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6:42 PM
I was trying to port xnor's algorithm for caird's Stirling number question (TIO), but I get different results from xnor's solution
I'm trying to use the same formula they did - $\frac{3^{n−1}−2^n+1}{2}$
Can someone help me figure out what I'm doing wrong?
² is n ^ 2
afaict, ’3*_²‘:2 decrements ⍵, 3* raises 3 to the power of that, then subtracts the square of ⍵, increments it, and :2 finally halves it
@hyper-neutrino Oh I'm dumb
you did not read the formula correctly :p
H is halve, by the way
you don't need the floor division
I thought I needed it because of the n^2 instead of 2^n thing :P
6:47 PM
Thanks, it works now
You can inline the helper link for -1 byte
With chain separators?
I thought those would still be two bytes because of the starting and ending thingy
nope, there is a better way of combining a few links into one link
6:59 PM
Found it, $ and friends?
7:10 PM
If you can generate the list of partitions in 5 bytes or less, then ...Ẉċ3 should work for 8 or less
The issue is that it's set partitions (so unordered), rather than list partitions which is a builtin
7:22 PM
Wouldn't <all permutations+<list partitions>+<remove duplicates> work, though?
Actually, you shouldn't need to remove duplicates afaict
No, that fails. Consider S(4, 2). That counts [[1,2],[3,4]] and [[2,1],[4,3]] as different, but a set wouldn't
Oh right
I guess sort each then? That's quite verbose, though
And it's Œ!ŒṖ€Ẏ (6 bytes) to even get all partitions of all permutations
@user You'd need to do Ṣ€€Ṣ€Q, as just Ṣ€€Q keeps both [[1,4],[2,3]] and [[2,3],[1,4]], and just Ṣ€Q keeps both [[1,3],[2,4]] and [[1,3], [4,2]]
@user Guess I was wrong here
Which brings you to Œ!ŒṖ€ẎṢ€€Ṣ€QẈċ3 for 15 bytes :/
7:30 PM
(I meant for that to be pronounced "EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!11111")

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