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can anyone confirm this accepted answer is wrong? chemistry.stackexchange.com/a/37115/5026 The OP asked balancing in acidic medium, but the accepted answer has given the reaction in basic medium
2 hours later…
@AvatarShiny While you're editing questions, do also have a look at their answers and give them some love too. For example here, I accepted your edit on the question, but the answer could've also used some formatting of \ce and links (as I've done now)
also do vote/flag the posts if possible; in short, make sure to completely read throughout page ^_^
@GaurangTandon I don't like to use MathJax for style elements, only for mathematics. In this case, as Brian (hBy2Py) said, it should be italicised. The reason for <i>Z</i> is, that *Z* did not render properly. (That's a bug, I believe, and that hasn't been addressed yet.)
I tried Beer's law... Didn't work. Tried other websites where my traffic is appreciated.. — Matthew Namie 2 mins ago
"my traffic is appreciated" what does that mean :-O
Traffic as in internet traffic. Matthew feels his traffic isn't appreciated here
@GaurangTandon I have no words, but I guess you see what I mean... It is one of the more common replies: Why do you need to know how I failed? Why can't you just help me? Why don't you just give me the solution?
Give a man a fish, and then he comes back for another fish; teach a man how to fish, and then he wants to know hoe to cook it. It simply never ends.
@Martin-マーチン that's an interesting variation on the popular quote :P
@Martin-マーチン "Why don't you just give me the solution?" exactly! this does seem to be getting clearer and clearer everyday
@AvatarShiny Dude this clearly is a troll chemistry.stackexchange.com/q/91110/5026 just flag for mod attention and hit the downvote
People are used to places where helping them is the major focus, i.e. google groups, yahoo answers, tutor forums... We are catering to a library of interesting and generally useful information... something completely different. It also means that the individual user is of lesser importance. Of course, if we are doing it right, and all are working together, the one does not go without the other
@Martin-マーチン yes, indeed, there definitely is a line of distinction between such forums
though if you've ever frequented Math.SE you'll know just how easy it is to get an answer there; it's completely different from Chem.SE here
(and i think chem.se is much better in this case)
yea, i know, we had a guy once, and he was using that site a lot, and tried to always compare our community to theirs...
it didn't go well here...
every community is different, we are here really aiming for completeness of a q&a, not just some helpful bits and pieces distributed in oh-so-many answers...
@GaurangTandon Yeah . He's cussing also now.
@Martin-マーチン true it is
@AvatarShiny leave it; we have more important work to do than argue with him
@GaurangTandon (cc @avat) I put that on hold. Always flag rude comments as such
when you edit questions, give the comments a glance, too. decide if they are essential, and flag the ones that are not... Thanks!
yep, definitely
many comments do get obsolete
do I flag the "I formatted your post with latex" type comments too as "no longer needed"?
are AMIRITE questions still following this policy?
this latest Q is an AMIRITE question - chemistry.stackexchange.com/q/91113/5026
Flagging comments is only possible through the desktop site right?
@AvatarShiny idk, I never used my mobile phone for anything except rare whatsapp...
@GaurangTandon yes
@GaurangTandon i think yes, somehow, it never really made it into the hw policy...
@AvatarShiny in the android app, mark the comment, in the top right corner there is a 3-dot menu, it should have the option to flag the comment
@Martin-マーチン that is a very vague comment . . .
@GaurangTandon is it, or is it
@Martin-マーチン i don't understand what you mean. . .
that whole hw business was in the reworks, but then old habits die hard, and we basically just abandonned the redefinition... if you have a lot of time, you may want to read the discussions on meta... but in general there was never a real consensus
@Martin-マーチン Found it . Thanks
@AvatarShiny i think it is not possible on the mobile website
@Martin-マーチン interesting; there needs to be consensus on AMIRITE questions though
i doubt if they'll ever go away
we consense that they are meh
i just down-vote them...
@Martin-マーチン Yes but , requesting for desktop site works on chrome .
@Martin-マーチン physics.meta.stackexchange.com/a/6097/28359 this can work in our case too, can't it?
I think "[AMIRITE question] is always only of use to people who did the exact same derivation, and this is definitely too localized."
is a strong point that makes such questions close worthy
we can also have a separate VTC reason for that under "closing->offtopic because"
i think that is the summary of out post, too
@Martin-マーチン it's obvious to you and me, but it wouldn't be very obvious to a new poster whom we redirect to that page to read up about our policy on AMIRITE questions
ah, yeah...
could be my next sunday homework to write up a CW post for that?
(basically copy-paste things from phy.se and put it right in our context)
i would be careful with that... hw... is a sensitive subject.
Before writing meta posts about it, you should get a grasp on the different opinions about the whole thing...
it is not as easy as it seems...
@Martin-マーチン yeah that's true; I've only gone through the several meta discussions in part
not to forget the countless chats there might have been about this topic on the periodic table which I haven't read any of
it's a sensitive subject indeed
but you (aka mod team) might want to come up with a policy on amirite questions sooner or later and make it consensus-ed from super users here
though they aren't really a big problem
anyway totally your call ^_^
My personal approach to these questions is to help the user in the comments, if {s..}he is essentially right, and then down-vote anyway. Down-vote, because the question is not useful in a long-term sense
Welcome to chemistry.se? Questions for proof-reading are not very well received in this community, it will probably be down-voted, maybe even closed. The reason for this is, that an answer to your question only helps you, while the site is aiming for long-term usefulness for everyone. Unfortunately I also cannot follow your calculation, for example I really don't know what g-mol is supposed to be. I don't even understand the question itself, if water is a 3 molar solution, what is the solvent? What are you even trying to find out? — Martin - マーチン ♦ 10 secs ago
indeed; that seems to be the best route to follow until there is no consensus on this
the OP deleted the post instantly
That was a terrible question... I did not understand the exercise at all
yes it was
@Martin-マーチン Another proofreading question from the ages (2015) - chemistry.stackexchange.com/q/41673/5026 What do you do with it now?
@GaurangTandon Down-vote, and post them here and ask for them to be deleted...
@Martin-マーチン ok, delete this one for now
@GaurangTandon Post one line saying why you think they should be deleted, then post the link in a new message (it needs to one-box)
when a mod comes around to looking at them and agrees, he'll edit the message to remove the one-box
proof-reading delete
like so?
sth like this... just look through the transcript of this room, you'll find plenty examples
chemistry.meta.stackexchange.com/q/1626/5026 this seems to be a consensus related to AMIRITE
@GaurangTandon tl;dr down-vote, move on
@Martin-マーチン okidoki
Mod-request: this post should be deleted because adds no value and heavily downvoted
Q: Putting a Bounty

