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I'm curious what the issue you had with <>< since I'm redirecting it to line 2
I'm exploiting a bug in CoffeeScript, the bug exploit happens to affect some <>< interpreters too and send them into an obvious unrecoverable infinite loop
the Lua entry involves trying to parser-block a large number of languages during the course of line 1, via exploiting differing definitions of a newline between languages
wow. That sounds exciting
latest version. hanging it up for the day.
later all
a fun fact I discovered: Nim gets parser-blocked really hard by a NUL byte
you can even put it in a comment and it parser-blocks the entire rest of the file
I'm not sure that this is actually useful right now, but I'm mentioning it in case it comes in useful later
(at least, I think it was Nim; so many languages broke adding Lua that I've rather lost trackā€¦)
2 hours later…
Ooh. That's cool.
@ais523 Could you remove the nonworking Markdown from the chat description?
How's this for a Moorhen's Semi-tokenizer?
Literate Haskell looks like it probably wont work. The # in the program do funny things despite the fact i thought they would get ignored. This link shows what the program looks like both with and without the c preprocesser being run after it is made non literal.

@MDXF Here's a driver that runs What:
@WheatWizard Thanks, edited
How's your other Python addition coming?
Haven't started :p
I've got two langs that won't be difficult to add
Oh haha
I got distracted trying to add Churro again
and now I'm adding things to the driver
Sounds good. Let me know when you plan to do it
Might not be tonight, I should go to sleep rn actually because I have work early tomorrow
Actually I think I'll do that. Sorry to make you wait, but I need my sleep
No problem
I'll just goof around with the existing code, see how adding Morse works with everything else
@Potato44 How's Haskell coming along?
Oh hey adding Ook rn only breaks three langs
@MDXF there was a time when I had like 6 answers saved up. I had to keep updating them each time a new answer got posted. The waiting was the worst.
@Chance Well, I'm looking through Jeremy Kali's old repos, he's made hundreds of languages but I can't find his main account...
@MDXF look back a couple messages I just posted about it, not looking good though.
@Potato44 Crud
6 hours later…
@MDXF I'm not sure I'd call it non-working; the link works, the description works, and Markdown syntax is an unambiguous way that most people here should know to explain how the link relates to the description
3 hours later…
Here's a improved version of the driver I made:
Updated the Moorhens driver to ignore tokens less than 2 characters or greater than 8 (as those are the min/max lengths of items in the dict it uses)

Thanks! Are you sure the max is 8?
I did a wc -L on the file and that gave me 8. Searched for .\{8\} in vim, got a result, searched for .\{9\}, found nothing. So if it's not 8 I'd be pretty surprised.
Ok cool
Also, would it be beneficial to print it more like the interpreter's -R style, with tokens paired with their operation rather than having to count through the list to figure out what to exclude?
I did that at first but It looked rather confusing.
I'll take a look at how -R looks
Its been a while
Ah, -R uses line breaks
I think I'll do it that way
Line breaks might just make our output super long. I know we used to do Incident that way, but changed it for space reasons
and replacing space with a line break isn't difficult in most text editors, if someone wants that extra formatting
Ok yeah
@SnoringFrog Here's how it looks:
Why the `. .` as opposed to just ` `? That leaves it a little compressed looking, but not much worse off than incident, really.

