the fact that some of those people combine to form organisations is irrelevant, I despise most of them of course, but not because of their faith, just because of some of their deeds
I think belief is harmful to people, therefore I make an effort to display my non-belief more prominently. As opposed to the people who "just don't care" (they are technically atheists)
but every human being at some point in their life either tends toward a belief in some form of a God that is beyond them, or a rejection of all gods/God
@StefanoPalazzo but why is belief harmful if there is nothing to believe in (in reality).
1) I think some people do evil in the name of God, which they wouldn't do were they atheists (everything from "praying for their child's cold to go away rather than giving them medicine" to starting wars and massacring peoples)
For example, I have a friend who has a daughter with a terrible illness (for her sake I won't name it), but basically she has episodes that can get pretty terrible.
and we should employ those to put the rest of them in the right context
"some people thing being gay is evil, some think it's natural - but whatever you do you mustn't harm your fellow humans because of what they think or say"
@RolandTaylor well, I've just finished "The Greatest Show On Earth" by Richard Dawkins. He's probably the complete and utter antagonist to your story, and you'll agree with nothing he says. Which is why you should read it
you don't need to apply science to your personal philosophy in order to marvel at the beauty of evolution, for example. you don't even need to believe it happens