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I posted it as a placehold
But feel free to vote for the ultra slacker empty answer sheet
But I assume only the usual suspects get voted in every time?
1 hour later…
@doppelgreener @JoshuaAslanSmith I'm looking forward to the primaries to drop you both my +1's.
@Michael I don't know what it'll be like--this is my first election here.
@Michael, @nitsua60 You can see previous elections by just taking the current election address and plugging in 2 or 1 instead of 3.
@BESW Interesting... I thought I'd read somewhere on meta.SE that they actually close off the previous elections' pages during an election.
@MarcDingena If nobody else nominates it'll move straight to the election, but there's a couple of other people I think might be in a good position for nomination who haven't yet, so that might still happen.
I'm impressed we went from an election between only 3 people in 2015 to one of 10 already on the third(ish) day this year.
Yeah, our previous elections had 3 nominees (for 2 positions) and 7 nominees (for 3 positions).
But to be fair, the 2015 election was during a period of extended Not Nice and one of the slots had been vacated by a mod who not only stepped down from moderation but retired from the Stack network entirely due to burnout.
Winning that election was kind of like getting promoted because Darth Vader Force-choked your superior.
@BESW That's an amazing analogy.
I don't remember it being all that bad though, for whatever reason.
Mmm. You weren't the one Gareth chose as his talk-me-out-of-doing-something-rash life coach.
It wasn't gamerecgate bad, but it was obviously building up to something like gamerecgate.
This was back during The RAW Wars.
oh dear.
the RAW wars were not a great time.
> Vote for me and I'll give all my avid fans a free shirt! Clarification, that's one shirt for all of you, but we'll work out a sharing schedule. – Bryant Jackson 19 hours ago
Unrelated, Bryant has some very impressive campaigning... hmm...
[sifts through campaign funds to see if he has enough for two shirts.]
I will not get burnout from SE, I can promise that
I have too much other crap happening out here in Slapspace
I'm trying the expectation management ticket
@nitsua60 - LOL. I'm not particularly worried. There's a lot of very strong people running for moderator, and I already have a good feel of where I fit. It's my honest opinion that you, Doppel or Korvin would do the job better, and I'm not conceited enough to fail to acknowledge that reality. In other words, the three of you have my full support.
@LinoFrankCiaralli πŸ’ͺπŸΌπŸ‘·πŸΌ
we will crush our enemies with our sheer strongness
A Vote For Grapplebeener Is A Vote For Pulverizing!
@LinoFrankCiaralli thanks for the words of support. I don't know that any of us would do a better job than you--I'm really of the belief that I'd do a good job, and so would most of the people on the slate. (Some I just don't really have a sense of and one seems like a joke, but maybe that one's sincere?)
@doppelgreener I assume you spent all your funds back-room promoting this snap-election you've got going on over there, just to distract from the Stack-election?
@nitsua60 Actually I spent them on an owlbear and an owlbear trainer who promised they could teach the owlbear to moderate. Turns out they weren't all they claimed they were, and the owlbear ate them and escaped. On the plus side, the insurance money for the sheer amount of property damage inflicted is due to refill the campaign coffers several times over!
(The only trained owlbear we've ever had.)
@BESW We lost track of that one soon after, so the plan was to recapture that one, or otherwise, capture the first owlbear that ambushed us. That's easier said than done! Three expeditions later, the expedition party returned (largely unconsumed) with the fifth owlbear they'd encountered actually captured.
@BESW ....... have you considered making a Community Ad sized version of that?
I have not.
I have just now considered it and I consider it would be excellent.
The wording would need to be altered.
good morning
@BESW that is a great image/sidead
It would distract people from the Stack-election because they'll pay attention to the snap-election I've got going on over in the back room, as @nitsua60 theorised. (Not that any of this can be proven. It's only allegations! No comment!)
@JoshuaAslanSmith Good morning!
@doppelgreener heh
@doppelgreener Good morning to you too
@doppelgreener I second the consideration
BearOwls: Do the exist. /discuss
@MarshallTigerus BearOwls: are they anti-owlbears, such that the two colliding mutually destroy each other? Is this a viable owlbear defence strategy? Are bearowls just as dangerous or worse? Can we be sure that bearowls + owlbears do not combine into something even worse than both? Can we reconstitute them into much more manageable bears and owls?
Important question for all candidates. Rakshasa. Cool or absurd? Why?
I've never actually used any Rakshasa in my adventures. So not sure what to think about them.
They're wickedly evil sorcerer cats with backwards hands and all of this has no good explanation why it wound up that way. But then, we also have "gorgons" which are goat-demons (in turn forcing actual gorgons to be called "medusas", which is a bit like calling basketball players Michael Jordans), so they're far from the bottom of the absurdity scale.
Hmm. I should have provided a list of ten monsters for the candidates to rank in order of increasingly absurd.
That's assuming the candidates actually know all these monsters ;)
@Erik Any candidate who is familiar with all ten and can order them properly knows too much about absurd creatures, is probably a wizard, may imminently become responsible for creating the next cousin of the owlbear, and must be exiled immediately for public safety.
Do you really want more situations that reward people being ignorant? :(
@Erik Do you really want a very-likely-irresponsible wizard moderating the site?
It certainly sounds like it would be a hilarious few days/weeks.
@doppelgreener Wizards didn't create owlbears, that's a slanderous rumor that's transcended to "truthiness." Bhaal did it, out of jealousy directed at the Earthmother's chosen: the Unicorn, the Leviathan, and the Pack.
I.e. any candidate who is that familiar is probably Bhaal.