A Cool GuyHi can I ask that how can I put a bounty on any of my questions. I know I do not have enough reputation to put one but I am just asking for my knowledge. If this question does not fit there you might migrate the question to the page.

don't use mathjax in titles of posts
<pingssuperusers> how to deal with such questions?
Q: Successive Ionization Energies

Coder511I had a question related to successive ionization energies.I understand that increasing protons has a greater effect than increasing electrons. I have read that successive ionization energies (for the same principal quantum shell) get higher as the charge on the ion gets greater with each electro...

had been closed as exact duplicate of another question; no answers; no comments
acc here it won't be deleted by the system automatically
this could use some advanced mathjax help chemistry.stackexchange.com/q/35022/5026
@GaurangTandon leave things like this for the bots
@Martin-マーチン ah I forgot yes
@GaurangTandon if it is a good referral, clean it up, if not down vote it
@Martin-マーチン i can only downvote it
@Martin-マーチン i don't have 3k rep to cast close votes :/
and it's already closed anyway
well, you can clean it up...
@Martin-マーチン the question is an exact duplicate...i don't see any point in cleaning it up as it deserves deletion instead
@AvatarShiny please add that your removed $$, that was way confusing, i almost rejected that
@GaurangTandon no. we don't delete questions that are good duplicates
@Martin-マーチン but that "good" duplicate has 0 answers/0comments/and a -1 net score...
if the same question is asked in different words it's helpful for others, it redirects them to the correct question
@Martin-マーチン alright...
@GaurangTandon now it has... i didn't when you posted it
@Martin-マーチン it at least had 0 answers and 0 comments ;)
Treat every question on it's own merit. Is it a good question, up-vote it, is it bad, down-vote it...
@GaurangTandon the dupe link came in quickly, then closure within 12h...
@Martin-マーチン right, though the OP didn't make any opposition regarding that
yeah well... that's like 99% of all cases
@Martin-マーチン $$ will write latex from future
How do you right that fancy Latex
All I can manage is $LATEX$
no just write remove latex from title or something...
not fix title $$
that looks like you have inserted $$
@AvatarShiny "removed mathjax from title" is ideal
@Martin-マーチン I thought you were referring to another edit
@Martin-マーチン The poster here does not edit his answer according to your comment
He did put a sentence "By convention, you consider the pH of a solution to be determined by the largest source of hydrogen ions, meaning that the pHpH of this solution should be exactly six." but it's buried in his wrong answer that says "The actual value can be found by calculating −log(1×10−7+1×10−6), which gives me a final pH of 5.96. "
for now, I have downvoted it. Though if you post another answer, we can upvote it above Benzene's answer
i think his answer is fine
alright your call
1 hour later…
can anyone draw those fancy arrows in this reaction? chemistry.stackexchange.com/a/54834/5026 I did as much as I could do make the image redundant and finally remove it, but I need to show those "->Oxidation" and "->Reduction"arrows also
it isn't present on the formatting help wiki page
also can anyone increase the spacing in this reaction I wrote chemistry.stackexchange.com/q/29431/5026 it looks very cramped right now, maybe increase the length of the arrow?
There's a high chance that you've seen this but just in case
@AvatarShiny thanks, no I hadn't seen the page before, but it does not contain the solution to my problem
Vao the mhchem manual doesn't have the answer
You could always ask on Tex
actually it does solve my second query ("cramped" one)
