 3 we learn that:
Since the Nielsen family stems from Agnes Nielsen, and since we also learn that:
Given the above, how is it possible for the Nielsen family (and Noah for that matter) to exist in Eve's World? Also, since Hannah never traveled to 1954, how is it possible that Kath...
I think all Batman movies are based on DC stories/comics (I don't know about comics thing much).
So is Batman vs Superman also based on some story (story about Batman seeing Superman as threat to humanity and eventually making him against Superman) OR the director/producer just wanted some imagin...
I read this in a collection of SF short stories in the 90s, but it could date from several decades before then.
I thought it was by Aldiss or Ballard, but I can't find any of their works that seem to match.
In the story, at some point God decides to manifest simultaneously in booths in the homes ...
@Spencer Valorum occasionally puts comments like that in his film ID answers. Usually with some deadpan proposal like "instead of watching this movie, I recommend you do something more enjoyable like <insert deadly dull activity here>".
I am looking for this movie that I saw as a kid on the early 90s (though I am fairly sure it was a film from the 80s). All I remember was that this group of young kids somehow got stuck on a space shuttle that was shot into orbit and then they must perform repairs and follow the advice of a femal...
Olympia saw a cute toy in fancy bag:
Olympia: What is this?
Malorie: Well, if I was just gonna tell you, I wouldn't have bothered
putting it in this fancy... this fancy bag. I got it on the supply
Why wouldn't Malorie bother to put cute toy in the bag if she told Olympia about it?
In The Matrix Reloaded, the Architect offers Neo two choices; if he chooses the door on the left he will save the woman he loves, and if he chooses the door on the right he will save humanity.
So, if the Architect always offers two choices to the One, what choices did he offer to previous incarna...
I don't recall a lot about this story. But some details... The main character is the son of a lord of some smaller house in a medieval style fantasy setting with magic teleportation circles. His birthday is coming and he's supposed to choose a slave. He's reluctant to do so. He helps out a woman ...
I think I watched this 5-6 years ago with my wife as a movie that we checked out from our library after having seen the trailer on another film we watched. I'm pretty sure it was in English, and had a brother and sister, I think in the United States in roughly contemporary times, going on the roa...
In the Unseen Queen, Luke and Han are forced to give up their weapons:
Han's knuckles whitened around his blaster grip. "When Hutts ride swoops!"
"We would rather have it now," Raynar said. Han's blaster twisted free of his grasp and floated over, then Raynar turned to Luke. Master Skywalker?"