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I just screwed us over with Befunge-93's size restriction: is there an interpreter that doesn't have that?
7 hours later…
I'll check
It seems like you can use FBBI if you use R instead of ; to distinguish between -93 and -98: >#;"Befunge-98"#;R5-#@,,,,,,,,,,@#
Full example (except you need to fix Somme):

(I added a lot of 12341234 in the first line to demonstrate
7 hours later…
(make sure you get the new test harness when posting an answer, I added an x86 emulator)
2 hours later…
@NieDzejkob I just need to find a language to squeeze in there now, know any more 2-D languages that should be easy to fit in there?
use charcoal's conditional to add a semicolon at the very end, then use that to add unefunge?
I'm trying to use Gol><> this time.
There: finished with #11, Gol><>
@NieDzejkob, what does "vo is a jbe" even mean?
the ASCII characters vo encode the jbe x86 instruction
the victory condition on that question has triggered already, right?
Yeah, hence why he's going nuts with adding more and more and more languages.
@Zacharý posted next answer ;)
Well, we should enjoy it while we can :-), because there is NO way we can compete with those two
This is just going to be a bunch of fungeoids, isn't it...
if you want language suggestions, you should be able to easily add Emoji
13 is done
I see why stasoid and Chance did this: I quite enjoy it! (At the very least, while it's not too insane)
@NieDzejkob: how far do you think this will go before those two join?
stasoid and Chance? no idea
When we're stuck: we can just get a mod to revive the polyglot development room...
or rename this one
I'm almost done with the next answer, but I'm going to integrate the Somme script into TIO first.
Okay, Brainfuck and Brainflak are ready as well: the byte count is high enough.
Which language is it?
I'm having flashbacks to "Hello World in multiple languages"
Befunge-96 has no size restriction, right?
@NieDzejkob And eh, we'll probably have this moved to Polyglot development when we get stuck
@Zacharý correct
What fingerprint did you use to distinguish 96 from 97?
@Zacharý Read the explanation. I've finished
Now, to do brainfuck.
have fun
The bf code is already done, I just have to squeeze it in there.
I recommend the end of the comment on the first line
I know, that's where I am thinking as well
Done. I had to add a few bits to make the []s balanced as well as starting on a 0.
@NieDzejkob, and this is also a fast way to get rep
So, which one are you shooting for now? Trefunge?
not sure yet
I looked at both our rep charts: there's a spike when we started answering this challenge :-)
C++ and BrainFlak are out of the question: C++ doesn't like void main(), and the DOS code has an unbalanced paren that I don't see a way to fix.
right now I'm removing all @s from DOS, if you need some help with modifications to that part, let me know
The ) before X5?
Yeah, that's the one I see no way to remove without modifying the DOS code.
@NieDzejkob Why do you need to do that?
actually, I don't
Any } ) ] and > left unbalanced will kill brainflak, I can deal with {([< by closing them later
So: you doing yet another funge, JamesHolderness NieDzejkob?
next answer won't have the ) in DOS code
Is it Trefunge?
it was going to be Unefunge-97 but MTFI barks at the newlines instead of ignoring them like PyFunge
@Zacharý you've guessed right. It is Trefunge. New answer
Now to try BrainFlak
@NieDzejkob What was the separator for Trefunge? Was it horizontal tab?
form feed. But I didn't need any.
Nice trick there, maybe we can cram in the other dimensions as well then?
@Zacharý that's the plan
@NieDzejkob Um ... you have a leading \x00 outputted for all funges except unefunge
@NieDzejkob, I know how to fix it: move that interfering , to the end of the line, then change the b of the Somme code to an n
that's only for the latest answer, right?
any ideas on how to make the test harness catch that?
No clue.
@NieDzejkob yeah, because of a , in the way of the initial downard path
It's simple enough to fix the polyglot: but I have no clue how to fix the test harness.
in The Nineteenth Byte, 56 secs ago, by Pavel
@Zacharý It's a bit weird but basically yes.
in The Nineteenth Byte, 23 secs ago, by Pavel
No. Bash strings can never contain null bytes, since program arguments can't contain null bytes.
I have an idea
What is it?
Your answer should be fixed, regardless of if we can get the test harness to work
I know that
Trailing newline? If that was disallowed, we'd have to start at the beginning!
not really
I've noticed that Vim outputs one
and only Vim, BTW
That's a WHILE back
I'm just making sure
he's probably gonna say yes
anyway, I've fixed both the answer and the test harness
How did you fix the test harness?

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