I would like to declare right now that I am not Bhaal.....I cannot guarantee I am not some other fictional diety
@doppelgreener These are questions for the scientists once BearOwls are determined to exist or not. :)
@MarshallTigerus I just assumed you're the Rakshasa under discussion =)
@nitsua60 I can not confirm nor deny that, however, I do like Rakshasa in my campaigns simply because of the 10 minute fits of randomly saying "Rakshasa!" a la Hyenas in Lion King
oo-oo-ooh... say that again!
Consequently: Really hard to type on an QWERTY keyboard with backwards hands
If an Owlbear were alone in the woods and posted to RPG.SE, would it get moderated?
@MadMAxJr Does having internet access in the woods make one no longer alone?
@nitsua60 ..... are you Bhaal @nitsua60?
@MarshallTigerus There's actually a study that shows only having social media for social interaction makes you further alone, but that's outside the scope of my inquiry.
@doppelgreener no, Bhaaa-aaal. (We get confused a lot.)
@nitsua60 haw!
what if the woods were in the feywild?
I'll come clean, that's a fake question designed to generate further mod suspicion of all Owlbear activity on the site.
why are you being Owlbear racist?
owlbears are people too.....well, no, they are owls and bears too.....well, magically fused owls and bears.....
Maybe he prefers purebloods?
Don't bring Yuan-ti into this, we're talking about Owlbears
Rakshasa Rakshasa Rakshasa!
I don't know why you suddenly need to bring up Yuan. He has nothing to do with this.
There was a sweet episode of GM's Word of the Week podcast explaining about Rakshasas and Kolchak recently
Should get that guy who does the podcast to come and mod on here if you want encyclopaedic knowledge
@Michael I just can't get into that series. Something about his slow delivery just has me uninterested.
@nitsua60 XD
He does sound like a sorta schoolmastery uncle type
@Michael (It's Angry who writes the scripts/does the research, IIRC.)
I imagine Gary Gygax sounding like that (maybe on one of his chilled days?)
Sure it's written by Angy
Fiddleback is just RPing, he really knows nothing
@Michael I definitely do not want Angry modding.
@nitsua60 XD
Fiddleback's voice sure could send you to sleep
I want him right where he is: writing excellent analysis, far away.
I use that cast to time my gym sessions
Where's the emoticon 1 after XD ?!
@MarshallTigerus regardless of whether owlbears are people, they are also very prone to separating people from their limbs and/or life, and are worth being treated with suspicion.
@doppelgreener Sounds more like a problem with inadequate limb attachment
@doppelgreener At least they've got disadvantage while prone.
@nitsua60 Much like the problem with the theory of traversing black holes into new dimensions, it's getting there alive that's the primary problem.
@MadMAxJr isn't this one of those metafilter taglines?
"RPG SE - Cool or absurd? Why?"
"OK, your resumee looks great. What about hobbies?"
"I like hobbies. I spend all my free time doing hobbies."
"Ice skating, drinks with friends, open-ended tactical simulations of tongue-in-cheek sword and sorcery / sci-fi / anything with a heavy element of improv acting"
"Board games with no boards"
Where we're going, you won't need boards to play....
A Post-Board society'
@doppelgreener frame challenge [groan]: defining "alive" is as much a problem =)
@MadMAxJr XD
Scene: kids playing D&D on a board.

Doc Brown bats the board away and sends it skidding across the floor
I was thinking more along Event Horizon and the 'Where we're going, you won't need eyes to see' bit.
Ah, OK. That film is post-90s, right?
Too Recent; Didn't See
ooh, 97
not bad
plot twist, Michael was born in the 90's and has seen no films
@MadMAxJr that movie was ... quite something
Did the "X? Where we're going we don't need X" predate Back to the Future 2?
Nah, I just gave up after catching up on the 80s
The 80s were basically a decade long mic drop
before mic dropping was a thing
@Michael Does this mean you've never seen The Fifth Element?
exactly! someone gets it
Consequently, real time travel is going to make idioms so tedious
The Terrry Pratchett book?
@MarshallTigerus before hundreds of audio engineers cried out in fear, and then went silent ......
@doppelgreener I think so but it gets mashed up with Lola Rennt in my head
One day, I'm going to propose a space colonizer or argo that is dubbed The Yellow Submarine that is big enough for all of us to live in
@Michael fifth element has these guys in it:
Thus bringing to a close the Beetle's promise
Robots, Gremlins and Blue Angels
@MarshallTigerus you are right on multiple levels
and also wrong on multiple levels
but overall good assessment
It's a very good movie.
Which is not something I say lightly.
It is an unabashedly fun movie and one of the most well-made movies I have ever seen.
I hated the whole fifth element being what it was (no spoilers!)
@doppelgreener only the finest future hairstyles
I prefer Hunger Games hairstyles
@doppelgreener sure, but I only remember that one thing
shrug priorities
i'm holiding out for some live action Valiant Universe stuff
now there's an event horizon
I get super bored by modern movies. Things like the Marvel and DC Universes suck me in because there's so much of a world around them, but a good chunk of modern movies don't have that kind of depth
yeah, @MarshallTigerus Logan rocked surprisingly
[valiant rage] even if it was basically just Bloodshot
[rage mode off]
Sick Prof X and Caliban were just the best
erm, vote for me? if you want?
have a good night! cheers :D
Talk Less
Smile More!
Don't let them know what you're against or what you're for!
Shake hands with him!
Charm Her!
It's eighteen hundred, ladies, tell your husbands to vote for Burr!
5 hours later…
@MarshallTigerus Captain Planet already spoiled what the 5th element was. I just thought the movie was an epic joke, since they stopped a PLANET with the power of the 5 elements.

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