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A lot of what you see on "your side" is in all honesty made up about us.
For example, the shroud of turin/m (forgot which letter if m or n)
@RolandTaylor you'd be surprised at how nice we are about religious people, most of us anyway
there was a patch added to it at some point
and that is the only part that anyone wanted to do carbon dating on
they refused to date the original material
now, I don't believe in carbon dating anyway, but why would you only date a patch that was added after the cloth was damaged, and not the original?
just as most religious people don't hate atheists, gay people, or even those pesky post-modernist composers with their counterpoints and all that
and then use that as "evidence" that it is a fake and that we believers are using evidence that isn't real?
@StefanoPalazzo lol it will take a while to teach you this, but I'm not "religious".
@RolandTaylor now that's a bit of a surprise.
explain please
A lot has been done in the name of "Christianity" as a religion, that has nothing to do with "Christ" or His teachings.
Jesus never taught a religion.
God never gave man one either.
In fact, God hates religion as much as you or I do.
All God ever wanted was a relationship with mankind, as a Father with children.
well, okay that's not how I meant to use the term
It's us who have come up with the various "religions" because of sin, and as you can see we make a lot of trouble with it.
believing in a personal god, that's what I meant
@StefanoPalazzo you know, a lot of people who believe in God don't do what He wants?
Take me for example, I slip up still :P
the fact that some of those people combine to form organisations is irrelevant, I despise most of them of course, but not because of their faith, just because of some of their deeds
Like sometimes, I'm rather unkind...
@StefanoPalazzo what deeds are those btw?
@RolandTaylor all the evil that is done in the name of organised religion. things you and I would both call evil (mostly anyway)
like, indoctrination of children is one I really can't stand
or, you know, murder and violence
@StefanoPalazzo but then...
like the attacks of September 11th, that's one example
children are indoctrinated in school all now, about evolution
recently there was even a Darwin day, with "evolution evangelism"
@StefanoPalazzo those were done by a people who don't follow God's ways at all
just because they claim to follow God, doesn't mean they do
heck, they don't even believe in a personal God
or one that makes Himself known to man in any way
sure they do, they pray
even in their paradise their god will be far off
a personal god, I suppose, is one that answers prayers and takes an interest in the world
@StefanoPalazzo a personal God can also say no to your prayers, and leave the world to its own free will.
as opposed to a deistic god, who made the world and then buggered off
It makes Him more of a person.
right I just use the term "personal god" to distinguish from deism
I don't mind of he's very personal or only a little personal.
you know...
your being atheist is one of your biggest pieces of evidence for God.
no one goes around labelling themselves "aunicornist"
no one will expend their energy trying to prove unicorns aren't real
Well, I suppose you could call me an anti-theist
I think belief is harmful to people, therefore I make an effort to display my non-belief more prominently. As opposed to the people who "just don't care" (they are technically atheists)
but every human being at some point in their life either tends toward a belief in some form of a God that is beyond them, or a rejection of all gods/God
@StefanoPalazzo but why is belief harmful if there is nothing to believe in (in reality).
You also shouldn't care.
because people make up stuff to justify their evil deeds
surely you agree
If God isn't real, then you don't need to care about those who have a fantasy that He is. It's just like a unicorn.
@StefanoPalazzo of course.
@RolandTaylor I only care because of two reasons
I would also say, that people (like yourself, no offence) reject God so that they don't have to do anything about the fact He exists.
1) I think some people do evil in the name of God, which they wouldn't do were they atheists (everything from "praying for their child's cold to go away rather than giving them medicine" to starting wars and massacring peoples)
and 2) because I think (my philosophy) is true
@StefanoPalazzo well, I believe in God not from indoctrination, but from experience.
I understand, and I don't think there's anything wrong with that
For example, I have a friend who has a daughter with a terrible illness (for her sake I won't name it), but basically she has episodes that can get pretty terrible.
It would be wrong if you deliberately misguided a weak person, like a child, to believe what you do
One night at a prayer meeting she was about to have another one, and we prayed over her, and nothing happened.
She has been fine since then, not that episodes don't occur, but just that she's been fine.
I assume she sees a proper doctor?
Today again the same thing happened while she was sitting next to me, was about to have an episode, pray - went away.
And yes, she used to go to the doctor regularly.
Her parents are believers now, and they usually pray over her and she's been fine for months.
what do you mean used to?
did the doctors advise to come in less often?