I was having trouble with bash
Ok here's the updated driver:
@WheatWizard Nice. I cleaned up a stray linefeed and then went ahead and edited this driver into the current answer
Also I asked to get Commercial added to TIO, so that should be available soon
The driver is taking longer and longer to run. What do we intend to do when it starts timing out on TIO?
I imagine we'll trim out the less-needed extra outputs
Incident will probably always need to stay, beyond that we could potentially make a separate Add-A-Language-To-A-Polyglot-Debug-Info TIO that just spits out all the extra info we're using. That way, if things break you can go dump the code in there to get the extra info if you need it, but if you don't then it's not slowing you down
Yeah seems like a good idea
I've never used anything but the Incident and Hexagony output, so far (though I would have used Moorhens while working on my last entry).
I've used brain-Flak and Incident, but nothing else
Well, yesterday I did use alphuck briefly to try and find a safe place to drop a pjs, but that was the only time I've used the transpiled bit. If I'm that deep into alphuck I've usually already got the polyglot on a local editor and have highlighting in that that I'm making use of instead
If we split it in two we can also add a bunch of other useful ones like Cubix
Yeah, potentially
@SnoringFrog The Hexagony is cool-looking, but is it really necessary?
(The Hexagony prettyprint at the bottom)
It takes a ton of code - a few dozen lines of input and then a few more dozen lines of output
@MDXF I used to use it for almost every single answer I did. Since then, Hexagony's capsule has been moved to a more stable location, so it hasn't been as much of an issue. Even with EsotericIDE for stepping through the Hexagony effectively, the formatting was still needed to make the paths traceable.
Beyond that, I think there were also issues with existing Hexagony formatters because they didn't consider some characters that we used (because there would be no reason to use them for Hexagony, probably)
@SnoringFrog I'm not saying we get rid of the Hexagony prettyprinter altogether; I'm just asking if it's really necessary in the driver at this point, especially since it's getting so big, and Hexagony is already on TIO.
@MDXF It'd be one I'd move to the auxiliary debugger if we made that a thing, for sure. In my opinion it's more useful than most of what we're tracking at the bottom, but that's obviously quite biased based on what I've worked on and what's broken when I did
Hm... I guess so. I just haven't broken Hexagony yet so I guess I haven't yet had to use the prettyprint
I could see the value of commenting out some of the less used additional info. But, i'd be surprised if these too significant time to run, other than incident.
If Tio starts timing out, I'd imagine we'll need to split the list of intrepeters
What interpreters are the slowest right now?
My guess: not rk
Well, vim is the slowest by far, which is why the test is abstracted now. Not sure about the others.
Wait, by Vim you mean V, right?
Btw, I really like the idea of spitting out the additional info, only when the language breaks.
Clearly we also need to build a timer into the driver.
@Chance Ooh, it would be nice if the extra info only printed on a fail (though having a simple way to force it might also be nice)
@SnoringFrog Oh, that's a really good idea
If we keep this up for a few more months, we may as well turn the driver into a full-fledged software development company, with the way it keeps expanding, lol.
Speaking of future plans, I would like to add brainbool, but it can only output 1 and 0 so it will have to be added at 100, 101, 110 or 111.
quick and dirty timing of the interpreters shoved into the current driver:

@SnoringFrog Well, quick is what we're going for :P
Obviously not something to add to it permanently, but since the topic came up I thought it'd be useful to look at
For actually interpreters, the V abstraction is the only one that takes any appreciable amount of time (~15 seconds).
Throwing rough timing on everything:

Vim would probably go faster if we shortened the last line.
Are there any more Brainf**k equivalents we could add?
@MDXF I'm sure there's several. Main difficulty I had with those was finding interpreters
I mentioned ??? (aka qqq-lang), OOo_Code, Btjzxgquartfrqifjlv, There Once was a Fish named Fred, Fluffle Puff, Headsecks, ZZZ, and wepmlrio in some personal notes
though, for what it's worth, I made those notes back around entry #58. Notably, that's before Moorhens, which won't play well with TOWAFNF, not sure about the others
@SnoringFrog Remember that Moorhens is practically parser blocked past the os.
We could even move the moorhens code up to the python line for some more space
@WheatWizard which is basically the end of the program, historically that hasn't been the easiest place to add things. Although the main Moorhens line itself might not be a bad spot.
My brain's still half set in Commercial mode and thinking we need whole lines that can't start with common comment characters, so that's not helping me lol
I also shouldn't have placed the Moorhens code so late in the program, originally there was no reverse so it had to execute everything, now that there is a reverse we can move it earlier giving us more space after reverse
@WheatWizard Definitely not a bad idea. The earlier we can handle Moorhens the more leeway we get later.
Hmm... someone should add Binaryf**k
It doesn't have an implementation
and also no
just no
How come just no? :P
I just found out about the PPCG userscript. It's awesome. If you don't have it installed, give it a try.
It would be incredibly high maintenance. We would have to look at the binary changes every time, since each command is 3 bits characters would do different things depending on where they were
And I bet there's an implementation somewhere
@WheatWizard Incorrect. gitlab.com/PoroCYon/bfc
It's supported by that alphuck interpreter I found lol
@WheatWizard Not if the implementation only cares about groups of three 0's and 1's, kind of like what...
@MDXF yes in that case its easy
I don't know perl very well, but the Skull interpreter looks like it could be vulnerable to injection.
@WheatWizard Ugh that Skull interpreter is terrible
That might be the benefit
The hello world prints -1155248617+32770=-1155215847
Doesn't really sound like a benefit to me
Oh wait no, the 3+7 program prints -1155248617+32770=-1155215847
The Hello World one prints alloold
Hm the Skull interpreter pretty much just echoes the existing code :O
yes thats the good thing
@Luke what is PPCG userscript?
Make PPCG great again
@Luke the only difference I see is a cruddier favicon...
Not really
Is that the only difference?
No, it is a complete redesign
Most noticably, the green header
Still blue for me
How long after installing it should I wait for it to work?
Oh my
The loading time is annoying though - it shows blue for like 0.75 seconds and then loads the green @luke how can I make that faster?
It mentions auto-leaderboard and some auto-TIO stuff, now if I could just find out where those actually happen - _ -
otherwise I'm digging it
@MDXF: You can't
@Luke Then it's not worth it :I
Enabling caching will help a lot
How do I do that
But that's probably already enabled
More importantly, how do we get StackExchange to give us a graduation?
Not sure
Bug people
Mother Meta maybe?
I think you should discuss this with a mod first
It's based on a variety of stats. PPCG's a bit weird as far as SE sites go, so I imagine that doesn't help anything.
Q: Graduation, site closure, and a clearer outlook on the health of SE sites

AnaBack in April of 2010, Joel shared our assumptions about the role of small sites in the newly minted Stack Exchange network: If a site does not have enough activity at the end of 90 days, it will be closed down. Any existing Q&A will be archived and made available for download, but the site...

Actually, PPCG has already graduated (note the lack of 'Beta' in our header and lack of site stats on the home page, as compared to somewhere like Vi/Vim vi.stackexchange.com). We just haven't had the UI changes because UI changes take time (meta.stackexchange.com/questions/260754/…). It'll come eventually; no reason to bug anyone about it.
Well, why not. Mother meta. No one bugged, per se.
Upvoted, but my upvote was undone :-(
Guess it was off-topic
Q: Code Golf Redesign

MD XFAbout a year ago, Programming Puzzles and Code Golf Stack Exchange graduated. Now, from what I can tell, most graduated sites (e.g. Code Review, Photography, Unix & Linux, etc) have customized backgrounds and designs. However, PPCG does not. Some of the more devoted users have created a Userscr...

@SnoringFrog I take it back. The extras are taking significant time to run.
@WheatWizard Is the new Python answer coming along?
@MDXF Not, I'm at work right now so I'm focusing mostly on that
Wish I had your motivation
I also haven't found an interpreter that I could use.
Key word is mostly
@Chance guess my rough attempt at timing things was horribly inaccurate then. Not surprising lol.
@WheatWizard Which Python version are you looking at adding?
Credit - Andrew Dalke
Wow there are a lot of warnings when building
3 hours later…
@SnoringFrog Not saying your measurements were inaccurate. I just noticed that while I was testing for fortran only in the test frame (I have some switches that are not Tio default, so I use the test frame), it ran longer than I had though it ought to. More of a gut reaction than an analysis.
we need a prelude debug assistant too. :/

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