but my first query is not related to mhchem rather tex instead
@AvatarShiny i'll just wait for power users here
¯\_(ツ)_/ ¯
@AvatarShiny MathJax is off-topic on tex.sx
@Martin-マーチン Never knew that
Mathjax must be their homework policy
@GaurangTandon that is not possible in MathJax easily, you can have a look at AMScd:
A @>a>> B\\
@VVbV @VVcV\\
C @>d>> D
but honestly, I don't think it's at all necessary... and the answer is incomplete anyway
@AvatarShiny tex.sx is about the engine that powers the typesetting, MathJax uses Java or something to render latex syntax, ergo something entirely different
@Martin-マーチン alright, i'll write that separately in text
@Martin-マーチン That makes more sense than my homework policy thing :)
@Martin-マーチン really? the tag seems alive still tex.stackexchange.com/tags/mathjax/info
> Questions about installing, running, and debugging MathJax are better asked on sites with more of the relevant HTML, Javascript, and Mathjax-technology specific expertise, which can be found, among other places at stackoverflow.com or webmasters.stackexchange.com.
@Martin-マーチン but look at the type of questions being asked, they're mostly not being closed as offtopic ("installing, running, and debugging MathJax" is not equal to "how do I draw this in mathjax")
@Martin-マーチン only 53 closed out of 114 asked...but yeah, a miserable tag it seems
While mathjax uses LaTeX syntax, it uses Javascript and HTML's DOM model rather than TeX technology, making it mostly off topic for this site. You might try instead searching among the questions tagged with mathjax on StackOverflow, or in the official mathjax-users Google group. — Joseph Wright ♦ Aug 3 '13 at 7:13
@Martin-マーチン oh that makes more sense
There are some applications, where the Latex engine is used to convert source code to html, including setting it into MathJax
MathJax is an implementation of Latex sytanx nothing more
they are compatible to a degree, but apart from that, have little in common
@Martin-マーチン that means all the mathjax I'm learning today will not help me write my latex documents in future? :(
it'll help in a more general sense of not being afraid of source code, but Latex is much more powerful than the sloppy implementation possible with javascript
@Martin-マーチン why aren't we using latex here then? or a subset of it related to math equations?
because there is no proper implementation of it for websites
Q: How to incorporate TeX into a website?

Saeed NeamatiHow should I incorporate TeX in a website to render mathematical formulas? If there are multiple ways, what is the easiest way?

so aren't the commands that we use in mathjax common with latex? i.e., isn't mathjax a proper subset of latex?
some of the commands, but prime example \pu{} does not exist in latex, because there are better alternatives
other commands have different meanings according to the packages loaded...
oh, that is interesting
i thought \pu was mhchem's feature
1 hour later…
It's a more or less feature poor implementation of the siuntix package, which is so, so much better ... and because of that, it is completely missing from the latex distribution
writing ortho OR o in italics is the standard notation, right?
that means it should be written as ortho cresol and not orthocresol, right?
1 hour later…
any +3k user wanna cast a reopen vote here? this is clearly not a duplicate as far as I can tell. The linked question does not mention the SIP effect anywhere, so I am not sure how it's supposed to answer the OP's question.
in such ambiguous cases, I would really wish if any of the close voters quote specific sections of the linked question (which answer the OP's query) and makes it clear to future visitors on exactly which basis the question got closed as duplicate

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