I mean, since they began to pray over her, she has not gotten to the point of needing to go to the doctor.
Another story for you - my own brother.
He died and came back.
I'm assuming she would be brought to one if the episodes re-occured
They haven't so far ;)
and I don't think they will if we keep up with prayer.
holy cow
surely you don't reject western medicine? (old fashioned terminology I know)
of course I don't :D
contrary to popular belief, God loves doctors.
One of the writers of the Bible was a doctor by profession.
Another, was a well educated Scholar (also apparently was into the philosophies and science of his day).
So I figured
Both men speak of prayer quite often, for when people need to be healed or w/e.
And, the Bible does not speak against doctors, ever.
I can't remember who said it, but I have this quote in mind: "I believe god wanted me to break my leg, and he wanted me to put a cast on it"
you can claim to believe God wants you to do anything...
that doesn't mean a thing.
If all believers would think like that, we'd be just fine
Trust me, from experience, I know.
Now I want you to think about this from another angle.
You say you think it is wrong to teach children to believe in God... yada yada...

But what if I **know** better.
as in, what if, I have met God (this just supposing now):
@RolandTaylor doesn't matter
and He wants me to share it.
Would I be right to keep it to myself?
they are vulnerable, they believe everything because of their genetics (they believe "don't go near the tigers" without evidence).
Or right not to try to convince others?
you have the right to try to convince them, once they are capable of rational thought
@StefanoPalazzo they don't believe a thing because of genetics...
doesn't the bible teach something along those lines?
I.e. you have to reason about god before you can believe in him?
The Bible actually says, train up a child in the way that they should go and when they are old they will not depart from it.
@StefanoPalazzo actually no it doesn't.
ugh.. don't like that one :)
I think it's morally wrong to teach someone who will believe you, no matter what you say
Because, the Bible rightfully says that man knows full well there is God, but some people just don't want to accept this.
even if you are right
@StefanoPalazzo it is?
that's not right at all.
If that were right, then you should have stayed away from school.
If you get children, abandon them in a forest.
Cause whether you like it or not, you will be teaching them something.
@RolandTaylor This is morality and ethics that go above the basic things we can all agree on
if there is dispute, you may not teach it to someone who is entirely unable to reason about it
@StefanoPalazzo no, according to you we should not teach them if they will believe us whether we are right or wrong.
So, we should not teach children, period.
okay then I need to correct my statement :-)
We should not teach them disputed morals and questionable ethics until they can understand them (reasonably well)
BTW - to allay your fears, the Bible teaches that every man has to make his own decision, even children.
@StefanoPalazzo then again, we should not teach them at all.
If you send your child to school they will learn something that is disputed by someone.
right, we then have to, as good people, explain to them that there are many different opinions
but we may not have them believe that there's only one, and everyone else is a nutter
but by making them to understand anything, by the nature of a child, they believe it...
again, we can all agree on some basic morals
and we should employ those to put the rest of them in the right context
"some people thing being gay is evil, some think it's natural - but whatever you do you mustn't harm your fellow humans because of what they think or say"
and where do these basic morals come from?
something like that would be reasonable
@RolandTaylor that's a good question, which I have yet to study
I've no idea where they come from
@StefanoPalazzo =) or who...
I've read something about the evolution of a golden rule, but again, not enough to make any brilliant comments
If you ask me, we've had some great evolution here...
You've beat all around the bush - made a tree of life of sorts...
I think you need to make a decision - to not ignore the reality any more.
It's not popular, but make the first step. Accept that God is.
Well, like I said, I can't do that
and I estimate I never will
it's just against my nature, if you will
@StefanoPalazzo it is.
The nature of man is contrary to God.
Well, it's against my nature to accept something without enough evidence
But that doesn't mean that there isn't something in you that remembers where you came from - and that being your original state of being with God.
if you can ever provide that evidence, I will change my mind immediately
@StefanoPalazzo I can never provide enough evidence for you.
This is a spiritual matter.
You're probably right
It's a matter of dropping a charade, so to speak.
I know full well it's not easy, but it's one you have to do.
All the arguments have been made over the last few thousand years, and I don't find any of them convincing
@StefanoPalazzo That's because there is nothing to argue.
So, are you up for some reading recommendations?
The only reason we're having an argument, is because one of us here refuses to accept something that the other knows.
Yes and no.
Let me put it this way...
I have tasted what the spirit world is like
@RolandTaylor well, I've just finished "The Greatest Show On Earth" by Richard Dawkins. He's probably the complete and utter antagonist to your story, and you'll agree with nothing he says. Which is why you should read it
and since it's just you and me here (for now) I feel bold enough to tell you...
if nothing else, it's very well written and entertaining
@StefanoPalazzo I heard of him, I'd rather not.
sorry for the constant pings... :P
@RolandTaylor this isn't like "the god delusion", it's really a 'popular biology' book
I know about that guy, and again, I don't need to read that ;).
Let me put it this way (again with this statement).
I have a one track mind.
All I care about is seeing other people come to know God through Jesus the way I have (better if possible).
That's it.
You could call me crazy...
is that like "Homo unius libri"?
I think it means something like "man of only one book"
well pretty much...
the rejection of the mediocre (as in earthly)
well that's a bit sad isn't it
Actually, it's not...
I know right now you might feel like, you're in a better position, because your mind is "free"
there's this massively complex world for you to study and look at, most of which isn't touched on in the bible, and you don't want to see it?
but in reality, from the spiritual standpoint, your mind is blinded.
I do study the world....
as much as I can
but what good is it to know the whole world and lose your soul for an eternity?
you don't need to apply science to your personal philosophy in order to marvel at the beauty of evolution, for example. you don't even need to believe it happens
well let me put it to you this way, you don't need to reject evolution, to believe in God...
Just as I enjoy Christian art (a lot actually)
I personally hate it, but hey, you might just be too deep to see a way out of it
I am not concerned about all those things...
what about your eternal destiny?
You know, if you die, you won't just be "dead"...
well, as you know, my "destiny" is happening right now, here in this world
if nothing comes afterwards, it just makes "this life" more important and astonishing. I find that deeply satisfying
lol if flying to italy or wherever and shaking you to bits could make you see the world beyond our own, and turn to Jesus, I would do it.
@StefanoPalazzo you actually make me sad...
as in, really emotional.
and I am not joking.
it's actually important to understand this
many atheists are not sad that there is no afterlife or whatever
@StefanoPalazzo I know...
they're happy because they think that they're lives "mean something" because of it
And the Bible has made me well aware of that, apart from my knowing that by observation.
And us, people who know differently, are deeply saddened by that.
take a look at those
and let me use a common atheist line
keep an open mind.
I haven't ever died and come back myself, but I came close enough...
this guy Hitchens responded to that line in a debate with: "but not so open that your brain falls out"
I've also been out of my body before, and yes, it is not some dream... it is real....
not saying that you do, but I thought it was funny :)
@StefanoPalazzo oh enough with those XD
all of these cop outs
it's just you hardening your heart against accepting something that looks hard :s
trust me, you don't want to find out when its too late :(
I should have one of those "now playing" bots, the song I'm listening to is pretty ironic
e.e what would that be?
it's "nun komm der Heiden Heiland", which, if I can translate this properly, would be something like "now come, the heathen's saviour"
mh. wikipedia says it's "Now come, Saviour of the gentiles"
Jesus is the heathen's saviour :)
that's not ironic if you ask me
I think... if you are willing to face it...
God is actually trying to get your attention
it's like He's banging His head against a wall
or on a keyboard :D
Next in my playlist, by pure coincidence I'm sure you will agree, is "Jesu Joy of man's desiring"
sometimes I wish God would share those times with me... but I'm actually glad He does not :)
well how about that, five songs farther is a song called "Godwhacker"
if it's a message, he's being clever ;-)
yes.. I am whacking you with God-ness :D
@StefanoPalazzo ya think ;)
btw you haven't ignored those nde's as nonsense have you?
well, it's not an atheistic song I suppose. Having some trouble to understand the lyrics
I'm willing to do (almost) anything to see you saved lol
@RolandTaylor not at all, but I think there's an earthly explanation for them
they're interesting in any case
you just don't want this to be real
I pray Jesus will come to you Himself
right now even!
well, that's nice
I think ;-)
it is...
honestly I wish He would
but you know he won't
it doesn't make sense to appear to someone like me, if he can appear to, lets say, All of the worlds scientists at the same time
yikes. It's 3AM now
I've really got to be off
well, a nice chat we had, and I'll be available when it continues.
until then, see ya! \o
cya :)
read that when you get back...
12 hours later…
can anyone here tell me why bible is true and bhagavad gita isn't ?
@MNightShyamalan this isn't the kind of conversation we are having.
I suggest you watch, rather than get involved, for now. Okay?

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